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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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Z0-0M is what makes the chapter fun and having her afterwards is one of the most fun aspects of the whole thing.

She is comic relief at its best and I think the best in the whole game. No other comps make me laugh so much, especially after 7 years.

I can be in a bad mood or feeling down and then I hear Z0-0M and one her sayings pop out as I’m sending her to craft and she always lifts my mood and I have a little chuckle.


I’ve got the chapter myself and the comps. I would gladly forgo HK-55 because I never use him and I’ve HK-51 any way. But I would not forgo Z0-0M. She is an integral part of the chapter experience and one the best comps to have in your crew (even if you don’t use her to fight).


The chapter and Z0-0M go hand in hand. They should stay as one and not be separated as some have suggested.

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Um not to sound rude but let’s just say that they did offer this content again but without all the other stuff like the hk cosmetic stuff early access to the chapters that was being released and 3 yrs to play it all you want so all that y’all received during that time wouldn’t that make it an exclusive reward for y’all.

So why do you feel entitled to another reward?

But your right they should never ever release story content like this again.

And all the long time subs need to also understand that it’s not just y’all anymore there are new players, returning players etc... that deserve a chance to play every story that is in this game. It’s not hurting anyone to let others enjoy something that y’all enjoyed. It will not effect your game in anyway.



(Quoting the above post formatted oddly)


Two things I get from this post:


1. Loyal players should never receive anything for being loyal. To heck with loyalty, amirite?

2. All y'all all y'all all y'all all y'all.


Side note: I'm not against this reward being released again. Also, I'm only lightly mocking the "all y'all". I will occasionally use "y'all" in a sentence but that was a lot of "all y'all"s to throw in there.


Yeah that’s weird I have no idea how that happened. And the y’all part well that’s easy I’m southern. And I didn’t say anything about to heck with loyalty not even hinted to that. I’m just saying that if you want to get real technical you have already been grant exclusive stuff. It’s been mentioned several times in this post. Especially if they just released the stories content so we can get hk back. Y’all got hk cosmetic stuff and early access to the chapters of kotfe. I’ve seen several people saying well we better get something to show our loyalty but seem to forget y’all did. That seems like some entitlement bs that will end up killing this game. As someone who as been here since day one but also as someone who had no choice and couldn’t renew for a couple of months just doesn’t seem right to me to keep content locked behind some bs and not give others the opportunity to get access to this. We contribute to this game just like the rest of the subs some just started new or some are returning and others since launch. We all contribute and to say that some are more valued than others is BS.

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We have to remember that original subs got:


-Exclusive access to the bonus chapter and companions for 3 years.

-The HK-themed armor, weapons, and mount.

-Immediate access to the KOTFE post-launch story chapters.

-Premium account status for the first month of the DvL event, thus getting a head start to that whole other set of rewards.


If they offer it again, none of those rewards would be included assuming they left out the HK-themed stuff. So shouldn't original subs be content with just the chapter and companions being released? Original subs clearly got much more out of it than the rest would.



I agree, those extras don’t need to given out as part of the release of the Chapter, HK and Z0-0M (which is all people need from the chaper). My OP didn’t ask for all the extras like the HK weapons, etc.


You also reminded me about the DvL event and the head start people got, which lead to other rewards that people wouldn’t get from them releasing this old content chapter.


People have asked on and off since the DvL event for it to be available again so they can get the exclusive legacy lvling armour from that period. One could argue that was an exclusive subscriber reward from that time, but I’ve never seen any on the forums complain and say it shouldn’t be run again because that armour was exclusive for them.


Both these things required you be subbed for that period, both had content tied to it, both had good rewards and in most cases, the DvL had more rewards and some might say better rewards if you aren’t into collecting companions.


For those who are saying Bioware should charge the equivalent of the sub time (7 months) on top of their subs, just to let people have the HK chapter with Z0-0M is petty. You could argue that Bioware should also give all the HK side rewards too and let people have access to another DvL event “who pay” for the chapter. Then those who already have it wouldn’t be able to play it because they have already got it and paid for it?? That too would be petty because ifnthey ever release the DvL event again, it should be for all subs.


That isn’t what this thread is about, it’s not what’s in my OP and it’s not what people are asking for. People just want access to the chapter and the chapter rewards. They aren’t asking for any extras that were obtained during that sub period. So if you already have the reward, you’ve already got more for your money than someone who would get the reward now.


No one is saying it needs to be “free”, especially for F2P or people with preferred status. I don’t think it should ever be free for them. But cost or a qualify needs to be fair and reasonable. It also needs to be realistic in cost or it’s pointless even offering it.

I don’t think people are going to pay an upfront cost of $40 on the CM if they are already subbing and have been for a long time. I also don’t think it’s fair. So they certainly won’t pay $104 just for that chapter as some people have suggested. It’s just ludicrous to say that or think people would do it.


Yes, there needs to be a qualifier if Bioware decide to release it to subs who don’t have it. But let’s not go overboard with what that is.

A retroactive 7 month sub is more than a fair qualifier.

For those who want to sub again to get it, they could either sub for the 7 months and get it at the end or buy a 6 month sub and pay $15 worth of CCs to open it as a legacy option (across their whole account).


It helps everyone in the game to get people to sub again because it gives us more people to play with

It helps to get people to stay subbed a bit long

It helps get people back to the game who want to get this reward.

It helps Biowares bottom line because people have subbed again

It rewards the loyalty and dedication people have shown in the last 7 months and before. Which builds good will.


Releasing the content is a win-win for everyone. Nobody loses out, nobody loses anything substantial from the reward or the experience if it’s offered again. The only thing they can lose is from their ego or bragging rights to say they played the game back then. Which is a very petty reason for not offering the content to people who are willing to qualify to receive it.


Those people didn’t need to play any content to get the reward opened, they just needed to be subbed for 7 months.

I could understand the resistance if they had to do whole quest chain that took 7 months to complete before they got access back then.

But they didn’t, the only qualifier was being subbed. Plus, during that time they also got extra stuff thrown in too. There was no hard work involved at all. It’s not like they had to come in the top 96 of ranked or clear x amount of pve content or play 1000 hours of game time to get it. They didn’t need to play at all, just be subbed.


Its why IMO, the quality should be the same. 7 months continuous sub to show loyalty for playing the game. People who’ve already been subbed over this period have done so in hard times when many have unsubbed to wait for 6.0. Those that want to come back and get it should have to qualify for it the same, which would be 7 months of sub time.


People against this should have a good look at themselves and decide if it’s worth more to them to have ego bragging rights for really doing no hard work or have more people playing the game that we love.


I’ll leave it up to Bioware now to decide because I think this back and forth has been exhausted. It’s my opinion that it’s a petty argument not to release the chapter and comps to qualifying subs. And it can only help the game and the players to offer it again.

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We have to remember that original subs got:


-Exclusive access to the bonus chapter and companions for 3 years.

-The HK-themed armor, weapons, and mount.

-Immediate access to the KOTFE post-launch story chapters.

-Premium account status for the first month of the DvL event, thus getting a head start to that whole other set of rewards.


If they offer it again, none of those rewards would be included assuming they left out the HK-themed stuff. So shouldn't original subs be content with just the chapter and companions being released? Original subs clearly got much more out of it than the rest would.


I was subbed for about 4 or so of those original months, but I'd still be content with subbing for an additional set of months to unlock it(or buying separately). So for those like myself, we'd actually be paying even MORE for the chapter in the long run, even after waiting 3 years for it, while still receiving less than what original subs got.


I don't see how that could possibly be viewed as unfair.


Thank you this has been the whole point but some on here seem to forget that little tidbit of info. And are demanding that no it shouldn’t be released or we want more stuff to show we been here longer.

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Good post Penny and thank you for the last paragraph. Too many people don't understand that if they start this now then they need to give those that have been here since the beginning something as well to show appreciation for the time we have stayed sub during all the mess. Some people think it because we think we are entitled, which is untrue, yet the ones that want the chapter and the companion don't think about that it could be said that they are acting like they are entitled to something as well. It could go both ways. I don't think it is so much being entitled (at least not from the ones I know) it just this has happened before and the ones that have been here since the beginning start to feel like 2nd class citizens because they are forgotten and as I said before that makes me sad.


It does comes down to loyalty. I agree that long term subs have stayed through some really tough times and content drought. But so have a lot of people who have subbed since then.


I don’t want to diminish the loyalty that even longer term subs have received, but there are those of us who have been subbed since launch and have had many exclusives or rewards given out again for free to newer subs or were removed from us.

We also needed to pay for the game and then sub on top of it. People who came after F2P, have never had to buy the game. All they need to do is pay $15 a month as a sub to get the same stuff as us. An argument could be made that continuously subbed legacy players from before that period are entitled to a refund or the equivalent in free stuff stuff on the CM. (But the refund is an unreasonable ask and would be detrimental to the game. Some of us have also had two accounts since then and may have dropped one before that period, but still been continuously subbed because the newer sub started before they dropped the other)

My pet peeve from that period is the mount we got for buying the upgraded version at launch also opened up speeder riding at lvl 1. Now I have to pay for speeder riding if I want to use it at lvl one.

It would not surprise me if you and Penny were also subbed at launch, so you probably know those things I’m referring to ;)


I agree. Loyalty the players show the game should also be reciprocated back from Bioware. Over the years there have been many different things. Some have been good, a lot have been terrible or just lip service. Some should never have been part of the loyalty program, like locking playable content behind. Offering this content again, which should never have been locked would be an example of Bioware reciprocating the loyalty people have shown by staying subbed over this latest difficult period


Maybe they could introduce a seperate loyalty program to the game like it’s been suggested. I would certainly be in favour of that after being here since launch.

A system that allowed you to collect loyalty points and special currency the longer you sub would be an awesome idea. Then there could be a special vendor to spend the reward points on. Each game anniversary or 6 months, a new exclusive reward could be added for people to claim. Those of us here the longest would ultimately end up with all the rewards. Those with shorter sub time wouldn’t be able to get them all and would need to choose carefully which ones matter the most to them.


I get that your loyalty to the game might feel eroded if this chapter was offered again with no reward for people from that time. I think that topic is valid. I also think its important and probably deserves its own thread about a new loyalty program. If you start one, I will 100% support it all the way.


But I don’t think we should be diminishing this thread by arguing that those with it should get a new reward if this locked content and reward is opened up to people who were not in the game at the time. It’s content first and foremost and I think you of all people would agree more content and not less is what this game needs. Opening up this content to those who’ve not been able to play it, would be an easy way for Bioware to add some content for them and might keep them playing a bit longer. Which is good for all of us.


I do think the loyalty of long term subs is valid and it’s why I believe it deserves its own thread. All I ask is for you guys to please ease back a bit in this thread about it. All it will do and is doing is dividing the haves and have nots and making Biowares decision much harder.

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It does comes down to loyalty. I agree that long term subs have stayed through some really tough times and content drought. But so have a lot of people who have subbed since then.


I don’t want to diminish the loyalty that even longer term subs have received, but there are those of us who have been subbed since launch and have had many exclusives or rewards given out again for free to newer subs or were removed from us.

We also needed to pay for the game and then sub on top of it. People who came after F2P, have never had to buy the game. All they need to do is pay $15 a month as a sub to get the same stuff as us. An argument could be made that continuously subbed legacy players from before that period are entitled to a refund or the equivalent in free stuff stuff on the CM. (But the refund is an unreasonable ask and would be detrimental to the game. Some of us have also had two accounts since then and may have dropped one before that period, but still been continuously subbed because the newer sub started before they dropped the other)

My pet peeve from that period is the mount we got for buying the upgraded version at launch also opened up speeder riding at lvl 1. Now I have to pay for speeder riding if I want to use it at lvl one.

It would not surprise me if you and Penny were also subbed at launch, so you probably know those things I’m referring to ;)


I agree. Loyalty the players show the game should also be reciprocated back from Bioware. Over the years there have been many different things. Some have been good, a lot have been terrible or just lip service. Some should never have been part of the loyalty program, like locking playable content behind. Offering this content again, which should never have been locked would be an example of Bioware reciprocating the loyalty people have shown by staying subbed over this latest difficult period


Maybe they could introduce a seperate loyalty program to the game like it’s been suggested. I would certainly be in favour of that after being here since launch.

A system that allowed you to collect loyalty points and special currency the longer you sub would be an awesome idea. Then there could be a special vendor to spend the reward points on. Each game anniversary or 6 months, a new exclusive reward could be added for people to claim. Those of us here the longest would ultimately end up with all the rewards. Those with shorter sub time wouldn’t be able to get them all and would need to choose carefully which ones matter the most to them.


I get that your loyalty to the game might feel eroded if this chapter was offered again with no reward for people from that time. I think that topic is valid. I also think its important and probably deserves its own thread about a new loyalty program. If you start one, I will 100% support it all the way.


But I don’t think we should be diminishing this thread by arguing that those with it should get a new reward if this locked content and reward is opened up to people who were not in the game at the time. It’s content first and foremost and I think you of all people would agree more content and not less is what this game needs. Opening up this content to those who’ve not been able to play it, would be an easy way for Bioware to add some content for them and might keep them playing a bit longer. Which is good for all of us.


I do think the loyalty of long term subs is valid and it’s why I believe it deserves its own thread. All I ask is for you guys to please ease back a bit in this thread about it. All it will do and is doing is dividing the haves and have nots and making Biowares decision much harder.


I normally don't say as much as I used to but there have been some in this forum that keep saying when we say something about what about us that we are acting like we are entitled and I'm sorry that kind of upset me as most people who know me would argue about that. I don't mind about the content, just don't want to feel that we are not appreciated especially after having to deal with everything we have dealt with with BW.


I have bitten my tongue so far and trying to stay respectful because I respect you . Some of the others not so much. It takes a lot to get me angry but once I get angry even my boyfriend wants to hide. He says now he believes the saying about redheads and tempers p.


Yea I remember that mount (though I have nicer ones now p.) but I did think that was kind of insulting to be given a mount and then they do that.

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I would accept CC's but the problem with that is the offer would never be in line with what most of us would value this at, historically when people have been paid out with new currency for old and other payments they have been a lot less than the value of what they were for.


An entire chapter + 2 companions = at least 10k CC and that is being conservative its probably more.


G'luck on that request. I had a Salacious Crumb-like reaction.




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It takes a lot to get me angry but once I get angry even my boyfriend wants to hide. He says now he believes the saying about redheads and tempers p.



LoL, my wife says the same thing. Redheads for life :D

(Pitty it’s going mostly gray now and I can’t find the same colour. Means I’m either blonde of dark these days)

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I personally don’t care now if I ever get 55 or Nico.. that extra chapter has the same appeal now as it did then, not nearly enough to keep me subbed.

I am a prelaunch founder, I have paid for the game and 2 of it xpacs, but I have not played continuously. Light and dark ran me off once, because I would still refuse to create new toons from scratch to do light and dark, since at the time I had already done all 8 class stories and was legacy. I left a second time during Chapters right before taking out Arcann because it was simply taking too long between chapters. Back then I was quite hardcore spending so much time in game. The chapters, well for me, it was once, sometimes twice interesting, then it was 8 more times running my other toons thru the same content. Repetition leads to burnout. I sought more interesting entertainment elsewhere.


To be honest, when I left, hk55 was dead.. it supposedly was done, yet I find out after I resubbed that wasn’t true, but of course by then I wasn’t eligible. So be it. I do have an Hk on all my toons, and he tells em all to just lay down and die.

I missed getting Nico by a couple weeks.. I’d have enjoyed having him but honestly it is no biggie.


Facts are, companions are not what they used to be. It’s simply math, now I literally have more companions than I have missions to keep them busy. They don’t specialize in mission types anymore, it’s just one size fits all. I do enjoy a little bit of matching toon to comp, such as my guardian knight running with T7, my merc runs with Shae, but that is just a small amount of fun from the lore. I often run my guardian with Kira, just for protest value.


So bring back the hk chapter or not, I probably would only run it on my main, as that’s the only one of my toons to even finish all the alerts. It wouldn’t bother me in the least to see other players getting what I missed or have gotten, except for the founder title. Nuff said.

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I've always been inclined to say no. But I'd be happy for it to be repeated if the conditions were the same (ie Sub for X amount of time) and not done retroactively. Also those players who already have HK-55 need to be rewarded if they qualify. Cartel coins etc would be great .. but please please not another astromech droid pet or anything already in game.
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I have seen a lot of words like entitled, petty, selfish bandied around to describe myself and those that feel as I do about this issue and I don't think the slander is a fair representation of our position.


I subbed for 7 months during that time I got various rewards, access to the chapter and at the end two companions.

Yay for me.


Now as an example some want to give these rewards to someone that subbed for the last 7 months, to be clear right now that is from October 2018 ish.


What some seem to be forgetting is I was also subbed for the last 7 months and I have these rewards, so what do I get?


I just want a reward for MY last 7 months to match the reward they are getting for THEIR last 7 months and I don't want a reward I already have because that is pointless.

See its not entitlement, its not petty and its not selfish.

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Loyalty: loy·al·ty


a strong feeling of support or allegiance.

(yeah ... I looked it up)

Certainly a matter that could be rewarded in tangible ways. Defining an appropriate "tangible" asset sometimes can be interesting. Sometimes that loyalty can be rewarded in other areas as well. We sometimes over look others around us who have joined the game after we did ... and have been just as faithful. Perhaps to some degree more so. I will not sit in judgement to make that determination. Yes, there is and should be guidelines to follow. I think most recognize that. I would also like to think that somewhere in that definition of LOYALTY we can find some common ground and make this work.


For me right now there are much larger matters of concern that many of us are concerned about. Another subject for another thread.


I do hope this works out in a manner that will encourage others to be a part of the game as a subscriber. Hopefully 6.0 will turn a page in the story we're all hoping for.

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I have seen a lot of words like entitled, petty, selfish bandied around to describe myself and those that feel as I do about this issue and I don't think the slander is a fair representation of our position.


I subbed for 7 months during that time I got various rewards, access to the chapter and at the end two companions.

Yay for me.


Now as an example some want to give these rewards to someone that subbed for the last 7 months, to be clear right now that is from October 2018 ish.


What some seem to be forgetting is I was also subbed for the last 7 months and I have these rewards, so what do I get?


I just want a reward for MY last 7 months to match the reward they are getting for THEIR last 7 months and I don't want a reward I already have because that is pointless.

See its not entitlement, its not petty and its not selfish.


You have also received a fair amount of support for the broad thematic position that you have taken -- namely that many of us would be fine with you receiving some type of added reward. And it's not really the forum goers that you need to persuade -- it's Bioware. The good news is -- per Eric's post -- BW seems to understand the sensitivity of the issue, and I don't think they would necessarily be against offering some type of additional reward.


But (isn't there always)...some people in support of your position have also said that they paid 6-7 months of a subscription for the chapter. That is true, but potentially quite disingenuous. They also had access to the full game for that period of time.


Moreover, I don't think you do much to advance your position with Bioware when you say that you should get 10,000 Cartel Coins as compensation -- you even called that a conservative amount. That number is so outrageous I don't even know where to begin -- but I'll try. Personally, I would lop a zero off that 10,000 and aim for 1,000 -- and that's probably even a non-starter.



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I just want a reward for MY last 7 months to match the reward they are getting for THEIR last 7 months and I don't want a reward I already have because that is pointless.

See its not entitlement, its not petty and its not selfish.


This is why I feel making it a separate purchase would be ideal. I'm not opposed to original subs getting some other reward for subbing instead, but better to avoid the conflict all together and just make it an optional purchase on the SWTOR site or the CM.


That way the only ones paying for a reward are the ones who go out of their way to buy it. It would be unrelated to subbing. For just a bonus chapter, I'd say about $10 USD is more than adequate, that's comparable to the former price of entire expansions.


If getting subs out of the deal is truly important though, they could only offer it for sale to current subs, though I'd hate to see some F2P player fork out $25 just to play the bonus chapter. But at least he'd get a month of premium status out of it.

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You have also received a fair amount of support for the broad thematic position that you have taken -- namely that many of us would be fine with you receiving some type of added reward. And it's not really the forum goers that you need to persuade -- it's Bioware. The good news is -- per Eric's post -- BW seems to understand the sensitivity of the issue, and I don't think they would necessarily be against offering some type of additional reward.


Obviously not directed at those that agree with me.


But (isn't there always)...some people in support of your position have also said that they paid 6-7 months of a subscription for the chapter. That is true, but potentially quite disingenuous. They also had access to the full game for that period of time.


I do not subscribe to that whole "well you played the game during that time also" argument, that to me is disingenuous.


Moreover, I don't think you do much to advance your position with Bioware when you say that you should get 10,000 Cartel Coins as compensation -- you even called that a conservative amount. That number is so outrageous I don't even know where to begin -- but I'll try. Personally, I would lop a zero off that 10,000 and aim for 1,000.




It is very much a conservative amount

When you have a couple of blasters that currently sell for 5100 cc you cannot possibly argue that under double that is too much for a entire chapter and TWO companions, the chapter alone is worth at least 10k.

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This is why I feel making it a separate purchase would be ideal. I'm not opposed to original subs getting some other reward for subbing instead, but better to avoid the conflict all together and just make it an optional purchase on the SWTOR site or the CM.

Completely negating the time we had to spend to get it, I don't think so.


That way the only ones paying for a reward are the ones who go out of their way to buy it. It would be unrelated to subbing. For just a bonus chapter, I'd say about $10 USD is more than adequate, that's comparable to the former price of entire expansions.


With the exchange rate I pay roughly $23 a month that is $161 for the 7 months it took to get this reward, since the only way to get this reward was to sub, whatever else came with the sub is irrelevant.

Your $10 is an insult.


If getting subs out of the deal is truly important though, they could only offer it for sale to current subs, though I'd hate to see some F2P player fork out $25 just to play the bonus chapter. But at least he'd get a month of premium status out of it.


FTP and Preferred should NEVER be offered it without a sub.

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Completely negating the time we had to spend to get it, I don't think so.


It's been 3 years.


With the exchange rate I pay roughly $23 a month that is $161 for the 7 months it took to get this reward, since the only way to get this reward was to sub, whatever else came with the sub is irrelevant.

Your $10 is an insult.


You're not abiding in the principles of logic and reason when you say, "...whatever else came with the sub is irrelevant." It's been explained several times in this thread why that's horribly inaccurate, but if I can't convince you, we'll just have to leave it at that.

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Completely negating the time we had to spend to get it, I don't think so.


DvL rewards required spending time. Chapter did not - all it took was renewing \ not cancelling subscription. After this (and let's be honest, if you are on auto-renewing subscription it takes no time, if you renew manually it takes 5 minutes) you could do whatever you wanted with your time.

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This is why I feel making it a separate purchase would be ideal. I'm not opposed to original subs getting some other reward for subbing instead, but better to avoid the conflict all together and just make it an optional purchase on the SWTOR site or the CM..


I don't see why that would be a conflict. The ones that already have it have been subs since then and have stuck around through all the problems so rewarding those that already have it to show a bit of appreciation for them sticking with them when a lot of people just unsub and left when they didn't get what they wanted. A lot of us have been here hoping and supporting them during all that mess. I don't see why someone would be against those that have done this and already have it get something from them as well.


It's funny you say a conflict when someone that has been here through all of this and already has it but yet it is not a conflict for those that don't have it. The ones that don't have it would like the chapter and for the most part most of the ones that have it have no problems but when it comes to those that already have it and have been here asking for something as well then it becomes a conflict.

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I don't see why that would be a conflict. The ones that already have it have been subs since then and have stuck around through all the problems so rewarding those that already have it to show a bit of appreciation for them sticking with them when a lot of people just unsub and left when they didn't get what they wanted. A lot of us have been here hoping and supporting them during all that mess. I don't see why someone would be against those that have done this and already have it get something from them as well.


It's funny you say a conflict when someone that has been here through all of this and already has it but yet it is not a conflict for those that don't have it. The ones that don't have it would like the chapter and for the most part most of the ones that have it have no problems but when it comes to those that already have it and have been here asking for something as well then it becomes a conflict.


If we're just talking about the bonus chapter, then we're only talking about people who stayed subbed for about 7 particular months in 2016. Whether or not anyone stayed subbed after that, or before, is not applicable here because it falls outside the time span of the promotion.


However, rewarding players who consistently stay subbed over longer periods of time might be a great system to introduce. It doesn't really have anything to do with our discussion here about the HK chapter, but it might be a conversation worth having elsewhere, such as the suggestion box.


But when we're determining and comparing value between the original promotion and a hypothetical new one, we can only focus on those original 7 months. My suggestion was that in order to avoid the conflict of those who already have it complaining they don't get anything for subbing in a new sub promotion, a separate purchase would be a smoother and more peaceful way of going about making it available again. That's all I meant by that.

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I have seen a lot of words like entitled, petty, selfish bandied around to describe myself and those that feel as I do about this issue and I don't think the slander is a fair representation of our position.


I subbed for 7 months during that time I got various rewards, access to the chapter and at the end two companions.

Yay for me.


Now as an example some want to give these rewards to someone that subbed for the last 7 months, to be clear right now that is from October 2018 ish.


What some seem to be forgetting is I was also subbed for the last 7 months and I have these rewards, so what do I get?


I just want a reward for MY last 7 months to match the reward they are getting for THEIR last 7 months and I don't want a reward I already have because that is pointless.

See its not entitlement, its not petty and its not selfish.[/quote


This statement is false on so many levels. We just want the stories and hk-55. That’s it nothing else. If you have actually paid attention to these post you would see that. You want a reward for your 7 months of subbing you already have it. It’s called hk-55 cosmetic pack a mount and you had early access to the story chapters that were being released. We don’t want any of that. We just want the story content and ability to get back a story companion. And the fact it also comes with another companion is just a side effect. Your asking for an additional reward for subbing yeah that makes you seem like an entitled brat.

For the record I’m not calling you that but the way that was worded makes you sound like one.

There were several ideas that are out there and they are all good ideas. Put it on the market and sell it for CCs. Your not buying it so your not losing anything. Connect it to a sub without all the other stuff like skin mount etc. your still not losing out cause you will still have stuff other people won’t have. And we get story and 2 companions that this story includes. You win BW wins with extra cash one way or the other and we win cause we get the stories

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[This statement is false on so many levels. We just want the stories and hk-55. That’s it nothing else. If you have actually paid attention to these post you would see that. You want a reward for your 7 months of subbing you already have it. It’s called hk-55 cosmetic pack a mount and you had early access to the story chapters that were being released. We don’t want any of that. We just want the story content and ability to get back a story companion. And the fact it also comes with another companion is just a side effect. Your asking for an additional reward for subbing yeah that makes you seem like an entitled brat.

For the record I’m not calling you that but the way that was worded makes you sound like one.

There were several ideas that are out there and they are all good ideas. Put it on the market and sell it for CCs. Your not buying it so your not losing anything. Connect it to a sub without all the other stuff like skin mount etc. your still not losing out cause you will still have stuff other people won’t have. And we get story and 2 companions that this story includes. You win BW wins with extra cash one way or the other and we win cause we get the stories


Since you were not here during those 7 months 3 years ago I assume you don't know those other rewards were considered trivial and nothing anyone would stay sub'd for which is why no one is asking for them to be re-released.

Ditto the "early access". The only real reward was the chapter and companions.


The chapter and companions were a reward for staying sub'd through a long dry patch 3 years ago. People are asking to have it given to them for staying sub'd though the light content patch we are currently having. The point you are missing is that the people who stayed sub'd through the first dry patch and have also stayed sub'd through this light patch are just as deserving of getting a good reward for staying sub'd as the new people who missed the first dry patch. Asking to be rewarded similarly to other players for doing the exact same thing is not being an entitled brat, it is asking for fairness. Let's put this another way: 7 months = 1 reward, so should not 14 months = 2 rewards?


(The above is irrelevant if the chapter and companions are put on the market for fair market value. Then they aren't a reward, but a purchase. A reward should always be for EVERYONE who meets the criteria, not just new people.)

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Since you were not here during those 7 months 3 years ago I assume you don't know those other rewards were considered trivial and nothing anyone would stay sub'd for which is why no one is asking for them to be re-released.

Ditto the "early access". The only real reward was the chapter and companions.


The chapter and companions were a reward for staying sub'd through a long dry patch 3 years ago. People are asking to have it given to them for staying sub'd though the light content patch we are currently having. The point you are missing is that the people who stayed sub'd through the first dry patch and have also stayed sub'd through this light patch are just as deserving of getting a good reward for staying sub'd as the new people who missed the first dry patch. Asking to be rewarded similarly to other players for doing the exact same thing is not being an entitled brat, it is asking for fairness. Let's put this another way: 7 months = 1 reward, so should not 14 months = 2 rewards?


(The above is irrelevant if the chapter and companions are put on the market for fair market value. Then they aren't a reward, but a purchase. A reward should always be for EVERYONE who meets the criteria, not just new people.)


Which is why my position has consistently been to place this, and other sub rewards as well, on the CM and allow people to purchase them. Go the sub route and get it for free for all characters present and future or pay for it. Shae Vizla and Nico Okarr should not have been rerun they should have been put on the market. I don't want BW to rerun old rewards. I want them to sell them. Offer the sub reward to entice subs. Keep the reward exclusive for a time (~6 months) then sell it directly. The push back received on this idea is baffling, though. I've heard that that's not a good idea because people can just buy it with their monthly sub granted CC's. But you have to be subbed to get those, which is the point of offering a sub reward. People say that it will be bought with referral CC's, which misses the point that in order to get referral CC's one must be subbed themselves as well as the referral; so that's two subs. People say that it will be bought with free monthly security key grants. Sure, if they wan't to wait several months to allow those 100 CC's / month to accrue. Then you have the crowd like one of the above posters who is completely serious in suggesting that SoM actually cost over 150$ USD. The whole point of any sub reward is to generate revenue. So the logical conclusion is after running the sub reward promo is to sell the stuff so people who missed it can buy it and generate more revenue.


PS - Oh, I forgot about the people who will poo-poo this idea because they will insist that money spent on the CM doesn't help with game development. It goes to Anthem's budget, or to develop more CM stuff, or into Keith's pocket, or into Ben Irving's pocket after Ben opens an RNG loot crate that pulls it out of Keith's pocket, or some other nonsense claim with zero evidence.

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Since you were not here during those 7 months 3 years ago I assume you don't know those other rewards were considered trivial and nothing anyone would stay sub'd for which is why no one is asking for them to be re-released.

Ditto the "early access". The only real reward was the chapter and companions.


The chapter and companions were a reward for staying sub'd through a long dry patch 3 years ago. People are asking to have it given to them for staying sub'd though the light content patch we are currently having. The point you are missing is that the people who stayed sub'd through the first dry patch and have also stayed sub'd through this light patch are just as deserving of getting a good reward for staying sub'd as the new people who missed the first dry patch. Asking to be rewarded similarly to other players for doing the exact same thing is not being an entitled brat, it is asking for fairness. Let's put this another way: 7 months = 1 reward, so should not 14 months = 2 rewards?


(The above is irrelevant if the chapter and companions are put on the market for fair market value. Then they aren't a reward, but a purchase. A reward should always be for EVERYONE who meets the criteria, not just new people.)


I was here. I’ve been here since day one. I didn’t renew my sub for a few months for health reasons But yes I was here. The fact still remains that you will still have something others won’t so there shouldn’t be an issue. 14 month equivalent for 3 yr old content???? Seriously???? Did you really just say that. And right now what does it really matter. This game needs funds. People want to buy this content. Let them

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