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Onslaught Expansion Launches Worldwide on…


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You will never go broke betting on Keith opting to push back a release date, 'for quality and bug' purposes. And he would be a fool not to often him pushing it back is met with more positive feedback than the content and more fiercely defended as if any of those delays have some how elevated the content, yet the game is still filled with bugs and minimal new content and fewer people around.

I put more of my money on whether people will say something about them pushing the date back. Im rolling in dough.

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I've been more a white-knight for the game lately than a lot. But I'm honestly not going to be able to promote this as a "good thing".


You've had this game's expansion known to yourselves for months LONG before we knew of it.

This should have been PTS a long time ago. The only thing that should be on the PTS now is slight bug fixes/changes for perfection.

Sadly even pushing this date back a month, we all know we will still be launched with a buggy game.


IF you can't put out an expansion till past date given, DON'T advertise it too early just to get people's hopes up.


I've played for many years on this game but honestly I'm burnt out. Game is stale. The Ossus gear grind was terrible! Lack of good new content long been with held. (Not to mention in game drama since last year.)

The good thing was all this the patch promised in Sept. Now it's been pushed back because of their ineptness. And to make matters worse the only "gift" we are receiving for being subs is another freaking race which means crap to those of us who don't care to play all the races. (Plus give it a few months & that will be in the CM for CCs anyway.) Not including that if you're capped on slots, you will need to buy more for you to access that or delete toons & the biggest thing being it's still the same dang classes from the launch. lol


It's just honestly, to use the over used term here on the forums, a slap in the face. lol

I would have understood a week or two extension too. But over a month really.... Come on...bad way to run a company.

We will all be anxiously await your MMO! You seem to have it all figured out.

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We will all be anxiously await your MMO! You seem to have it all figured out.


It's called business sense mate. Has nothing to do with just an MMO as you try to put it.


It's been discussed ad nausem in the past with other delays/expacs/things/etc....here on the forums. Maybe before you time here. So chill with the baiting & straying off topic with personal jabs.

Edited by CaptRogue
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It's called business sense mate. Has nothing to do with just an MMO as you try to put it.


It's been discussed as nausem in the past with other delays/expacs/things/etc....here on the forums. Maybe before you time here. So chill with the baiting & straying off topic with personal jabs.

Im curious whether you feel your original post was made with the intention of creating positive change, or throwing a personal jab of your own. Good business is telling the public early on when changes to anticipated dates are made. They did this. Unexpected changes are part of life. You can complain about them, or adapt to them. Complaining never changed the past though.

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Hey everyone,


Check out the newest Producer Letter from Keith where he discusses Onslaught's launch date, subscriber promotions, and more! Read it here: https://www.swtor.com/info/news/article/20190826



Onslaught will be launching worldwide on October 22nd!




Glad to finally see a date put out for the launch. Disappointed that it got pushed back another month. After reading the forums and watching the PTS stuff posted, I decided to resubscribe earlier this month to check out what seems like it might be a promising improvement to the game. I figured I would subscribe for two months, and get back into playing for a month before the September launch and then have a month of playtime after launch to decide if this game was worth it again or not.


Sadly, this notice to push the date back a month is going to put it outside of the window I gave the game to win me over again. Not sure if I'll bother grinding gear for the next two months and then pay again to be disappointed if the product doesn't live up to my self inflicted hype.

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Hi Keith,


Did it really take until now to announce this delay? The dogs in the street knew you were not giving yourselves enough time.


You know this means I'm gonna have to listen to Chuck from the Bad Feeling Podcast hit his "I told ya so" bell repeatedly for the next 2 months?!


I'm gonna go one further and say, as no other serious SWTOR game update has lauched without a hitch (I am happy to be corrected on this) that the PLAYABLE 6.0 will not hit until start of November.


As the update has been sooo delayed would it be too much to ask that the new duel bladed saber featured today in the new The Rise of Skywalker trailer be made available (through the Cartel Market if necessary) with the launch of 6.0.


You CAN do this!


Cheers and kind regards,


From a player who knows how to complain AND appreciate your efforts in tandem.

Edited by hillerbees
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Ouch... And you're releasing nothing between now and then... That really sucks Eric...


I think they realize that they cannot compete with WoW Classic, so there is really no point in putting anything in the game until the expansion is in better shape. Most are used to the lack of content around here, and if it means the next big batch of content they DO release is better, a few more quiet months probably won't make much difference in the short term, but could mean better things at expansion time. Makes sense to me, but the onus is on Bioware to deliver a quality expansion - after 3 years of skating by on Flashpoints, Conquest changes and bits and bobs of story. Tacking on a few more months is nothing really in the light of years without a new expansion, IMHO.



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Glad to finally see a date put out for the launch. Disappointed that it got pushed back another month. After reading the forums and watching the PTS stuff posted, I decided to resubscribe earlier this month to check out what seems like it might be a promising improvement to the game. I figured I would subscribe for two months, and get back into playing for a month before the September launch and then have a month of playtime after launch to decide if this game was worth it again or not.


Sadly, this notice to push the date back a month is going to put it outside of the window I gave the game to win me over again. Not sure if I'll bother grinding gear for the next two months and then pay again to be disappointed if the product doesn't live up to my self inflicted hype.


Why would you grind for gear if theres a new expansion coming out? They are literally changing the entire gear system.

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it seems Zionhalcyon's reckless speculation the other day was just that after all. so much for lt-snakes assumptions on my part.


At least we got a direct release date, something that has been sorely lacking the last month or so. hopefully bioware can rack up the hype between now and then.

Edited by Celise
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I have always expected a mid to late October release so right what I assumed. I assumed this mainly due to the balancing issues I am sure they are having with their new gearing system. It is better to take the time and get it right, then put it out and it be a pile of junk.
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Glad to finally see a date put out for the launch. Disappointed that it got pushed back another month. After reading the forums and watching the PTS stuff posted, I decided to resubscribe earlier this month to check out what seems like it might be a promising improvement to the game. I figured I would subscribe for two months, and get back into playing for a month before the September launch and then have a month of playtime after launch to decide if this game was worth it again or not.


Sadly, this notice to push the date back a month is going to put it outside of the window I gave the game to win me over again. Not sure if I'll bother grinding gear for the next two months and then pay again to be disappointed if the product doesn't live up to my self inflicted hype.

Yeah, this is going to be kind of annoying if you timed your sub to try it out and "win you over" as you put it.


I suspect that this, not PTS testing, is the real reason they're expanding the sub grant of Nautolan to such a wide range of time. Maybe there's fiddling legal reasons they don't want to make it sound like they mislead anyone into paying for a sub at a particular time, so they're ensuring they're covered on that front, without making it sound like they need to be covered.

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This sounds good since that falls in line with my last week of school for the August semester and I have a break and don't start again till Nov 5.


Rugby World Cup will distract me enough that I won't miss 6.0 too much but it means its going to be a pile up trying to fit SWTOR in with Jedi: Fallen Order in November. The Rise of Skywalker in December and The Manalorian (if I can get access to it) somewhere in the middle. Might as well get all my SW memorabilia into one room, pull the curtains and lock myself in until January. Anyone meets me in the street during that time is only going to get lines of Star Wars movie dialog as conversation, most likely spoken raspingly into a plastic cup in a Vaderlike oppressive tone!


*....off to warn the family so that they'll know what to expect, so that they don't worry too much......*

Edited by hillerbees
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i just hope this expansion when it finally comes out it up to the same expansion quality of a FF 14 expansion or a wow one just coming out with 1 or 2 planets not going to cut it for me now of days when i can get better at other places
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