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Companions that you just can't get yourself to romance.


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I never thought I'd ever want to romance Koth, and then one of my guild mates said she did, and that she liked it, so I gave it a whirl, and it wasn't that bad (course if any of you know me I did so on a male toon).


Aside from the entirely separate issue of SSRs being unavailable to original class companions, forcing us to play genders we don't want to in order to romance them, which isn't the point at all that I'm trying to make here, there are some characters that I just can't get myself to romance no way, no how.


How about you?


Topping my list:


1. Grumpy Cat. Aric Jorgan is just too unnecessarily intense, kind of like Zenith. Neither appeal to me.

2. Theran Cedrax. The only person he wants to date is himself.

3. Lana. She's just a little bit too...I don't know. War weary, maybe. The only spark she has fries people.

4. Kira, Mako, Vette, Kaliyo... just couldn't get interested in them despite their quirks.


I did romance Ensign Temple and Elara Dorn, they weren't so bad, and I romanced Watcher Two just for the challenge of that ice berg.


Nadia, on the other hand, I regret romancing. The entire time I felt sure the sheriff would be knocking at my door.


If Doc, Risha, and Akavi are romancable, I don't know, because I didn't bother. I just tossed them into the companion bin once I got them. Just not interesting.


What's your list look like?

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Kaliyo tops my list. I don't even care for her much as just a companion. Cendax seems like a walking STD, so no on him. Lana I see more as an overbearing older sister than a romance option. Nadia I'd be afraid of CPS storming my ship, so no. I started a toon to try Kira's. I've heard it's good. Raina, DS Jaesa, and Ashara are three that I have no interest in trying. Oh, and Mako. She's too much of a teeny bopper for my tastes. Honestly strange choice for a BH companion at all, let alone a romance.


As a side note, Aric is actually a very sweet romance, after you break through that wall of his. His proposal scene is especially funny. After I gave it a shot, it turned into one of my favorite romances. His and Theron's are actually my top two.


I didn't care of Corso's romance. He's a little.....old fashioned, I guess, for my tastes. Even if you don't romance him, he gets jealous. My last smuggler flirted and slept with everyone in the galaxy except him.


Andronikous confused me a little. I opted for the friends with benefits option with him in the beginning, and at the end of the story, he proposed. I hadn't chosen even one flirt option, so that was a little weird.


Doc isn't too bad, actually. He actually gets hurt if you reject his proposal. I actually felt bad for the guy.

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Tharan Cedrax is not a romance. He's a one night stand, kinda like Pierce. Also, Tharan isn't interested so much in himself as ... well, emotionally and intellectually he's all about Holiday. Physically it seems he'll go after any female around; after he dumps you (because of Holiday) if you talk to Nadia you find out he starts to creep on her at which point I usually advise Nadia to tell Holiday.


Doc, Risha, and Akaavi are all romanceable.

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Tharan Cedrax is not a romance. He's a one night stand, kinda like Pierce. Also, Tharan isn't interested so much in himself as ... well, emotionally and intellectually he's all about Holiday. Physically it seems he'll go after any female around; after he dumps you (because of Holiday) if you talk to Nadia you find out he starts to creep on her at which point I usually advise Nadia to tell Holiday.


Doc, Risha, and Akaavi are all romanceable.


There's got to be a fair amount of self love going on if you fall for a hologram....

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Hm, i've tried a lot of options, i'd say that there were a lot i didn't like.


- Kaliyo : i broke up as soon as she invited that other guy on MY ship to cheat on me. I don't like her anyways, so good riddance.

- Ashara : i started out quite neutral on that companion, but i was seriously fed up by the end of my first SI plathrough, i just find her obnoxious, and i'm really not a fan of the "mentor-mentee" kind of love story.

- Jaesa : that romance is pretty messed up, and same point as above about that kind of relationship

- Nadia : this one was disturbing as i was actually not trying to romance her, but ended up in that relationship while only trying to be nice to her after she lost her father. And same comment about the mentor-mentee relationship.

- Mako : my very first BH was male and i made him in his early 30, so that romance, was pretty meh, as i found Mako really too young for my BH, he would really have felt better as some kind of older brother to her, the same way he was for Torian.

- Elara : i really like her as a character and friend to my fem trooper, but when trying the romance on a male trooper, i really felt like i was constently harrassing her, and really hated it, i just deleted the character in the end, and won't ever try that romance again.

- Quinn : while i like the character and some aspects of the romance, i always feel like my SW is far too powerfull for him, she'd be able to completely destroy him if she wanted and so the relationship doesn't seem very equal.

- Iresso : well i'm trying that romance, but can't really get into it, he's a nice guy but he doesn't really bring any kind of feelings out of me, he's just there and that's pretty much it. I don't hate him, but i don't really like him either.


Some others where i'm pretty neutral on the subject as the romance were not so bad but not my favs

- Corso : I feel bad for going after every man i could find with my female smuggler, poor guy really took a lot during my playthrough.

- Doc : well the romance is not that bad, but doesn't really fit with my JK who constently rejected him, and he ended up proposing anyways, that was a bit weird.

- Andronikos : i don't really know what to think about that as i don't remember the romance, so it was probably not that memorable to me.


Haven't really tried to romance Kira, Risha, Lana or Akaavi so far. I really like them as characters and they have quite a good dynamic with my PCs, i really see them as good friends, but i'm not necessarily interested in romancing them.

Well i've just recruited Akaavi on my smuggler so i haven't seen the romance yet, but that's one i'm curious about.


My favs by far have to be Theron, Aric, Torian (yeah, yeah he's young too, but my fem BH is only something like 3 years older than him, so not as big of a deal as Mako where it was closer to 13, and as he seems more mature than her i always thought he was older than her, which is oddly not the case but whatever) and Vector so far.

Koth started out pretty well too untill he was killable and didn't really get anything to do after that.


Don't know about Khem i guess i'll have to try that romance if i don't find a nice gay dude for my Nox. Scourge, if he becomes romanceable, idk, i guess it'll depend on wether he's restricted to JK or not, as my JK would have no interest in romancing him, my Nox, maybe though.


Tharan Cedrax is not a romance. He's a one night stand, kinda like Pierce. Also, Tharan isn't interested so much in himself as ... well, emotionally and intellectually he's all about Holiday. Physically it seems he'll go after any female around; after he dumps you (because of Holiday) if you talk to Nadia you find out he starts to creep on her at which point I usually advise Nadia to tell Holiday.

Honnestly considering how Nadia thrown herself at my male JC, i don't know which is the creepiest of these 2 :D

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There's got to be a fair amount of self love going on if you fall for a hologram....


Especially a hologram who's entire personality revolves around fawning all over you. 🤮


I started Kaliyo's romance but I couldn't finish it. I just can't set up any of my characters to be used, abused then likely murdered by the next guy she cheats on you with.


I also started DS Jaesa's but couldn't finish it. It was just too squicky to psychologically break her then sleep with the wreck you turn her into.


I haven't finished Lana's either. It starts off sweet enough, but it never seemed to warm up, then Theron shows up and sparks fly!


I never meant to romance Nadia, but by being nice to her my first consular got railroaded into it. The way it ended up playing out, it felt less like my guy creeping on a minor and more like him being afraid to make her mad and finding his pet grophet boiling in the cook pot. Yah, he married her because he was sure she'd turn full on psycho if he didn't :eek:


You should give Jorgan another try. It starts off slowly, but it turns into a really nice romance and he gets the best return romance of them all!

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A lot of the 'weirdness' people mention in regard to LIs suddenly proposing out of the blue is related to how companion affection was restructured a few years ago. Originally it was relatively easy to tell LIs you weren't interested and they'd back down [Corso and Doc were notable exceptions], but when affection became influence, it unlocked all the comp story trees so if you began a romance with a flirt [just need one] it would continue down the line. Even if you rejected their proposal at the end, you'll still get a few love letters after. The only time this works properly is if you're romancing two at once [like Akaavi and Risha] and the choice you make there will block the remainder of the romance from the other comp.


I don't really romance any of the expansion characters, like Lana, Theron, Koth, etc. I've tried a couple times, and found that the most enjoyable part of the romance was when my original LI returned [like Vector from the IA] and I could dump Lana/Theron. BW wrote those fairly effectively imo; you can do the let's be friends thing, but you can also make it clear that they were just stand-ins for the comps you really wanted around. If only we could do that more often in Kotfeet.


As someone else said, Jorgan has a pretty good romance once you get into it. I also liked Kaliyo's - it helped redeem her character imo. Conversely, I don't like the romance story for Nadia, DS Jaesa or Mako, pretty much for the reasons other people mentioned. I'm meh about Iresso, but I do like that you don't get DS points for it - unlike Kira or Doc, it's not intended as a towering, Jedi Code-breaking romance. I'm also meh about Jaxo. During the my initial run-through as a trooper, it wasn't clear to me that she was intended as a romance for Males - I missed the invites she sends you. So when she showed up during the prison mission, I couldn't figure out why they were using this random specforce extra from Act 1 as the high stakes gambit. Saving the prisoners was a no-brainer.

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You should give Jorgan another try. It starts off slowly, but it turns into a really nice romance and he gets the best return romance of them all!

Definitely one of the best romance IMO.

His reaction when you flirt with Jonas in front of him on Nar Shaddaa is priceless.

He's one of the most, if not the most romantic LI out there, his proposal can be quite funny depending on what you pick, then Cathars mate for life, you're sure he'll never cheat on you.

And his reunion is probably the best of all. I felt so sad for him when he told my trooper what he's been through during the 5 years he though she was dead.


I'm also meh about Jaxo. During the my initial run-through as a trooper, it wasn't clear to me that she was intended as a romance for Males - I missed the invites she sends you. So when she showed up during the prison mission, I couldn't figure out why they were using this random specforce extra from Act 1 as the high stakes gambit. Saving the prisoners was a no-brainer.

Yeah i guess that choice is really impactful only if you're a male trooper romancing her.

I didn't really hesitated to save the prisonners either on my female trooper tbh.

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I have tried every variation of every romance, but the two I just can't get into are...


Nadia and Ashara.


It has nothing to do with me being a gay male either. It has everything to do with both romances being too paternalistic for my tastes. It's just too Daddy / Daughter controlling for me. I'm almost always very good at separating real life from RP but these two I just can't head canon.


They both seemed to have matured with their respective returns so it makes more sense and I might actually "renew" a romance with them, but in the early stages it's too creepy for me.


Juxtapose this with my female consular who romances Tharan Cedrax. She knows exactly what she is getting and, frankly, is cut from the same cloth. In other words -- she's a nasty ho and will flirt with anything bipedal. :rak_03:


Oh, and I highly recommend having your Smuggler tell both Risha and Akaavi that you would like to romance both...



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Oh man, I just got Nadia like a few days ago or so and just being nice to her and maybe 1 flirt, we are practically engaged :eek:


The only 1 I really romanced in all seriousness was Theron on my Warrior, I'm not really into "love" in a game but I gave Theron a try and I enjoy him

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- Quinn : while i like the character and some aspects of the romance, i always feel like my SW is far too powerfull for him, she'd be able to completely destroy him if she wanted and so the relationship doesn't seem very equal.


Yeah, I can see that, that makes sense. (Still my favorite tho :))


The easier question to answer is who I *can* get myself to romance, there are only a few I like.


I don't play male characters very often, but I never romance any female LIs. I'll sleep around, but for some reason I don't like to do the romances. It feels dishonest or forced, which as we know happens sometimes. They don't like just being friends.


I don't romance Corso, I always feel like he's more of a brother or something. I don't romance Andronikos, he's pretty cool really but so ugly I can barely look at him without turning my head and squinting. Neither are good foundations for romance. I don't feel anything for Doc, because I'm so dazzled by Scourge all the time. I've never romanced Koth or Arcan because if I'm not still waiting for my vanilla romance I just pick Theron to be done with it.


Speaking of Theron, he's kind of in the middle pile. So is Torian and Iresso. I like them, they're acceptable but eh.. there's no butterflies for those dudes.


The romances I actually like are Jorgan, Vector and Quinn. I'm not sure how I'd feel about Jorgan if he weren't voiced by an actor I already really like, but I still think he's kinda adorable and I'm not bothered by the initial grumpiness. Vector is simply a beautiful soul with an angelic voice, he's more perfect than any real person could live up to. Quinn is tops, he actually, how do I say this? Hurt my actual feelings and that's pretty impressive for pixels.

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Yeah, I can see that, that makes sense. (Still my favorite tho :))

My main female SW being a BT3 doesn't really help either, she looks like she could break him only by hugging him :rolleyes:

That one ended up with Arcann, and i like that pairing much more, he looks much better with her. My only complaint so far for that romance would the lack of content, as it's just 2 cutscenes


Now's there's an idea! Being in the middle of a pile with Torian, Iresso, and Theron. Done!


I'd trade Iresso for Vector though. Or just keep Theron and Torian.


But i'd perfectly fine with just Theron actually :p

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Lol, most of the dudes.

Especially since some of them are ill matches for the classes that I picked with female genders. Doc and Corso are seriously full of themselves, were they swapped for their classes maybe they'd have had a chance given the nature that I see in the jedi-k and the smuggler. Aric I just couldn't take, I was playing a very by-the-books kind of trooper for my first female, Jorgan is just way too impulsive and emotional for what she would see as a proper soldier, or just as a man. Iresso I just found kinda bland, but even then I had planned to romance Nadia, since she became a option to female consular right when I started playing the game. No reason to settle for bland.


As for the female options I suppose it depends. I wasn't very much into Kira so I'm not sure I'd have romanced her even if I had played a dude with that specific class. Kaliyo I don't necessarily dislike, but I think even the most chaotic aligned male Agent I could imagine playing, would see her as a flirt and not a person to settle for. That romance also suffers from having a really attractive second option.


The romance options I'm kinda indifferent towards are Andronikos, Hyllus and Torian. I think it'd depend on how Andro and Torian interact with the flirtations for a female characters of their class. I've only played male characters in those instances, except for Agent where I always planned to be a open flirt in the vanilla story and settle for Theron the SIS-wonderboy - I just felt like it would be a neat twist given the nature of the work the agent is involved in. I actually like Hyllus, I just don't really see him as someone I would want to flort with, too alien in a way.

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The romances I actually like are Jorgan, Vector and Quinn. I'm not sure how I'd feel about Jorgan if he weren't voiced by an actor I already really like, but I still think he's kinda adorable and I'm not bothered by the initial grumpiness. Vector is simply a beautiful soul with an angelic voice, he's more perfect than any real person could live up to. Quinn is tops, he actually, how do I say this? Hurt my actual feelings and that's pretty impressive for pixels.


I like all these too.


I also like both the female LIs for smuggler. Risha is the more obvious choice - but even on DS smugs I'm reluctant to tell her to throw away her queendom to be a space bum - and I really like Akaavi, especially her VA, reminds me of Sigourney Weaver.


I don't really like Ashara even without the romance. I don't like the romance much either, but on DS SIs it's a little easier to swallow that she's bought into the whole 'reform the empire' spiel because you seduced her.

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The ones I'd never touch with a ten foot pole even out of curiosity are:


Nadia, in the class story. She's so naive and impressionable and in a bad place after her father's death, and the JC is there as a mentor, and it doesn't feel right. After Ossus she's far more mature and on her own and not in a teacher-student relationship with the JC anymore, so it's different.


Torian: Way too young for my characters.


Mako: Same as Torian.




Doc: Never in a million years even if he was the only romanceable character in the game.


Quinn: Not into hooking up with people who try to kill my characters, I hate his appearance and voice, and the way he sucks up so much.


Theron: I have a very intense dislike of the character so wouldn't want to spend any more time with him.


DS Jaesa: Completely unstable and dangerous, and the SW made her that way, and it's not good.


Arcann: Not into hooking up with people who try to kill my characters and do the things Arcann did. Plus he always dies in my playthroughs so the romance stuff isn't possible, LOL.


Khem Val


Elara Dorne

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Vector, Iresso, Theran, Torian, Doc, and Koth I've never felt like I wanted to start anything with and haven't ever made an attempt (somehow Theran and Doc were under the impression we did, I might have misclicked at some point, but I never willingly tried anything with them)


Nothing against Koth, but since I know he basically disappears from everyone's story even if he's left alive, and from what people have said about how little content there is with him, I just don't want to start anything there. I'm already annoyed at the way they handle him even if I want him around as a friend/co-worker, so romancing him would just be purposefully setting myself up for anger.


LI's I thought I'd like but didn't really end up liking: Corso (flirting with him when he's drunk is fun, though), Andronikos, and Pierce (lack of anything more than a one-night stand and he doesn't seem to like it anyway).


LI's I didn't think I'd like but end up being worth it: Jorgan, Theron (I liked being given the option to not fully forgive him at the end of the Traitor Arc and keep him in the boyfriend zone--a bit of nuance that I really appreciate, as I did with Quinn. Additionally appreciated the "hug" recently--not everything needs to be making out when you're interacting with LIs), and Quinn (I have played a lot of SW and I really like that you can handle the Quinncident in so many ways--punish and not forgive, accept but freeze out, accept and forgive, punish and forgive, accept but require proof of loyalty, and I loved talking with Vowrawn and Quinn admitting he has a lot of work to do to make it up to me. I wish kill in vanilla was an option as well--the emotions that would go into killing your LI would be rich and unique)


As a side note to Torian--I love playing matchmaker with him and Mako. Mako is really cute when you "give her permission."

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Nadia, in the class story. She's so naive and impressionable and in a bad place after her father's death, and the JC is there as a mentor, and it doesn't feel right. After Ossus she's far more mature and on her own and not in a teacher-student relationship with the JC anymore, so it's different.

Yay, the original OG romance, i fing really disturbing, no matter how you look at it. Either you're the creepy teacher who takes advantage of a young, impressionable young woman who just lost her father or she forces you into that relationship if you try to be nice to her.

The only way to avoid that is by being rude to her in a moment where she'd rather need some support.


Watching a vid of the SSR on youtube, it looked much better. I may try that romance with one of my female JC as i'm really not into Iresso anyways, but it's kinda sad that there is no way to start the romance with a male JC after Ossus rather than during the class story.

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As a side note to Torian--I love playing matchmaker with him and Mako. Mako is really cute when you "give her permission." I hate that we were robbed of any letter or scene with Mako's possible reaction to getting Torian killed if you "romanced them together." My BH is the only toon who didn't "kill" Torian--did anyone kill him on their BH and does Mako make any mention of it during that abortive 30 second alliance alert?


Torian and Mako are really cute together.


I did, and she does mention it. She says something like, "I heard about Torian, and I kept thinking if I were there I could have done something." That's it.


For the romance between the two of them, I had the feeling it ended a long time ago, didn't it? From what Torian says they stayed together for a time after the BH disappeared but then he ditched her on some planet when the Mandos called, and "she could take care of herself." And I thought that Mako and Akaavi could plausibly be together.

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Torian and Mako are really cute together.


I did, and she does mention it. She says something like, "I heard about Torian, and I kept thinking if I were there I could have done something." That's it.


For the romance between the two of them, I had the feeling it ended a long time ago, didn't it? From what Torian says they stayed together for a time after the BH disappeared but then he ditched her on some planet when the Mandos called, and "she could take care of herself." And I thought that Mako and Akaavi could plausibly be together.

Never tried to let Mako have Torian, i always keep him for my toon when i'm playing a female BH, and considering the way he talks to the fem BH, it's pretty obvious he's more interested in her than Mako.


I've never let Torian die, always save him over Vette, so i don't know about mako's mail, but for the rest, he says the same things even if you romance him, that they stayed together for a while untill he went with the Mandalorians and left her on some planet by herself.

Akaavi-Mako, yeah i could see them together, they could be a cute couple.

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Yay, the original OG romance, i fing really disturbing, no matter how you look at it. Either you're the creepy teacher who takes advantage of a young, impressionable young woman who just lost her father or she forces you into that relationship if you try to be nice to her.

The only way to avoid that is by being rude to her in a moment where she'd rather need some support.


Watching a vid of the SSR on youtube, it looked much better. I may try that romance with one of my female JC as i'm really not into Iresso anyways, but it's kinda sad that there is no way to start the romance with a male JC after Ossus rather than during the class story.


Exactly. It really does give off a 'creepy teacher who is taking advantage' vibe to me. It's not about her actual age (I think she's 22?) but more that she comes across as very vulnerable and impressionable, and the JC is supposed to be her teacher. It's a very uneven power balance.


On Ossus and in the AA she's really pretty strong and independent and isn't the JC's student anymore, and that changes things a lot IMHO.

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I wish kill in vanilla was an option as well--the emotions that would go into killing your LI would be rich and unique)


I wouldn't have been able to go through with it, but that was well put, I always have a hard time describing that experience. Even if I would never have done it, I do have a morbid curiosity about how it played out.

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Exactly. It really does give off a 'creepy teacher who is taking advantage' vibe to me. It's not about her actual age (I think she's 22?) but more that she comes across as very vulnerable and impressionable, and the JC is supposed to be her teacher. It's a very uneven power balance.


On Ossus and in the AA she's really pretty strong and independent and isn't the JC's student anymore, and that changes things a lot IMHO.

Yes, and that's my main issue with most of the female LIs, they feel so much like they are in a subservant / very unbalanced position compared to their male PC (the 4 Padawans are the students, male IA is both Raina's superior and some kind of mentor, male trooper is Elara's superior and i always felt like she was not really happy with him flirting with her, Vette is pretty much the SW's slave and Mako is really young and kinda like a little sister to the male BH).

I think the only exceptions would be Risha, Akaavi and Kaliyo, maybe Lana too.

But that's also the issue i have with the Quinn romance, i feel like it's really unbalanced.

I'd say the same about Corso as he'll take all the crap you'll trow at him and stay with you no matter what you do. You can flirt with all the guys you meet in front of him, he'll always point out that he's not happy about that but will stay no matter what, looks a bit dependant of his captain.


I really liked Nadia on Ossus, and the way she interacted with Doc actually, it was clear that she was much more mature and experienced than she was pre-KOTFE. That was pretty funny seeing both my JK and Nadia make fun of Doc.

And yeah the fact that they're not in a teacher-student relationship anymore changes a lot of things, that's why I think a possibility to start the romance on a male JC at that moment as well if the JC didn't take the option during the vanilla game would've been much better, but well i have 3 female JC, so using one of them to see how the SSR with Nadia goes could be nice

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Yes, and that's my main issue with most of the female LIs, they feel so much like they are in a subservant / very unbalanced position compared to their male PC (the 4 Padawans are the students, male IA is both Raina's superior and some kind of mentor, male trooper is Elara's superior and i always felt like she was not really happy with him flirting with her, Vette is pretty much the SW's slave and Mako is really young and kinda like a little sister to the male BH).

I think the only exceptions would be Risha, Akaavi and Kaliyo, maybe Lana too.

But that's also the issue i have with the Quinn romance, i feel like it's really unbalanced.

I'd say the same about Corso as he'll take all the crap you'll trow at him and stay with you no matter what you do. You can flirt with all the guys you meet in front of him, he'll always point out that he's not happy about that but will stay no matter what, looks a bit dependant of his captain.


I agree with that, the female LIs are generally younger than the male ones and they are almost all in a position of subservience or inequality in some way. Whereas the male LIs, with only one or two exceptions, are older and all seem to have accomplished a lot or established themselves and are not subservient or looking to the PC for validation. I don't like that imbalance at all.


It's one reason I like Lana so much; she's clearly not 21 years old and when you meet her she's advisor to a Dark Council member, which means she's not at the bottom of the power structure. And then she's the Minister of Intelligence, so again, she's got a powerful position apart from the PC. Even when she's loyal to the PC in KOTFE she's not coming to them saying "Oh, master, I'm so confused" the way the padawans do and she has a position of authority on her own terms.


I agree that Risha, Akaavi and Kaliyo also buck the uneven power structure in the class stories. I'd add Kira in a grey area, because even though she's a padawan she's also a former Child of the Emperor and clearly has been able to hold her own out in the big bad world. She was able to get away from Korriban *as a kid* and resist the Emperor's influence, and she tells the PC and other companions off a lot.


I really liked Nadia on Ossus, and the way she interacted with Doc actually, it was clear that she was much more mature and experienced than she was pre-KOTFE. That was pretty funny seeing both my JK and Nadia make fun of Doc.

And yeah the fact that they're not in a teacher-student relationship anymore changes a lot of things, that's why I think a possibility to start the romance on a male JC at that moment as well if the JC didn't take the option during the vanilla game would've been much better, but well i have 3 female JC, so using one of them to see how the SSR with Nadia goes could be nice


I haven't been through with a JC yet but I did see the videos, and I agree. It's clear she has no time for Doc, and it's nice to see her standing up for herself. I also like that during the AA she has a much more reasonable view than Gnost-Dural did - she says that she thinks Sith and Jedi should learn to co-exist whereas Gnost-Dural wants to kill them all.


For obvious reasons I don't mind that they concentrated on the SGR, but since they made LS Jaesa romanceable by both male and female PCs, it's odd that they didn't offer the same with Nadia.

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