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So what's gonna happen to Slicing now?


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So I've read a lot of complaints about the slicing nerf on forums. I didn't like the idea too. But the thing I'm really wondering about is: will Bioware put slicing back to where it was in order to satisfy the majority of players? or maybe will Bioware do something else to make slicing profitable? Is there a third option?
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Slicing was OP in the sense that ALL crew skills are, you should NOT be able to send your minions out on missions that are a higher level than you are, period. Slicing did not and does not scale well, for your current level it was decent credits, not spectacular, just decent.


The issue was level 20s being able to get to 400 skill and run the level 50 missions... with level 50 scaled rewards.


Those could crit for 5-6K credits in a 30 - 45 minute mission if you got lucky (rare), normal was 2-3K.


However, this is average cash at level 50, people complaining had no clue what the issue was. It costs me at level 40 12K+ for a single repair bill, medpacks cost 20K, speederbike riding skill 2 costs 210K.... Trash mobs drop 200-300 credits each, whenever I send my companion to sell he gets between 7 and 9K just selling the grays... so if they made it across ALL professions where you can't level above your characters level it would have fixed slicing as well as any others they have not yet noticed have the exact same issue.


The nerf was not just missions either, it was all lockboxes everywhere. Right now, why would I even consider going out of my way to find a lockbox when I get more return just killing trash mobs? The nerf was too harsh and needs to be mostly rolled back and they really should consider not letting people level skills above their level to avoid these issues.

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What will become of it? People will whine and complain, drop it and there will be all the more nodes for me.



In the two days since the nerf, I've made over 700k without playing the auction house or even going out of my way to farm slicing nodes. I get them while questing, looting and treasure hunting. They're not the only source of my income, but, combined with normal means, they make me pretty damn wealthy.



Trust me, ignore the doomsayers. I'm a level 48 sorc with 400 slicing/400 TH/200sh UWT, and I can assure you that it is just fine.

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This is actually getting tougher to answer as more time passes since the nerf. Why? Because of the effect this is having elsewhere.


Up until now, I've been doing very well on the Scavenging market. Today, however, there are 65 pages of listings for Scavenging resources. The bottom has dropped completely out, with even Level 6 metals and compounds going for 100 credits each. A few days ago, they were selling for as much as 1000 credits each. It looks like all the other Slicers have abandoned Slicing and started running other missions, instead.


This is basic economics. Supply has increased at the same time that demand has gone down from the reduction in available capital. Boom, crash, pow. Now it's looking like Scavenging is going to be unprofitable, with the rewards for a Level 6 mission selling for LESS than the cost of the mission itself. This is bad.


Where does that lead us? Back to Slicing, even with its scrawny 400 credits per mission average profit. It might be close to a waste of time, but if supply continues to exceed demand with the other resources, then Slicing actually wins by default.

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will Bioware put slicing back to where it was in order to satisfy the majority of players?
No, they won't.


or maybe will Bioware do something else to make slicing profitable?
No, they won't. Crafting is supposed to be optional. Optional, in this case, means not worth taking. If it was worth taking, then crafting wouldn't be optional. You'd actually need to do it.


Is there a third option?
Certainly there are other options. They won't be taken. That'd mean they would be admitting to a mistake. And we can't have that.
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As someone above said I suspect as well they will buff it back up some, but not to where it was previously.


All the data right now that I've seen and gathered myself showed that pre-nerf it was about a 70% profit on average for missions. Now it's been nerfed to 15-20% profit, per mission, which on paper seems like a good deal until you realize that that profit is really only 350-400 credits for 30 minutes of your companions time for tier 6 missions.


My guess is they up it and split the difference to make it 35-40% profit so it'll still be profitable and that you won't have the issue you have now where a bad run with the RNG can kill your wallet because you got a bunch of missions in a row you took a loss on.

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Nothing will happen it is now functioning as intended.


The problem was not lowbies making big money, the problem was people taking a gathering skill and profiting without doing any gathering.


I still make plenty of profit slicing, not nearly what it use to be, but plenty. I'd rather take a pay cut then deal with a broken, massively inflated economy.

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They should just change the way it works. If making money is undesirable, let it do something else. Slicing is like a car you stripped of tires, because it was too fast. Now it's a nice space to make out in, but it does not have any real use.


Anyway ... drop it & forget it. If you want money there are much much more effective ways to get some.

Edited by Repefe
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Certainly there are other options. They won't be taken. That'd mean they would be admitting to a mistake. And we can't have that.


I doubt it is better for them to leave slicing broken. Making the crowd angry is never a good idea. They have to listen to what we want. People used to whine about slicing being OP. Bioware listened to them. But now there are even MORE people who want it back to it's place. The majority is going to win. I just hope they realize how badly they affected the economy as a whole.

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It makes me crazy when I hear people commenting on the effects of changes on the world economy...the game's been live for less than two weeks. That's not nearly long enough for a stable economy to be established. It's going to take time, and it's going to go through LOTS of ups and downs while people figure out what thy should be paying for/selling for. And BW needs to test these changes like the one they made to Slicing to see how it affects the game as a whole. You can rest assured that they're recording the results of crafting missions so they can see just how it really is affecting things.


Yesterday I ran slicing missions all day long, and made a lot of money (from my perspective) plus something like 12 different recipes/mission drops. From what I can see, Slicing was working great for me, and was worth my time. The people who are complaining are the people who were capitalizing on the skill from day one, when it was definitely overpowered.


Give it time, and it'll even out.

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The only people who are happy with current slicing nerf are not even slicer. They just come on forums and pretend to be ones so everybody would chill but the point is: Slicing was good not even OP if you look at end game costs. Now slicing is underpowered. IF BW didn't want players to slice then it wouldnt have been implemented in the game. However, the WORST thing about the nerf is that BW gave us the candy and then took it back. If we never knew the power of slicing then we wouldn't care.


So I have an option here. BW should remove slicing as a whole give those who have it money or profession respec to the same level. What about flashpoints and other missions that have slicing benefits like hacking into elevator or freeing slaves. You could change these to cybertech. That's it

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The only people who are happy with current slicing nerf are not even slicer. They just come on forums and pretend to be ones so everybody would chill but the point is: Slicing was good not even OP if you look at end game costs.


Nonsense. I'm a slicer and I'm fine with the change. The skill is not stellar anymore but still profitable.

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Slicing was OP in the sense that ALL crew skills are, you should NOT be able to send your minions out on missions that are a higher level than you are, period. Slicing did not and does not scale well, for your current level it was decent credits, not spectacular, just decent.


The issue was level 20s being able to get to 400 skill and run the level 50 missions... with level 50 scaled rewards.



Thats nonesense. I have 2 alts that just do nothing but craft. I chose not to level and fight. I shouldnt have to because im a crafter at heart. Force me to level just to do something i like? That is crazy. And its not like we arent paying for crafting levels, or doing the work, gathering the resources, or paying someone else for the resources they collect.


And high leveled players need items, you going to tell me everyone at 50 will be happy with this because they cant get good, health packs, etc because some crafter isnt up to 50 yet?

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Nothing will happen it is now functioning as intended.


The problem was not lowbies making big money, the problem was people taking a gathering skill and profiting without doing any gathering.


I still make plenty of profit slicing, not nearly what it use to be, but plenty. I'd rather take a pay cut then deal with a broken, massively inflated economy.


If that were the case then wouldn't the right fix have been to remove the lockbox missions and up the gathering rewards by double or triple?

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Up until now, I've been doing very well on the Scavenging market. Today, however, there are 65 pages of listings for Scavenging resources. The bottom has dropped completely out, with even Level 6 metals and compounds going for 100 credits each. A few days ago, they were selling for as much as 1000 credits each. It looks like all the other Slicers have abandoned Slicing and started running other missions, instead.


First off, this can be expected. Secondly, did you ever consider that this was what they wanted? did you ever consider that they didn't want those mats to go for 1000 each this early into the game? not that I know that for sure, but then again...no one does.


heavy market inflation is very common in long term games with saturated markets...but that kind of inflation within a few weeks of a games release is a VERY bad sign.


personally, I think that they wont return it to its previous levels. And I think it's a good thing. they should balance it out in other ways. The issue isn't slicing, or its nerf. the issue is the economy, which they need to fix. a broke gathering skill was only hiding the real issues behind a hyper-inflating economy

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The only people who are happy with current slicing nerf are not even slicer. They just come on forums and pretend to be ones so everybody would chill but the point is: Slicing was good not even OP if you look at end game costs. Now slicing is underpowered. IF BW didn't want players to slice then it wouldnt have been implemented in the game. However, the WORST thing about the nerf is that BW gave us the candy and then took it back. If we never knew the power of slicing then we wouldn't care.


So I have an option here. BW should remove slicing as a whole give those who have it money or profession respec to the same level. What about flashpoints and other missions that have slicing benefits like hacking into elevator or freeing slaves. You could change these to cybertech. That's it


I have 3 slicers, and they are still slicing...and Im still making money. I know...shocking. and I was OK with the nerf.


but i Do agree with you on the premise that we need to simply change slicing. like give us quest options or access to certain areas that you'd need slicing. or perhaps change augments so their viable at all levels (ie crafting augment slots as a skill rather then a rare crit result). Then their would suddenly be a market for the items we get on missions.

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Nothing is removed from the game (armor, weapons, etc.), except for consumables. So you have so many crafting skills that are worthless because everything can be bought from a vendot. The slicer were actualy buying resources, now thats gone. So if everyone switched to gathering you flood the market, prices drop. Since crafted items dont move well crafters arent buying resources because they cant sell what they have already. Its basic econ.


Items need removed from game (broken armor, weapons, etc), so people buy from the market. Which increases crafter items being bought, which makes crafters buy resources galore, which makes you ahve a better time selling your resources to a crafter.


Honestly, the economy and crafting is a joke right now. Something i got at level 15 i still use at lvl 30 just change mods which i can get from a commedation vendor. This is hurting crafting also.

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The only people who are happy with current slicing nerf are not even slicer. They just come on forums and pretend to be ones so everybody would chill but the point is: Slicing was good not even OP if you look at end game costs. Now slicing is underpowered. IF BW didn't want players to slice then it wouldnt have been implemented in the game. However, the WORST thing about the nerf is that BW gave us the candy and then took it back. If we never knew the power of slicing then we wouldn't care.


So I have an option here. BW should remove slicing as a whole give those who have it money or profession respec to the same level. What about flashpoints and other missions that have slicing benefits like hacking into elevator or freeing slaves. You could change these to cybertech. That's it


I wish they would remove it, that would instantly stop all of the problems. It won't happen though because that would only serve to further illustrate the basic problems with crafting as a whole. Right now people have something to focus on, and by doing that they are ignoring the bigger issues. Slicing makes money at low levels, but when those players start paying out 10k for a single skill increase suddenly the amount of time spent vs money gained with slicing is nothing. This was just a case of low level players having issues. It's solved, but it's only going to get worse now. They will start QQing that no one buys their crafted stuff, and they will ask for other skills to be nerfed...oh wait.

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slicing isnt an issue, its the fact the economy and crafting skills are all an issue. They gimped one instead of making the others better. I need nothing from a crafter in this game, i cant get from a npc vendor or commedation vendor. Thats the issue. You guys crying about slicing, its not the problem! The crafting/econ system is.
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After surfing forums for a while. I came to conclusion. BW should re-roll back to what slicing was. And we players will figure out what to do with slicing and other skills. Then there will finally be money in game. It's not just slicers who will benefit from slicing but all the other crewskills too. So now we need to let BW know what we want.
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