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After 7+ years of playing...


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I prefer playing Imperial. I find the Jedi and Republic really hypocritical and feel that the Imperial stories have a lot more nuance and meaningful choices. The only Republic class story I enjoyed playing was the Smuggler. The others were just something to get through. I also find the Imperial side companions a lot more likable and enjoy the companion side quests on the Imperial side more, overall.


My favorite stories are Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor. I don't tend to play my characters as stupid evil or cruel, and there are a few quests I just won't do on both sides.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I'm here since late 2012 / early 2013.

I've always played Republic side, but found it more and more boring over the time. Yet I still can't play the Empire side, because it's simply not my taste - even although they have far superior designs.

Nowadays, I'm kind of limping through the game, not finding a combination of class and species I like.

I've been experimenting with 2 Bounty Hunters and 1 Sith Inquisitor, but I hardly ever play them.

These days, I'm playing female characters, curious of how the designers made their gameplay. It's almost kind of an "sociology study". :csw_hoth:

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Hi. My name is Lhancelot, or Lhance for short. I'm an altaholic. I began playing MMOs when I was a very young man, starting with the grandfather of them all, WOW. Just kidding, I began playing the REAL grandfather of all, Everquest in 2000.


Sorry to digress... I know this is about our own personal struggles with our addiction to MMOs and particularly SWTOR, so I will get to it.


I began playing SWTOR right at launch. It was so long ago I can't even recall details of my first planet, but I do remember I first created a character named Retro, and then a second Metro. These were bounty hunters, one a mercenary and one a tank PT! I wanted one to have silver/gray hair, sort of the grizzled veteran if you will, and the other was a younger more rambunctious one.


Anyway, it didn't take long for me to start queing for Blacktalon, or what we started calling BT. People would call out, "3 looking for 1 more, need tank!" I'd join the groups, and back then the dungeons or as SWTOR calls them the Flashpoints or FPs were level required as well as needing the holy trinity to complete them. Meaning, we needed the 3 archetypes known in MMOs as healer, tank, and DPS.


The FPs were really fun in the beginning days, they dropped semi-rare particular loots of that specific FP that were class restricted, so we often would have to run BT many times for our different toons to get that special BT item we wanted! Also rare orange items that were moddable would drop which could fetch a nice amount of credits on the GTN!


This was a special time on SWTOR, because the PVE really had dynamic facets to not only the actual FP but to the process of doing it with other players! When you were in a group, you played your role, and it really felt like you were a meaningful part of that group!


This leads me to the next part of my story! PVP!!!


I began queing for War Zones, or better known as WZs as soon as possible. This actually started me on my path to altaholicism. I first started entering the WZs on Retro and Metro, but found that I really hated those force using sorcerers, or what we called "sorcs!" Of course I made a sorc for my own, I named him Daffy'duck. Shortly after that time, I then made an awesome Juggernaut named Bugs'bunny, and it wasn't long before these characters had more family members in their legacy!


Basically my SWTOR life continued on within a very routine cyclic pattern. I'd create new characters every few weeks and by the time I'd been on the game for a year I had the max number of characters I could have on the server which I forget what it was. This began the awful cycle of having to delete my lesser favorites, just to create new characters. I felt it was quite unfair to have a such limit on how many characters I could create, because in reality all of my characters held special places within my heart. Destroying one just to create a new one killed a little bit inside me every time. It was a necessary process though, to accommodate the real problem I had, which was altaholicism.


I feel like I have shared enough of my own personal trial and tribulations without going into too many hurtful memories. I just wanted to sharea small part of my story with others who perhaps can relate to how their love of SWTOR began, and who maybe aren't quite ready to admit they have a problem with altaholicism yet but will come around as I have. Be strong brothers and sisters! No matter what, you are not alone and you are loved!


I won't try to tell you what you should or should not do regarding SWTOR, we all have our own destinies and it is for you to find that special path of growth and enlightenment! As we all say, may the Force be with you!

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I feel like I have shared enough of my own personal trial and tribulations without going into too many hurtful memories. I just wanted to sharea small part of my story with others who perhaps can relate to how their love of SWTOR began, and who maybe aren't quite ready to admit they have a problem with altaholicism yet but will come around as I have. Be strong brothers and sisters! No matter what, you are not alone and you are loved!


I won't try to tell you what you should or should not do regarding SWTOR, we all have our own destinies and it is for you to find that special path of growth and enlightenment! As we all say, may the Force be with you!


Is there a particular reason you wrote this post as if you were sharing your story in an AA meeting? It comes off less as an amusing pastiche and more as a mockery.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Founder, Beta, Bounty Hunter the whole time. Played all of them and, still need smuggler and trooper stories for legend status, but as I only play my Bounty Hunter, Arsenal (droppin heat rocks from above). I can't seem to get the others done and I've had 7 years....to funny! Boba Fett is my favorite character and Mandalore from Kotor and Revan if you read the book. Jawa companion so much fun. Mandalorian for life. Edited by grubz
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Mockery of what? I was just sharing my honest beginning on SWTOR. Every bit of it is true.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the insult was unintentional.


You took the casual, silly notion of an altaholic, deconstructed it, and passed it through the lens of an AA-style testimonial. Perhaps you thought it would be funny. To me, it's about as amusing as if you likened your experience here to being in a bulimia support group [you have to throw up every time you finish playing], or that you wish you could forget about this game as easily as Altzheimer's sufferers, or that, like MS, this game just gets progressively worse.


tl;dr: It's a cancer joke. A well-written, masterful cancer joke full of clever references and inside jokes to those in the know, but at heart it's a cancer joke with a long punchline.

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tl;dr: It's a cancer joke. A well-written, masterful cancer joke full of clever references and inside jokes to those in the know, but at heart it's a cancer joke with a long punchline.


You had to look real hard to find offense in that post. If it was so masterful and clever and intricate and stuff perhaps you were merely looking for a reason to be offended. Or maybe you're biased because Lhance has been critical of the game as of late and looking to find fault when there isn't one. Or possibly it's generational. It's all the rage these days to be in a permanent state of offense. Either way, you could stand to dial it back a notch or two on the shocked-and-outraged-o'meter.


TL;DR: You're trying too hard.

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You had to look real hard to find offense in that post. If it was so masterful and clever and intricate and stuff perhaps you were merely looking for a reason to be offended. Or maybe you're biased because Lhance has been critical of the game as of late and looking to find fault when there isn't one. Or possibly it's generational. It's all the rage these days to be in a permanent state of offense. Either way, you could stand to dial it back a notch or two on the shocked-and-outraged-o'meter.


TL;DR: You're trying too hard.


Or maybe because unlike you two I actually know a thing or two about AA meetings and the comparison really is insulting. Raise your hand if you've been to a meeting. No? Then kindly be silent. Next, I'm not a white knight and IDGAF about Lhance's game criticisms. As far as the generational jab, please give that crap a rest too, it's a tiresome stereotype that gets used whenever anyone is insulted by anything, regardless of what it is. I expect it from bitter old cranks like Porsa, who seems to think showing hurt feelings is a weakness [how very mature], hadn't expected it from you.

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Played Beta, but then I couldnt play the game for some time, started again somewhere before 2.0


Main is Jedi Sentinel, still love playing him. I preffer rep side, but due to less people "doing stuff" on rep side I have to swtich to empire often since the population on DM is more imp based. I love playing all classes apart from gunslinger/sniper. I dps on sent, mando, shadow, heal on sage, tank on shadow.

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I've played SWTOR on and off since beta. I was one of the lucky ones to get picked to participate in one of the beta weekends. I am a founder. I have legendary status from completing all 8 stories and quest-lines.


After 7+ years of playing, I've decided I prefer playing Empire side only. My favorite class is the Sith Inquisitor, but don't ask me to choose between sorcerer or assassin because they're both bad-*** in their own ways. I also love playing the Sith Warrior [both advanced classes] and the Bounty Hunter [both advanced classes]. I won't play the agent anymore though. I don't care for the story and it's not my play-style at all. Sorry to all you agent lovers out there.


If I was forced to play Republic side again, I would play a Trooper. I will always love Aric Jorgan. But the Knight, Consular, and Smuggler were just never as fun as my Sith or my Bounty Hunters.


What about you? How long have you been playing? What is your favorite side? Do you have a favorite side? What are your favorite classes?


TRAITOR!!! PFL (Pub For Life)!


Been here since early beta as well, never taken a break, Trooper was my only beta toon, still to this day the only type of toons I play regularly (Trooper/Merc).


Sadly, the folks I play with also like the Imp side (the vile bastards)...so I have been known to swing both ways...but 95% of my time is still spent Pub side :)

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Or maybe because unlike you two I actually know a thing or two about AA meetings and the comparison really is insulting. Raise your hand if you've been to a meeting. No? Then kindly be silent.


You know me so well. :rolleyes: I've been sober for 12 years. I'll raise my hand and still not be offended by Lhance's humorous comparison. Lighten up, Francis.

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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the insult was unintentional.


You took the casual, silly notion of an altaholic...


Alright, thank you. As you say, I was taking the notion of being addicted to alts as silly, nothing more. Glad you can see that my post was nothing more than a lighthearted play on the word "altaholic."


I always used the word to describe myself, and heard others do the same over the years when people like us have this addiction to creating/playing what seems to be an endless number of different characters.


My intent clearly wasn't to offend or hurt someone's feelings, especially those who also suffer from an uncontrollable urge to play alts, and if the term "altaholic" or any derivation of this word causes people discomfort or grief I gladly can stop using it.

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You know me so well. :rolleyes: I've been sober for 12 years. I'll raise my hand and still not be offended by Lhance's humorous comparison. Lighten up, Francis.


My intent clearly wasn't to offend or hurt someone's feelings, especially those who also suffer from an uncontrollable urge to play alts, and if the term "altaholic" or any derivation of this word causes people discomfort or grief I gladly can stop using it.


Fine, fine, I relent. I need a snickers.

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Account Creation Date: 12.06.11


here for long, it's a hate and love story with this game (especially bioware)


tone of alts (50+) all style dark side/light/gender tried i guess but definitly empire outside story and for playing endgame.


sith inquisitor the first day of playing, i am in the third generation of my main now ... the gran father should be proud :)


few know how the game was, just remembering 50+ vs 50 +pvp on illum ... seems in another century.



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