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How to specc the Sage Healer for PvP(VIDEO)


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Well, 1on1s depend on the enemy.

If its a very good equipped DD ill will lose on open field.

Normal people are no problem for me to 1on1, just takes its time.

Most of the times you wont be alone or get into 1on1 situations.


And to the guys criticising the word "professional":

ATM We hav/had the first valorrank 60, win 99% and we are most likely the only ones on our server thats use voice chat for perfect teamplay(dont wanne say more arguments for that)

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[quote And to the guys criticising the word "professional":

ATM We hav/had the first valorrank 60, win 99% and we are most likely the only ones on our server thats use voice chat for perfect teamplay(dont wanne say more arguments for that)


Well its a decent video.


Professional comes from the word profession and means that you do this thing for a living (getting payed for it). So by saying you are in a professional guild, it means you are in a guild who gets payed to play the game.


I guess you ment it is a "good" PvP guild.





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That last point doesn't really fit anywhere unfortunately. I used to have it in Concentration but assuming you cast it at least 5 times to get 3 stacks you've spent 136.5 force to regen a total of 159.2 force. The bonus from Concentration only counts for 31.2 force of the total 159.2 over that time. You could argue that over a prolonged fight, Concentration will eventually pay off, but when you start having to cast it multiple times to keep the regen stack active it again starts losing it's effectiveness.


All that said, it's still no worse than some of the other options for that last point.


Edit: This is all based off of standard force regen as I've yet to see anything increasing that number. Concentration does have the potential to increase in effectiveness if you find gear somewhere to increase you base force regen rate.

Edited by MrRaptorJesus
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My Skill tree is similar to yours though I find myself adding points into Confound. Slowing the target down to 20% for 15 seconds is rather useful in pvp and its instant, no cool down. I can slow the whole opposing team down practically right at the start of a battle. On top of that Force Slow stacks with it practically putting your opponent to a stop that's a 70% percent slow down when the two skills work together.


maybe this is a different topic but I am only level 44 but what kind of gear do you use? What kind of stats do you prefer on your gear. As of know I enjoy gear with Critical rating and Alacrity I prefer gear with a higher Endurance rather then will power for survivability.

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My Skill tree is similar to yours though I find myself adding points into Confound. Slowing the target down to 20% for 15 seconds is rather useful in pvp and its instant, no cool down. I can slow the whole opposing team down practically right at the start of a battle. On top of that Force Slow stacks with it practically putting your opponent to a stop that's a 70% percent slow down when the two skills work together.


maybe this is a different topic but I am only level 44 but what kind of gear do you use? What kind of stats do you prefer on your gear. As of know I enjoy gear with Critical rating and Alacrity I prefer gear with a higher Endurance rather then will power for survivability.


The question is: what do you sacrifice to have 2 points for confound? You simply don't have two spare points for that.


@OP: I agree with all but the last point. Here's why:


1. You'll only use disturbance, when Telekinetic Throw and Project are both on cooldown. And even then, I'd rather use Mind Crush and Weaken Mind before I stand there for 1,5s to cast Disturbance.


2. The amount of force points you gain is very small even in the best of cases. Assuming you really only have 1 point in concentration, you'd need to cast Disturbance a lot to actually stack the buff. But you won't spam Disturbance, since you also have instant casts like Telekinetic Throw, Project, Weaken Mind or even Force Wave. So basically you will almost never actually regenerate any force points whatsoever with only one point in Concentration.


3. You really don't need more talents that regenerate force. If you use all the proccs you gain from Healing Trance and Resplendence, you just can't get out of force. Facture into this that the 4 piece set bonus from the champion/centurion gear even further motivates frequent use of noble sacrifice (healing 3 % of your max health), you will spam Trance and Noble Sacrifice as much as you can. I can fight for minutes without going oof with Resplendence, I really don't need more force regeneration.


So yeah, the last point sucks. What it comes down to, in my opinion, is the choice between a spamable 10 % slow (1 point Confound) or a very minor damage reduction (1 point Jedi Resistance). At the moment, since as long as I live my team keeps rapeing the crap out of enemy players (we have pvp experience and gear advantage), the only thing I need to make sure is to stay alive as long as possible. 1 % damage reduction might sound small, but facture in Expertise, the 5 % base bonus we consulars get on defense, a lot of HP, Force Armor etc. and eventually all these small factors will make you quite tanky. A 10 % slow on the other hand really does not matter that much, what with all the gap closers, charges, force speed spells, harpoons and what have you.

Edited by Rawael
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You admitted your likely the only guild to use voice comms, and you still 'claim' to be 'professional'...


The video was very helpful to people with no clue, but the way you hyped it really is dissappointing as it indicates you don't really have as much idea about what your talking about as you'd like. This is proven when you say you, as a professional healer, choose to waste time dpsing to build force regen (free noble sacrifice management should make this unneccessary) when you could put the point into the 1% of damage reduction meaning you have a total of 3% damage reduction UNGUARDED.


You may have a good idea of what to do, but if you don't understand that staying alive is the utmost important part of doing your job well, your not as good as you think. If the enemy (which you admitted ISNT GOOD ENOUGH TO DO THIS WELL) switches their assist train to you, you need to be able to survive for as long as possible and everything helps when it means getting an extra GCD.


Apart from this gross inflation of your ego, useful video.

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Well, 1on1s depend on the enemy.

If its a very good equipped DD ill will lose on open field.

Normal people are no problem for me to 1on1, just takes its time.

Most of the times you wont be alone or get into 1on1 situations.


And to the guys criticising the word "professional":

ATM We hav/had the first valorrank 60, win 99% and we are most likely the only ones on our server thats use voice chat for perfect teamplay(dont wanne say more arguments for that)


lol you use voice chat when you PVP! What a concept... And yes pro means you get PAID.


cool vid though. :)

Edited by lordgracy
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The question is: what do you sacrifice to have 2 points for confound? You simply don't have two spare points for that.


I don't think Pain Bearer is essential as is confound but that is where I switched the points. It fits my play style.

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The question is: what do you sacrifice to have 2 points for confound? You simply don't have two spare points for that.


I don't think Pain Bearer is essential as is confound but that is where I switched the points. It fits my play style.


Well, if you say so...but sacrificing 8 % increased heals for yourself for a crappy slow seems very risky to me. Good teams will focus the crap out of you, you'll need all the tankyness you can get. If you don't get focused, because people on your server have yet to learn that they need to kill the healer first, then sure, go for it.

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