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Let us kill Lana Beniko


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I, for one, just want to see Blizz be the knight in shining armor who carries my giant male Jugg to safety like a groom carrying his bride over the threshold.


lol were you the guy who kept going on about Blizz while I was torturing myself in Hoth? :p


I honestly don't know, all she seems to care about is the PC and staying as close as possible to them, and nothing else, so i really don't see what could push her to leave.

She doesn't even really seem like she cares when the PC kills people she's worked with for quite some times, so why should she care about a bunch of strangers ? Especially, as you said, when she has no problem letting them die (they were zakuulians though, not imperials, but she doesn't seem to care all that much about turning against them either so far)


Yes it's hard to imagine since they made her character so "I follow you no matter what" but theron was similar. He's still with you even if you're the darkest of dark side, and they still found a way so I guess anything's possible

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Lana can't be killed as she is one of the main characters in the story and included in many cut scenes.


You would also have to ask the developers to redo all cut scenes that included her and exchange her for another character. Do you have the budget for that?

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Lana can't be killed as she is one of the main characters in the story and included in many cut scenes.



so was theron



Having recently played the expansions. She nor Theron were present that much, they were mostly in the same scenes together, you spend more time with Tau than either Theron or Lana. It's clear Tau and Arn are the new mains. infact surprisingly Lana only had a slight bit more screen time than Theron and it was mostly debriefing, nothing significant. Or "speak to lana" go off world. Surprisingly Theron was with the PC during the events of Echoes of Oblivion, but Lana isn't included until the end and it's just driving you home.

Edited by vallixas
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Lana can't be killed as she is one of the main characters in the story and included in many cut scenes.


You would also have to ask the developers to redo all cut scenes that included her and exchange her for another character. Do you have the budget for that?

Dozens of companions have been killed and past cutscenes were not adjusted to reflect that, nor do they need to be. Not sure what makes you think they should be or would be.

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I honestly don't know, all she seems to care about is the PC and staying as close as possible to them, and nothing else, so i really don't see what could push her to leave.

She doesn't even really seem like she cares when the PC kills people she's worked with for quite some times, so why should she care about a bunch of strangers ? Especially, as you said, when she has no problem letting them die (they were zakuulians though, not imperials, but she doesn't seem to care all that much about turning against them either so far)


I don't know either. Similar to Liara they have written her in a way to be completely and utterly agreeable with the PC even when she doesn't vocally, even if you dismiss her entirely. They still want her to be this "pragmatic sith" but at this point she's just not anymore and that's just a fancy tagline. I feel Bio always falls down this path with a singular character lol. "you have a choice, except for our chosen one". That's what I love about Larian when it comes to games with options as opposed to Bioware, they make sure all their companions can go, all can have a conflict of interest and don't go against their established morals just for the PC's sake

Edited by vallixas
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Lana can't be killed as she is one of the main characters in the story and included in many cut scenes.


You would also have to ask the developers to redo all cut scenes that included her and exchange her for another character. Do you have the budget for that?


There have been many companions that were in cut scenes as well so that would not be a reason nor should it be. They have killed too many companions that were involved so if that is the reason, it is not really a very good one.


Note: Not asking for her to be killed, we have had enough of companions being killed but let's be real here. Some people had no qualms asking for Koth, Theron, etc to be killed and yet get all uppity when someone asks for Lana to be given the same treatment. No companion (especially the romance ones) should have been killed in that there is no interaction with them because of that. If they could have figured out a way to kill some of the companions for those that wanted them killed but still allowed an interaction for those that didn't then I would not see a problem, but they didn't but some of you threw a hissy fit for some companions to be killed but yet when some asks for the same treatment for Lana you throw another hissy fit but remember some of you actually started the killing of companions when you started throwing your fits to have some killed because you didn't like them, etc and yet you think everyone should like Lana. Please, give me a break.


AGAIN: Not asking for any more to be killed.

Edited by casirabit
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a true fan of role playing games. I love the role playing aspect of MMOs too, which is one reason I like SWTOR so much.


About my only complaint with SWTOR is the way it forces you to have companions you don't want. Becoming a Legendary Player was one of my most proud achievements. Then starting KOTET for the first time only after finishing all 8 class stories (some multiple times!) I was hit once again with this feeling of "Why can my murderous sith character not kill a companion that


A. Has displayed dismal incompetence and failed multiple times

B. Has been suckered and tricked by my enemies multiple times

C. Has even betrayed me on at least one occasion


My character has murdered DOZENS of people for lesser reasons than these. Murders actually written into the story by the Devs. Yet a companion who is the ultimate candidate for murder is foisted on me with no recourse? It was bad enough when I had to endure the humiliation of being utterly betrayed by Malavai Quinn without being able to murder him for it. Now Beniko deserves it many times over. I've lost count of how many people you kill for failure and incompetence... but somehow not Lana. IT MAKES NO SENSE!


Lana Beniko deserves to die. It's the Sith way that the game gave us for 50 levels.

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I'm a true fan of role playing games. I love the role playing aspect of MMOs too, which is one reason I like SWTOR so much.


About my only complaint with SWTOR is the way it forces you to have companions you don't want. Becoming a Legendary Player was one of my most proud achievements. Then starting KOTET for the first time only after finishing all 8 class stories (some multiple times!) I was hit once again with this feeling of "Why can my murderous sith character not kill a companion that


A. Has displayed dismal incompetence and failed multiple times

B. Has been suckered and tricked by my enemies multiple times

C. Has even betrayed me on at least one occasion


My character has murdered DOZENS of people for lesser reasons than these. Murders actually written into the story by the Devs. Yet a companion who is the ultimate candidate for murder is foisted on me with no recourse? It was bad enough when I had to endure the humiliation of being utterly betrayed by Malavai Quinn without being able to murder him for it. Now Beniko deserves it many times over. I've lost count of how many people you kill for failure and incompetence... but somehow not Lana. IT MAKES NO SENSE!


Lana Beniko deserves to die. It's the Sith way that the game gave us for 50 levels.


I have zero preferences with Lana dying or alive; I do not romance her so she is just a side character to me. But I agree 100% with you that Bioware forces companion. My Inquisitor gives zero ****s during vanilla, zapping anyone he doesnt like or sometimes for fun. In KOTxx, he seems to be nerfed....

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There have been many companions that were in cut scenes as well so that would not be a reason nor should it be. They have killed too many companions that were involved so if that is the reason, it is not really a very good one.


Note: Not asking for her to be killed, we have had enough of companions being killed but let's be real here. Some people had no qualms asking for Koth, Theron, etc to be killed and yet get all uppity when someone asks for Lana to be given the same treatment. No companion (especially the romance ones) should have been killed in that there is no interaction with them because of that. If they could have figured out a way to kill some of the companions for those that wanted them killed but still allowed an interaction for those that didn't then I would not see a problem, but they didn't but some of you threw a hissy fit for some companions to be killed but yet when some asks for the same treatment for Lana you throw another hissy fit but remember some of you actually started the killing of companions when you started throwing your fits to have some killed because you didn't like them, etc and yet you think everyone should like Lana. Please, give me a break.


AGAIN: Not asking for any more to be killed.


Hate to say it but it's on Bioware, they opened the door for this. When they started making story relevant characters killable, it's made everyone fair game now. In addition to making all the fans of other characters annoyed (warrior players will probably never see Vette again because of her option) it's brought hate onto the characters given special treatment over others. The Theron option did even more damage than good and painted a target on Lana even more. In the end it only makes their job harder. They decided to listen to a vocal minority of people and made a huge mistake. Even if you go on any of the character post on twitter you will see mostly love with maybe 2-3 hate comments that are liked by maybe 1 or 2 people. Even on the videos with the kill option for Theron the top voted comments with 300+ likes are all saying how they could never do that, or how the choice was garbage. With maybe one "HAHAHA DIE THERON DIE" comment with again 1-3 likes. Bioware decided to listen to the people with 1-3 likes.


Little do people know, the decision to give Theron a kill option probably helped influence the writers decision to sideline BOTH Lana and Theron in the main story after all the complaining and outrage on the boards from the theron option, as that would not appear fair to give the main LI for Straight men/Gay women too much main story romance interaction but then the main LI for Straight women/Gay men lesser, so in order to work around that option both are sidelined out of the main story and only serve as either quest givers or the two you meet up with after the quest completion.

Edited by vallixas
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Just got back into this game, I was shocked to find that Lana was still unkickable after so many others were. Dev pet? Donut steel character? Anyway i'm all for the option, maybe she doesn't have to be killed but atleast let people remove her if they want. The option should exst. I personally have never really liked her nor her views on anything, kinda boring as a character yet so oversaturating on the story needlessly. Hated how she was always forced to be my best friend even though I never gave her that impression. Wanted to remove her back in kotfe if i'm honest. Edited by Jaxterone
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I figure, there had to be one character who survived the DS carnage or there isn’t a story. They chose Lana. I suppose they could have chose Theron. But I prefer Lana.


Having just completed Onslaught and Echoes recently i'm inclined to disagree. As there are still characters that are alive and well in the alliance after the "DS carnage", and seeing as how an alive Theron is still so present (even moreso than Lana is in Echoes), it only further proves how neither need to be there. Lets see what they both actually brought in the newer content



- Lana discusses who to side with - Could replace this with anyone


Ossus, neither of them are anywhere to be found, moving on to Onderon

- Theron/Lana talks about politics of Onderon on arrival - Again could replace this with anyone

- Lana slaps Jakkaro on you who stays with you for the duration of Onderon - Lana didn't have to be here

- Lana/Theron meets up with you at the end of your Onderon journey to board the shuttle - Neither needed to be there


Mek-sha, they aren't very present at all. Hylo and Gault are more present. Lana shows up at the end to possibly behead a darth, have a little "flavor" interaction with Anri with Theron entering the scene doesn't drive the story forward at all - Again none of them needed to be there the PC could have executed them on his/her own.


Another added flavor discussion on the impside of fleet that doesn't need to exist to move the plot forward.


That's pretty much all their involvement in Onslaught and none of it really demanded them to drive the story forward.


Now lets go to Echoes. Lana talks to you at the shuttle, but she does not go with you. Theron can go with you, but he also didn't really need to be there to drive the story forward, just add on to the flavor. The last time you see Theron is before going into the "force world" lets call it, and the only time you see Lana outside of the Echoes introduction is at the end and she's simply flying you home - Again anyone could have replaced her there

Edited by Jaxterone
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Having just completed Onslaught and Echoes recently i'm inclined to disagree. As there are still characters that are alive and well in the alliance after the "DS carnage", and seeing as how an alive Theron is still so present (even moreso than Lana is in Echoes), it only further proves how neither need to be there. Lets see what they both actually brought in the newer content



- Lana discusses who to side with - Could replace this with anyone


Ossus, neither of them are anywhere to be found, moving on to Onderon

- Theron/Lana talks about politics of Onderon on arrival - Again could replace this with anyone

- Lana slaps Jakkaro on you who stays with you for the duration of Onderon - Lana didn't have to be here

- Lana/Theron meets up with you at the end of your Onderon journey to board the shuttle - Neither needed to be there


Mek-sha, they aren't very present at all. Hylo and Gault are more present. Lana shows up at the end to possibly behead a darth, have a little "flavor" interaction with Anri with Theron entering the scene doesn't drive the story forward at all - Again none of them needed to be there the PC could have executed them on his/her own.


Another added flavor discussion on the impside of fleet that doesn't need to exist to move the plot forward.


That's pretty much all their involvement in Onslaught and none of it really demanded them to drive the story forward.


Now lets go to Echoes. Lana talks to you at the shuttle, but she does not go with you. Theron can go with you, but he also didn't really need to be there to drive the story forward, just add on to the flavor. The last time you see Theron is before going into the "force world" lets call it, and the only time you see Lana outside of the Echoes introduction is at the end and she's simply flying you home - Again anyone could have replaced her there


Interesting, but I don’t think it refutes my point. My point is that they decided they needed at least one character that we can’t kill. And they decided to make the character Lana.

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Interesting, but I don’t think it refutes my point. My point is that they decided they needed at least one character that we can’t kill. And they decided to make the character Lana.


But she's not the only one? there are many characters in the alliance, unkillable. So I don't get where you're getting this they had to choose between the two as if they didn't have the funds for both? Because that doesn't make sense as like has been stated before, Theron is still pretty damn present for someone potentially dead, so that can't be the case since they still support him just the same, still pouring those funds into keeping him present.


Infact better time could be spent developing one of those unkillable characters, since she's been overexposed for quite a while to the point of being stale. The point is she's not important enough in driving the current story that warrants her needing to be there as you suggest. So the arguement her fanboys present that she is somehow too relevant in the story is flawed. She doesn't drive the story forward, and she's had no extra development whatsoever beyond being a LI just like Theron. And if the devs are anything to go by she won't be getting much development since the two of them are no longer the focus. She is entirely expendable in her current state.

Edited by Jaxterone
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Interesting, but I don’t think it refutes my point. My point is that they decided they needed at least one character that we can’t kill. And they decided to make the character Lana.


No argument that they decided it would be Lana, but there are plenty of characters we can't kill that they could use in the same role of quest giver. They aren't limited to companions, or companions you personally didn't acquire. Hylo, Shae, Sana-Rae, Aygo, Oggurobb, T7, Nico, Ranos, Paxton, Hexid, Temple, and the Star Fortress companions, to name a few people who are alive for everyone but aren't Lana.

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No argument that they decided it would be Lana, but there are plenty of characters we can't kill that they could use in the same role of quest giver. They aren't limited to companions, or companions you personally didn't acquire. Hylo, Shae, Sana-Rae, Aygo, Oggurobb, T7, Nico, Ranos, Paxton, Hexid, Temple, and the Star Fortress companions, to name a few people who are alive for everyone but aren't Lana.


Not saying they couldn’t choose anyone else. But I think they wanted a character who had been available across the factions. They chose SOR as that point and went from there to choose Lana.


Not saying that was the only option of course. But I think this was their reasoning.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lana, as a character in this game, is very important to me.


This thread seems to have apparently convinced the devs to sideline the character, which is annoying and disappointing and is spoiling MY enjoyment of the game.


If you all manage to convince them to remove her, through leaving or through death, then that will ruin MY enjoyment of the game, and most likely drive me out of playing altogether. Which will cost Bioware a dedicated, paying subscriber.


Just back off and think about other people, would you, please? I'm really tired of whiners ruining games for me. It's happened too many times.

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If you leave Theron to die in the Nathema flashpoint I can totally see Lana one day in future content attempt to betray or kill you in fear that she may be the next victim one day. I don't think it would happen but that's the only logical way I can see her attempting such a move. For 99% of the time she has stuck with you with everything, she is the closest ally you will ever have and that's why if she ever did betray you it would be a real shock moment to players. I just don't see it happening ... would be a interesting though
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