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The Emperor


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With all the YouTube "Resurrected Emperor" vidoe's about the return of Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker, what are the possibilities that this is actually a a continuation of Tennebrae, Vitiate, Valkorian, but 3000 years later, and they're all one and the same?
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With all the YouTube "Resurrected Emperor" vidoe's about the return of Palpatine in Rise of Skywalker, what are the possibilities that this is actually a a continuation of Tennebrae, Vitiate, Valkorian, but 3000 years later, and they're all one and the same?


Off hand I'd say … very little. BUT don't be surprised if there isn't at least a suggestion that they're not at least connected (though not directly related).

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If there is a chance to turn a profit, well that's what Disney does best.


Not entirely. They seem to have a very strong desire to tell their story and to keep everything nicely contained and under their banner and control.


So rather than licensing the IP to any developer with a good pitch, they gave the exclusive rights to EA (and there is no way EA paid enough for that to actually be worth it from a purely monetary perspective)


Hell, they could have made just about anything with Revan in it, and it'd basically be a license to print money, regardless of how terrible it is. But Revan dates back to the Dark Times before Disney brought light to the universe (or so they seem to think...)

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Disney has never acknowledged the existence of SWTOR and it's story. Why would they start now?


and the off hand reference by one of the jedi masters in mentioning that he hasn't seen fighting like this since the days of the old republic, in the clone wars? i suppose that doesn't exist either? there is clearly a minor acknowledgement that there was a lot of fighting back then and there was an old republic.


I suppose the same could be said from SWTOR about no references towards future events? of course that isn't true either with cedric kilaesa saying he's rather seen alderaan blown to bits rather than surrender to the empire :p.


I wouldn't fully rule out the possibility that the emperor survived his encounter with the alliance commander and survived to try rule once again through other sith, and snoke was simply another attempt at building yet another Zakuul from the ruins.

Edited by Celise
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You already know the Emperor has his hands in all of this lol.


No doubting that, we still don't know who this emperor really is especially if Tenebrae was just another voice, so that puts the idea into greater focus if the original host names were lost overtime and 3.5k years later, no one remembers Ziost and Nathema and what the emepror did. It would be extremely difficult to kick him out of canon events because he is such a nebulous being and not having an identity one can pin to him makes it all the more harder to discount him.


0, unless Tenebrae is now able to hop between timelines.


The emperor is a timeless being, he can live forever, so long as his hunger is sated. of course what happened in episode 7? Hosnian prime was obliterated by the first order, reinforcing the theory about the emperor and the massive loss of life.

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It would be Super Cool to see a Tenebrae reference or entity (Lucas said only LS gets a ghost) behind Sidious and has been driving him all this time but I also think its too small of a chance to bet on. That trinket and small reference that *Could *Insinuate *Maybe a Revan....issue from before and on Rogue One's Hammer Head that made a very Good showing for itself *Could hint at *Something and that Less Speculative then the other subject. It would be cool; but I doubt it.

That Hammer Head cruiser saved the day for everybody, I cant think of a Better salute and way to show appreciation :).

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Disney has never acknowledged the existence of SWTOR and it's story. Why would they start now?


Oh I agree that specific names would probably not be used … per say. I'm simply saying that the suggestive information could be there.. thus using it as a "possible" exploit IF DISNEY (or more precisely SWTOR) so chose to do so in a separate advertisement ..


I agree.. It's a pretty good stretch... But nothing surprises me these days !

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Hopefully 0, that way there's less chance of encountering that annoying geezer in any more story content.


A SWTOR without a ever-powerful emperor is a better SWTOR.


LOL !! Annoying geezer.. !!!


You nailed it !! My exact thoughts too !!


Good riddance to bad rubbish !! Glad he's gone !!


[/ two thumbs up]

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It would be Super Cool to see a Tenebrae reference or entity (Lucas said only LS gets a ghost)


Unless it was stated in a movie, the Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, or Star Wars Resistance cartoons or in one of the novels or comics after the New Canon was declared, it's lost to the mists of Legends. The comics have shown that objects can house the spirit of departed Force users under some circumstances, so Force Ghosts aren't out of the question.


For my money, I'm expecting CLONES to play a pretty big part in Ep. 9 - either the Emperor or Rey (or both)... and we know that Finn was probably one as well.

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Disney has never acknowledged the existence of SWTOR and it's story. Why would they start now?

They havent acknowledged, per se, but over the last few movies (rogue one, solo, and the episodes) they have introduced characters based on classes see in swtor, such as the consular, sniper/slinger, scoundrel, commando, among others. There are definitely some subtle connections if you look close enough.

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Unless it was stated in a movie, the Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, or Star Wars Resistance cartoons or in one of the novels or comics after the New Canon was declared, it's lost to the mists of Legends. The comics have shown that objects can house the spirit of departed Force users under some circumstances, so Force Ghosts aren't out of the question.


For my money, I'm expecting CLONES to play a pretty big part in Ep. 9 - either the Emperor or Rey (or both)... and we know that Finn was probably one as well.


That bit about the force Ghosts actually came from George Lucas himself, Spoken (B****ing about disliked variations) been like that since 1983. If Anakin hadn't turned back to the light side, he would *Not have gotten the force ghost at the end of RotJ . If that means anything Since Disney took over (like the Emperor, Grrr). Maybe Disney will or wont, they don't seem to care about Star Wars before they arrived or the story Lucas created.. A Dark figure could appear as a Vision......Kinda way, Technically getting around the Edict. Who Knows?

Edited by MikeCobalt
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That bit about the force Ghosts actually came from George Lucas himself, Spoken (B****ing about disliked variations) been like that since 1983. If Anakin hadn't turned back to the light side, he would *Not have gotten the force ghost at the end of RotJ . If that means anything Since Disney took over (like the Emperor, Grrr). Maybe Disney will or wont, they don't seem to care about Star Wars before they arrived or the story Lucas created.. A Dark figure could appear as a Vision......Kinda way, Technically getting around the Edict. Who Knows?


You're missing my point. What George Lucas once SAID no longer matters. Only that which has been SHOWN in one of the shows, novels, or comics is now considered canon. Anything else is immaterial. So unless it has been declared in a New Canon source, it's fair game for light OR dark side spirits to become a Force Ghost if they know how.

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What George Lucas once SAID no longer matters. Only that which has been SHOWN in one of the shows, novels, or comics is now considered canon. Anything else is immaterial. So unless it has been declared in a New Canon source, it's fair game for light OR dark side spirits to become a Force Ghost if they know how.


Unfortunately .. IMO … you are correct to a point. And the one thing that Disney seems to enjoy doing from time to time is to remind the new viewers of just exactly who is in charge of Star Wars now. AND (unfortunately) that shows from time to time..

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You're missing my point. What George Lucas once SAID no longer matters. Only that which has been SHOWN in one of the shows, novels, or comics is now considered canon. Anything else is immaterial. So unless it has been declared in a New Canon source, it's fair game for light OR dark side spirits to become a Force Ghost if they know how.


I get what your saying, did the first time too. Disney will do what Disney wants basically. Since the LS ghosts do appear "In the Movies", does not mean the DS ghosts **cant** appear (We just haven't seen that *Yet <<LoopHole, Technicality, Flashy Money Getter). Still.. Going against what Lucas said in 1983 and later even using technicalities is *Another Wedge between the "Original Fans" and "New Disney" That's Not working out well for Disney or the movies.

Like Cutting down the entire forest to show everybody one odd tree that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place $$



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Any force user could become one with the force and appear as a spirit if they learn the proper technique that keeps their spirit from being destroyed on death. I don't have access to wookiepedia any more due to a cookie accept requirement, however not every force user knew of the technique to keep their spirit intact on death and it is assumed dark side users during this era didn't have the knowledge to do this any more.


It seems the Jedi have that knowledge though, considering Anakin was able to survive through the death of his body after rescuing Luke from the emperor and appear as a spirit next to Yoda and Obi-wan. Clearly Anakin learned the technique when he was a jedi before his fall.

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Clearly Anakin learned the technique when he was a jedi before his fall.


Or it was just a happy ending half-assed explained later. Yoda taught Obi-wan after the twins were born, after Anakin's fall and according to him, he was taught by Qui-gon after Qui-gon reached out from the dead. It wasn't common knowledge. But people liked the force ghost bit so, presto, everyone can do it in future movies and cartoons.

Edited by kodrac
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The emperor is a timeless being, he can live forever, so long as his hunger is sated. of course what happened in episode 7? Hosnian prime was obliterated by the first order, reinforcing the theory about the emperor and the massive loss of life.

I highly doubt that has anything to do with Tenebrae. The main villain will be Sidious, not Tenebrae.

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