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Devs you promised that guild perks won't affect pvp


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Yet yesterday i noticed marauder from one of the guilds using special regen (guild recharge drones) in solo ranked fight which can be opened with forward command room. First i noticed that this regen helped this mara to regen full hp MUCH FASTER than common regen. When i finally found this special drone regen i noticed this phrase in its description: " Faster than typical rest and recharage".


IT gives a pretty HUGE advantage for those who has this regen. In solo ranked marauders, opers and sins often need to use vanish/camouflage and run for regen. faster regen allows to get their hp faster and return back to battle faster than other planets.


Pls fix this and in future watch careful so that any guild perks could not affect pvp!

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Devs hellow. Fix this pls!!!! I don't want to be in disadvantage because my guild doesn't use this perk lol :(


This will have a detrimental affect a guilds not lvling up fast enough to get this feature because they will lose players to guilds who have them.

Edited by Totemdancer
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Yet yesterday i noticed marauder from one of the guilds using special regen (guild recharge drones) in solo ranked fight which can be opened with forward command room. First i noticed that this regen helped this mara to regen full hp MUCH FASTER than common regen. When i finally found this special drone regen i noticed this phrase in its description: " Faster than typical rest and recharage".


IT gives a pretty HUGE advantage for those who has this regen. In solo ranked marauders, opers and sins often need to use vanish/camouflage and run for regen. faster regen allows to get their hp faster and return back to battle faster than other planets.


Pls fix this and in future watch careful so that any guild perks could not affect pvp!


Damn i wondered why some opers used a purple regen ability with droids and got their hp full for 1 second lol. Devs must be really trolling pvp in this game...

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Yes agreed. Or we just make 50 threads like we usually have to do till they pay some attention. Maybe even try reddit and twitter to get swtor influencers involved and saying something through back channels.


Yes do spam the forum with this [or anything], good idea.


I remember your name connected to the recent 5.10 gearing debacle. I also remember it not doing a damn thing, no matter how much spamming you did. However, it did annoy the playerbase here, so by all means, do some more of that.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Yes do spam the forum with this [or anything], good idea.


I remember your name connected to the recent 5.10 gearing debacle. I also remember it not doing a damn thing, no matter how much spamming you did. However, it did annoy the playerbase here, so by all means, do some more of that.


Ok, will do.

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Still not fixed. Rip pvp


PvP was dying LONG before this.

In MMORPG PvP has been dying, slowly, noisily for a LOOOOOOOONG time.


Industry average is that only 20% of players ever PvP.

Game Developers are not going to spend a lot of $ on something that won't reach 80% of players.


The reason?

MMORPG PvP is the very worst platform for genuine Player-Skill based PvP, it's a fact.

Balancing MMORPG PvP invariably impacts negatively on PvE, and a LOT more players PvE than PvP.


Devs are slowly (bit not quickly enough) waking up to that fact.


All The Best

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this game is hilarious.



and this guy^ has a hilarious lack of awarness. the biggest negative effect 5.x expansion on all swtor content was pvp, not pve. funny. the 20% playerbase leaving cut this games population by 50% or more. thats some epic quantum psychics math. do not question the logic of people who hate pvp, they know more about pvp then you do!

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this game is hilarious.



and this guy^ has a hilarious lack of awarness. the biggest negative effect 5.x expansion on all swtor content was pvp, not pve. funny. the 20% playerbase leaving cut this games population by 50% or more. thats some epic quantum psychics math. do not question the logic of people who hate pvp, they know more about pvp then you do!


I don't hate PVP.

I just know that MMORPGs are not the right platform for genuine PvP.

I used to compete in Leagues in games that work well for PvP - first person shooters.


Some years back Turbine commissioned a study of PvP in MMORPGs to determine if spending money of PvP was a wise investment of Development funds.


This study (that was internal to Turbine, but was cited on the old Turbine forums for LOTRO) determined that in the MMORPG industry only 20% (roughly) of players regularly engaged with PvP, and that only 20% (roughly) of players engaged with "Raids", and that there was a (roughly) 50% crossover between those two groups. A Turbine Community Rep cited the study in a lengthy thread about lack of investment in PvP and Raids.


So that means that only 30% of players engage with Raids and PvP.

Which is way MMORPGs don't invest significant amounts of $ in those things and most of the Dev-$ go into PvE.


Now PvE requires a diversity of skills (abilities) to keep things interesting and varied for a huge number of players.

But PvP requires homogeneous skills (abilities) to make "balancing PvP" easy and cost effective for a small number of players.


That is why the interests of PvP are predominantly opposed to those of PvE, it isn't rocket science, it just requires a little bit of looking beyond my own narrow interests and seeing the bigger picture.


I enjoy balanced PvP, but I've never once found it in an MMORPG - LOTRO came close, but kept one PvP faction separate from PvE to achieve that.


"Old School" FPS games managed it by making certain both sides had 100% the same gear and skills, so that PvP was ONLY about Player-Skill. MMORPG's can't even get close when they have so many skills and so much gear.



All The Best

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PvP was dying LONG before this.

In MMORPG PvP has been dying, slowly, noisily for a LOOOOOOOONG time.


First of all, as long as MMOs are created, PVP will be a part of many of them. PVP isn't "dying" from the MMO platform. The largest most successful MMO in the history of humans incorporates PVP as a significant part of it's development which proves PVP isn't going anywhere from the MMO genre any time soon.



Industry average is that only 20% of players ever PvP.

Game Developers are not going to spend a lot of $ on something that won't reach 80% of players.


The reason?

MMORPG PvP is the very worst platform for genuine Player-Skill based PvP, it's a fact.

Balancing MMORPG PvP invariably impacts negatively on PvE, and a LOT more players PvE than PvP.


Devs are slowly (bit not quickly enough) waking up to that fact.


Even if your numbers are accurate, it doesn't matter. MMOs have always been a conglomeration of different types of gameplay. If a game developer thinks they can gain 20% more players just by adding PVP they will consider adding PVP. It's not a mandatory part of a MMO to have PVP, but it definitely seems to be fairly common practice to include PVP.


I agree that PVE is more commonly favored by players over PVP, but If developers only created games with the most popular activities involved, they'd be nothing but PVE. No story-mode, no PVP, no Roleplay or any other smaller niches which exist in most MMOs.


Regarding a MMO as "the very worst platform" for "genuine" player-skill based PVP is irrelevant. Not all gamers PVP just to showcase their ultimate PVP skill, they do it because it's fun.


Claiming PVP inhibits the development of PVE is also silly, because one could say that actually PVE inhibits PVP development by your logic. I think it's neither tbh, there are games that manage to provide players with great PVP as well as PVE experiences neither of which hurt the other facet.

Edited by Lhancelot
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those percentages are not unrealistic.. but you are not taking into account where exactly pvpers come from. most of the pvpers I have known, myself included, in 5 years of playing began in pve. then we moved on when we outgrew the skill level of pve.


your point is based on whether the greater majority of population are in fact pvers, but it would be fair to say people start playing in fps, cosmetic rp and "story" then as they outgrow that skill group, they move to end game content, hm fps and story ops, then adv to hm ops/wzs. many people argueably stop here, they choose not to invest in "NiM" content and/or ranked. myself, I chose ranked as my end game skill level because my life is busy and requires me to leapp up at odd unscheduled times.


this means while the current percentage of his survey may been accurate at that time, many of said pvpers left for new games and many of said pvers moved into the pvp percentage.

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this game is hilarious.



and this guy^ has a hilarious lack of awarness. the biggest negative effect 5.x expansion on all swtor content was pvp, not pve. funny. the 20% playerbase leaving cut this games population by 50% or more. thats some epic quantum psychics math. do not question the logic of people who hate pvp, they know more about pvp then you do!


Didn’t you know that pvers have always been the real experts when it comes to pvp. ;)

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Yes agreed. Or we just make 50 threads like we usually have to do till they pay some attention. Maybe even try reddit and twitter to get swtor influencers involved and saying something through back channels.
inadvertently increasing the incidence rate that this "feature" gets abused in ranked and probably regs too lol
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inadvertently increasing the incidence rate that this "feature" gets abused in ranked and probably regs too lol

Heh that is actually what happened with my two Imp guilds, some of my guild members saw it in a match and a couple saw this thread and asked me to enable it. I had to juggle perks around anyway to deactivate the Might bonus orbital strike so I figured why not. The regen wasn't something I would of normally picked but until the perks cycle on Tuesday it fills a slot and makes some guild members happy.

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I don't hate PVP.

I just know that MMORPGs are not the right platform for genuine PvP.

I used to compete in Leagues in games that work well for PvP - first person shooters.


Some years back Turbine commissioned a study of PvP in MMORPGs to determine if spending money of PvP was a wise investment of Development funds.


This study (that was internal to Turbine, but was cited on the old Turbine forums for LOTRO) determined that in the MMORPG industry only 20% (roughly) of players regularly engaged with PvP, and that only 20% (roughly) of players engaged with "Raids", and that there was a (roughly) 50% crossover between those two groups. A Turbine Community Rep cited the study in a lengthy thread about lack of investment in PvP and Raids.


So that means that only 30% of players engage with Raids and PvP.

Which is way MMORPGs don't invest significant amounts of $ in those things and most of the Dev-$ go into PvE.


Now PvE requires a diversity of skills (abilities) to keep things interesting and varied for a huge number of players.

But PvP requires homogeneous skills (abilities) to make "balancing PvP" easy and cost effective for a small number of players.


That is why the interests of PvP are predominantly opposed to those of PvE, it isn't rocket science, it just requires a little bit of looking beyond my own narrow interests and seeing the bigger picture.


I enjoy balanced PvP, but I've never once found it in an MMORPG - LOTRO came close, but kept one PvP faction separate from PvE to achieve that.


"Old School" FPS games managed it by making certain both sides had 100% the same gear and skills, so that PvP was ONLY about Player-Skill. MMORPG's can't even get close when they have so many skills and so much gear.



All The Best

no you obviously hate it. Iam here about specific problem not about "wow pvp sucks, it's dead who cares". There are still many people WHO CARE. And i want to draw developer's attention to the problem

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First of all, as long as MMOs are created, PVP will be a part of many of them. PVP isn't "dying" from the MMO platform. The largest most successful MMO in the history of humans incorporates PVP as a significant part of it's development which proves PVP isn't going anywhere from the MMO genre any time soon.


No, that just proves that ONE successful MMORPG has made PvP work for them.


It does NOT proves that PvP is a necessary part of all MMORPGs.


All The Best

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