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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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Again, since no one answered it the first time:


Has it been stated ANYWHERE that raiding and Empire PvP is the only way to get a purple crystal? Or is this 50 page whine fest because a republic side purple crystal hasn't been found yet?

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There is only one purple crystal wielder that I have ever read about, and it is Mace Windu. His was a very rare hurikkane crystal he got as a gift. Sith can use every color, but red is the primary color because they are synthetic crystals. Any color can be synthesized with the right material it is just very hard to do anything other than red. Synth Crystals are stronger than normal and has a chance to break a non synth crystal blade. I don't see that happening either in game though.


There is a ******** of low level mobs in the game with purple sabers, so apparently he isn't the only one who ever had a purple saber.


Get over the Mace Windu crap.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


If you do quit, can I have your stuff?

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Reading these last few pages and people tallying the number of colors available to them reminds me of people saying there'll be 'dozens of colors' available....







lastly it was a ***** move forcing players to subscribe b4 taking advantage of their complimentary month. ive been a bioware fan since neverwinter nights. the first time my confidence in this company was shaken was da2. i want this game to succeed; so b4 u spout some mindless defensive rhetoric reread my list.


Technically. this is standard MMO procedure. Every P2P MMO I can recall playing has required a valid subscription prior to receiving your free month.

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I would love to see a VAST majority of colors. Even color grades within colors. Like light red, red and dark red. There should be so many colors, in fact, that it would be uncommon to run into someone else who uses the same as you do.


I also believe that if such a vast menu of colors are made available, it should only be right to have certain colors only obtainable for certain difficult achievements. Similar to your title, your blade color could also be used to show off the things you have done.


All basic colors should be achievable through solo means. But more niche colors should require special achievements. For example, a jet black saber with an ominous red glow could be a rare achievement for defeating multiple world bosses and crafting their drops together to form the crystal.

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I would love to see a VAST majority of colors. Even color grades within colors. Like light red, red and dark red. There should be so many colors, in fact, that it would be uncommon to run into someone else who uses the same as you do.


I also believe that if such a vast menu of colors are made available, it should only be right to have certain colors only obtainable for certain difficult achievements. Similar to your title, your blade color could also be used to show off the things you have done.


All basic colors should be achievable through solo means. But more niche colors should require special achievements. For example, a jet black saber with an ominous red glow could be a rare achievement for defeating multiple world bosses and crafting their drops together to form the crystal.


I could live with this. As it stands now, color crystals are far too limited.

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First off; I don't really like the idea of 16man raids, but I'll do them if I have to. Secondly, purple is my favorite color. Thirdly, I want a purple crystal. Forth, I want to be able to craft my crystal. Fifth, I can't do that. Why not? Maybe make schematics for purple crystals drop, but don't make the crystals themselves that hard to get. Rare colors like cyan, magenta, white, and whatever can be special; but red, green, blue, yellow, orange, and purple should not be. Make orange and purple slightly harder to get; that's cool with me. Make them actual schematics that you have to buy from commendation vendors on worlds or something. But don't make purple a drop. I know you can get orange schematics, but I do not want to have to kill some raid boss to get a fairly standard crystal. I am a little-bit-incredibly-so angry over the way crystals have been treated in general. The restriction on red for ls and blue and green for ds is completely ridiculous. Anakin used a blue saber when he fought Obi-wan - why can't I use one when I'm evil? I've been thrilled with the modification system thus-far - but the color crystals just make me angry. Now, the rarity is not something I'd quit over - I can't say that I would ever quit this game with just the way it is now - but no one I know is happy about the color crystal BS. I would totally use a red saber lightside for one of my guys. Right now however, it's looking like green. Come on. Of all the little issues I have with games - customization always takes priority.
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EU barely counts. At least you referenced Anderson, he's my 2nd favorite next to Zahn. However the fact remains that Jackson knew nothing of the above, and made his request purely out of ego.


This game, the entire premise, its place within the lore is all entirely and utterly EU. It is the spiritual successor of a game that was also firmly ensconced in the EU. The EU absolutely applies. The only Star Wars MMO where the 'EU barely counts' argument could hold even a smidgen of weight is now dead, and that would only be by virtue of the time period in which it occurs. We, however, are sitting thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin. There is no barely, no maybe. The movie/god tier only mentality really does not hold much water here. This is EU, thus the EU's lore applies.


I was not making a statement about Sammy Jackson's intent in the request. I couldn't care less why he did it, or what he hoped to achieve with it. My only point was to point out the fact that Mace Windu was not the first Jedi to use a purple lightsaber. Simply because I get tired of seeing that falsehood in General (and here) repeatedly. Mara Jade had one, most of the books about her earlier life were written before Mace ever ignited his saber in AotC. YJK: Lightsabers was published three years before TPM was released.


The reason his saber is the color it is, and the reason it is regarded as rare in his time, are also only explained within the confines of the EU. The movies never tell us anything about it. It simply is. So on that point, the god-tier lore is remarkably silent.


Now as to the actual OP, I have no real opinion. If this is make or break for him, I guess that's his prerogative. I want a purple crystal because of Jaina Solo. However, that said, it isn't that big of a deal to me. I'm not here to join the purple crystal crusade. I just got tired of people saying Mace was the first and only, and that the people who want a purple saber are massive Mace fans. I can't speak for the rest, but I am not.


But I am perfectly happy with my green lightsaber for now. If I find a purple crystal, nice. If I never do, that's okay, too.

Edited by Rhynien
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I, too, would very much like to get my hands on a purple crystal. Sure, my main character is a Smuggler, but I'd love to be able to make his blaster shoot purple bolts.

It's unfortunate that a color like this is so difficult to acquire. I can understand some colors, like white/silver, magenta, things like that... But it seems to me that a color like purple should be a bit easier to acquire. Perhaps not as easy as yellow, orange, green, blue or red, but a bit easier nonetheless. But maybe that's just me.


But yeah, I'd like to have a purple crystal for my character's blaster. In fact, that's what I was hoping to get for him from the start. But after finding out how difficult it is to get a purple, or even magenta crystal (I'd be happy with either, really), I'm a bit disappointed, no doubt. The more customization options open for players the better, I think.

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But it seems to me that a color like purple should be a bit easier to acquire. Perhaps not as easy as yellow, orange, green, blue or red, but a bit easier nonetheless. But maybe that's just me.

Yellow is a bit more difficult to get than blue/red/green. So is Orange. I'd expect Purple to be at the level of Orange or a bit more rare even. But that's it. Well, I'd expect Orange to be more rare than Purple but that's just me.


One of my favoutire moments on KotOR was finally getting to the Wookie planet to get my purple lightsabers from looting the sith ambushers. :p

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I also want a lava crystal, and the sunrider or sunstrider whatever crystal And I want to turn into a blue force ghost or I'm unsubbing, take THAT bioware! Bioware just isn't FAIR WHAA! WHAA!


How dare you not give me everything I want damn it! i should have it at lvl 1!!


And on a side note if I don't get an imperial stardestroyer then this game will FAIL!!


(Yes it's sarcasm)


Edit: On a "serious" note, some colours should be rare, not impossible to get just rare, not for the sake of epeen enlargement, it just looks nicer when you have colours that differ from the usual blue, green, red and yellow.


What you and so many of the other posters here fail to understand is that this is not about a color crystal. It is about the idea that something so simple and desirable that has no stat bonus would require a commitment to any play style that requires someone to do something they hate doing. Many people do not like raids and have no interest in participating in them. There is no reason to keep something cosmetic from those who don't enjoy that type of content. Raid junkies often have the attitude that they are the only players who deserve anything from a game and that all others should be forced to either play THEIR way or do without. Raiders are not special or even especially skilled, they just have a lot of time to devote to PvE. The OP isn't suggesting that not getting anything he/she wants right now is why they would quit. The reason for quitting would be valid, as making something like this unattainable to a non-raid player would be a disregard for that particular customer based on them playing a different aspect of the game.


For super stats on gear there should certainly be a process of effort involved beyond casual play, but cosmetic niceties should be available to all players regardless of their chosen form of play. There should always be an alternate avenue for obtaining things of this nature in an MMO.


And for the record I already have a purple saber and wish it was red...so there :p

Edited by HillbiliesRule
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What you and so many of the other posters here fail to understand is that this is not about a color crystal. It is about the idea that something so simple and desirable that has no stat bonus would require a commitment to any play style that requires someone to do something they hate doing. Many people do not like raids and have no interest in participating in them. There is no reason to keep something cosmetic from those who don't enjoy that type of content. Raid junkies often have the attitude that they are the only players who deserve anything from a game and that all others should be forced to either play THEIR way or do without. Raiders are not special or even especially skilled, they just have a lot of time to devote to PvE. The OP isn't suggesting that not getting anything he/she wants right now is why they would quit. The reason for quitting would be valid, as making something like this unattainable to a non-raid player would be a disregard for that particular customer based on them playing a different aspect of the game.


For super stats on gear there should certainly be a process of effort involved beyond casual play, but cosmetic niceties should be available to all players regardless of their chosen form of play. There should always be an alternate avenue for obtaining things of this nature in an MMO.


And for the record I already have a purple saber and wish it was red...so there :p


I can agree on somethings you have written, still though I laugh at the OP, we are talking about a game "item" in a game that has not been live over a month, not counting the ones who came in prior the 20th of december.


I am guessing, mind you all, guessing that some very much sought after, items, will be availible for many, when this game celebrates its 1st year of anniversary, however, judging by the post made by the OP, he/she has committed suicide by then though or atleast cryquitted.

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theres NO pink crystals.


Magenta its just purple, deep purple.


Magenta crystals come on the pvp sablers (far as i know you cant remove it) and from lvl 400 artificer recipes that drops from world bosses.


i can do a +33 critical magenta (purple again, NOT pink) crystal.


orange, yellow, blue, red and green are "common" as they can be trained on the regular artificer trainer.

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Oh yay, this topic again. :rolleyes: My TL;DR is at the bottom if you wish to skip to it.


Sounds like we have a bad case of Veruca Salt.



If I'm correct I believe purple has been a distinguished color throughout history as well.


Except your premise is based off how rare purple is historically. Other colors have not been as distinguished because the color was common. Had purple been common, it would not have been as distinguished.


Since the invention of modern chemistry and currently technological capability, this doesn't fly. *Especially* when you take into consideration that the SW setting has technology far beyond our own.


And there's the small fact that in the SW setting, you can create sabers of any color with synthetic crystals; for instance, most Sith crystals, all Imperial Knight sabers, and Luke's green one.


The only reason you want it is *because* it's rare.


That may be your motivation, but that doesn't apply to everyone. If I want a purple crystal (or any other crystal) it's because I like the color. Luckily, I happen to like the color blue, to the exclusion of all else save white/silver.


Then there are those fashionistas who care about the color because for some reason, their lightsaber needs to match/complement their clothing.


I am fine with the silver crystal having a super low drop rate and being ultra rare, in the sweu there are only three people that have ever used it.


If you are referring to the use of Durindfire crystals you are quite correct. That said, the sale of them helped fund the Death Star, so they can't be that rare.


And this completely ignores the entire order of Imperial Knights. One could argue that their blade is white, not silver, but it's close enough I should think.


You're being condescending. It's more to do with a sense of accomplishment. Nobody feels a sense of accomplishment graduating grade school, because everybody can do that. Graduate college and you're ecstatic, though.


Your analogy doesn't work with everyone. When I graduated college, my joy had nothing to do with the accomplishment, and everything to do with the fact that I was done and never had to go back. If I'm an exception, there are other exceptions out there. Generalizations are not helpful here.


I don't mind putting effort into something, but this cosmetic issue isn't something I am willing to waste my time on. (My armor on the other hand...)


EU barely counts.


EU definitely counts. This is an EU game that is a successor to an EU game whose mechanical system came from a game system designed to make EU games who itself had an antecedent in a prior system that made EU games. (The progression is West End/d6 SW RPG -> WotC d20 SW RPG -> KotOR I/II -> TOR, if that was otherwise unclear or you are unfamiliar with the history.)


Dismissing EU is silly in light (shadow?) of the mountain of EU it's buried under.




Per Lucas


Per Canon


Lightside = Blue/Green

Darkside = Red


Mace Windu was the only one to have a Purple Lightsabre.


Yes, per Lucas you are correct. However, full EU SW canon disagrees with you. And that's setting aside all of the non-canon labeled materials.


Keep in mind that canonicity, when not coming from The Flanneled One's mouth/direct work, is determined by LucasArts at The Flanneled One's behest. The system in the link is their creation. So if you don't like it, feel free to argue with them.



Next quote would have gone here, but I lost it and I am not searching through the thread to find it.


Someone pointed out that purple was only added due to Sam Jackson's ego. In light of that, I should think the OP's request is perfectly in line with SW history. :D



Finally, as I have mentioned before, I have no horse in this race. I love blue and I generally play light side. This is a non issue to me. However, I am not so arrogant to think that people should be limited to my preferences.


In fact, every time (including beta) that I have had a lightsaber out of the normal "movie" color scheme, I've corrected that at my first available opportunity.


I like my Jedi to use blue (green in a pinch), and my Sith to wield red.



TL;DR: I prefer chocolate (blue sabers), but I see no reason why other flavors (colors) such as rocky road (purple), vanilla (cyan), or any other flavor (color) shouldn't be widely available.





edit: clarity

Edited by KaiLunn
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Seems to me that the rare color crystals should be crits off the various crystal purple recipes. Using blue crystals as an example:


- start making blue crystals using the green recipe

- reverse engineer those crystals to learn the blue recipe

- make blue crystals using the blue recipe

- reverse engineer those crystals to learn the purple recipe

- make blue crystals using the purple recipe

- when you crit voila! purple crystal (BoE tyvm :p)


That keeps them rarer and yet accessible.


Crafting has so much potential but oversights like this, raid/hard mode FP BoP crafting mats (an abomination imo), other BoP crafting nonsense (such as Cybertech speeders, synth armor, etc) just kills it for me. I'm a huge crafter and my long term payment decision will be about 50% based on the state of crafting.

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Wow, then quit and the community will be better off. If your that upset over a piece of loot and it's drop rates then MMO's are not for you. Complaining about a piece of gear is as petty as it comes in my book for an MMO.
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This game, the entire premise, its place within the lore is all entirely and utterly EU. It is the spiritual successor of a game that was also firmly ensconced in the EU. The EU absolutely applies. The only Star Wars MMO where the 'EU barely counts' argument could hold even a smidgen of weight is now dead, and that would only be by virtue of the time period in which it occurs. We, however, are sitting thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin. There is no barely, no maybe. The movie/god tier only mentality really does not hold much water here. This is EU, thus the EU's lore applies.


I was not making a statement about Sammy Jackson's intent in the request. I couldn't care less why he did it, or what he hoped to achieve with it. My only point was to point out the fact that Mace Windu was not the first Jedi to use a purple lightsaber. Simply because I get tired of seeing that falsehood in General (and here) repeatedly. Mara Jade had one, most of the books about her earlier life were written before Mace ever ignited his saber in AotC. YJK: Lightsabers was published three years before TPM was released.


The reason his saber is the color it is, and the reason it is regarded as rare in his time, are also only explained within the confines of the EU. The movies never tell us anything about it. It simply is. So on that point, the god-tier lore is remarkably silent.


Now as to the actual OP, I have no real opinion. If this is make or break for him, I guess that's his prerogative. I want a purple crystal because of Jaina Solo. However, that said, it isn't that big of a deal to me. I'm not here to join the purple crystal crusade. I just got tired of people saying Mace was the first and only, and that the people who want a purple saber are massive Mace fans. I can't speak for the rest, but I am not.


But I am perfectly happy with my green lightsaber for now. If I find a purple crystal, nice. If I never do, that's okay, too.


When I say EU barely counts, it is in light of the fact that the vast majority of Star Wars fans have never been exposed to a scrap of it.


Blue and Green vs Red is a visual motif that is constant throughout every single film -- which is the primary source of exposure the majority of fans have experienced. This is only broken one time, and that is by Mace Windu. If you really believe a sizeable percentage of those who wish to have a purple crystal want one because Mara had one, you're deluding yourself.


The outcry is because of Mace Windu, and the popularity of Jackson as an actor. Period. Regardless of what the fiction says, he will always be tied to that purple lightsaber, and every time I see one I will know in my gut that he ruined the visual continuity of six films for the sake of his ego, and I will despise him for it.


Anyway, his portrayal of the character was half-assed, his lines were even more rigid than Jimmy Smitts, and his lightsaber technique looked like he was swatting at flies. The character was developed horribly and his role in Anakin's final turn to the dark side utterly unbelievable. A respected Jedi Councilman and "one of the most powerful battle-Jedi in history" is suddenly a murderer and hasn't the wherewithal to understand how he is being manipulated? In a single scene? Give me a break.


I do realize I have gone way off-topic here :) But my reasons for hating Mace Windu's place in the films and Jackson's herpa-derp portrayal of him are many, and you know something?


He will always be the purple lightsaber ******e. Because visual motifs matter, and a random mutant shark *****-slapped him and took his Bad Mother****er wallet away.

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I don't care if it takes 1,000,000 commendations, as long as there is some path toward getting one that I can take.


A rare drop means there's a real chance I'll never get one, no matter how hard I try. And while I love single group content, under no circumstance will I raid.


If it's unattainable for me, I'll take it as an insult to my playstyle and, by extension, myself.


I guess people can say that's my own darn fault, but I want to make my feelings on the matter known, regardless of how they are judged.


QQ more please, it amuses me.

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