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Stun bug or is this another exploit?


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Getting a sage stun me 6 times while I was full resolve.

One stun after another. I tell you the bugs and other bull **** are getting too much.

This crap only seems to happen to me in regs. I’ve yet to see any problems in ranked.

For gods sake, please fix the damn game and ban those who actually cheat.

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I wouldn't be surprised if on Trixxie's screen it shows full resolve with her PacRim latency :(


lol yeah. She probably sees lots of things those of us with clean latency never experience.


Easy solution is to just move to the USA and get a new PC. When I got my newest PC, it improved my gaming experience big time. Luckily I didn't have to move to the USA though, being a resident already. :p

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lol yeah. She probably sees lots of things those of us with clean latency never experience.


Easy solution is to just move to the USA and get a new PC. When I got my newest PC, it improved my gaming experience big time. Luckily I didn't have to move to the USA though, being a resident already. :p


Babe, yes distance causes my lag. But it’s not so bad that I can get stunned/cc’d so many times with full resolve. How many times have you been whirlwinded and electro shocked in a row with full resolve? It’s literally impossible (or should be). If I was lagging that bad I would disconnect. ;)

Plus, you have the problem that those abilities should have been on CD.


Also, I can sssure you I don’t need a new PC.

I’ve also got fibre to my house (1gb connection). My home network is full Cat6e and I don’t connect my PC wirelessly.

We use 2 business grade UPS’s to ensure stable sine wave power (and surge protection). It also allows us to game for an extra hour if we have a black out :D

I also use WTFast too smooth out 99% of lag spikes. And I run ping Plotter as well to check.

My Windows10 is stripped down to the bare minimum needed to stream line it’s performance and block telemetry being sent randomly to Microsoft (ie services, etc)


Here are my PC specs in case you are interested :D


Intel i7 5770k water cooled to 4.7ghz

Asus TuF motherboard

16gb DDR4 G.Skill Trident Ram

Samsung 960 Pro NVMe 512GB

MSI nVidia GTX 1080i GPU



Here’s a pic on our setup. The pics a bit old now and we’ve got newer network equipment (I’ve since upgraded my wife’s PC on the right with a similar system to mine)



As you can see, I’m ontop of the tech side of things :D. I should be, I worked in the IT industry for 27 years from Microsoft tech support for Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, NT4 and 2000... then Corel, IBM, Netcomm... etc, till I owned my own PC/IT business (now semi retired).

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Getting a sage stun me 6 times while I was full resolve.

One stun after another. I tell you the bugs and other bull **** are getting too much.

This crap only seems to happen to me in regs. I’ve yet to see any problems in ranked.

For gods sake, please fix the damn game and ban those who actually cheat.


Please record this happening. Easiest way to record the game is to stream it to Twitch with OBS or something similar. Then when you actually have proof of these things occuring, you can show us directly.

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Please record this happening. Easiest way to record the game is to stream it to Twitch with OBS or something similar. Then when you actually have proof of these things occuring, you can show us directly.


Problem is I already have extra lag. As you can see from my previous post, I take all steps to elimate anything and everything that can cause lag.

Running twitch or other recording software all the time in the hope I will catch someone is counter productive to my gaming experience because I would be artificially adding more lag (for a better term).

I would love nothing better than to live in the US or have our old apac servers back and then I could record these things all the time.

Until someone invents a recording program that I can turn on with the click of a switch and it loads instantly, then the best I can hope for is a screen shot or using my iPhone, which I’ve done before to record a hacker, but it’s poor quality (still got an interesting recording of a guy phasing though walls).

If this sort of stuff happened every game, then I would just sit back and record that one match. I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve seen this particular thing.

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Until someone invents a recording program that I can turn on with the click of a switch and it loads instantly, then the best I can hope for is a screen shot or using my iPhone, which I’ve done before to record a hacker, but it’s poor quality (still got an interesting recording of a guy phasing though walls).

If this sort of stuff happened every game, then I would just sit back and record that one match. I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve seen this particular thing.


Bandicam. It records your screen, nothing to do with internet. However, it's a shareware, so you can record -- I think -- about 10 mins in the free version. I don't know if there is a limit on how many 10-min films you can record.

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Babe, yes distance causes my lag. But it’s not so bad that I can get stunned/cc’d so many times with full resolve. How many times have you been whirlwinded and electro shocked in a row with full resolve? It’s literally impossible (or should be). If I was lagging that bad I would disconnect. ;)

Plus, you have the problem that those abilities should have been on CD.


Also, I can sssure you I don’t need a new PC.

I’ve also got fibre to my house (1gb connection). My home network is full Cat6e and I don’t connect my PC wirelessly.

We use 2 business grade UPS’s to ensure stable sine wave power (and surge protection). It also allows us to game for an extra hour if we have a black out :D

I also use WTFast too smooth out 99% of lag spikes. And I run ping Plotter as well to check.

My Windows10 is stripped down to the bare minimum needed to stream line it’s performance and block telemetry being sent randomly to Microsoft (ie services, etc)


Here are my PC specs in case you are interested :D


Intel i7 5770k water cooled to 4.7ghz

Asus TuF motherboard

16gb DDR4 G.Skill Trident Ram

Samsung 960 Pro NVMe 512GB

MSI nVidia GTX 1080i GPU



Here’s a pic on our setup. The pics a bit old now and we’ve got newer network equipment (I’ve since upgraded my wife’s PC on the right with a similar system to mine)



As you can see, I’m ontop of the tech side of things :D. I should be, I worked in the IT industry for 27 years from Microsoft tech support for Windows 3.1, 95, 98, ME, NT4 and 2000... then Corel, IBM, Netcomm... etc, till I owned my own PC/IT business (now semi retired).


Nice setup! Bit over the top for my needs but it looks fun! So many screens sheesh, don't you get whiplash trying to watch all the connected screens?

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Here’s a pic on our setup. The pics a bit old now and we’ve got newer network equipment (I’ve since upgraded my wife’s PC on the right with a similar system to mine)


How in the hell are your desks so clean? Even when my station is "cleaned up", I still have a mandatory Dt Dew bottle on my desk and a few random scraps of paper and a pen for notes...

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How in the hell are your desks so clean? Even when my station is "cleaned up", I still have a mandatory Dt Dew bottle on my desk and a few random scraps of paper and a pen for notes...


I had a similar thought too lol, only I thought there's no way they have any cats... my cats would use those huge flat areas as welcome mats to lay on. :p

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I had a similar thought too lol, only I thought there's no way they have any cats... my cats would use those huge flat areas as welcome mats to lay on. :p

Or small dogs...mine would jump up there as well lol.

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I still have a mandatory Dt Dew bottle on my desk


ROFL Mt Dew :D


Man, switch to unsweetened black or green tea (over ice if needed). The strong kind. Not only is tea really really good for you, it has tons of caffeine. ;) Try PG Tips, it's practically rocket fuel: Clicky. And cheaper than soda.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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ROFL Mt Dew :D


Man, switch to unsweetened black or green tea (over ice if needed). The strong kind. Not only is tea really really good for you, it has tons of caffeine. ;) Try PG Tips, it's practically rocket fuel: Clicky

My friend, Diet Dew and I have a very special bond...I love it, it loves me...we live in perfect harmony. I'm willing to try the tea, but no beverage has come close to my enjoyment of Diet Dew...but I will look into it :)


edit: Maybe it's the child in me, but I had to chuckle at the link to "tea bags" in a PvP thread :p

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My friend, Diet Dew and I have a very special bond...I love it, it loves me...we live in perfect harmony. I'm willing to try the tea, but no beverage has come close to my enjoyment of Diet Dew...but I will look into it :)


edit: Maybe it's the child in me, but I had to chuckle at the link to "tea bags" in a PvP thread :p


Fair enough. Do your thing. If you do order tea though, just remember that most grocery store teas are garbage.

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ROFL Mt Dew :D


Man, switch to unsweetened black or green tea (over ice if needed). The strong kind. Not only is tea really really good for you, it has tons of caffeine. ;) Try PG Tips, it's practically rocket fuel: Clicky. And cheaper than soda.


I just ordered this brand of tea never seen it before. Thanks. :p

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Nice setup! Bit over the top for my needs but it looks fun! So many screens sheesh, don't you get whiplash trying to watch all the connected screens?


No whiplash, lol. They are set at an angle that lets you see with you peripheral vision (like driving). I also have my camera distance scrolled out to 70% (for when I need it). I can scroll in for mor intimate moments :D


It’s great in pvp because no one can ever sneak up on you (except stealths). It makes guarding and calling earlier much easier and you can get a bigger picture of what’s happening around you (good situational awareness). I sometimes forget other people don’t need have 3 screen and I wonder why they didn’t see the guy calling behind them.


You can obviously edit the GUI so it mostly on your middle screen, I have some stuff one the side, but it’s non essential stuff for combat.

The one and only draw back with the 3 screens is the character choice page or when you are creating a new character. Both are off to the far side of my right screen and it can cause a sore neck if you spend too long doing stuff (like character creation).


One of the other things that most people with only one screen wouldn’t know is when you do the original pve space sim missions (on rails), you can actually see more and see and shoot targets on the other screens. With one screen you wouldn’t even see them :D


The only thing I would suggest if anyone want to move to 3 screens, is don’t have your mouse speed too high or when you spin around, you can get motion sickness if it’s too fast (I’m use to it on mine, but my wife has it set higher and I get dizzy using her PC)

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How in the hell are your desks so clean? Even when my station is "cleaned up", I still have a mandatory Dt Dew bottle on my desk and a few random scraps of paper and a pen for notes...


I’ve a little bit of OCD at times. But my wife is the complete opposite and soooooo messy, sometimes it drives me mad :p

(A messy environment can lead to a messy mind and mine is messed up enough already :D)


My side is always like that, but I cleaned hers up for the picture to show someone.

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I had a similar thought too lol, only I thought there's no way they have any cats... my cats would use those huge flat areas as welcome mats to lay on. :p


We definitely have a cat (called Blizz). You can see his (powered) heat mat on the left side of my desk. He lays there and sleeps or watches me play. It can be very distracting when he starts cleaning my left hand in the middle of pvp

He also has his own chair in between ours. Here is him being a derp

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ROFL Mt Dew :D


Man, switch to unsweetened black or green tea (over ice if needed). The strong kind. Not only is tea really really good for you, it has tons of caffeine. ;) Try PG Tips, it's practically rocket fuel: Clicky. And cheaper than soda.


Exaclty ^


Jasmine tea also has some of the highest lvls of caffeine. Plus some of the good black teas that are higher than strong coffee. They also don’t have that massive caffeine spike and crash you get from coffee. The caffeine from tea is a nice big steady arc of pleasure and you have no crash. It’s a sustained caffeine hit with no down side.

(Reminds me, I need to order some more tea from my tea lady)

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My friend, Diet Dew and I have a very special bond...I love it, it loves me...we live in perfect harmony. I'm willing to try the tea, but no beverage has come close to my enjoyment of Diet Dew...but I will look into it :)


edit: Maybe it's the child in me, but I had to chuckle at the link to "tea bags" in a PvP thread :p


A recent study has found the sugar substitutes in the diet drinks causes reduced sperm counts and can lead to infertility and even prostate cancer, Theyve been doing the study for 20 or 30 years (long term) and only just released the results.

If you don’t have kids and want them, you might need to cut back on the diet Dew.

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A recent study has found the sugar substitutes in the diet drinks causes reduced sperm counts and can lead to infertility and even prostate cancer, Theyve been doing the study for 20 or 30 years (long term) and only just released the results.

If you don’t have kids and want them, you might need to cut back on the diet Dew.


My uncle is 85 years old, and has drank diet coke since I can remember. I like studies and believe they do have substance to them but sometimes you just got to live and not worry about the consequences of every activity you partake in.


It's like with cats, every vet and study says wet food is better for cats, adds much needed hydration, yada yada and it's probably all true too! However, one cat we had lived 19 years, longer than any other cat I have had and he ate nothing but hard food. He just wouldn't touch wet food lol.


So, I just remember that and other examples of supposed outlier situations and I choose different studies to follow and believe in, while others I cast aside and let others worry on. :)

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My uncle is 85 years old, and has drank diet coke since I can remember. I like studies and believe they do have substance to them but sometimes you just got to live and not worry about the consequences of every activity you partake in.


It's like with cats, every vet and study says wet food is better for cats, adds much needed hydration, yada yada and it's probably all true too! However, one cat we had lived 19 years, longer than any other cat I have had and he ate nothing but hard food. He just wouldn't touch wet food lol.


So, I just remember that and other examples of supposed outlier situations and I choose different studies to follow and believe in, while others I cast aside and let others worry on. :)


Yeah, there are always exceptions. Even with smoking they can only say “it might cause cancer”. My silly mother is still doing it at 80 and has no intentions of giving up even though her brother died of lung cancer 20 years ago.


All we can do is hope the scientist and doctors have a clue and can guide us to best practices. Obviously most don’t listen, Im no exception with a lot of things. I use to figure if it hasn’t got me yet, then it won’t. But then my best friend died of breast cancer and she was 10 years younger than me, now I get checked every year instead of every 5.


Anyway, I only brought it up cause it was fresh in my mind from reading it, so I thought I’d pass it on.

I certainly don’t need to worry about a low sperm count :D


My cats have always eaten a mix of dry and wet food. They need both IMO if they are indoor cats. Mine gets special dental bickies and also fur ball bickies to help him poop them (he’s not good at coughing them up). Then he gets raw meat or fish for his other meal. My last Burmese lived till he was 21.


There are is no 100% fool proof thing in life. You just try your hardest and hope for the best :D

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