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I don't get the huge fuss over being able to sit in chairs or benches. Is this really that much of a game breaker for some of you? I mean c'mon, there are so many other things to worry about rather than something as insignificant as being able to sit in a chair...


My whole point in this thread is people just keep looking for problems. How can you have any fun playing this game when all you're doing is picking it apart. It's like being in a relationship and constantly critiquing the person. "Shes pretty but her big toe is too big."

Seriously just relax and enjoy the game. If you quit whining you might actually learn to enjoy it. This has been one of the best launches I've ever experience for a game of this magnitude.


The devs are working their hardest to put the best product out there possible. Remember this game has officially been out for 9 days.


Let the flames begin

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It's not about 'sitting in chairs'. It's about being immersed in the world they've created, and with what they've given us, it's next to impossible to do. People want to get involved in the world. Things like chairs, tables, beds etc. allow us to move closer to that feeling.
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It's not about 'sitting in chairs'. It's about being immersed in the world they've created, and with what they've given us, it's next to impossible to do. People want to get involved in the world. Things like chairs, tables, beds etc. allow us to move closer to that feeling.


I get you're point about wanting to be "immersed" but does not being able to right click on something to sit on really break that immersion all that much? I could see if there was no chairs at all in the game maybe. But how often to people actually spend time sitting in a chair in game? If thats what you're paying $15 a month to do then I'd gladly make chairs for a living

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You can sit in the ones that are in your ship.


Proof that they have the sitting animations completed, and the rest of the chairs in the universe just need some dev time to go through all the many chairs and make them 'sittable.'


Dev time is in short supply at the moment.


New rule: Devs can't sit until the players can sit! haha :-p

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don't mean to offend anyone in any way either by this post. All I'm saying is if you're going to post a thread to complain, I think it should be about something more game breaking


I think the big this is with seats is that it lends its selt well to socialising which is something tor is currently weak on. I can see why people want it, especially on the RP servers. I agree that there are currently more high priority things though.

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