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Why can't I do the Taris Bonus Series?


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It's meant to be available once you finish all the main missions and planetary missions right? Guy in the spaceport gives it? Well, not for me for some reason. On my JK, finished all the purple planet missions (with some difficulty as some of them don't auto-chain from one to the next like most planets) and rescued Godera, even went back to the ship to do the holoterminal scene with Var Suuthra to make sure the quest was 100% done, yet still I can't do the bonus series.


Have I missed some planetary missions maybe? I did all the ones I could find, but like I said some of them weren't auto chained so I might have missed something. I did the land dispute thing, then the Endar Spire data mission, Rakghoul serum missions, then the corrupt Commander missions and finally the deserters. Couldn't find any more after that, travelled to every outpost (since thats where they usually show up) and no more were showing. Is this just a bug? If so thats a great pity. Only chance to be acquainted with Saresh early in the game.

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Bioware have now turned off a lot of missions by default.. I know dumb right.


You can turn them back on within your MAP.


Down the bottom on the left there is a selection called “show exploration missions”.


If you tick this you will get all those old missions to show up again,

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Bioware have now turned off a lot of missions by default.. I know dumb right.


You can turn them back on within your MAP.


Down the bottom on the left there is a selection called “show exploration missions”.


If you tick this you will get all those old missions to show up again,


Wow, ridiculous. That did it, I think at least, the dude I know I have to talk to now has a mission to give, but it isn't purple, usually bonus series are purple, plus there's two guys at the spaceport, I know one of them gives the bonus series, yet there's missions for both now! Do they both lead to the same thing or...?

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Wow, ridiculous. That did it, I think at least, the dude I know I have to talk to now has a mission to give, but it isn't purple, usually bonus series are purple, plus there's two guys at the spaceport, I know one of them gives the bonus series, yet there's missions for both now! Do they both lead to the same thing or...?


Former bonus series quests are optional so they're not purple triangles, hence the option on the map. One triangle is the old intro quest to meet Saresh and close Rakghoul tunnels. They took that part out of the planetary story quest series a couple years ago. Unsure why. Maybe she was just that obnoxious. And because I know someone will ask, that questline now begins with the brother and sister with the property claim outside the spaceport. The other triangle is for the bonus series. It won't hurt to take both if you're unsure which is which.

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Former bonus series quests are optional so they're not purple triangles, hence the option on the map. One triangle is the old intro quest to meet Saresh and close Rakghoul tunnels. They took that part out of the planetary story quest series a couple years ago. Unsure why. Maybe she was just that obnoxious. And because I know someone will ask, that questline now begins with the brother and sister with the property claim outside the spaceport. The other triangle is for the bonus series. It won't hurt to take both if you're unsure which is which.


What caught me up was the fact Imperial side Balmorra has a bonus series and it DOES show up as purple so far as I remember, because I have run across it multiple times before and I'm 90% sure it was :/ Just naturally assumed this would too. How silly of me to think this game could make sense :rolleyes:


And thanks for clearing up some stuff for me, I always thought I used to be able to meet Saresh just by doing the regular planetary missions back in my early days of playing, yet never could when I tried lately, had convinced myself it was the bonus series missions where I must have met her and was just misremembering. Looks like I was actually thinking correctly to start with. Might as well do that mission too, since it's showing up and all.


Such a dumb move to hide these missions. I mean... why :/ LOTS of NPCs are obnoxious a-holes yet they didn't get cut out, so if it really was just because people hate Saresh that is messed up :rolleyes:

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Wow, ridiculous. That did it, I think at least, the dude I know I have to talk to now has a mission to give, but it isn't purple, usually bonus series are purple, plus there's two guys at the spaceport, I know one of them gives the bonus series, yet there's missions for both now! Do they both lead to the same thing or...?

No, bonus series missions are *NOT* purple. You'll have to tell us who the two guys are, and what missions they give. Dooblyflop and Strom give the mission to introduce you to Governor Saresh, but that isn't purple - the Pub Taris <Story Arc> (purple) mission is given by the brother and sister abusing a soldier outside the spaceport.

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Also most bonus series (though not the Rep/Taris or Imp/Balmorra ones) now have a character level 60 as a prerequisite, even though they will scale down to planetery max like all the other content on the planet.


This also kind of takes away from the 'linear' aspect of the story progression. :/

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Also most bonus series (though not the Rep/Taris or Imp/Balmorra ones) now have a character level 60 as a prerequisite, even though they will scale down to planetery max like all the other content on the planet.


Wow, seriously? No wonder I have missed out on so many of them. I would simply love to hear an explanation from the devs on this one. Absolutely no valid reason to have done this.

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Not sure if it's still the same, but Alderaan's bonus series used to be level 40 to start and picked up from fleet, while the planet is 28-32.


Hoth's bonus series is picked up on Voss (or used to be), at the landing pad where you first land on the planet.


There may be a few others, but I can't remember. It's been so long since I've bothered with bonus series.

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Not sure if it's still the same, but Alderaan's bonus series used to be level 40 to start and picked up from fleet, while the planet is 28-32.


Hoth's bonus series is picked up on Voss (or used to be), at the landing pad where you first land on the planet.


There may be a few others, but I can't remember. It's been so long since I've bothered with bonus series.

They were *all* (except PubTaris and ImpBalmorra) several levels above the planet (i.e. requiring a return visit). Pub Nar Shaddaa's was level 31 ffs.

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They were *all* (except PubTaris and ImpBalmorra) several levels above the planet (i.e. requiring a return visit). Pub Nar Shaddaa's was level 31 ffs.


Tatooine (level 28) and Voss (2 that I can remember off-hand) were available upon completion of the planetary story arcs. Voss and Hoth were both level 47 (which characters should have been at the completion of Voss) to start.

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Wow, seriously? No wonder I have missed out on so many of them. I would simply love to hear an explanation from the devs on this one. Absolutely no valid reason to have done this.

Tatooine (level 28) and Voss (2 that I can remember off-hand) were available upon completion of the planetary story arcs. Voss and Hoth were both level 47 (which characters should have been at the completion of Voss) to start.


Yeah you were supposed to get Hoth bonus series when you finished Voss and were on your way back to your ship. But when they redesigned the leveling speed (after 12x) and opened up all the quick travel points the synergy of where quest givers were and what level you were supposed to be got all out of whack. That's also when they added the option on the map. They trimmed the side quests down because the main quests gave much more XP and sped up the leveling experience making a lot of these quests obsolete for that purpose, not because Saresh is hated, that was a joke.

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Yeah you were supposed to get Hoth bonus series when you finished Voss and were on your way back to your ship. But when they redesigned the leveling speed (after 12x) and opened up all the quick travel points the synergy of where quest givers were and what level you were supposed to be got all out of whack. That's also when they added the option on the map. They trimmed the side quests down because the main quests gave much more XP and sped up the leveling experience making a lot of these quests obsolete for that purpose, not because Saresh is hated, that was a joke.


I figured they got screwed up somewhere along the way. I haven't done any bonus series missions since around that time when they changed the "leveling experience" and you can be max level before setting foot on Tatooine. :rolleyes:

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Yeah you were supposed to get Hoth bonus series when you finished Voss and were on your way back to your ship. But when they redesigned the leveling speed (after 12x) and opened up all the quick travel points the synergy of where quest givers were and what level you were supposed to be got all out of whack. That's also when they added the option on the map. They trimmed the side quests down because the main quests gave much more XP and sped up the leveling experience making a lot of these quests obsolete for that purpose, not because Saresh is hated, that was a joke.


Being obsolete in terms of XP rewards is still a pretty bad reason to completely hide the missions. I mean half the planetary arcs are almost as obsolete really, doing one set every 2/3 planets or so keeps me on level (just doing story missions and nothing else besides) so XP-wise I don't really NEED to do them. Not to mention that during double XP the planetary arcs are 100% entirely optional the whole way through a playthrough, since in double XP story missions alone are always more than enough to keep me on level.


The devs just baffle me really.

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Being obsolete in terms of XP rewards is still a pretty bad reason to completely hide the missions. I mean half the planetary arcs are almost as obsolete really, doing one set every 2/3 planets or so keeps me on level (just doing story missions and nothing else besides) so XP-wise I don't really NEED to do them. Not to mention that during double XP the planetary arcs are 100% entirely optional the whole way through a playthrough, since in double XP story missions alone are always more than enough to keep me on level.


The devs just baffle me really.


They're mostly optional, and able to be bypassed without any detrimental side affects (such as being too low for the next planet), for subscribers. F2P and Preferred still need to do the exploration missions and such to stay on level since they don't get the huge xp bonus subscribers get.

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They're mostly optional, and able to be bypassed without any detrimental side affects (such as being too low for the next planet), for subscribers. F2P and Preferred still need to do the exploration missions and such to stay on level since they don't get the huge xp bonus subscribers get.


Well, for me personally (as a sub), playing only story missions is ALMOST enough to keep on level, but not quite. I always need to do a planetary arc every 2-3 planets I visit. Most are skippable, but I will fall behind in level if I skip ALL of them. Unless I compensate with a story FP like Esseles/Black Talon or the Revan arc to make up the difference.

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I thought the change to the exploratory missions was because players were tired of seeing other missions they had no interest in doing so per the player feedback they made the change, created a category called exploratory missions and made them hidden by default or am I missing something?


Every time I see this topic come up that's usually the responses I see. If so then so are players now upset that they actually listened to feedback, gave them what they wanted and now it didn't work out what they thought it would be?


Sorry just confused because I see topics on this where it's been said that it was asked for or provided as feedback to change.


I guess what they could do is either make the check box checked by default, then we can just have posts about why there are so many missions and then having to explain how to turn it off.


Or what they could do is every time you create a new character, create a pop up that asks if you want this enabled or disabled and give a small explanation of what the feature will do. That would probably work best.

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Well, for me personally (as a sub), playing only story missions is ALMOST enough to keep on level, but not quite. I always need to do a planetary arc every 2-3 planets I visit. Most are skippable, but I will fall behind in level if I skip ALL of them. Unless I compensate with a story FP like Esseles/Black Talon or the Revan arc to make up the difference.


If you do the heroics along the way, and the solo flashpoints, you'll stay above the level curve.


I thought the change to the exploratory missions was because players were tired of seeing other missions they had no interest in doing so per the player feedback they made the change, created a category called exploratory missions and made them hidden by default or am I missing something?


Every time I see this topic come up that's usually the responses I see. If so then so are players now upset that they actually listened to feedback, gave them what they wanted and now it didn't work out what they thought it would be?


Sorry just confused because I see topics on this where it's been said that it was asked for or provided as feedback to change.


I guess what they could do is either make the check box checked by default, then we can just have posts about why there are so many missions and then having to explain how to turn it off.


Or what they could do is every time you create a new character, create a pop up that asks if you want this enabled or disabled and give a small explanation of what the feature will do. That would probably work best.


It was asked for. People going through the same missions over and over, ad nauseam requested a way to filter out the planetary arcs and side missions. They were "reclassified" as exploration missions and a toggle placed into the world map.


"ON" should've been the default or as you stated, a pop up upon creation asking to show or disable them should be incorporated.

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I thought the change to the exploratory missions was because players were tired of seeing other missions they had no interest in doing so per the player feedback they made the change, created a category called exploratory missions and made them hidden by default or am I missing something?


Um. What? Seriously? People actually COMPLAINED because there were missions showing up that they didn't want to do!? I mean.... REALLY? There are a TON of "average" yellow marker non-heroic missions that still show up as do-able by default (Like Relnex's mission the the Gnarls of Tython for example) yet I never bother because they aren't necessary. Doesn't mean I'm gonna rant and rave about wanting even the markers to disappear just to satisfy me... Thats literally like saying "well, I don't do heroic missions, so I want them removed from everyone else's map unless they specifically ask for them!"


What kind of selfish morons make this complaint? Honestly? Most ridiculous thing I have seen all day..

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If you do the heroics along the way, and the solo flashpoints, you'll stay above the level curve.




It was asked for. People going through the same missions over and over, ad nauseam requested a way to filter out the planetary arcs and side missions. They were "reclassified" as exploration missions and a toggle placed into the world map.


"ON" should've been the default or as you stated, a pop up upon creation asking to show or disable them should be incorporated.


Yeah, I don't do heroics or FP's really tho, like I said, just story. Sometimes I'll do the Revan FP's just because they link up to SOR but thats it.


And I still gotta say, those people who "asked" to reclassify those missions still seem unbelievably self centred to me. And stupid. I mean, who cares about the simple fact of the missions appearing on the map!? It doesn't mean you are required to do them by ANY means, making this change just inconveniences those who DO want them. I mean I just don't understand why it's such a big issue to have a mission marker showing up :rolleyes: JUST DONT DO IT!! :confused:

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I thought the change to the exploratory missions was because players were tired of seeing other missions they had no interest in doing so per the player feedback they made the change, created a category called exploratory missions and made them hidden by default or am I missing something?


It was because of the success of 12x where you could level a character on just the planetary stories alone and skip the side quests, heroics and flashpoints entirely. It's not quite 12x now but it's fairly close for subs.

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It was because of the success of 12x where you could level a character on just the planetary stories alone and skip the side quests, heroics and flashpoints entirely. It's not quite 12x now but it's fairly close for subs.


If you get all of the legacy leveling perks then that puts you right around 12x of base. If you have the victorious pioneer armor set, then you'll be over the 12%. Not to mention all of the xp boosts that drop like candy that can be maintained constantly until level 70. I still have a lot of those, leftover, on several characters.


What kind of selfish morons make this complaint? Honestly? Most ridiculous thing I have seen all day..


Ask yourself this: Who are the bigger morons?

A) The ones that suggested it.


B) The ones that implemented it?


And keep in mind who we're talking about here (the forum's vocal minority and BW). :rolleyes:

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