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New Playable Races


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Give up the old restrictions (basic language, romance able mouths, etc) and just give us All The Races. If you think people wont make out with tentacle faced butt nosed monster people that speak foreign languages then you must be new to the internet.


you can romance khem now, so there's no limit anymore :p

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Since I'm guessing they have got to be humanoid and use the same generic body types Hutts and Kaminoans are out. And we'll probably never see a Yoda race or Droids in game as playable I guess I'll pick these.


- Kaleesh

- Kel Dor

- Tusken Raiders

- Ithorians

- Rodian

- Mon Calamari

- Weequay

- Trandoshan


Wishful thinking list:

- Kaminoan

- Dug

- Ortolan

- Ugnaught

- Geonosians


My personal preference is that they release a new race ever 3 months. Why 3 months? They don't alter the body it's only the head they change for new races so 3 months is more then enough time to do everything. If it's an entirely new body and head then I would give them a year.The more races and customization options the more players can feel unique which I am all for. That would definitely keep me coming back if I wasn't still playing at that time.

Edited by Darth_Vainous
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