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New player here, kicked for viewing the conversations in a fp..


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There are several popular ways to run a FP --

* Kill absolutely everything for credits and XP!

* Avoid some trash mobs but complete side objectives.

* Skip as many mobs as possible, killing only the sub-bosses, bonus bosses, and end boss.

* Skip everything possible until the end boss.


On top of that, some people watch cut scenes, some people skip them.


The problem is when somebody assumes their way is the only right way.


IMHO, if you have a strong preference, don't PUG. Create your own group of like-minded gamers.


As for new players, I highly recommend playing through from level 1.

The story really is the best part of the game, and you'll get a chance to solo all those FPs to see the scenes at your own pace. You'll avoid frustrating the 3/4 of players who speed run. If you haven't seen the story leading up to the FP, why watch the cut scenes anyway? The back story is everything.

Edited by Xina_LA
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I tanked every FP on Master mode with my skank jugg way before tacticals and different set bonuses. I also tanked some HM OPS, as well as Gen. Queen on HM. Dps gear with shield in tank spec isn't the problem, you don't need defensive gear for the content I've mentioned above.


In OPS case, I guess the "tank" wasn't a tank at all, just a regular DPS who queued as tank.

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I understand that maybe veterans have seen the story a kazillion times. However, I started my character at level 65, new to the game, and I have not seen the content and hope to enjoy some of the story. To my surprise, after arriving at a flashpoint I was kicked for having not skipped all of the conversation with the spacebar. They were hostile to me and even accused me of trolling. That's pretty ridiculous, and also pretty poor treatment of new players..


I'm sorry that happened to you, and please know that not every situation is like that. I can tell you that my guild, no matter whether we're doing story mode or hard mode ops, always lets people watch the cut scenes, ask questions, and we'll explain every combat mechanic of every boss fight if we need to.


There are supportive, accommodating players and guilds out there, and again I'm sorry that happened to you.

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There's a few FPs I've never done because of their restrictive nature, like the rakghoul FPs. Can't pug for them. I'd like to see the stories but tbh, I doubt there's a lot of story to them.


These do not. Hammer Station, Athis, Mando Raiders, Cademimu, Colicoid War Games, Red Reaper, Kaon, Lost Island, KDY, Czerka Corporate Labs and Czerka Core Meltdown. I think it is perfectly reasonable to ask for solo modes of these remaining flashpoints, and I also think it's perfectly reasonable for new players to want to see those short stories at least once.


If there's as much story in Kaon/Lost Island as there is in KDY or the Czerka FPs, then I don't need to do the FPs. In fact, except for the breadcrumb cutscenes with Malgus, none of the others have much story content either. Do we really need solo versions of them? If you want to see the story in HS or Athiss so badly, bite the bullet and pug for it. It's not as if spacebarring makes much difference inside the FP.


OTOH, if devs want to make solo versions, I have no objection. Before solo FPs came out, this forum [as usual] was rife with conservative types who thought that solo FPs would destroy pug queues. The lesson here is to be extremely skeptical whenever the forum makes a claim or prediction about behavior in the game, because the status quo extremists are still around, they've just moved on to other things. As evidenced by the fact that the first dozen or so posts in this thread were players telling the OP it was their own fault they got kicked, lol.

Edited by Ardrossan
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