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SWTOR, EA & The Micro-transaction Economy


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My justification for these prices is the ability to get the cartel coins without spending money. Other games do this at an unreasonable grind, however I felt like SWTOR was much much more obtainable. Through monthly subscriber CC and CC through use of referral codes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a supporter of micro transactions, I just feel in this case the game would be dead without them
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Once i saw how they were doing these cartel packs and how it was a major gamble to get what you want. i seen people drop 75 to 100 bucks on packs and never got a thing they wanted and yet got a bunch of crap. Once i saw this system i said, Just take all Items and Put it on sell like it is sitting on a shelve at the market and we come in see it like it buy it get WHAT WE WANT with the money we know isnt going to be a waste. Simple.


Sorry to say it took them a while to catch up with my idea. Still they sell a pack or bundle/s but still it is a big improvement.

I think 50$ is a price of a whole new game and not 1 digital item like a gun or armor for a game, the is screwed up i dont care how cool it looks. Cause in the end, the looks gives you nothing but fluff, it sure isnt giving you any skills or new skills at all.


Still they can still improve like lowering those 50$ items to like 12 maybe 15 bucks but nothing should ever be more then that and less 2 bucks. JMO

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My justification for these prices is the ability to get the cartel coins without spending money. Other games do this at an unreasonable grind, however I felt like SWTOR was much much more obtainable. Through monthly subscriber CC and CC through use of referral codes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a supporter of micro transactions, I just feel in this case the game would be dead without them


It’s not the concept of the market. It’s prices that are the problem, I completely agree the game would have gone under by now without the market, but the pricing and the way it’s been run over the years offers no value to player.


Everything on the market is over priced. Imagine how much more they would sell if things were cheaper! They may even get people to buys CCs more often because the transactions are actually micro and not macro (which is how ide describe it). Anything over $5 isn’t micro to me,


The other 5hing that the swtor market doesn’t offer is the ability to use in game currency to buy sub time. You pointed out that other games make you grind hard to get or pay to get stuff, a lot of those games also let you use the currency you got from grinding to buy play time or convert it to buy cash items.

WoW do this by allowing people to buy sub tokens with cash and sell them on the auction house. This allows people with lots of credits and game time to essentially neve need to pay for a sub again.

Gw2 system is even easier, you just buy/convert to the cash currency with the currency you earn in the game.


All 3 games are Grindy and swtor is just constantly getting worse since 5.0.

None of the 3 games cash shop systems is perfect and each one offers something the others don’t., but if you wanted to go on just value for money spent or not spent, the Gw2 or WoW system is better value.


My point I’m trying to make is that saying the prices are reasonable is wrong. They aren’t reasonable at all,

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Well with Battlefront 2 EA had a really bad idea, and for the sake of the players they never implemented in the first place. So turned the game from pay2win to grind2win. Later players cried for removing the randomized lootbox system, and instead simply getting what they want from their in-game money. And so EA did. Later players cried, that 4 thousand hours gameplay is too much to max out everything, and so EA reduced this time to around a thousand.


So EA with Battlefront 2 listens the people. They just forgot to give marketing about it. SWTOR has great potential, but it needs a bit of marketing, and remove the f2p sticker. It's not truly f2p. It's just f2try with more content, than usual for the free players. But rest assured, if you want to play seriously, then that suscribtion is really needed. Or at least it used to be that way when i tried first.

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You're acting like you're being forced to shop in the cartel market. :rolleyes: If the prices do not suit you, do not shop there..... ;)


You don't get the entire issue at all.

As long as there are enough idiots who pay for this rip off companies like EA will do **** to deliver actual content in an appropriate time frame.

Edited by Khaleg
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You're acting like you're being forced to shop in the cartel market. :rolleyes: If the prices do not suit you, do not shop there..... ;)

While this maybe true, you forget about psychological manipulation and the similarities to gambling. Some people can't help themselves due to gambling addictions

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You might find it interesting to know that EA has finally caved to Belgium’s demand to remove loot boxes in FIFA.


Players in Belgium will no longer be able to buy them because it’s considered gambling. It’s also possible this sort of legislation could spread to other countries, forcing EA to reconsider how it makes money.

EA isn't the only company that has yielded before the Belgium thing. ArenaNet withdrew access to Black Lion Keys (and any other Gem Store item containing the keys) for players in Belgium, although I'm not sure whether the small quantity of in-game rewards (mostly for map completion but also for reaching specific Personal Story achievements on a character) still drop BLKs for Belgians.

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You don't get the entire issue at all.

As long as there are enough idiots who pay for this rip off companies like EA will do **** to deliver actual content in an appropriate time frame.

If all those who complain here would not buy anything, then BW would have to change something. Or the game will be discontinued.


While this maybe true, you forget about psychological manipulation and the similarities to gambling. Some people can't help themselves due to gambling addictions

.....:rolleyes: Then they are not mentally attached and should go to a psychologist. I am sure that gambling addicts would find something else. It's not like there are no other games of chance on the internet. Which are even so marked.


The cartel market offers many things that you can buy directly. There are discounts, then you have to wait.

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.....:rolleyes: Then they are not mentally attached and should go to a psychologist. I am sure that gambling addicts would find something else. It's not like there are no other games of chance on the internet. Which are even so marked.


The cartel market offers many things that you can buy directly. There are discounts, then you have to wait.


Except they purposely do the "get it before it's gone" b.s. creating a false sense of urgency. If you discount the power of that on people regardless of gambling addictions, you're either naive or disconnected from society, i.e. living in your own little world.

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.... Then they are not mentally attached and should go to a psychologist. I am sure that gambling addicts would find something else. It's not like there are no other games of chance on the internet. Which are even so marked.


The cartel market offers many things that you can buy directly. There are discounts, then you have to wait.


That’s a very dangerous, inconsiderate and unaware approach. Gambling addiction like other addictions is a mental issue. They can definetly seek help, however imagine it like this. Games might be their copying mechanism, helping to distract from their addictions... only to then have companies add them into games and psychologically manipulate them. They can just play another game? I don’t think you understand how addiction works

Edited by Pacram
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That’s a very dangerous, inconsiderate and unaware approach. Gambling addiction like other addictions is a mental issue. They can definetly seek help, however imagine it like this. Games might be their copying mechanism, helping to distract from their addictions... only to then have companies add them into games and psychologically manipulate them. They can just play another game? I don’t think you understand how addiction works


I think you quoted the wrong person.

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I also think that some direct sales are very expensive. Weapons particularly.

But that is not the only way to get them. Most of those goes for very "little" on GTN.

Also if we compare CM price to other micro (internal, in app, whatever) transactions is not that expensive. Look at games that charge for "energy" to play. CM may be more expensive than other MMO shops, but lets face it: Other MMOs are simply not Star Wars. Some of the more expensive items are Iconic ones, be it movies or leyends.


About the crates and them being gamble. I agree, or more likely i used to agree. If you want a particular item buying hypercrates is gamble, plain and simple. Before Ultimate cartel packs and massive direct sales that was needed almost in all cases as they force you to buy gample boxes to get the new item. But now i think it changed: As far is i know the latest platinum item is Crimson Talon Set, that you can direct purchase.


About the odds of Packs. Acording to several sources the chances of getting some good items out of Ultimate Cartel Packs are actually good. I have opened 3 hypercrates in the last month (never before tried them), all purchased with credits.

Note: one thing the articule does not cover is that the packs changed after initial sales of it, they now include 5 items (instead of 4) per pack because Cartel reputation and certificates is back (you get a lot of rep in a single hypercrate, i think if you had nothing prior with like 5 hypercrates you can max to legend).

My luck has not been amazing, but it wasn't also terrible:

First pack: Nothing remarcably good. 2 Platinum items, one is totally unsellable: Stronghold defender blaster rifle, i don't know why that thing is even platinum. Probably a loss in credits but still a very nice experience (you see a lot of things that usually miss or don't even knew existed).

Second: This one was good. Also two platinum but both better. Imperator Command hoverchair (that i actually had my eyes on it) and darth malgus lighsaber(damaged). The first i keep for me and the second i still have, i was surprised by the "low" price on GTN. Really got my credits worth and more.

Third: Not very good. No platinums and only one cool gold item. Will see how sales goes.

Total certificates: 9

One thing i noted is that a big part in recovering the credit cost is in decorations. Those are not usually in the target when someone buys a pack but people do pay well for decos, even the bronze ones.


I'm not saying go, spend money and buy Hypercrates; but i do not think they are that bad and i don't see why a lot of people want the old packs back when chances of getting the new item ware low and almost no direct sales. These days availability of most items is higher and prices in credits are really lower.


So, overall. Considering the game industry, i think SWTOR CM is not that bad. A little expensive? Yes. Abusive? the unlock part maybe but as they provide CC with suscriptions it kinds of compensate. Needs replacing? NO. Need to work on their render bugs? HELL YES. They should not charge for bugged stuff.

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EA isn't the only company that has yielded before the Belgium thing. ArenaNet withdrew access to Black Lion Keys (and any other Gem Store item containing the keys) for players in Belgium, although I'm not sure whether the small quantity of in-game rewards (mostly for map completion but also for reaching specific Personal Story achievements on a character) still drop BLKs for Belgians.


I knew EA weren’t the only ones to make changes, but they did drag their feet as long as possible.

I also didn’t know ArenaNet had made changes.

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