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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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I've had it (HK-55 and Chap 10) for long enough that I'd be in the camp in favor of making it available to anyone that signs up for a 6-12 month sub plan. I like having special unique things, but I like having subs more because it generally leads to more people at endgame ops and pvp. If BW concludes giving away the content will increase subs, I won't argue against it.


Although, if you really want to do something special for people that have been here a long time, you could always add something cool to the CE vendor in the fleet VIP cantina....

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Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


I do not mind if everyone get chapter 10. I have the chapter myself and I think that everyone should enjoy the fun :tran_cool:

Edited by Icestar
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That's why I'm saying it would be unreasonable to offer the chapter at some insane price like $105 or however much that is in cartel coins, unless at the very least it comes with 7 months of sub time along with it.


7 months of Subscription time for your money is fine but your still gonna have to wait that 7 months before you can qualify just like we did...

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I definitely wont be subbing for anymore of these exclusive one time rewards. Bringing them back makes it redundant, if you want to do something about it just make more new exclusive rewards people can obtain. I collected hk-55 hoping it would be rare one day for my account and not everyone would have it.


To be fair, they never advertised it as a one-time-only offer, and let's be real, story-related content should NEVER be permanently unobtainable. It was a hot item for sale at the time. Being able to enjoy that exclusive, unique, still relevant content at the time must have felt great. Now it's time to let others have another chance at it.


The only thing they should keep as rare and exclusive forever are cosmetic things like titles and armor sets, as well as prestige rewards like from rated seasonal PvP. Those can be your exclusive shinies, rather than story-related chapters and companions.


7 months of Subscription time for your money is fine but your still gonna have to wait that 7 months before you can qualify just like we did...


Oh good. Thankfully we've already qualified then by waiting patiently for over 3 years now.

Edited by Drenovade
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The only thing they should keep as rare and exclusive forever are cosmetic things like titles and armor sets, as well as prestige rewards like from rated seasonal PvP. Those can be your exclusive shinies, rather than story-related chapters and companions.


Ranked pvp rewards are no longer even "exclusive forever". I already brought this up on the previous page.


If Bioware is willing to put those back out there, they shouldn't hesitate for a second to put something back out that people merely had to sub to get.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Frankly, it's amazing to me that some don't want this content re-released. The amount of pettiness and entitlement involved in wanting something to stay forever exclusive is astounding.


They recently added the season 1 ranked pvp rewards to the ranked pvp vendors. I have Giradda's Rancor from being tier 1 in season 1 ranked pvp. It was a reward I actually earned (as opposed to just staying subbed for 7 months). It's one of the rarest mounts in the game. I have no issue whatsoever that it's now available for people to get. They made it very expensive in ranked tokens, probably only a handful of people have even gotten it that way. Also, I had about 5 years of having this mount when hardly anyone else had it (I didn't play the game for most of that time, but that's a different story).


The point is, there is nothing wrong with re-releasing something that was once exclusive. If you think there is, you really ought to look deep into yourself, and ask yourself why you want to deprive other people of something that will give them pleasure just to satisfy your petty desire for exclusivity.


Agreed. I think you hit the nail on the head. It really seems petty after 3 years. It’s not like they are going to give this to F2P or preferred players. This would only be for subscribers who are already paying for subs.


As long as they meet some requirement like being subbed for last 6-12 months, Bioware should retro actively apply it. If people haven’t been subbed that long, then they make it so if you pay for a 6 month sub or are subbed for 6 months, then you qualify.


This whole thing people have about exclusivity of items that are old is a little silly. Those of us still here after all that time are few and far between. Most people these days weren’t here at launch or even the first 3-4 years. If they are still here after the last 6-12 months, then they more than qualify because of the content drought we had for most of that period. Maybe Bioware could appease some of the old timers or first round of exclusive rewarders by adding a flair or title if they already have a reward from back then.


Also, you probably remember all the old pvp armour sets we’ve gotten over the years. Now all of those armour skins are in the game on green or blue items or red legacy shells. For some of us old timers, they were sort of exclusive sets and showed we’d put in the time playing the game. You also have old pve armour that’s been reskinned and put on the CM. So any of that exclusivity has gone. And I’ve no problem with that.


Some of those old sets were great and newer people would never get to see them because there are so few of us left now. I think it’s great that I’m seeing some of those old sets around now because Bioware have added reskinned versions back in,

Although I would have preferred they just be legacy or purple drop items and not green or blue, which kind of diminishes their historical value.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Ranked pvp rewards are no longer even "exclusive forever". I already brought this up on the previous page.


If Bioware is willing to put those back out there, they shouldn't hesitate for a second to put something back out that people merely had to sub to get.


Oh yeah, I think I remember reading that update somewhere. But didn't they make it so the rewards that came back are marked as "replicas" or something? And I think they avoiding bringing back titles that were obtained through ranking.

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Oh yeah, I think I remember reading that update somewhere. But didn't they make it so the rewards that came back are marked as "replicas" or something? And I think they avoiding bringing back titles that were obtained through ranking.


Would you feel better if Bioware were to offer you a title or flair to indicate you were here for the first reward release?


Is that something that could ease you concerns about having old rewards returned?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I definitely wont be subbing for anymore of these exclusive one time rewards. Bringing them back makes it redundant, if you want to do something about it just make more new exclusive rewards people can obtain. I collected hk-55 hoping it would be rare one day for my account and not everyone would have it.


Did you forget that there was a bug that allowed many people to just get the HK-55 without even doing the chapter or be here for the period of time to qualify?


We aren’t just talking about a companion or a silly R2 droid, we are talking about a whole chapter in story content locked behind an old reward system. IMO, Content should never be locked behind something like this. But if they are going to do it, then it needs to have a shelf life before they open it up for people who qualify. Ie, being subbed for a period of time.


They also offered Shae Vizla and Nicco again as rewards. I didn’t see you posting back then that you wouldn’t be subbing for exclusive rewards anymore. What makes this time different?


I mean, if I wanted to be petty, I could be saying that people should always have to “buy” the game like I did at launch and pay a sub before they can play it ;)

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Can do it In 2 different ways

1) put everything that was earned thru the sub time in a box and put it on the CM to buy for $40. To be honest this seems like a fair amount for 3yr old content and not to mention People seem to forget that during that time y’all had early access to the chapters being released and got several cosmetic items as well. Not to mention you got hk-55 back and zo-om as a companion. BW makes money everyone gets hk-55 and the other stuff.

2) Connect it to a sub reward applied retroactively or to a 6 month sub with immediate access upon resubing without all the other cosmetic stuff and that can be the exclusive stuff that people are concerned with. BW makes money. And some people will still be happy cause they still have stuff that others don’t. But needs to remember that while people are get access right away that during there time they got lots of stuff the ones right now won’t have.

These are probably the best options for everyone involved that wants the stories.

Edited by darthjody
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As a person who's been subscribbed essentially since Day 1, I am all for making the HK-55 (or anything else similar, for that matter) available to people, for instance if they subscribe for some period of time. And it should be open indefinitely, IF you sub. The same way, you won't face a problem such as "I have been active in the game all the time, but I happened to be two months off for whichever real-life reasons, and thus I missed my chance to play this one piece of content FOREVER."


I think the same should go for all the Shae Vizslas and co. Yes, when they are released (if you do such a thing again), give a "you have to be subscriber by date X" and that is a kind of "early access", if you will. But say, half a year later, you could give a "sub for X amount of time and you'll get this companion" option to the rest of the people.


By the way, related thing: there are nowadays several Reputation vendors in the Cartel Market that you essentially can't get rep with anymore, because the cartel packs that had the respective source of reputation are no longer sold. It would be good (again, in any way) to bring this back.

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Would you feel better if Bioware were to offer you a title or flair to indicate you were here for the first reward release?


Is that something that could ease you concerns about having old rewards returned?


Sorry, I don't know what you mean by this. Are you talking about PvP rewards? If they marked the returning items as replicas and didn't bring back the titles earned through ranking, I think that's good enough in my opinion. Not all cosmetic or prestige rewards have to be exclusive forever, especially if it's brought back in a good way like using replicas. But story-related content should absolutely be unlockable to everyone eventually.

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Sorry, I don't know what you mean by this. Are you talking about PvP rewards? If they marked the returning items as replicas and didn't bring back the titles earned through ranking, I think that's good enough in my opinion. Not all cosmetic or prestige rewards have to be exclusive forever, especially if it's brought back in a good way like using replicas. But story-related content should absolutely be unlockable to everyone eventually.


I mean any exclusive rewards given out for subscribing. I thought that’s what you were talking about

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Can do it In 2 different ways

1) put everything that was earned thru the sub time in a box and put it on the CM to buy for $40. To be honest this seems like a fair amount for 3yr old content and not to mention People seem to forget that during that time y’all had early access to the chapters being released and got several cosmetic items as well. Not to mention you got hk-55 back and zo-om as a companion. BW makes money everyone gets hk-55 and the other stuff.

2) Connect it to a sub reward applied retroactively or to a 6 month sub with immediate access upon resubing without all the other cosmetic stuff and that can be the exclusive stuff that people are concerned with. BW makes money. And some people will still be happy cause they still have stuff that others don’t. But needs to remember that while people are get access right away that during there time they got lots of stuff the ones right now won’t have.

These are probably the best options for everyone involved that wants the stories.


$40 for one chapter is over the top as a one off sale for subscribers. But I’m in favour for Free to Play.


I would prefer if it was a subscriber only reward. This would entice people to sub if they really want to play it. I also agree with some of the points other people have made about qualifying. But I do think the qualifying should also be retroactive for long term subscribers, especially if they’ve been subbed for over 6 months.

People who’ve been subbed for over 12 months have more than paid for it and showed their loyalty to the game.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.




As a player who has all of the old subscriber rewards, I don't have an issue with any rewards being brought back for newer players, but with some qualifiers.


If you are going to re-use a reward, please come up with a way to equally reward players who already received that reward. I felt neglected and unvalued when Shae and Nico were brought back for new players, but nothing was done for long term, loyal players. That bred ill-will. I don't care about exclusivity, but I do care about inclusion. Re-using old rewards leaves out the players who have supported you the most. ALL subs need to be valued, not just some subs. (If you would upgrade Nico to have gear slots so I can change his clothes I will forgive you for the slight!)


There are several ways this can be done.


- Sell old rewards on the Cartel Market at prices consistent with other CM items.

- Re-issue old rewards, but provide an alternate for accounts that already receive that reward.

- Convert to a loyalty system that gives subscribers a currency to spend in a loyalty shop. Have both old and new items on there so everyone has something to get with their currency. (This would be my preferred solution! People like to have choices!)


To my knowledge, the Grand Acquisitions Race was held only once, but they brought back all the rewards from it which are still available at the Cartel Bazaar.


Only some of the rewards were brought back, not all.

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As a player who has all of the old subscriber rewards, I don't have an issue with any rewards being brought back for newer players, but with some qualifiers.


If you are going to re-use a reward, please come up with a way to equally reward players who already received that reward. I felt neglected and unvalued when Shae and Nico were brought back for new players, but nothing was done for long term, loyal players. That bred ill-will. I don't care about exclusivity, but I do care about inclusion. Re-using old rewards leaves out the players who have supported you the most. ALL subs need to be valued, not just some subs. (If you would upgrade Nico to have gear slots so I can change his clothes I will forgive you for the slight!)


There are several ways this can be done.


- Sell old rewards on the Cartel Market at prices consistent with other CM items.

- Re-issue old rewards, but provide an alternate for accounts that already receive that reward.

- Convert to a loyalty system that gives subscribers a currency to spend in a loyalty shop. Have both old and new items on there so everyone has something to get with their currency. (This would be my preferred solution! People like to have choices!)


Only some of the rewards were brought back, not all.


How about something like this :


Would you feel better if Bioware were to offer you a title or flair to indicate you were here for the first reward release?


Is that something that could ease you concerns about having old rewards returned?

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As somebody who was subscribed for the 7-month period and got HK-55, the HK-55 themed items and the Shroud of Memory chapter, I believe the chapter and the HK-55 companion should be released again. The story is great and having HK-55 and ZO-OM to add to the 30+ companion roster is something more players should be capable of earning through a similar process that players went through to get this exclusive content back in 2016.


I would not be upset at the idea of releasing the chapter / companion as a cartel market item, but I do agree with other players on the idea that those who did not earn the rewards in the past should go through a similar, if not same process of earning them if this exclusive content was released again.

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How about something like this :


I know you are trying to be helpful but how many titles do we need and can we actually use. I have a ton of titles (since I been here since beta) that I rarely use. A flair the same thing.


What about letting us choose something we actually want, instead of just half-heartedly giving a flair or title just because we happen to already have the chapter or the companion. Give us a choice of items not another title or flair. Let us choose something from the cartel shop that we really want (and put no restrictions on what we choose) It shouldn't be that difficult as you said there are probably only a few of the people playing that have all the companions and the chapter so that shouldn't hurt for BW to do something like that or if they do want to put a limit then do what it cost for 7 months of sub which would be around $105.00 or thereabout.

Edited by casirabit
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I know you are trying to be helpful but how many titles do we need and can we actually use. I have a ton of titles (since I been here since beta) that I rarely use. A flair the same thing.


What about letting us choose something we actually want, instead of just half-heartedly giving a flair or title just because we happen to already have the chapter or the companion. Give us a choice of items not another title or flair. Let us choose something from the cartel shop that we really want (and put no restrictions on what we choose) It shouldn't be that difficult as you said there are probably only a few of the people playing that have all the companions and the chapter so that shouldn't hurt for BW to do something like that or if they do want to put a limit then do what it cost for 7 months of sub which would be around $105.00 or thereabout.


Yeah, just throwing some ideas out there. I’m not a big title or flair person myself, but some are,


I do think something could be done for people, not sure about the whole CM thing, but maybe an allocation of CCs or something else in the game. Not a droid, lol.


There should also be something that is a qualifying point for people to get the older rewards. I’m not sure what for standard rewards like Shae or Nicco, but I think it’s reasonable to allow people who’ve been “currently” subbed for 6 months or buy a 3-6 month sub (which one would depend on if they’d already been subbed for 3 months).


I think with the virtual story drought (before 5.10) and a gearing system (people hate) that was introduced in 5.10, those people who’ve stuck around with a continuous sub through that time have shown loyalty and dedication to the game. Letting them have access to the HK-55 chapter and comps would go along way to restore some faith and be a nice reward to say thank you for sticking around.


I known that doesn’t cover the people who’ve also stuck around and already have access to the chapter. Maybe Bioware could add an extra reward for both groups to say thanks for your dedication.

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$40 for one chapter is over the top as a one off sale for subscribers. But I’m in favour for Free to Play.


I would prefer if it was a subscriber only reward. This would entice people to sub if they really want to play it. I also agree with some of the points other people have made about qualifying. But I do think the qualifying should also be retroactive for long term subscribers, especially if they’ve been subbed for over 6 months.

People who’ve been subbed for over 12 months have more than paid for it and showed their loyalty to the game.

Yes but it’s the other mission as well. Like I said it comes with everything that was released during that time so $40 for everything that was given at that time

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Yes but it’s the other mission as well. Like I said it comes with everything that was released during that time so $40 for everything that was given at that time


Did you pay $40 at that time? No, you paid $15 a month for the qualifying period to get access to the chapter. How is that different to people paying the same for a similar qualifying period?


The only reason Bioware runs these exclusives with qualifiers is to keep people subbed and “loyal”. That is the only reason they do it. It’s not because you earn the reward by doing some hard content in the game.

It’s basically a freebie to say thanks for subbing 6 months or 1 month or what ever it is for each specific “freebie” reward they’ve ever given for just subbing for that time.


People who’ve been subbed for the last 12 months have experienced the worst story drought and lack of content in the game. You also have many more bugs and player push back against many things during that period that caused a lot of players to quit.


Those people still here have proved their loyalty to the game and have stuck it out through a hard time while others left.

I don’t think it’s too much to ask for Bioware to finally give them access to content that is 3 years old. They’ve paid the same 6 months worth of sub time, they’ve stuck around, why should they need to pay $40 on top of that?

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Quote: Originally Posted by TrixxieTriss View Post

Would you feel better if Bioware were to offer you a title or flair to indicate you were here for the first reward release?


Is that something that could ease you concerns about having old rewards returned?

To me, titles and flairs are complete and utter crap. A flair doesn't fight next to you, and a title doesn't engage you in a story chapter.


Equal effort for equal reward, not oh-here-it-as-after-the-fact and for you people who were around the first time, well, here's a title that our secretary at the front desk typed up to give to the dev team during a coffee break. Enjoy.


No thanks.

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And here's why:

If you release this, following the rewards they have re-released for those who missed it, what's the incentive to stay subbed for the rewards because down the line they will release it again?


Not like we had a lot of rewards since 2016 (Niko and Shae second run and Paxton is all I can remember) so people who sub now probably aren't motivated by rewards.

And I hope such an awful idea like locking story content behind limited time reward will never happen again.

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I hope such an awful idea like locking story content behind limited time reward will never happen again.


That's one part of this thread I agree with. It creates a set of haves and have-nots over something more profound than just a flair or another droid or a mount. But people clamoring for it now should still go through the effort the first crowd did.

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