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Everything posted by Insanesenator

  1. "BH's have retarded damage reduction" I know you meant that BH's have good damage reduction, but ignoring the "boo hoo offensive" term, retarded actually means slowed or hampered, so it kinda had the opposite effect you wanted.
  2. I use my knockbacks so that the tank thinks to him/herself "Wow, what a clutch knockback, that was rad" and then I make fun of them for saying "clutch", seriously who says that anymore, and "Rad"? Seriously, go away. Go watch a surfing video or protest or something.
  3. What he meant is to use Mass Mind Control to get all the mobs on you, then Force Shroud/Deflection so that they don't do as much damage, its kinda a "group damage reduction" ability when the two are used together.
  4. I'm dark side, so Andronikus all the way. Plus, his dialogue is easily the least annoying, from my perspective.
  5. Think of a shield generator as a "shield" in other MMO's. You can have a 90% chance to block with a shield equipped, but if it isn't equipped, its 0%. Defense, IIRC, does NOT require a weapon to be used though, and that is the "dodge/parry" stat from other games.
  6. Dark Ward is perfect as it is. I binded mine to ` so its really easy to keep it up.
  7. I think it basically just helps it proc faster, so its closer to proccing once every 1.5 seconds.
  8. I had heard that they planned on having assassins able to use electrostaves as a legit replacement for the DBLS, but was scrapped just before release, so the skills were updated, but some of the itemization remains.
  9. "Practice on trash mobs" that is a good way to learn, basically try to treat a couple of basic pulls like a flashpoint pull, concentrating on grabbing and holding aggro, and just letting any old companion do the killing, even when "tanking" you kill regular mobs fast. Also, what I do when starting a new game, and new keybinds, is I start with 1-6 when I start the game, then start adding in keybinds for Z, X, C, etc, then go into Shift- and Control- modifiers if I need to, there is no reason to "start out" with all the keybinds some of the guys above have, its too much at once. Start easy, use similar keybinds that you use in other games (I like to have Z, X, C, be defensive-type cooldowns, with V, F, G, E, Q, etc being offensive cooldowns. Another important thing to consider is "important" abilities versus "common" abilities.
  10. Lightside and Darkside are not like "Horde" and "alliance" there is more than color that is different. If you want to be a Sith, join the Empire. Jedi, Republic. Case Closed.
  11. Have you guys found a way to seperate stacks without also linking the item into a chat window? For me, I have to shift-drag to break a stack, but it also links the item into a chat window.
  12. Did you see blood? Burns? And in the cutscene, does the lighsaber START to go towards the body, but for the "killing blow" it cuts to your characters face, or the victims face? Are you sure you actually see the lightsaber enter the body? Small camera tricks are used all the time for this, movies, games, etc... your brain believes that you see someone being killed, but you don't ACTUALLY see it.
  13. What I will also mention, is that while you can CHOOSE to kill people, and the act will occur during a cutscene, you never see your character actually kill anyone. You see blaster flashes, you see dead bodies, but you never actually see your character "pull the trigger" and see the other person die. It is very strongly implied that your character is killing someone, but there is never "proof". That small change would make the game AO for an ESRB rating, effectively stopping sales in the United States. edit: Of course in combat it shows you "killing" people, but then again, they fall down with 0 hp, they never say that mobs "die" when you bring their HP to 0, again, it is strongly implied.
  14. Body Type 3 Huge Chin/Cheekbones Black Swept back hair (only "ponytail" available is a balding samurai or dreadlocks, no thanks) Agent. Name? GASTON.
  15. Energy regens on its own, faster the more you have, slower the less you have (there are stickies and guides that have the exact amount, but basically, stay above 60% energy at all times) Diagnostic scan has a skill that gives crits a chance to give more energy, there is Energy Pack (?) that gives energy over time, and Adrenaline Probe, which gives you X right now, and Y more over time. For max healing throughput, you basically can't spam heals all the time. Either autoattack or DS in between heals, to keep your energy high.
  16. I have had it happen once or twice, mostly when I was queuing other abilities in rapid succession, or hitting KI twice in a row, effectively cancelling it with itself. I attribute it to either some degree of client or server side lag, or user input error. I think almost all bugs that people are seeing are results of memory leaks and lag; both of which are (hopefully) easily fixed.
  17. So that they can introduce faster mounts later?
  18. I use a 32" HDTV, and I have it on my desk back a bit, so I am about 2 feet away from it. I can see everything perfectly fine.
  19. OP clearly has no idea how software is written. It is *impossible* to write something perfect the first time, even if every developer was at a "John Carmack" level. Compare this to WoW's launch, and SWTOR is going absolutely smooth as butter. (hint- there are no classes in SWTOR that have empty talent trees right now, like hunters did at launch)
  20. I also love my Operative so far, I will be going full Medic for healing pleasure, I leveled a Jedi Guardian to about 26, but fighting feels like "my hp bar goes down slower than theirs so I win" so I lost interest. I created GASTON. Large body type (not obese, just the tall one) HUGE chin, faily standard complexion, a little red on the cheeks Black, swept back hair with the big widows peak, there were no true ponytails unless I wanted him to look like a samurai with a bald top, or dreadlocks, NO THANKS.
  21. In short, no. You need an active Credit/Debit card to complete the account setup.
  22. 32" Vizio @ 1376x768 (yeah the horizontal resolution is some weird number) All settings maxed out, looks nice to me
  23. If I have read correctly, they don't "balance" each other, they are counted seperate? Like, lets say I have 100 lightside points, if I make a dark side choice, I have "100 lightside and X darkside", not "100-X lightside"? Also, (maybe related to this) that you either want to go full light, or full dark, that there aren't any in-game (non-RP) benefits to staying gray?
  24. I had a simple transaction, just 1 standard edition, and the only hiccup I had was about a 1-2 hour delay from the order confirmation email, to SWTOR showing up as one of "My Games" on Origins. One thing about the chargeback with your bank though, use that as a last resort, since some banks will prevent you from EVER using that merchant again, same thing as a "fraud" claim, NEVER use a fraud claim for something like this, EA didn't defraud you, you placed an order, cancelled it, placed another and their system got fuzzed up, they didn't deliberately charge you more than the agreed price. Trust me, doing a chargeback/fraud claim for something like this is more hassle than its worth. best just to deal with EA support, as sad as that sounds.
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