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Let us kill Lana Beniko


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I don't want to kill her! I do want her to go "home." She doesn't make sense to hang around any of my toons. They're all Rep aligned at this point and have no use for her brand of "pragmatism." Plus, they have spouses and committed relationships that she does not acknowledge or respect. She doesn't feel like a friend, she feels like she wants to own the PC.
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I like the character well enough, but the favoritism she's shown at the expense of every other your companions has always rubbed me the wrong way. How many times has the PC woken up to her face? lol the devs definitely have to be trolling us at this point.


Despite all the adventures we have been on , I actually find her extreme loyalty towards the PC to be a bit unnerving and... very suspicious. I just can't shake the feeling that she has some hidden agenda for following us around and is engaged in a long con. Her lack of any real backstory and secretive nature doesn't help matters either. Maybe there is something to this?


It's probably my imagination, but I wonder sometimes...

Edited by LazySithWarrior
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As someone who is a fan of Lana's and who doesn't like the killing of companions, I'll have to say no. :p


While I believe there's no reason they can't replace a killed companion with someone else, I'm sure part of the problem is kill happy players, making it so they run out of companions. Having to have to make a complete list of the NPCs who could be left to play the part. I'm sure this is likely considered to be costly as well, as all the VAs would have to do the same lines.


Though for those I'm happy enough to see them to go "Here's Companion Death To Come #669" to show what a joke the player is for killing every companion they have a chance to kill, is.


Don't kill Lana!

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Lana is the best romance you can get in this game,


She does not pre-judge you, she does not judge your actions, she says always yes to you and she makes you happy in long term. Only thing you want is a proper marriage cutscenes like ones in DA Inquisition in white dress,


Why do you want to kill her?


You just can't get this type of romance in real life. Something to think about, :)

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Lana is the best romance you can get in this game,


She does not pre-judge you, she does not judge your actions, she says always yes to you and she makes you happy in long term. Only thing you want is a proper marriage cutscenes like ones in DA Inquisition in white dress,


Why do you want to kill her?


You just can't get this type of romance in real life. Something to think about, :)


I"m not sure if your post was sarcasm, but in case you were serious:


take another look at your list of reasons why you think Lana is a great romance. Those are not traits you find in most healthy relationships.


*to be clear, I don't think Lana is the complete doormate with no mind of her own you described, but the dev's have done a bad job since Kotfe started in portraying her as an individual with her own opionions and a personality which is more than 'dotes on the PC'.


I like Lana well enough, and the kill options (for any) companions were a bad trend to start. Just please make Lana stop watching me sleep, it is creepy when you aren't romancing her. If it's trolling by the dev's it is in really bad taste to keep at it for so long.

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Lana is the best romance you can get in this game,


She does not pre-judge you, she does not judge your actions, she says always yes to you and she makes you happy in long term. Only thing you want is a proper marriage cutscenes like ones in DA Inquisition in white dress,


Why do you want to kill her?


You just can't get this type of romance in real life. Something to think about, :)


You could also find such behavior deeply disturbing, and stalker-ish! Especially if you have not romanced her.

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Lana is the best romance you can get in this game,


She does not pre-judge you, she does not judge your actions, she says always yes to you and she makes you happy in long term. Only thing you want is a proper marriage cutscenes like ones in DA Inquisition in white dress,


Why do you want to kill her?


You just can't get this type of romance in real life. Something to think about, :)


I would not want a relationship where I got everything I wanted as that would make my boyfriend a puppet without a mind of his own. Real relationships requires give and take not a puppet that always says yes.


Kill her why? Not really as heartless as others were with the companions I liked that were killed because of a number of reasons but I do want her gone or sidelined, at least for me. I have no interest in Lana and never will.

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Look at the latest cutscene hen she asks the Smuggler about Akaavi! Hello! Smuggler might be married to her, but does Lana care or notice? No. All Lana cares about is PC doing what *she* want and being passive aggressive or moping if they don't. And yes other Comps do that too, but not nearly as often.
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Look at the latest cutscene hen she asks the Smuggler about Akaavi! Hello! Smuggler might be married to her, but does Lana care or notice? No. All Lana cares about is PC doing what *she* want and being passive aggressive or moping if they don't. And yes other Comps do that too, but not nearly as often.


The other companions do it just as often, you just see them less often.


And that's all the companions. I turned down Felix and he kept acting as if I said yes to marriage. :p Broke it off with Quinn when he did his little stunt, he kept acting like we were together.


Took off Vette's collar. She keeps wearing it!


As for Smuggler maybe being married to Akaavi. The problem there, is likely the one story fits all and they didn't remember to put in that little switch.


In fact, once your spouse returns, I would think they should be involved in lots, most, if not all the cutscenes, even if it's just standing in the background nodding, because they didn't pay for the VA.

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My double agent IA would not have told her either. If she didn't tell her about the guy that was secretly working for Saressh on Ziost, what in blazes does the story have her think she would confide in Lana now? She Did confide in Theron, but he is her love interest (Vector was sweet, but, bottom line, he's a bug....)
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The other companions do it just as often, you just see them less often.
If the other companions aren't with you they can't be passive aggressive or mopey can they? Lana is always there! I ticked off Quinn and Pierce constantly during my recent SW playthrough and 9 out of ten times they didn't say a word! Lana can't keep her mouth shut. I get you love her, that is fine, great stupendous for you. But we need an option to send her away. I don't need death, but I do want her gone. I do not owe her a life debt.
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You don't need extra dialogue. Just put a brief "dream sequence" with previous recorded dialogue ...I'm sure they have on tape "I love you".... those 3 words ...from your love interest (if you don't have a love interest just cut to the droid) put in a foggy scene like its sort of cloudy before you fully "wake up", show your love-interests face, then when you "awaken" you would see the face of either an imperial or republic or neutral medical droid checking you for life signs. THEN you would report to the Alliance where you could have the "talk" with Lana. I think they should have built the scene in this way, it would be more satisfying to all.
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If the other companions aren't with you they can't be passive aggressive or mopey can they? Lana is always there! I ticked off Quinn and Pierce constantly during my recent SW playthrough and 9 out of ten times they didn't say a word! Lana can't keep her mouth shut. I get you love her, that is fine, great stupendous for you. But we need an option to send her away. I don't need death, but I do want her gone. I do not owe her a life debt.


But when you do see the, they do it. So, yes, they are passive aggressive and mopey. You just want to see the other companions standing around more.


And even giving her a way to be sent away, is basically a "killed her" and you know it. Didn't kill Vette. Guess who's not showing up?

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But when you do see the, they do it. So, yes, they are passive aggressive and mopey. You just want to see the other companions standing around more.


And even giving her a way to be sent away, is basically a "killed her" and you know it. Didn't kill Vette. Guess who's not showing up?


Maybe they have figured out a better way. Look at the latest chapter where you actually can send Arcann (if he is alive) to investigate that planet. Something like that can be done instead of using Lana every single time. Not everyone wants to deal with Lana every single time and maybe it is time to bring in other companions instead of falling back and using Lana all the time.

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And even giving her a way to be sent away, is basically a "killed her" and you know it.


This is so not true it isn't funny. Guess what Theron is still around for people ho didn't leave him to die! So is Arcann. Khem Val has a "kill" option and he's around for those who didn't let Zash have his body! Torian just showed up for those people who saved him so your argument makes no sense whatsoever.

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  • 10 months later...
I want Lana to be killable because I'm sick of seeing her in every new thing we get. I'm angry that they killed off Theron so quickly and then Lana, the white fascist gets off with a little slap on the wrist and a sticky note to do better.
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they killed off Theron so quickly

Wait, what? No, they didn't kill off Theron quickly. He first appears in Prelude to Revan, which was released in patch 2.10 in September 2014, and the "let die or save" option was in The Nathema Conspiracy, patch 5.9, May 2018.


Hmm... Three and a half year (and a generous half at that). At today's rate of story release, that would have been a decade or more.

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The simple fact is that most (if not all) "companions" were killed off one way or another (LS or DS). IMO this was $$$ related.


At one point in time Theron and Lana were the last two (more or less). There was such an outcry from the player base for the return of companions (post KotFE/ET) that many were in fact "returned". Unfortunately, aside from Lana and Theron none of them have "that many lines" these days. (If I'm not mistaken ... VAs get paid by the line.) Soooo the vast majority of that $$$$ set aside for VA's goes to so called companions we are forced to use (from the current story) and to main characters needed to tell the story we get each release. And yes (unfortunately) those releases are getting progressively smaller and smaller.


Another side of this "companion" formula is that of "non-interactive" companions. There are provided through GS and the CM both. They really don't do anything (yet). Although since this is obviously the cheapest way to go I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see something in the works to "nudge" the general player base to actually WANT something like this.


Me personally... I prefer to have a good interactive companion. My personal favorite is not Lana (although since the rest have been pretty much unplugged from the game) two of my characters have strongly embraced her as a good and faithful companion.


Perhaps a good alternative for Lana: while still a major part of the story ... might not be the first thing you see staring you in the face when you come to after a brush with death (particularly since several of my characters are not that close to her).


Just a couple of thoughts from what I've seen over the years. I'm sure that many would just simply prefer to "pull the plug" on her as well. I wouldn't ... actually.

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Perhaps a good alternative for Lana: while still a major part of the story ... might not be the first thing you see staring you in the face when you come to after a brush with death (particularly since several of my characters are not that close to her).

I agree with this strongly. None of my characters have romanced Lana (beyond one agent who had a fling with her but dumped her when Kaliyo returned). If, instead of Lana, my PCs' actual love-interests could be there when the PCs wake up after a brush with death, I would be so happy. (If the PC in question has a LI, of course.) To save voice-acting money, it can just be a silent look of relief, maybe a hug - there are lots of animations and facial expressions "in the bank" at this stage. Not that I wouldn't love it to be voice-acted, but I'm trying to aim for something affordable that might actually happen.


Even maybe put the LIs in occasional other cutscenes, showing they're there and they matter. For instance, when a story starts, my PC is sitting with a LI. Then the story's inciting incident happens, or is revealed. There's a briefing, and the LI is there too, listening. Then the PC heads out, giving the LI a nod on the way. Then the PC goes on a mission with whichever companion(s) are chosen as the key ones for this stage of the story, the ones whose voice-acting has been paid for. Just... sometimes... have the actual LIs be there. Silently, if there's no money to voice-act them.


If a character doesn't have a LI, then a class companion, or some other prominent Alliance companion, could fill this cutscene role. Or just omit this aspect of the cutscene in the absence of a LI, if it gets too flowcharty.

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People mention killing Theron, but isn't the option not to kill Theron, but to just leave him for dead, so he can still be alive?


Also, before killing off Theron, how about making it so I can kill Arcann without killing Senya? Or kill Arcann without giving an "I'm so evil" speech, for killing the murderous evil guy?


Also, why are people following a DS PC that is no better than Arcann? :/

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There's the problem: I don't need a substitute for Lana, but they wrote the story in such a way that at times my character feels like she's helpless and just waiting for Lana or whatever NPC to wipe her ***. How about I be allowed to rescue myself; it's alright to have the player have to puzzle their way out of a situation. I really don't need Lana - or any companion really - riding to my rescue all the time when things go south. I'm perfectly OK with my character having no other option but to help herself. It would be a refreshing change.


I think the reason Lana get's singled out though is because every other LI can be dead so there's nothing relevant for them to do, but then our character is forced on a romantic walk with Lana and sharing our secrets with her, something that would be out of character for my human IA; she would never, ever tell Lana she was a double agent. This kind of thing builds resentment. Not just because of the LI situation, it's not a dating sim, but more so for me because my character lacks the agency to even decide who her friends are and who she shares her secrets with. I would be fine with this if my character was pre-defined, but it's a roleplaying game in which the only role I'm allowed to play is the narrow one the writers have set for me without any meaningful input from my character.


This is what bothers me. They make both male characters killable, Theron and Arcann. One being the only male force user for us straight gals and gay guys. Kill off all the men and just keep the females alive. I find this a little biased honestly. Seems Devs are just team Lana.


I like Lana and don't want to kill her. But I also like options that don't include killing of main characters that should not be killed. Theron and Arcann could have added so much more to the story since kotet and nathema. Seems since they implemented this system, it's now overkill and just want to kill off just for the sake off it. They are just shooting themselves in the foot. Now look at the recent content we are stuck with. Smh.....

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This is what bothers me. They make both male characters killable, Theron and Arcann. One being the only male force user for us straight gals and gay guys. Kill off all the men and just keep the females alive. I find this a little biased honestly. Seems Devs are just team Lana.


I like Lana and don't want to kill her. But I also like options that don't include killing of main characters that should not be killed. Theron and Arcann could have added so much more to the story since kotet and nathema. Seems since they implemented this system, it's now overkill and just want to kill off just for the sake off it. They are just shooting themselves in the foot. Now look at the recent content we are stuck with. Smh.....


I feel Arcann is in a different boat than Theron. Honestly, he's the big bad. Theron and Lana, he isn't.


However, they do have that new male force user, Arn, they could make romanceable.

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I agree with this strongly. None of my characters have romanced Lana (beyond one agent who had a fling with her but dumped her when Kaliyo returned). If, instead of Lana, my PCs' actual love-interests could be there when the PCs wake up after a brush with death, I would be so happy. (If the PC in question has a LI, of course.) To save voice-acting money, it can just be a silent look of relief, maybe a hug - there are lots of animations and facial expressions "in the bank" at this stage. Not that I wouldn't love it to be voice-acted, but I'm trying to aim for something affordable that might actually happen.


Even maybe put the LIs in occasional other cutscenes, showing they're there and they matter. For instance, when a story starts, my PC is sitting with a LI. Then the story's inciting incident happens, or is revealed. There's a briefing, and the LI is there too, listening. Then the PC heads out, giving the LI a nod on the way. Then the PC goes on a mission with whichever companion(s) are chosen as the key ones for this stage of the story, the ones whose voice-acting has been paid for. Just... sometimes... have the actual LIs be there. Silently, if there's no money to voice-act them.


If a character doesn't have a LI, then a class companion, or some other prominent Alliance companion, could fill this cutscene role. Or just omit this aspect of the cutscene in the absence of a LI, if it gets too flowcharty.


You have brought up a couple good points.

** From a LI stand point of view .. IMO Lanas' reactions are WAY TOO reserved. (saves money to not have any realy reaction .. ONE SIZE fits ALL !!)


** ALSO from those that are NOT in a LI relationship .. good grief !! YES we do expect a positive reaction... but one size does NOT fit all. A DS Sith would not react the same as a LS smuggler (LI or NOT).


Just my opinion. But what the heck does a 70 year old know about video games !!!


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