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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Community Cantina happening in Chicago!


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I'm thinking about going to this but I've never been to one before. With space being limited does anyone know how quickly they usually fill up? Like do you have to line up hours in advance or anything? Or is that not usually a problem as long as you get there a little bit before it starts?
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I'm thinking about going to this but I've never been to one before. With space being limited does anyone know how quickly they usually fill up? Like do you have to line up hours in advance or anything? Or is that not usually a problem as long as you get there a little bit before it starts?


I've been to two of them, at the previous two Celebrations here in the U.S. There was a line to get in, but only at the start and to find tables to sit at. There's usually more standing room than tables, so if you NEED to sit, the earlier the better, I'd say. Or bring your own little fold up chair like people bring to "sit" in lines at the main celebration event....if the hotel allows that...fire codes vary by location....

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What As ceryxp noted (in their second definition) we always have a number of free SWTOR related items that we give to all attendees. Posters, t-shirts, and more. That is what you can expect at Celebration.




So no droopingly curved cloths at your cantina?


I'm out.

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Charles, we miss you. Please come hang out with us on the forums every once in awhile. We can discuss SWTOR's future here, too! :D




Why would SWTOR Staff members want to discuss SWTOR on the game's Official Forum?


That would be stupid, and counter to the established behaviour patterns of the last 8 years!



All The Best

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Someone mentioned wanting to purchase SWTOR related t-shirts and stuff, and I second that. I have never seen any SWTOR merchandise that I can recall. During past livestreams, we've seen the devs have them, and I think it'd be great if we could show our support for this great game by rocking a t-shirt or whatever.
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French community is once again forgotten:(


The whole of Europe is forgotten when it comes to US companies, trust me I used t work for one of the biggest.


And to be fair what is there to celebrate about the game at the moment anyway?


Be safe

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It should actually be renamed "last chance casino"


Last question Charles, what are you most excited for with SWTOR in 2019?


Mostly stuff I can’t talk about yet ;-) Ask me again at our Community Cantina at Celebration in Chicago in April!


If nothing substantial comes from this quote and I mean content and game fixes for the 'very near' future then April will be the last month this game will take any more of my cash and my days in ESO will become permanent.

Hell I'm even considering buying a plane ticket for that 9 hour flight from Blighty just to give them a piece of my mind face to face.


Be safe

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Just as a quick heads up ahead of the event. If you are planning to attend the Celebration Cantina in Chicago, registration will be required for admittance. You can register ahead of time, here. If you don't, no sweat, you will be able to register onsite!


Thanks all, looking forward to seeing you there :rak_03:.



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