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Why are mounts so damn slow?


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Why does this always happen in MMO's, they make travel so static and boring? Why, why, why, why, why?!?!?


I just don't get it!



I have this story:


My mother cuts off the end of the pot roast, I asked her why she did it. She told me to ask her mother, so I asked my grandma why she did it. She told me to ask her mother. So I invented a time machine to ask my grandmothers mother why she cuts off the end of the damn pot roast.


So I finally got to ask her, why do you cut off the end of the pot roast???? D'you know what she said? Because it didn't fit in the frikkin' pan!


Is bioware sticking to this static speed buff thing because all other MMO's did it? And that it caps off around the 100%+ mark because all previous MMO's did it? Do you even question if it's a good thing?


I'm having such a bad day today argh!

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Why does this always happen in MMO's, they make travel so static and boring? Why, why, why, why, why?!?!?


I just don't get it!



I have this story:


My mother cuts off the end of the pot roast, I asked her why she did it. She told me to ask her mother, so I asked my grandma why she did it. She told me to ask her mother. So I invented a time machine to ask my grandmothers mother why she cuts off the end of the damn pot roast.


So I finally got to ask her, why do you cut off the end of the pot roast???? D'you know what she said? Because it didn't fit in the frikkin' pan!


Is bioware sticking to this static speed buff thing because all other MMO's did it? And that it caps off around the 100%+ mark because all previous MMO's did it? Do you even question if it's a good thing?


I'm having such a bad day today argh!

You invented a time machine and used it to do something as trivial as ask your great-grandmother why she cut the end off the pot roast?
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I could not agree more. This game is fantastic!! It's really awesome. Finally a WOW killer.


The scenery is so great, the quest lines and content are amazing!


The travel thing sucks! OK cool, so I got a mount to go fast, now I can go fast through terrain that is 8X larger than other MMO games. End result, I still spend hours of wasted time traveling somewhere. A little travel is good, it gives me a chance to look at my bags, game options, etc....but after awhile, it gets old.


It's the only thing I don't like about this game....that an a few bugs that still need to be worked out like getting stuck and no loot from bosses.

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Why does this always happen in MMO's, they make travel so static and boring? Why, why, why, why, why?!?!?


I just don't get it!



I have this story:


My mother cuts off the end of the pot roast, I asked her why she did it. She told me to ask her mother, so I asked my grandma why she did it. She told me to ask her mother. So I invented a time machine to ask my grandmothers mother why she cuts off the end of the damn pot roast.


So I finally got to ask her, why do you cut off the end of the pot roast???? D'you know what she said? Because it didn't fit in the frikkin' pan!


Is bioware sticking to this static speed buff thing because all other MMO's did it? And that it caps off around the 100%+ mark because all previous MMO's did it? Do you even question if it's a good thing?


I'm having such a bad day today argh!


Let's do real life analogies somemore!


I buy a car that goes 60 miles an hour! Yay! I'm doing great, it is getting me to work, getting me to my friends house, works for when I go grocery shopping but you know what? I want something that looks better and goes faster.


Now I want a car that goes 80 miles an hour and looks better than the beater I bought. Guess what? It's more expensive.

Edited by Yuuj
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They want to rub in our faces our stupid big the planets are.


I want the planets to stay as big as they are, but when I got to tatooine and I remembered pod racing and anakin going to slaughter some sand peoples I got mad bro! Really mad that I'm going for a sunday drive in starwars when I should be crankin it up!!!


I also got mad when Vette asked me outside the Jawa vendor: "Can we get a droid to clean up?" and I my eyes exploded thinking where is the button to say YES!!!!!!! YEEEEESSS I WANT AN ASTRO DRIOD TO CLEAN UP TOO EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE THAT ANNOYING ONE!!!!

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you know what else is annoying, traveling somewhere, then having to actually do a quest. I'd rather just listen to the dialogue and then hand in the quest right away to get experience.


This solves the problems of speeders altogether.


Hey let's not buy the game and any future problems are solved entirely!

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Let's do real life analogies somemore!


I buy a car that goes 60 miles an hour! Yay! I'm doing great, it is getting me to work, getting me to my friends house, works for when I go grocery shopping but you know what? I want something that looks better and goes faster.


Now I want a car that goes 80 miles an hour and looks better than the beater I bought. Guess what? It's more expensive.


The game does not have cars it has monorails that travel at the exact same sluggish speed from A to B. Why can't mounts work like travel speeders that speed up and slow down en route to catch turns or rev it up for a drag, WHY!?

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The thing is,

they are going to add "Rocket Surgeon" as a trade skill later, and then we can get speed boosts by hiring those people to pimp out our speeders.


yup, thats it


I feel quite paranoid about BW keepin' us in the dark about future content, updates and the like. Due to their success I fear they'll start acting like Blizzard or that they'll dedicate all resources to 'raiding'.


I swear if this is another MMO that's all about end game raiding I'm going to the gym.

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hah actually laughed, now people are staring at me wondering why I'm smiling at a computer screen. Damn you


It's not what they think it is but you do have one of your hands under the desk on your lap (casually), innocent it may be it still looks wrong from their perspective.

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Why does this always happen in MMO's, they make travel so static and boring? Why, why, why, why, why?!?!?


I just don't get it!



I have this story:


My mother cuts off the end of the pot roast, I asked her why she did it. She told me to ask her mother, so I asked my grandma why she did it. She told me to ask her mother. So I invented a time machine to ask my grandmothers mother why she cuts off the end of the damn pot roast.


So I finally got to ask her, why do you cut off the end of the pot roast???? D'you know what she said? Because it didn't fit in the frikkin' pan!


Is bioware sticking to this static speed buff thing because all other MMO's did it? And that it caps off around the 100%+ mark because all previous MMO's did it? Do you even question if it's a good thing?


I'm having such a bad day today argh!


Pot roast is bomb. How friggin' fast do you want the mount to go? 500%? 90% is fine.

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Pot roast is bomb. How friggin' fast do you want the mount to go? 500%? 90% is fine.


I just got this awesome quest to go and kill this thing we just talked about for 30 seconds and I'm so hyped to kill it and talk about how I killed it and wherever it goes from there.


10 minutes later.


Finally got to this place my map is telling me to go to, why am I here again?


Edit: I also agree pot roast is 'bomb". *thumbsupemoticon*

Edited by Blogmonster
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