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It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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Now I hear what you are saying about the cost and it does sound like a lot but how can you reconcile selling this for 2-4k Coins which is the most I have seen your side will pay when there is a set of blasters, that sell for 5100, do you really think these guns are worth more than the Chapter and Companions?


You raise a good point at how absurdly overpriced some things are on the CM by comparison, but we have to apply the correct logic. $105 is roughly 15k in CC. So if they offer it for sale at 15k CC and it comes with at least 7 months of premium time(just like what original subs paid for and received), then it's comparable to what was paid for in the original promotion and I'd find that pretty much acceptable.


But if you don't include 7 months of premium, then it becomes much less valuable than 15k CC, because then it's just a bonus chapter with nothing attached to it. The value actually drops to 0 because $105 is about the exact cost of 7 months of premium in itself, but we'd still pay about 2k CC for it anyway because it's worth it to us.


There's also all those other bonuses that original subs received, but I won't factor those in because we can just say that was your bonus for being there the first time to get it.

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You raise a good point at how absurdly overpriced some things are on the CM by comparison, but we have to apply the correct logic. $105 is roughly 15k in CC. So if they offer it for sale at 15k CC and it comes with at least 7 months of premium time(just like what original subs paid for and received), then it's comparable to what was paid for in the original promotion and I'd find that pretty much acceptable.


But if you don't include 7 months of premium, then it becomes much less valuable than 15k CC, because then it's just a bonus chapter with nothing attached to it. The value actually drops to 0 because $105 is about the exact cost of 7 months of premium in itself, but we'd still pay about 2k CC for it anyway because it's worth it to us.


There's also all those other bonuses that original subs received, but I won't factor those in because we can just say that was your bonus for being there the first time to get it.


Also, perhaps, we can keep in mind the price point for other companions on the Cartel Market is nowhere near 5000 CC, much less 15,000.


Treek: One cut scene "quest" to pick up the companion; the companion; 7-8 companion conversations, companion participation in main story (KOTFE Chapter 9):

1000 CC.


HK-51: Access to Section X daily area (if not a sub), cut scenes, the companion, a very long and involved quest chain, access to a game area designed just for the quest (the ghost ship), numerous companion conversations, conversations, companion participation in main story quests (False Emperor and KOTFE Chapter 9):

375 CC. 900 CC for entire account.


Creature and droid companions: Cut scene "quest" to pick up the companion; companion itself: The CM only has droids tonight but they're 2100 CC each.


There's really no reason in my mind that AR/SOR should be priced in the stratosphere with that in mind. Yes, there are two companions but one of those companions belonged to us before. 2000 CC seems fair.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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We could all use a little somethin for sub appreciation, new rewards for everyone!


Just give everyone access to the old stuff along with some new speeders and decos and blasters for everyone and drop the kira returns alliance alert (for all classes) and all this faux outrage will be lost in the shuffle.

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Really? Because earlier you were talking about rewards, as in items, and be honest, that's what you're really against here. These are your words below, with the latter quote coming from your same post about the one-time events:






You didn't realize the rewards from those events had already been brought back, but the fact that they were means you can no longer use them as leverage to say that bringing back old rewards is some extreme new thing to happen. Based on the event examples you provided, bringing back rewards seems to actually be fairly standard procedure.


Now you're backpedaling to say you just meant "content" and not the rewards. But if you're okay with the exclusive event rewards being brought back, then you should be okay with other promotional items being brought back as well. You can't have it both ways.


Also, I don't see how you could be referring to open world PvP on Ilum as "story content".

I apologize for your confusion. But I stand by what I said. I. in fact, do know about the vendor in the Bazaar and have used that to obtain the "sharp dresser" title. That can be verified in my post history where I mentioned that long ago. The post that confused you, did so because you assumed that point was about rewards when the point was meant to clearly (by the inclusion of Ilum pvp) be referring to the removal of things from the game. It would be a reach to call the Ilum OWPvP story, but it was an experience that is no longer available if you missed it.


Since you brought it up, the difference between some rewards and others is how they were marketed to the consumer. But yeah ... they have brought back retread rewards that had descriptions like "last chance" ... "final chance" ... "exclusive" ... "before it's too late." That is why I keep repeating that they will bring this one back too.


Why does it bother you so much that I'm against it?

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Also, perhaps, we can keep in mind the price point for other companions on the Cartel Market is nowhere near 5000 CC, much less 15,000.


Treek: One cut scene "quest" to pick up the companion; the companion; 7-8 companion conversations, companion participation in main story (KOTFE Chapter 9):

1000 CC.


HK-51: Access to Section X daily area (if not a sub), cut scenes, the companion, a very long and involved quest chain, access to a game area designed just for the quest (the ghost ship), numerous companion conversations, conversations, companion participation in main story quests (False Emperor and KOTFE Chapter 9):

375 CC. 900 CC for entire account.


Creature and droid companions: Cut scene "quest" to pick up the companion; companion itself: The CM only has droids tonight but they're 2100 CC each.


There's really no reason in my mind that AR/SOR should be priced in the stratosphere with that in mind. Yes, there are two companions but one of those companions belonged to us before. 2000 CC seems fair.


Sorry but NO.


You see we paid for it. We paid for 7 months of subscription time to get HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory.

We paid $105.00. If you want it then you can NOT have it for Cheap. You will also pay $105.00 either through 7 months of continuous subscription time from Start Date to End Date and not because you have already been subscribed for 7 months, we did not get to do that so neither do you. Or you can pay for it with CC, 15,000 CC and you get 7 months of Subscription time, HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory. But no matter what You Will Pay $105.00 just like WE DID. You can not have it for 5000CC or $35.00 no farging way.


The preferred way would be Stay Subscribed for 7 months from Month "A" to Month "B" with NO interruptions again just like we did and NOT for CC.

Edited by denavin
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For anyone saying they paid $105 for Arma Rasa and Shroud of Memory I dare them to call up BW and request them to deduct, even if it puts them into a negative balance, 3500 Cartel Coins from their account plus any CC's they may have received from referral grants. To claim that those seven months of subscription had zero other value than the bonus chapter is ludicrous. But if you stand by that then call BW and have those Coins removed. Either do that or understand that everyone knows you are making a disingenuous argument.


If you paid monthly you paid $104.93, if you were on the 6-month recurring subscription you paid $90.93, for those seven months to have full access to the game, the monthly Coin grants, access to referral grants, and everything else that comes with a subscription. That. Has. Value. Whether you like it or not, whether you acknowledge it or not, that has value, and that will be taken into consideration by BW if they decide to sell AR/SoM on the CM.


But if you stand by your claim that your subscription had no other value then call up BW and have those 3500 CC (4200 if on the 6-month plan) deducted from your account.

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For anyone saying they paid $105 for Arma Rasa and Shroud of Memory I dare them to call up BW and request them to deduct, even if it puts them into a negative balance, 3500 Cartel Coins from their account plus any CC's they may have received from referral grants. To claim that those seven months of subscription had zero other value than the bonus chapter is ludicrous. But if you stand by that then call BW and have those Coins removed. Either do that or understand that everyone knows you are making a disingenuous argument.


If you paid monthly you paid $104.93, if you were on the 6-month recurring subscription you paid $90.93, for those seven months to have full access to the game, the monthly Coin grants, access to referral grants, and everything else that comes with a subscription. That. Has. Value. Whether you like it or not, whether you acknowledge it or not, that has value, and that will be taken into consideration by BW if they decide to sell AR/SoM on the CM.


But if you stand by your claim that your subscription had no other value then call up BW and have those 3500 CC (4200 if on the 6-month plan) deducted from your account.


Then why don't you stop moaning about it and WAIT the 7 months we did from the time the promotion starts till its end, be sure not to drop your sub now.

Of course, when and if Bio decides to start it.

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Sorry but NO.


You see we paid for it. We paid for 7 months of subscription time to get HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory.

We paid $105.00. If you want it then you can NOT have it for Cheap. You will also pay $105.00 either through 7 months of continuous subscription time from Start Date to End Date and not because you have already been subscribed for 7 months, we did not get to do that so neither do you. Or you can pay for it with CC, 15,000 CC and you get 7 months of Subscription time, HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory. But no matter what You Will Pay $105.00 just like WE DID. You can not have it for 5000CC or $35.00 no farging way.


The preferred way would be Stay Subscribed for 7 months from Month "A" to Month "B" with NO interruptions again just like we did and NOT for CC.


Nope. I WILL pay? I think it's up to Bioware to decide what it will cost and who can have it, actually. I've actually got no issue with making the sub requirement the same for the chapter, but this "the chapter cost $105" is BS.


Your "$105" covered 7 months of subscription, early access to chapters, various other freebies, and a Cartel Coin grant every month. You did NOT at any time pay $105 solely for access to the chapter, and it's thus ridiculous to state that the price point for it should be $105. If you only subscribed continuously because you wanted the chapter, and saw no value in the subscription, that was your choice, but it doesn't mean that the chapter itself cost $105 or 15,000 CCs or that others should be obligated to pay that.


And Bioware is not obligated to keep the price the same, at any rate. Treek's quest used to cost more. I believe HK_51 did, as well. The old expacs had their own purchase prices but now someone can get them all for subscribing for $15 for one month. You might buy a game for $100 and find it in the bargain bin for $20 the next month. That's life.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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It warms my heart to see so many eloquent posters agreeing with my position. Here are a few replies to those I disagree with in this thread.


If it is released as a "Sub Reward" then the following must occur.


If this reward is placed on the CM then the following must occur


Notice that you are making greedy, entitled demands of Bioware, unlike those of us simply requesting the content be re-released for purchase in some manner.


So as a new sub reward (as the old reward and reward period is LONG expired) what do those of us that already have it get? (that are still maintaining a sub of course)

Bioware - If you sub for 7 months you get this chapter and two companions

Us - We did this years ago and already have the chapter and companions so what do we get for this promotion instead?


I can't believe the blinders people have on and can only see this from their own narrow perspective.


I have no blinders on. The demand from "Us" in your post is simply nonsensical. It does not follow from re-releasing the content. Just because they re-release the content that you already have does not mean that they owe you ANYTHING. Why do you think they owe you something? You've never given an answer to that question. If your answer is "well you guys are getting something I already have, so I should get something too!" That is a non-answer, because it still begs the same question: why? If Bioware re-releases this content, I fail to see how the people that already have it are relevant at all. Sure, Bioware can give them some small token to show appreciation, such as a 0 point achievement or title, but there's no call for anything more than that.


For the sake of argument, let's just say greed is the motivating factor to keep item exclusivity. What is the motivating factor to bring them back? It has to be envy. Or is it greed?


It's hard to say. People that want what others have are coveting which is based on greed and envy. I guess we're all more alike than we want to admit.


The motivating factor is that many people would like to play the chapter. It's story content. As others have pointed out, it's not simply an item to covet, it's a story to experience. The only ones demanding cartel coins or items are those that already have the story. Greed and entitlement are the only possible motivations there.


And those that are unhappy will be written of as selfish "pig-headed" jerks.


Which is an accurate way to view such people. Thanks for clarifying that point.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Also, perhaps, we can keep in mind the price point for other companions on the Cartel Market is nowhere near 5000 CC, much less 15,000.


Treek: One cut scene "quest" to pick up the companion; the companion; 7-8 companion conversations, companion participation in main story (KOTFE Chapter 9):

1000 CC.


HK-51: Access to Section X daily area (if not a sub), cut scenes, the companion, a very long and involved quest chain, access to a game area designed just for the quest (the ghost ship), numerous companion conversations, conversations, companion participation in main story quests (False Emperor and KOTFE Chapter 9):

375 CC. 900 CC for entire account.


Creature and droid companions: Cut scene "quest" to pick up the companion; companion itself: The CM only has droids tonight but they're 2100 CC each.


There's really no reason in my mind that AR/SOR should be priced in the stratosphere with that in mind. Yes, there are two companions but one of those companions belonged to us before. 2000 CC seems fair.


I would not consider HK-51 since everyone that has been asking about the chapter is a sub. No one mention about a non-sub so the requirements for HK-51 would be for a non sub which has no bearing on the discussion.


Now if you want to consider HK-51 you would also need to factor in unlocking him per character once you do the mission one time because most people are not going to want to do that long drawn out mission more than once and the cost for that is per character, there is no unlock for your account and that is: 1m credits or 350 cartel coins per character which can add up if you have more than 1 other character you have you want him on.

Edited by casirabit
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I have no blinders on. The demand from "Us" in your post is simply nonsensical. It does not follow from re-releasing the content. Just because they re-release the content that you already have does not mean that they owe you ANYTHING. Why do you think they owe you something? You've never given an answer to that question. If your answer is "well you guys are getting something I already have, so I should get something too!" That is a non-answer, because it still begs the same question: why? If Bioware re-releases this content, I fail to see how the people that already have it are relevant at all. Sure, Bioware can give them some small token to show appreciation, such as a 0 point achievement or title, but there's no call for anything more than that.


How many times do I need to type this out to get through to you.


Do you think Bio is just going to give you this stuff out of the blue, of course not..

They will run another promotion for it that is almost a given and that promotion will have requirements.


if YOU meet those requirements YOU get the chapter and companions.

if I meet those same requirements for this NEW promotion I already have the rewards that you get so what do I get?

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I apologize for your confusion. But I stand by what I said. I. in fact, do know about the vendor in the Bazaar and have used that to obtain the "sharp dresser" title. That can be verified in my post history where I mentioned that long ago. The post that confused you, did so because you assumed that point was about rewards when the point was meant to clearly (by the inclusion of Ilum pvp) be referring to the removal of things from the game. It would be a reach to call the Ilum OWPvP story, but it was an experience that is no longer available if you missed it.


Since you brought it up, the difference between some rewards and others is how they were marketed to the consumer. But yeah ... they have brought back retread rewards that had descriptions like "last chance" ... "final chance" ... "exclusive" ... "before it's too late." That is why I keep repeating that they will bring this one back too.


Why does it bother you so much that I'm against it?


Maybe I did misunderstand you earlier. I just thought it was weird that you would use those one-time events as examples as if to say, "Should they bring back all of this stuff too then?" when they've already brought back most of the rewards from them.


The bonus chapter is a bit different from those one-time events anyway because it's permanently accessible to anyone who unlocks it. If you're against it being brought back, then that's your position. You can certainly have your own opinion and everything, I just disagree is all.

Edited by Drenovade
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I would not consider HK-51 since everyone that has been asking about the chapter is a sub. No one mention about a non-sub so the requirements for HK-51 would be for a non sub which has no bearing on the discussion.


Now if you want to consider HK-51 you would also need to factor in unlocking him per character once you do the mission one time because most people are not going to want to do that long drawn out mission more than once and the cost for that is per character, there is no unlock for your account and that is: 1m credits or 350 cartel coins per character which can add up if you have more than 1 other character you have you want him on.


I did consider it, and yes, there is an account-wide unlock for HK-51 which anyone can find in the CM. I clearly stated in my post that the account-wide unlock for HK-51 is 900 CC. You quoted it in your reply, in fact. :rolleyes:


I'm not sure why you felt the need to bring up subs/non subs, either. It's irrelevant. Subs don't get access to HK-51 for free; just the Section X dailies. And checking on the price of HK-51 is pertinent since it's gauging the price of a companion + quest/mission for the companion. That is what HK-55 would be if they did put it in the CM.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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How many times do I need to type this out to get through to you.


Do you think Bio is just going to give you this stuff out of the blue, of course not..

They will run another promotion for it that is almost a given and that promotion will have requirements.


if YOU meet those requirements YOU get the chapter and companions.

if I meet those same requirements for this NEW promotion I already have the rewards that you get so what do I get?


If they run the new promotion and give out the old content that you already have, how is your position relevant? Just sit tight and wait for the next promotion for something new. Why should Bioware have to give anything to you in this instance? Again, you clearly feel entitled to more stuff from Bioware, but it is not at all clear why they should have to give you anything.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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Then why don't you stop moaning about it and WAIT the 7 months we did from the time the promotion starts till its end, be sure not to drop your sub now.

Of course, when and if Bio decides to start it.


Or, you could actually read my comments. I haven't said they can't rerun the same promo. If they did it wouldn't bother me because I'm already on a recurring subscription. What I've said, repeatedly, is I don't want them to rerun old promos. I want the system to be once and done then put it on the Cartel Market and never repeat anything. I want the system to be that if you meet the requirements of the promo then you get the award; free access for all of your characters across your entire account for the life of the game. If you miss it then you have to buy it. The point of contention is that some people keep proposing ludicrous values for the content. They keep trying to claim that the sole value for their seven months of sub time is the bonus chapter and companions when that is disingenuous. You've made that claim. Have you called to have those Cartel Coins deducted from your account yet?


Obviously, that's a ludicrous proposition, but so is claiming that SoM is worth $105, or 10000 or 15000 CC's. The value that I proposed, 4000 CC, was not an arbitrary number. I came to that number by taking the sum of 6.5 months of sub time by the amount of Coins a person receives on the 6-month recurring subscription, 600/month. Now, for anyone who is maths inclined, 600*6.5 =/= 4000 but 3900, but since the actual subscription period was slightly more than 6.5 months I rounded up to 4000. Does that not make sense to you? If it's going to be sold, and the original promo required one to maintain a subscriptioon for seven months, then the cost of 4000 CC's is commensurate with maintaining a sub for roughly the same length of time. Further, I have said that these unlocks should go into collections so that if someone wishes to have access across their entire account they can pay the collections unlock fee and that each item should be a separate unlock.


I'm not whining or moaning about anything. I'm proposing a sensible method to make these items available to others through purchase from the Cartel Market. Mayhaps you disagree that 6.5 months is appropriate and feel that if one had to be subbed for seven months, even if the promo period was ~6.5 months, then that should be the time period used and thus the bundle should cost 4200 CC's. But you have claimed that if one is going to purchase these from the CM they should have to pay the equivalent of 16.667-25 months of sub time (at the 6-month recurring sub rate of 600 Coins/month, those numbers go up to 20-30 months for the monthly recurring sub rate of 500 Coins/month). That is ludicrous. These are arbitrary numbers that you pulled from the aether. Or can you provide the calculus by which you derived these numbers that relies upon objective rather than subjective values?

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I did consider it, and yes, there is an account-wide unlock for HK-51 which anyone can find in the CM. I clearly stated in my post that the account-wide unlock for HK-51 is 900 CC. You quoted it in your reply, in fact. :rolleyes:


I'm not sure why you felt the need to bring up subs/non subs, either. It's irrelevant. Subs don't get access to HK-51 for free; just the Section X dailies. And checking on the price of HK-51 is pertinent since it's gauging the price of a companion + quest/mission for the companion. That is what HK-55 would be if they did put it in the CM.


Okay let me try this again: Yes you can get the account-wide unlock but it is not for HK-51. It is for the access to Section X and then you do the mission. You are not given HK-51 without going through all the stuff to get him, which is a long and tedious missions especially nowadays when you are scanning for the parts and having to go to one area that is pvp area that you need to purchase a part from a vendor that is in the pvp area and you need to have at least one character on the opposite side that is at least level 10-15 (not a problem for most but some only play one side)


We do get access to HK-51 for free. I never ever paid for the mission for HK-51. I went to the Section X and got the missiion from Go-A1 (imperial side) and given a mission called Fatal Errors, which is a heroic 2 mission and you do this and this begins the HK-51 quest line. I am not sure why you think we don't get it for free. I have done this 3 times on 3 characters because I didn't want to pay the unlock fee for HK-51 on my character but decided it was better paying the 1m credits than doing this mission ever again.


You go through all that once (and believe me most people will only want to do it once) and then you achieve HK-51 then you are giving the option to purchase him (check your legacy tab) You will see HK-51 and you will see on another character that you do not have it unlocked it cost 1 million credits or 350 cartel coins and then you will also see under the tab it says per character not per legacy.


And in case you don't believe me about the mission check this write up on Dulfy. http://dulfy.net/2012/10/11/swtor-patch-1-5the-hunt-for-hk-51companion-droid/

Edited by casirabit
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If they run the new promotion and give out the old content that you already have, how is your position relevant? Just sit tight and wait for the next promotion for something new. Why should Bioware have to give anything to you in this instance? Again, you clearly feel entitled to more stuff from Bioware, but it is not at all clear why they should have to give you anything.


Participation trophy.

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Okay let me try this again: Yes you can get the account-wide unlock but it is not for HK-51. It is for the access to Section X and then you do the mission. You are not given HK-51 without going through all the stuff to get him, which is a long and tedious missions especially nowadays when you are scanning for the parts and having to go to one area that is pvp area that you need to purchase a part from a vendor that is in the pvp area and you need to have at least one character on the opposite side that is at least level 10-15 (not a problem for most but some only play one side)


We do get access to HK-51 for free. I never ever paid for the mission for HK-51. I went to the Section X and got the missiion from Go-A1 (imperial side) and given a mission called Fatal Errors, which is a heroic 2 mission and you do this and this begins the HK-51 quest line. I am not sure why you think we don't get it for free. I have done this 3 times on 3 characters because I didn't want to pay the unlock fee for HK-51 on my character but decided it was better paying the 1m credits than doing this mission ever again.


You go through all that once (and believe me most people will only want to do it once) and then you achieve HK-51 then you are giving the option to purchase him (check your legacy tab) You will see HK-51 and you will see on another character that you do not have it unlocked it cost 1 million credits or 350 cartel coins and then you will also see under the tab it says per character not per legacy.


And in case you don't believe me about the mission check this write up on Dulfy. http://dulfy.net/2012/10/11/swtor-patch-1-5the-hunt-for-hk-51companion-droid/


Aaaand I assure you I don't need your explanation. I am fully aware of the quest and its steps, thank you.


You don't get some of the companions directly either with HK-55; you have to do the missions to reprogram him and get ZO-OM. Same concept as buying the unlock for Section X and doing the quest for HK-51. In fact it's easier with HK-51 than it is with HK-55 because you can unlock 51 on every character instead of going through the quest every time, as you have to do with ZO-OM and HK-55. I've repeatedly said there's a mission with the companion.


I'm not sure why you feel the need to pick a fight, but I'm just going to ignore from here on out.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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What if BW were to run the following promotion: Purchase a six-month subscription and immediately receive the Arma Rasa alliance alert (which grants HK-55 as a companion), all of the monthly rewards offered during the time period of the previous promotion for the bonus chapter (I'm not sure if I remember them all and really don't feel like looking them up, but I believe they are the HK-55 inspired helmet, weapons, companion customizations for the ship droids, eternal empire patroller, and the jet pack), and access to the bonus chapter "A Shroud of Memory" (with the ability to receive the deco and Zoom as a companion, depending on the player's choices). In addition, players would receive 6 months of premium play and access to all content released during those 6 months, just like any other subscriber. Essentially, everything that was given before would be available and for 6 months of subscription rather than 7 months. Would this proposal satisfy those who are asking for the bonus chapter and HK-55 to be made available again? Edited by PiiTarr
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What if BW were to run the following promotion: Purchase a six-month subscription and immediately receive the Arma Rasa alliance alert (which grants HK-55 as a companion), all of the monthly rewards offered during the time period of the previous promotion for the bonus chapter (I'm not sure if I remember them all and really don't feel like looking them up, but I believe they are the HK-55 inspired helmet, weapons, companion customizations for the ship droids, eternal empire patroller, and the jet pack), and access to the bonus chapter "A Shroud of Memory" (with the ability to receive the deco and Zoom as a companion, depending on the player's choices). In addition, players would receive 6 months of premium play and access to all content released during those 6 months, just like any other subscriber. Essentially, everything that was given before would be available and for 6 months of subscription rather than 7 months. Would this proposal satisfy those who are asking for the bonus chapter and HK-55 to be made available again?


That's an idea. Make it a separate purchase, separate from the usual recurring subscription, that delivers a code you enter on the code redemption page so regardless of how one subscribes they are guaranteed to pay for six months of sub time up front.

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Who is insisting? I can't claim to have read every single post in this thread closely, so maybe I missed one. I can only speak for myself, but I'm not insisting on anything. I think it would be a good idea for Bioware to re-release 3 year old story content so that people can play the story who haven't been able to thus far. It would require either sub time (whether retroactive or not) or a cartel market purchase. Bioware hasn't done it for 3 years, and ultimately they still might not do it. It's up to them. If you want another chance at the Party Jawa, you are also free to start a thread and make the request. As someone who has the Party Jawa, I would not mind, nor would I demand anything extra if they gave them out again.


Again, the only people I see insisting something be given to them are those demanding rewards if the chapter and companion are re-released. I think those demands are crazy, and I have pointed out why several times.


Gotta love how you pulled one word out of context from my post to run with. So I take it you can't refute anything else I said, and concede that this shouldn't be done? Exclusive rewards should remain exclusive. If you or anyone else couldn't be bothered, or weren't around to meet the requirements for what was offered, when it was offered, then you're not going to have it. Just as I indicated in the post you so succinctly didn't bother to respond to that I'm out of luck for the things I missed.


You will not suffer from a shortage of companions, there are more than enough to do a full crafting run, and have several in reserve. You will not suffer from the lack of story in the associated quest. It doesn't leave any gaping plot holes in the campaign if you don't run it, and so, there's no concrete reason to bring it back. "But I want it" isn't a concrete reason. I wasn't aware of a definition of exclusive that indicates that it has a time limit, so "it's been a long time" falls flat as well.

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me ... personally ?? I've been here since day one. I left for a while and kept up my sub. (Just didn't care for a few things in game... but that's another matter).


I've just been suggesting that others might have a legitimate request for the HK-55 unit since it is such a part of the over all game (at lest to me it is.. and I can see their point).


As for greed ... I'd prefer to see it as an opportunity to let BW examine all the data (and frankly they see stuff that I don't) and make a choice. IMHO ... as long as people can remain civil (and a few have NOT ) ... then discussion is good. Just because someone has a different point of view does not make me (or someone else) a bad person.


Now it's up to BW.... and IMO ... that's about as much as need to be said on my part I guess.


I hope this makes sense to everyone. You may (or may not) agree. That's cool. Hopefully at the end of the day we can still be friendly enough to each other to show respect.


I'm curious. What's a legitimate reason to request this break from how it was originally offered? "Someone else has it, and I want it" isn't legit, it's envy, and greed. Envy because it's based on what someone else has, greed because they won't be happy until they have it, even though they didn't qualify for it, for whatever reason. Actually, there is a better concept than greed or envy: entitlement: "I should be able to get it because someone else got it".


The short answer to this is, of course "No, you shouldn't".

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Gotta love how you pulled one word out of context from my post to run with. So I take it you can't refute anything else I said, and concede that this shouldn't be done? Exclusive rewards should remain exclusive. If you or anyone else couldn't be bothered, or weren't around to meet the requirements for what was offered, when it was offered, then you're not going to have it. Just as I indicated in the post you so succinctly didn't bother to respond to that I'm out of luck for the things I missed.


You will not suffer from a shortage of companions, there are more than enough to do a full crafting run, and have several in reserve. You will not suffer from the lack of story in the associated quest. It doesn't leave any gaping plot holes in the campaign if you don't run it, and so, there's no concrete reason to bring it back. "But I want it" isn't a concrete reason. I wasn't aware of a definition of exclusive that indicates that it has a time limit, so "it's been a long time" falls flat as well.


What? I've explained very clearly, and so have others. We are essentially making a request of Bioware that they re-release 3 year old story content. It will have to be paid for in some way. That's it. There's nothing complicated about it. You say "exclusive rewards should remain exclusive." Why? First, it seems like a big assumption on your part that "exclusive" rewards will stay "exclusive" forever. Second, as myself and others have pointed to, Bioware has already re-released plenty of things that people felt were "exclusive." Your complaint about exclusivity really comes down to extreme pettiness on your part, and if you can't see that, I can't help you.


It's not like I need the story or companion, and that's why no one is demanding them. But it would be nice if Bioware gave people a chance to play the content who haven't been able to for 3 years. So yes, our request does boil down to "but I want it," which strikes me as a perfectly adequate reason to ask for something. After all, it's really up to Bioware whether they want to act on the request or not. It's not as if I'm claiming they have to do it, just that it would a good thing if they did.


I'm curious. What's a legitimate reason to request this break from how it was originally offered? "Someone else has it, and I want it" isn't legit, it's envy, and greed. Envy because it's based on what someone else has, greed because they won't be happy until they have it, even though they didn't qualify for it, for whatever reason. Actually, there is a better concept than greed or envy: entitlement: "I should be able to get it because someone else got it".


The short answer to this is, of course "No, you shouldn't".


Speaking for myself, I just want to play the chapter. Can you really construe that desire as greedy, envious or entitled? It has nothing to do with other people having it, I just want to be able to experience it myself. And again, its up to Bioware, I make no demands of them.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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The argument against this is that the people who already have it got lots of bonuses that the players who get it next time won't receive. I posted an explanation earlier, I'll just drop it here:




But I do understand your point that it feels bad for there to be a promotion that doesn't mean anything for you. That's why a separate purchase would be better. But don't even think of setting the cost at the same price as 7 months of premium because that logic is flawed. This has also been explained earlier:


So we shouldn't consider this unfair because you're not feeling like our investment should count? Here's the fatal flaw with your argument: Everyone that subs currently gets the exact same benefits. So doing this as a promotion does absolutely nothing for any of us that were subbed for the prescribed duration to qualify for the content. "But you got all that other stuff" that anyone else that subbed could have gotten. Choosing not to, or not being around for it does not mean that suddenly that restriction should be lifted "because 3 years".

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