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The Emperor


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Or it was just a happy ending half-assed explained later. Yoda taught Obi-wan after the twins were born, after Anakin's fall and according to him, he was taught by Qui-gon after Qui-gon reached out from the dead. It wasn't common knowledge. But people liked the force ghost bit so, presto, everyone can do it in future movies and cartoons.


i'm not entirely convinced by that, but then again those few could of been the exception to the rule as other jedi masters never showed up on their deaths, so there is no way to know for certain, but i choose to believe that the jedi had knowledge to preserve themselves in death in some form, even if it is just a voice.


I highly doubt that has anything to do with Tenebrae. The main villain will be Sidious, not Tenebrae.


Does no one have any imagination anymore to entertain the possibility that the sith emperor we know could of taken Palpantine as a voice? doubt or not, it is hard to remove the sith emperor as a possibility being that he has no name and he would of been forgotten about over time and resides in the force.

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Does no one have any imagination anymore to entertain the possibility that the sith emperor we know could of taken Palpantine as a voice? doubt or not, it is hard to remove the sith emperor as a possibility being that he has no name and he would of been forgotten about over time and resides in the force.


I believe that several have... hence OP statement.


I also believe that there might be some credibility to the idea of Disney keeping it's story separate ( for the most part) from that of SWTOR.


On the other hand there is also a definite possibility that Disney and SWTOR (aka: EA) would LOVE to cash in a bit more. EA makes a small contribution (possibility based on an increase of subs or F2P ) that might come about as a result of the movie. This would be based on the fact that somewhere in script it is suggested that Palpatine and his predecessor were both somehow connected to Tenebre (who as we know possessed Valkorian).


For whatever it's worth I do think that you are right in that sometimes we forget.


IMO... I think that perhaps another was to rephrase the real question at hand … Will Disney/ EA / BW see that opportunity and attempt some sort of connection from one story ( SW Saga) to the other (SWTOR).


Let's face it... There really is an opportunity there. And it really wouldn't take much of a "leap" to connect the two.

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Does no one have any imagination anymore to entertain the possibility that the sith emperor we know could of taken Palpantine as a voice? doubt or not, it is hard to remove the sith emperor as a possibility being that he has no name and he would of been forgotten about over time and resides in the force.


There is imagination and then there are wild theories without any basis whatsoever. This is the latter, not the former. There's been nothing in canon or legends lore to suggest anything like that, you are free to have your own theories but don't blame people's lack of imagination for your own lack of proof to it.

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My take is this:


There was rumblings a bit ago about bringing Old Republic into canon - about late 2017-early 2018 I believe. Nothing really concrete or definitive; just rumblings.


I do think it is canon that Sidious learned his skills from Darth Plageus.


IF there was a connection to be made, I would have it that Palpatine and Plageus discovered Vitiate's vault on Nathema and was able to "reconstruct" what Vitiate did.


And if you wonder about the ritual the Emperor would need to make it happen permanently....


Alderaan was destroyed, wasn't it? The Death Star essentially was a human sacrifice machine for the Vitiate ritual, and if someone in charge of the Empire or New Order had a hold of Vitiate's ritual, suddenly this crazy desire for Super weapons instead of subjugation would finally make some damn sense - they are trying to recreate what Vitiate did.

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I get what your saying, did the first time too. Disney will do what Disney wants basically. Since the LS ghosts do appear "In the Movies", does not mean the DS ghosts **cant** appear (We just haven't seen that *Yet <<LoopHole, Technicality, Flashy Money Getter). Still.. Going against what Lucas said in 1983 and later even using technicalities is *Another Wedge between the "Original Fans" and "New Disney" That's Not working out well for Disney or the movies.

Like Cutting down the entire forest to show everybody one odd tree that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place $$




Except that DS force ghosts were all over the place in C and S canon. Whether Lucas said that or not is irrelevant because DS force ghosts were established in several places across C and S canon including the games that were the foundation for this game. People keep complaining that Disney wiped out the EU, but when they reestablish something from the EU people have a fit.

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People keep complaining that Disney wiped out the EU, but when they reestablish something from the EU people have a fit.


Who keeps complaining? Most of the EU was fan fiction garbage. That's why people have a fit when it gets tossed back in.

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I think its more likely Palpatine is trying to learn how to survive for ever like the Emperor from SWTOR attempted, this ancient history he may have read about and started learning about how the ancient sith did it.


Just no way of getting rid of that pesky sith emperor :D.

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OPs argument sounds both stupid and pointless. Imagine you don't play this game, you're watching RoS, Snoke comes back [because of course he does], and he does a camera reveal and says something like "fools! I am Tenebrae, the immortal emperor!"


I mean, I play this game and it sounds just awful, but imagine you don't know anything about this game and see that. Be honest, would that persuade you to come play this game, or more likely, leave the theatre and never watch another star wars movie again? It would be like watching a ST: Discovery episode where they travel through time and meet Hakeev. If you cared enough, you might google it before swearing off the franchise forever, but most people would just be lolwut.


Also, just incidentally, the Sith Emperor was an awful character in EVERY form. I don't want to see more of him. I'd rather just pretend the Odessen stuff was an acid trip my characters went on right after completing their class mission on Rishi.

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Who keeps complaining? Most of the EU was fan fiction garbage. That's why people have a fit when it gets tossed back in.


No, most of the EU was actually pretty good. You should read it sometime. And if it wasn't good the New Canon wouldn't bother adding stuff from it.

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No, most of the EU was actually pretty good. You should read it sometime. And if it wasn't good the New Canon wouldn't bother adding stuff from it.


I also generally liked the EU, with a few caveats. It had a few greats early on, like Zahn, Daly's Han Solo Trilogy, and *some* of the X-Wing books [Allston's were all great, the early ones were hit and miss], but a lot of the early stuff was indeed pretty bad. Bad enough that later writers went back and retconned bits and pieces [i, Jedi rewrote Jedi Academy, Allston's X-wing series rewrote Courtship of Princess Leia]. NJO was generally pretty good, with a few great spots [Traitor] and several mediocre parts. I really liked Karen Traviss [yes, yes, moving on], Darth Plagueis and Bane. The Legacy comic was also pretty good, as was Zayne Carrick's. In the last few years of the EU, it suffered from a few very dumb storylines, like the Killiks and Abeloth - FotJ was essentially the EU trying to make sense of all the dumb nonsense earlier writers had written in that were now part of canon - and good ideas executed badly, like Into the Void.


But for all the nitpicks I have with the EU, its greats still outshine anything produced thus far in the new canon. The new canon books are bland and forgettable. Literally, I forget which ones I've actually read, because they all blur together. The Legacy and FotJ books did this same thing [and it originated with NJO] where they're trying to tell a long story but using multiple authors and what ends up happening is you remember the good writers [ideally] and gloss through the bad ones. Except that the new canon is trying to tell a story that will somehow connect RotJ to TFA and it just...fails. The imperials just went off into the unknown territories for x number of decades, really? This is what we came up with? Ripping off the Cylons?


And for all the minutiae of the old EU, ranging from the glove of Darth Vader to the backstories of everyone in the mos eisely cantina scene, I'd say that the longwinded exposition for the Death star designer stuff was equally bad. I loved Rogue One, but I didn't need TWO books about what they were all doing before that. I also don't care what Tarkin was doing before that either, it's just irrelevant shoehorning.

Edited by Ardrossan
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With all the YouTube "Resurrected Emperor" vidoe's about the return of Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker, what are the possibilities that this is actually a a continuation of Tennebrae, Vitiate, Valkorian, but 3000 years later, and they're all one and the same?


God I hope not. Valkorian being Vitiate was too far of a stretch of my suspension of disbelief as it was. FE/ET would have been better over all if they hadn't tried to smash a totally separate story onto an existing one. Doing that to the movies would be 100x worse.

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And for all the minutiae of the old EU, ranging from the glove of Darth Vader to the backstories of everyone in the mos eisely cantina scene, I'd say that the longwinded exposition for the Death star designer stuff was equally bad. I loved Rogue One, but I didn't need TWO books about what they were all doing before that. I also don't care what Tarkin was doing before that either, it's just irrelevant shoehorning.


Yeah I also have a pickle to pick with glove of Darth Vader... actually the Jedi Prince series in general.

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