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Dead Cat Bounce


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Look up the term 'Dead Cat Bounce'.

Do you agree that it applies to SWTOR?


p.s. I'm an original player (from way back when lv50 was the highest level you could attain). Then I took a break for a number of years. Returned this time last year and I'm slowly working my way through each of the class stories plus KotFE/KotET. However, going by the number of unaddressed recent companion bugs I don't think I'll be activating 5.10 any time soon; and going by the number of unaddressed previous bugs, I'd have to say that the game doesn't look to have any kind of long-term survivability or resilience. Shame, but the writing is pretty clear on the wall. We can all hope that each bounce will give the cat new life, but this kitty I think is deceased. It's pushing up daisies. Just like Monty Python's parrot.

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Tsk. He's an "original player" from the time when the level cap was 50. Well, guess what, I started back then, too, but I'm not a Founder. (I started about three weeks before 2.0 dropped.)


Perhaps my name should have been TuxTheSarcastic...

Edited by TUXs
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1. No there is no dead cat bounce. That requires a bounce. SWTOR hasn't seen an increase in population for sometime as near as I can tell. Is it just "dead" then? Nope. Life support? Who knows? That's outside all of our pay grades.


2. There are bugs. There are a few bugs in this game for quite some time. Some will be fixed, others that are (fairly) minor will not. There are still bugs in this game that were reported during beta. I know as I was there. I also beta tested WoW, and there are still bugs in that game that were present during beta.


3. I'm a founder as well. Big deal. You either enjoy the game enough to play and (possibly) subscribe or you don't. There are other games around if this one annoys you.

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4.0 was the bounce. Charles even said that KOTFE was a very successful expansion from a numbers perspective. Oddly, I can't find the post any more. I wonder if it was deleted.



I know he said it in one of the early post-5.0 threads shortly after Keith took over.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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For those unwilling or unable to look it up, a Dead Cat Bounce is:


"In finance, a dead cat bounce is a small, brief recovery in the price of a declining stock. Derived from the idea that "even a dead cat will bounce if it falls from a great height", the phrase, which originated on Wall Street, is also popularly applied to any case where a subject experiences a brief resurgence during or following a severe decline." (Wiki)


There, you learned something new.


It's usually applied to stocks and shares, but also has application to political polling. The application of the term the Dead Cat Bounce to SWTOR is whether the small player resurgence after 5.10 was a lasting thing, or whether the game would continue on its slow downward trajectory.

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This game is not a dead cat. It is a Super Ball on the trampoline, it's NASA's Vomit Comet, it is elevator of Eiffel tower in tourist season... uhh too late at night here someone else can come up with more. But you get the picture :D
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