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Alt Management...The Horror!


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Pretty sure it wasn't me, but I do.

Split between two accounts.


Star Forge....88 on my oldest account, and 62 or so on my 2nd subscriber account.


70'ish total on Satele


18 or so on DM


8 or so on the German/French servers


Do you notice much lag playing on the European servers? Or vice versa, if you're from there and playing chars on the North American server? I thought about making a character on those other servers just to see what it's like, but assumed it would be pretty unplayable.

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Do you notice much lag playing on the European servers? Or vice versa, if you're from there and playing chars on the North American server? I thought about making a character on those other servers just to see what it's like, but assumed it would be pretty unplayable.


If it’s under 100ms it is perfectly playable. Mine is 220-250ms From Australia and the only thing I can’t play is ranked.

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I'm from Michigan and playing on the Euro servers more right now because an ISP/internet "route" that my signal goes through to the NA servers is lagging at the 400+ level 80% of the time.


My cell phone hotspot, which has a different connection route, has a better signal to NA than my 60+ down wide open west connection.


The problem is the "level3" hop in/around chicago


The Euro servers come across around 130ish, which is totally fine for me since I don't pvp

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I think someone on this forum recently claimed to have over 100 alts, and to be fair, if you've been playing since 2011, it's more than doable.


Been playing since July of 2013. Let me open the spreadsheet and count...


Account #1 (the sub account) -- 86 (not including 4 on the PTS server).


The rest of the accounts are pref:


Account #2 -- 28

Account #3 -- 18

Account #4 -- 13


So 145 total.

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I feel like I play Star Wars : The OId Loading Times. I play on an ageing but trusty laptop... My Millennium Asus

If you replace the hard drive in the laptop with an SSD, you can cut your load times by about half.


Just check how much HDD space you actually use and get a large enough SSD to hold that plus a bit extra. That is to say, even if your laptop has a 1TB hard drive, you don't need that big of an SSD if you only use a lot smaller portion of it. For example, if you check your HDD (My Computer) and find that you are only using about 150Gigs, a cheap 256Gig SSD will do nicely.

For simplicity, get an SSD that comes with cloning software (or a link/key to it) so you can just clone the HDD and not re-install everything.


Note that an SSD will make your whole system more responsive - not just game loading times.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Well 77 alts... most are 70's thankfully but still... nice part is most are mercs or mara's so can keep them pretty straight. Have a notebook I keep tabs on gearing the mains a certain way then over time just work on each alt to get the left side the same. Thank god for legacy gear!!


I dont want to always have to drop out pull up a spreadsheet so I just handwrite stuff out and can then grab and look at it without interrupting being in game.

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I just use my noggin.


Using spreadsheets for a game seems too much like work.


I have a legacy gear set for my main and mirror, so switching appearance reminds me of who has got it on currently.

All the common mats and legacy currencies are in the Legacy bank.

The specific mats are with the crafters that use them. - But I rarely craft any more . Don't need the credits nowadays.


there is tons of old gear in character's cargo holds. I don't remember what it is, where it came from or how valuable it might be now....But every now and again I'll look at it and either launch it or sell it.


Other than that, if you mainly PvP and have current BiS - there is little use for anything more.


I'm GM of 3 guilds, but all my friends are gone from the game. So Guild management is just me.

I'm in a huge Conquest guild as well, so I just reach my personal goal for the week, and leave it at that - since 100s of characters in that guild hardly score any Conquest points at all.


- so simples, really. :rak_03:

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(and YES you can send a lvl 1, despite what transfer tooltip says ; done it dozens of times)

What the what? I'm only learning this now? I've wasted so much time levelling some numpty character to level 10 just to transfer for the legacy benefits. Boo.


INote that an SSD will make your whole system more responsive - not just game loading times.

Adding an SSD & moving swtor to it does speed things up for a while - a friend did this for me on my old PC but within a few months it was back to SWTOR: Go Clean the House and Make a Cup of Tea While it Loads or Windows: might load today might load tomorrow type times :rolleyes: I was able to get a new PC in December and included a large SSD & fast processor as a priority. It's like I have NASA sitting on my desk now compared with my old PC. Windows is instant and SWTOR loads in seconds rather than what seemed like hours.

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What the what? I'm only learning this now? I've wasted so much time levelling some numpty character to level 10 just to transfer for the legacy benefits. Boo.



Adding an SSD & moving swtor to it does speed things up for a while - a friend did this for me on my old PC but within a few months it was back to SWTOR: Go Clean the House and Make a Cup of Tea While it Loads or Windows: might load today might load tomorrow type times :rolleyes: I was able to get a new PC in December and included a large SSD & fast processor as a priority. It's like I have NASA sitting on my desk now compared with my old PC. Windows is instant and SWTOR loads in seconds rather than what seemed like hours.


Well, I knew that would be useful to someone out there ! ;)

Curiosity pays. Back when it was 90 CC and I was server hopping I just went "what the heck I'll see if it works".


Nasa rig hahaha :DTython we have a problem...


Thanks Jedi Quaker. Yeah, wanted to buy an SSD but short on money. Yes, that short. Yes, I have bigger problems than SWTOR I know. But it's both a cure and an ailment...

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