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Onslaught Expansion Launches Worldwide on…


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So Nautolans are free to anyone who is subscribed sometime between September 1 and release date... Does the rest of the expansion follow suit? If my sub expires at the end of September will I get the expansion or will the delay require an extra month of sub to get it?


I won't be subbing for October either way. But the answer here will determine if I make any future purchases or subs for future content.


I doubt it. I'm in the same boat, subbed in mid-August because while they claimed that the release would be for September, I knew better than to take BW at its word. I figured two months would be enough of a cushion for their screw-ups, and at least it is a cushion for Nautolans, but I very much doubt for anything else.

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He is clearly talking about KOTFE/ET when he discussed single player story driven content. Also he is talking about how this game only focused on story instead of the wholeness of an MMO. The reason why SWTORs competetors are doing better and have much larger populations is because they actually know how to manage an MMO. It should be pretty obvious that you shouldnt spend all your resources on voice acting in a sub based game. You want to spend it on content or tools that allow players to create their own content. Focusing solely on story/removing op and warzone weekly passes is why atleast half of the player base left because why pay 15 dollars a month for a story your going to complete in 2 days or recycled ops and warzones with the same meta.

Concluding an opinion of the overall game based on one small era of many is poor judgment.

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Thank you.


Concluding an opinion of the overall game based on one small era of many is poor judgment.


We don't need to see the numbers to take note of the overall decline in population, lack of balance updates, performance issues, lack of bug fixes and friends/guildies vanishing during that time period. That "one small era" spanned 3-4 years of the game's 8 year life and we saw a reduction in quality as it went on. It's okay to admit they made some mistakes, however big or small. Point is, 6.0 is a clear switch from the gear they've been in and hopefully a stark improvement.

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Thank you.




We don't need to see the numbers to take note of the overall decline in population, lack of balance updates, performance issues, lack of bug fixes and friends/guildies vanishing during that time period. That "one small era" spanned 3-4 years of the game's 8 year life and we saw a reduction in quality as it went on. It's okay to admit they made some mistakes, however big or small. Point is, 6.0 is a clear switch from the gear they've been in and hopefully a stark improvement.

You must not realize the largest population and subscriber drop occured 8 years ago when the game had more of those issues than it had during kotfe/kotet, and than it currently has.


Relatively speaking, the game has improved considerably since then.

Edited by olagatonjedi
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You must not realize the largest population and subscriber drop occured 8 years ago when the game had more of those issues than it had during kotfe/kotet, and than it currently has.


Relatively speaking, the game has improved considerably since then.


You must not realize that relative to where the game was prior to KOTFE, it's been a hard drought. The improvements they've made weren't enough to shrug off the poor choices. If they were, we wouldn't be in the current situation we are. You really cant be comparing launch to now in terms of issues and sub count (as if I give two banthas about that measurement in today's mmo market). This is hilariously disingenuous.


In case you're unaware, there are still issues from launch still ingame too.

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Hey folks,

  • The end of the current PvP season is still planned for 6.0, that does mean it will run for another month.

Thanks all!




Where are promised 6 months seasons? And ending season at 22 of october means it will last not 1 month more but almost 2 months more (whole september + 22 days). It is bad since almost everyone already reached ratings they wanted and stopped playing

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Glad we have a date. This is definitely the best option compared to releasing it before it's ready.


Would be nice to get another Double Rewards Event though, maybe as a sign of appreciation for our patience? :)


It'd also really help those trying to grind out Command levels while they still can before it goes away.


Good idea. It is a lot of fun when they do things like that. Doesn't seem as much of a grind.

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You must not realize that relative to where the game was prior to KOTFE, it's been a hard drought. The improvements they've made weren't enough to shrug off the poor choices. If they were, we wouldn't be in the current situation we are. You really cant be comparing launch to now in terms of issues and sub count (as if I give two banthas about that measurement in today's mmo market). This is hilariously disingenuous.


In case you're unaware, there are still issues from launch still ingame too.

Facts are requested to back up your claims.

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+1 this^


Agreed. Right now [insert name of that other game here] is huge - it should have been easy to predict how the interest there would go and plan the release of Onslaught to happen way after and nearer to the release of the Last Jedi (because bandwagon-ing 6.0 on anything SW related can only be a good thing).


Aside: How come you can mention the game that cannot be named on these forums I got banned for it? I fully expect to feel the banning stick for quoting it :rolleyes:


I have mentioned that game by name several times in various posts here, so I can only assume it is the context of what you said or how you said it that got you in trouble? Otherwise I don't know. I see zero reason why mentioning another game here should get you banned as long as it is just part of a reasonable discussion and not like, advertising for that game over this one or something? I honestly don't mean any disrespect by mentioning that game in these forums... but apologize if anyone is offended or any rules have been broken by doing so.



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i just hope this expansion when it finally comes out it up to the same expansion quality of a FF 14 expansion or a wow one just coming out with 1 or 2 planets not going to cut it for me now of days when i can get better at other places


You can already put away any hope that this will be an expansion that you can compare to those other games. They announced what they planned to include in the expansion already. It's public knowledge. It is absolutely going to be a couple of planets (Onderon and Mek-Sha), a raid/operation (Dxun), changes to the gearing system (again), and a brief continuation of the story line that includes returning to Corellia. There will also be a new playable character race available (Nautolans).


That's it. Nothing more. If that isn't enough then you have enough to already make your decision about what you're going to do. But an even better indicator of whether or not you will enjoy the upcoming expansion would be to log onto the PTS and assist in testing some of the new systems (gear, and in-game systems both). Then you would be better able to speak from a point of knowledge about whether or not the expansion will "cut it" for you, rather than speculating about it being up to your standards.


Plus, they could probably use the help and the feedback of players to make sure the expansion is up to par. So that's a win/win situation right there.



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i just hope this expansion when it finally comes out it up to the same expansion quality of a FF 14 expansion or a wow one just coming out with 1 or 2 planets not going to cut it for me now of days when i can get better at other places


lol we'll be lucky if the story is even half as long as a single FFXIV expansion. That game has spoiled me. That story is a full blown game with nearly 30 hours of story in just a single expansion. SWTOR we might be lucky if its 2 hours.

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Hey so my question is why do we need the new gear sets and other combat enhancements when I can have all my buffs on and my companion on heal then calmly kill up to five NPC's without lifting my finger. Surely im not the only one questioning this.....? The game is going to get harder then?? If not what's the point....most players that have left the game have done so because its just a key smashing opportunity with no real need for specific builds. I just don't get it? With all these things that Bioware etc are talking about are you going to FINALLY make the game more of a challenge?? You have to know the three modes you can play the game at also make no difference either right...if I play on normal or for example veteran this is only a negligible difference in the toughness of my opponents?? Please say you are going to make the game a challenge again? Great concept and story (except for kotfe/kotet) but no actual challenge since the changes made around the time of removal for companion modifications...does this upcoming change mean you are trying to make the game as great as it was then?
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You can already put away any hope that this will be an expansion that you can compare to those other games. They announced what they planned to include in the expansion already. It's public knowledge. It is absolutely going to be a couple of planets (Onderon and Mek-Sha), a raid/operation (Dxun), changes to the gearing system (again), and a brief continuation of the story line that includes returning to Corellia. There will also be a new playable character race available (Nautolans).


That's it. Nothing more.



Precisely this. It's useful to calibrate (as in lower) expectations with respect to the length of this update / duration it will take to complete. It's fair, of course, for us to hold them to standards of quality, though I imagine there will be intense debates about the storylines given the passion with which many approach the subject. But...


I fully expect there to be a slew of posts about how people wanted more in 6.0. For me, I plan to enjoy it for what it is since my Hutt superpowers, alas, can't force them to develop content faster.


My hope (which always springs eternal because I'm so sun-shiney) is that they have a plan in place to release content, however small, in a more consistent fashion now that Keith has steered the game in a direction more aligned with my playstyle.


Time will tell,



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Hey so my question is why do we need the new gear sets and other combat enhancements when I can have all my buffs on and my companion on heal then calmly kill up to five NPC's without lifting my finger. Surely im not the only one questioning this.....? The game is going to get harder then?? If not what's the point....most players that have left the game have done so because its just a key smashing opportunity with no real need for specific builds. I just don't get it? With all these things that Bioware etc are talking about are you going to FINALLY make the game more of a challenge?? You have to know the three modes you can play the game at also make no difference either right...if I play on normal or for example veteran this is only a negligible difference in the toughness of my opponents?? Please say you are going to make the game a challenge again? Great concept and story (except for kotfe/kotet) but no actual challenge since the changes made around the time of removal for companion modifications...does this upcoming change mean you are trying to make the game as great as it was then?


Because gear is for end game group content.....players like you that play casually in solo content are not the target audience for gear. You don't need end game gear to do dailies and other solo activity.

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Because gear is for end game group content.....players like you that play casually in solo content are not the target audience for gear. You don't need end game gear to do dailies and other solo activity.


Hey Bud I used to play all types of content except for starfighter... but even then it was only in the early years that you/I/we needed special gear...in MOST cases now you could get away with pretty much anything, including non class specific gear.....it seems to make little overall difference. I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up "ops" as I have run a few of those as well...tbh not as many as a lot of you (as I can't see the point of getting gear that you can't use except in operations and only to a negligible extent), I think the focus on gear and "playing the way you would like" is a bogus scam....As IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE overall. Sad that the focus of the expansion is on gear specialities when there is absolutely no need for it anymore. Make the game demanding again and watch players flock back. It is far to sedentary now. Also it's been my experience that end game content ie "ops" are normally so broken it matters little what gear you equip....have been in 8 players and above with a good 40% of the team wrongly equipped and we have still completed the missions.....originally if there was even one wrongly equipped we made sure he/she sorted it out as we would have failed. Maybe you didn't play the game originally and only play the "vanilla" version now...if you can't remember??

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Hey Bud I used to play all types of content except for starfighter... but even then it was only in the early years that you/I/we needed special gear...in MOST cases now you could get away with pretty much anything, including non class specific gear.....it seems to make little overall difference. I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up "ops" as I have run a few of those as well...tbh not as many as a lot of you (as I can't see the point of getting gear that you can't use except in operations and only to a negligible extent), I think the focus on gear and "playing the way you would like" is a bogus scam....As IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE overall. Sad that the focus of the expansion is on gear specialities when there is absolutely no need for it anymore. Make the game demanding again and watch players flock back. It is far to sedentary now.

They are giving the players what they asked for with the new gear system, so even if you think the focus on plethora of gear is a scam, the playerbase must want a scam after asking for it. A surprising amount of MMO players actually just play to over-gear their toons so they dont have to worry much about challenge, but still will have the gear should they choose to go after the challenging content. That IS the MMORPG experience/draw for many players.

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Hey Bud I used to play all types of content except for starfighter... but even then it was only in the early years that you/I/we needed special gear...in MOST cases now you could get away with pretty much anything, including non class specific gear.....it seems to make little overall difference. I was wondering if anyone was going to bring up "ops" as I have run a few of those as well...tbh not as many as a lot of you (as I can't see the point of getting gear that you can't use except in operations and only to a negligible extent), I think the focus on gear and "playing the way you would like" is a bogus scam....As IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE overall. Sad that the focus of the expansion is on gear specialities when there is absolutely no need for it anymore. Make the game demanding again and watch players flock back. It is far to sedentary now. Also it's been my experience that end game content ie "ops" are normally so broken it matters little what gear you equip....have been in 8 players and above with a good 40% of the team wrongly equipped and we have still completed the missions.....originally if there was even one wrongly equipped we made sure he/she sorted it out as we would have failed. Maybe you didn't play the game originally and only play the "vanilla" version now...if you can't remember??


You've clearly never done progression raiding where gear actually matters....Even at launch, the end game gear was for end game content. You didn't need that gear to do other activities. Regardless, you're playing an MMO. Gear resets are normal when the level cap goes up. The entire point of mmo's at end game is the constant treadmill.

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I'm a solo player. I don't care about the nautolens, should have gone with yoda species if you ask me.

Don't care about the new gear grind. Don't care about the same dull dailies. Don't care about operations or flashpoints, or pvp/gsf.


A clever story, character customization, and companion interaction/customization is all I care about. That's fun to me.


Will each class be getting it's own unique story again or will all 8 classes be the same?(i.e. commander blah blah blah)


Will companions be getting more dialogue between conversations and through 'ship talks'?



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I'm a solo player. I don't care about the nautolens, should have gone with yoda species if you ask me.

Don't care about the new gear grind. Don't care about the same dull dailies. Don't care about operations or flashpoints, or pvp/gsf.


A clever story, character customization, and companion interaction/customization is all I care about. That's fun to me.


Will each class be getting it's own unique story again or will all 8 classes be the same?(i.e. commander blah blah blah)


Will companions be getting more dialogue between conversations and through 'ship talks'?




Its going to be a shared story. That's how it will always be. We'll never see individual class stories ever again.

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Because gear is for end game group content.....players like you that play casually in solo content are not the target audience for gear. You don't need end game gear to do dailies and other solo activity.


Its not about needing gear, its about keeping people subbed. If end game gear (or better gear, however you want to look at it) is available to everyone through some process, they will stay subbed to improve their characters. If there is no realistic pathway for them to better gear by their playstyle, they won't. The drop in subs after KOTFE had a lot to do with this issue. Once the new content was completed, the gearing system was so onerous that people just stopped subbing (it didn't matter whether you were a raider, PVPer, or "story" player). As it is now the gearing system on the PTS is worse than GC when it launched and you can expect to see the same thing happen. Lots of people will come back for the new content and then leave after a month because there is no new goal since gearing will be extremely tedious. Without subs, the game dies.

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I'm a solo player. I don't care about the nautolens, should have gone with yoda species if you ask me.

Don't care about the new gear grind. Don't care about the same dull dailies. Don't care about operations or flashpoints, or pvp/gsf.


A clever story, character customization, and companion interaction/customization is all I care about. That's fun to me.


Will each class be getting it's own unique story again or will all 8 classes be the same?(i.e. commander blah blah blah)


Will companions be getting more dialogue between conversations and through 'ship talks'?



As with any one dimensional playstyle, YOU are responsible for limiting what you get from the game. The content is there for anyone who CHOOSES to engage in it.

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Because gear is for end game group content.....players like you that play casually in solo content are not the target audience for gear. You don't need end game gear to do dailies and other solo activity.


Actually, gear is for everyone. BiS gear is for end game group content. There are also different levels of difficulty in solo content. The vast majority of players will get pasted trying to run FE/ET in master mode if they aren't reasonably geared up. If you can do them naked, good on you, but that is far from the norm.


They are giving the players what they asked for with the new gear system, so even if you think the focus on plethora of gear is a scam, the playerbase must want a scam after asking for it. A surprising amount of MMO players actually just play to over-gear their toons so they dont have to worry much about challenge, but still will have the gear should they choose to go after the challenging content. That IS the MMORPG experience/draw for many players.


The gear system on PTS is nothing like what players have been asking for. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is RNG on top of RNG and it is glacially slow to acquire. The RNG "protections" are also RNG based, except for crafting which is prohibitively expensive. The challenging content giving better gear is not working because it is also heavily RNG with all of the static green trash for every imaginable spec. being tossed in. The current iteration of the new gearing system makes Ben Irving's first version of GC look great in comparison.


Well, I don't know, maybe you've seen someone asking for significantly more RNG in gearing and 10x the expense to buy anything, but I haven't.

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