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Galactic Renown Feedback - Spoils of War


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I don't remember them mentioning it when talking about GR seasons, but the only reason I see for having "seasons" and then resetting everyone back to zero is to have some sort of competition among the players, like the ranked PVP seasons. Otherwise...why bother?
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Why reset every season? Why reset at all?


Your Galactic Renown level has no effect on anything, its all based on your gear level. It sounds like the seasons are going to be long and there is no reward at the end to get ranked pvp gear or anything of the sought.


So it seems that the reason for the reset it some for of psychological one on the player to encourage a grind each season where they attempt to get back what has just been taken. Though this hardly seems worth while and probably only effects people suffering from computer game playing addiction, so I have to ask what is the point of resetting peoples GR when it doesn't have any effect or even having a rank for it at all? If 10 is the same as 900 then it really is a meaningless number and counter.


They said there will be rewards (cosmetic i'm assuming) for reaching certain ranks at the end of the season. So, in fact, you do get a reward.

You are accusing others of playing compulsively, but you are admitting to being enticed by such rewards, or you wouldn't be having a problem. If you are not, why does it bother you? I honestly don't see what the problem is if they want the game to reward people who play it.

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I'm so confused.


If there aren't any tiers in GR, and the crate gear will scale to your level/current gear regardless of your GR level, what is there to "reset" every season?


Your renown level. Even though tiers will be gone, the levels will still be there like it works with command at the moment when you get a crate for a new level. The level number will be purely cosmetic though and probably will give you specific flairs, titles etc. when you reach certain thresholds during a season.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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With the move back towards having more actual gear drops, will CXP packs still be a thing? Since they feel like something that was introduced mainly to replace actual gear drops and having a higher Command/Renown rank won't improve the loot you get anymore, I'm not sure they'll still serve a purpose. If they are going to be retired, what will happen to any packs that players still have stashed away?
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The Rank reset makes me sad and disappointed as someone who has a LOT of CR 300's, although I was expecting something along those lines. It feels like I wasted my time doing all of that grinding.


Over the past week I was brainstorming GC changes.

One idea I came up with to keep the existing system was to drop the same gear throughout (which aligns with your smartcrate thing you are doing), but increase the drop rate of the good stuff as you gain tiers.


Say something like this:


Gold 0%

Purple 8%

Blue 32%

Green 60%



Gold 4%

Purple 16%

Blue 40%

Green 40%



Gold 8%

Purple 20%

Blue 50%

Green 22%



Gold 16%

Purple 24%

Blue 60%

Green 0%


You could also Increase the quality and rate of the side drop (cosmetic gear, crafting mats, etc) accordingly.


At a minimum, as your renown rank looks to be just a bragging rights thing,

Please do not drop everyone all the way to zero.

Please squash everyone to 300 instead at the beginning of each "season", and leave sub 300 rank intact.

This will allow you to keep your achievements, just change them to renown rank 300.

That will give those of us who ground toons to 300 at least something to show for it.

Edited by matthaxian
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Copying and pasting what I've said in the other thread:


I think it's already been said, but there needs to be some sort of reward for those of us that have spent the credits on the legacy CXP bonus (after reaching max), and for those of us that grinded out a number of characters to max level.


Loving the new stuff on gear and gear drops, but I'd also hate to see the best drops limited to Ops. Not all of us do the Ops and aren't fans of them. I haven't run one in years. Could we perhaps see similar loot drops from HM FP bosses? I know the level of difficulty isn't anywhere close but those of us that like to play solo and limit our group-based gameplay to FPs, we miss out on the good stuff.


The information is great but it's also overwhelming too. Looks like it's going to take us a while to get our head around how it all works, even after it's released.

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Why reset every season? Why reset at all?


Your Galactic Renown level has no effect on anything, its all based on your gear level. It sounds like the seasons are going to be long and there is no reward at the end to get ranked pvp gear or anything of the sought.


So it seems that the reason for the reset it some for of psychological one on the player to encourage a grind each season where they attempt to get back what has just been taken. Though this hardly seems worth while and probably only effects people suffering from computer game playing addiction, so I have to ask what is the point of resetting peoples GR when it doesn't have any effect or even having a rank for it at all? If 10 is the same as 900 then it really is a meaningless number and counter.


I agree. Just like removing gear and having to waste time to regear is the same thing. Course every time I complain about it, all that gets said to me is "That's how MMOs work." And then tell me to shut up. :(


But yeah, what is the point of resetting it other then "Oh! its a lower number now! Must get it back up!" Even though its the same as before. (Just like with gear.)

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This seasonal reset annoys me too.

If it does not matter, then why do it?

It will not make me want to grind more, even if it does not matter on paper, there is a psychological effect from losing progress that is purely negative for me.

It makes me want to stop trying, not the other way around.


I know right? I have been saying that for years in multiple games and yet both devs and players keep telling me im wrong and that I should "uninstall" because this is not the game for me.


Like with gambling/RNG/lootboxes, when its reset and lowered an lowered and lowered, or trying something time and time again and not getting anything (huh....seems like the definition of insanity? ;) ), what is the point? Just give up and leave. Which is sad, because I really like Star Wars. :D

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I think it's a very bad idea to reset any experience counter. This mistake has already been made before by abandoning legacy experience, but simply deleting Galactic Command XP is even worse. You should never make a player feel like their efforts were wasted. Deleting Galactic Command levels will make me feel like my efforts were wasted.


Even worse, knowing that Galactic Renown levels will reset every season will make me less inclined to level up in the first place. If I know a benefit is temporary only, I am far less likely to participate. For example I have only obtained a few weeks worth of Ossus gear as it was known to be a very temporary benefit to obtaining it. I did the weekly cycle a few times for fun and then stopped as I don't grind for anything of temporary benefit.


I suggest using galactic command as is for this purpose.

Edited by annabethchase
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Thinking about it some more and what this does is once again discourage people to play their alts.

Spread your gaming out too much and you might not get a reward at all.


I would much rather have rewards every 300 levels or so without any reset. That way you won't have a time limit to race against, no lost progress, you can take your sweet time spreading the love between all your alts and eventually get rewards with all of them.

Levels would still count, but without people feeling as if they are losing out.

How often we get rewards would of depend on the reward of course, maybe a small one every 100 and something more substancial every 300.

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Command renown will be another waste of time clicking to destroy stuff, here is why:


a) as a sin player i keep getting rifles and barrels, they have no use to that character so i keep destroying.


b) the items that are awarded are a joke, most are horrible cosmetic that probably onyl a small % of players like or even collect


c) the amount of random crap gear + relics i get is enfuriating. I would like if we could get just items we need, or if we don't at least just give currency. If not at least give cosmetics that aren't absolute trash, if you actually cared about the player base you would give the players a chance of having nice cosmetics that are possible to get in game and not from the cartel market only (personally it doesn't affect me cause bioware broke the economy and allowed crafters to get millions and buy everything that is available on the CM, not even trying i can get easily 50-100 million a week and i m not like a certain someone that spams 24/7 on the Red Eclipse server that he is selling 240 augments or buying charged matters)


Those new items i forgot the name that are going to be introduced with 6.0 is just another layer of grinding that is rather useless... Most players are bad as they are with 258 gear, not being able to do 5 k dps and you will introduce items to make our class more personal in some ways that should imrpove, tanking, dps or healing effects output, kinda pointless, but if content is low give them more grinding so the players don't think as much as they should on the low abundance of content.....


As someone who played Diablo 3 for a period of time the new gearing system reminds me of a npc that was close to Rifts selling random chest, legs or whatever we could want. Musco and whoever said we could buy chest from a npc but the stats would be random or the chest would eb random, thank god for introducing more fng to the game, lets hope the amount of charles bucks or whatever you call them don't drop in a ridiculous low amount so we can actually gear up.


Thanks to Bioware "good decisions" my raiding guilds basically left the game from 4.0 onwards, talking about actually good guilds, Like Dxun Rising, Particle Ops and many others, we had good raiders who could do nim and hm with no trouble, but now instead of gearing through ops« (or using pvp sellers to buy pvp items) i must grind endlessly to reach a position i can enjoy the game, since having a pvp character with 200, but bolstered, is no where near as having a 258 geared character, there are differences. When Charles said they learned from Galactic command i honestly doubt that is the case, otherwise why reset Command renown every season apart from making the player grind XXX levels again to get decent gear, since the drop rate will be lower on low levels than on higher ones, just let it be infinite levels, or with each new season had more levels and for those players who are still in a lower level remove the old gear that is useless and introduce the new one.

Edited by LordAppius
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Morphing Galactic Command in Galactic Renown and making it a purely supplementary system sounds like a great idea to me. I watched the livestream and here are the things I particularly liked and wanted to support, the things I didn't like, and things I might have questions or concerns about:


Things I like and support:

  • Keeping the CXP perks we've invested in or earned in some form, so that they still benefit us in the acquisition of RXP.
  • Gear drops from RXP crates targeting your gear level at the time you open them.
  • A XP to RXP earn rate so that you truly do advance at a steady pace regardless of your chosen activity.
  • In an answer to a question on the Reddit AMA thread, it was said: "Yes, each level is static. There's no increase in Renown required when leveling up." I like this a lot.


Things I don't like:

  • The resetting of tiers. This is the only piece that makes me feel a little iffy, and there isn't a lot of clarity on this just yet. (And to be clear, I'm not talking about archiving Command ranks and starting Renown at 1, that's fine, it's a new system. I'm talking about the insinuation that it will be "seasonal.") I don't have a problem with periodically resetting tiers if the purpose is to make this function something like a ranked PVP season. However, there is no point at all to doing this "seasonal" reset if it isn't attached to rewards specific to each season (like PVP seasons get), whether that's via rewards that are tied to an achievement (and therefore different each season, with achievements to be archived), or rewards that are gated by some other means on a vendor. Without some actual purpose/reward associated with the reset, I think you do run a risk of just making people feel like their work is being erased, as other in this thread have stated. It's purely psychological, but that really does matter. Yes, resetting the tiers won't make any difference in the gear you're getting, but it does vanish the history of your progress with no purpose, unless people are going to be rewarded for their "final standing" at the end of each tier. (Now maybe resetting is just a practicality because the counter can't track up to level 77,000 without trouble, which is totally fine and reasonable... but psychology isn't always reasonable, so just attach a reward to your final standing before reset, something simple if you have to, but something.)



  • In an answer to a question on the Reddit AMA thread, it was said: "First, yes all cosmetics and schematics currently coming from Command Crates will be moved to a vendor so that these can still be acquired." Is this true for mounts and pets as well?
  • Will Jawa scrap and companion gifts still drop out of Renown crates?
  • Will Light/Dark Side Tokens still be attached to Renown crates? I hope the answer is yes. :) And I hope that new items are going to be added to the token vendors with this update, because we badly need something to spend those tokens on.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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I still haven't seen any post on this from BW, but I would like to know this :


Let's say I have 100 Command Crates in my Inventory / Cargo Hold, 100 Command Packs (blue,green, purple), 10k Unassembeled Components in Inventory / Cargo Hold and 3k Command Tokens in Command Stash.




Will they be destroyed ? Just vanish from inventory (which is knida same like destroying them). Will they be renamed and we can use them? Or should we use them before 6.0 ? Next week is double cxp, would be cool, if we get info before that,so that we can use those Command Packs and Crates.


Please let us know. And be clear...like use them before 6.0 or you can keep them in your inventory and play with rng after 6.0 hits.

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I still haven't seen any post on this from BW, but I would like to know this :


Let's say I have 100 Command Crates in my Inventory / Cargo Hold, 100 Command Packs (blue,green, purple), 10k Unassembeled Components in Inventory / Cargo Hold and 3k Command Tokens in Command Stash.




Will they be destroyed ? Just vanish from inventory (which is knida same like destroying them). Will they be renamed and we can use them? Or should we use them before 6.0 ? Next week is double cxp, would be cool, if we get info before that,so that we can use those Command Packs and Crates.


Please let us know. And be clear...like use them before 6.0 or you can keep them in your inventory and play with rng after 6.0 hits.


I'll quote myself here. Actually found thread,that answers all my questions.


Command Crates will stay,but will stay level 70. Won't scale up with toon.

UC's will be converted to credits and COmmand Tokens as well.

CXP packs will go away,so use them before 6.0

Also use up all Masterwork Crystals,Monumental Crystals, Alliance Recon Data...they will be converted to credits as well.


Here's alot of really good info, for those who haven't read it yet :



Edited by Collec
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I would love for us to keep the galactic command levels and that the achivments still be obtainable in the new system. because this would give us an sense of continuity and it would make ti so that the time used to gain command levels not seem wasted.
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I would love for us to keep the galactic command levels and that the achivments still be obtainable in the new system. because this would give us an sense of continuity and it would make ti so that the time used to gain command levels not seem wasted.


They said,if you want those achievments, do them now...they'll be gone later.

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