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Enter Bioware, the company that punishes you for purchasing their game!


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I don't mind waiting since I didnt redeem until 7/25 but BW seems to be getting the brunt of complaints no matter what they do so why not just send out estimates so people don't sit around hitting refresh on their computers?


This pre-order/anticipation/we'll let you know stuff is sort of 3rd grade. Let the game speak for itself, you don't need all this staggered entry stuff. I started several games and with the exception of the first Everquest (which was down for the first few hours on launch day), I've never seen so much hype over a seamless launch.


If I judged Everquest solely by how it launched, I would have never experienced the best game in the history of games.


/rant off

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The only thing that really bothers me, is how slow they let the people in. Looking at live stream, the start zones are empty on most servers. Like 5 people per zone.


They're doing it for diagnostic reasons apparently, not for traffic reasons. They want to monitor how the servers hold up with different amounts of people.

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just sad i took the two days off to witniss this launch . now i got no invite and no money for sitting around all day to wait on this stupid email. i love you bioware butt this is a frack up. you atleast coud anounce when where going to play and dont give stupid repleys like you will gett acces as soon as you gett your email. -1 you sound like my boss filling his pants with money butt cant give a trait answer
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Yes Rift did let everyone in at once and how many problems were there. I heard there were like 8 hour queues etc (not sure if that is fact or not just what I heard)


The server my guild originally picked had an approx queue time of 9 hours, the QQ on those forums was just as loud as it is here.

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Anyone who thinks Rift had a smooth launch wasnt there for the epic QQ about queue times. People are going to whine and moan regardless of what method a developer uses at launch.


Quoted for truth. With Rift on early access When I finally did get in to choose a server, the server that my guild chose and already playing on had a massive queue time, was going to be something like a 4 hour wait. So I chose a different server to play on till the queue went down to a more reasonable time for my playing time, which didn't happen till just the day before official launch day.


I much prefer this staggered release over the Rift launch any day.

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Yes Rift did let everyone in at once and how many problems were there. I heard there were like 8 hour queues etc (not sure if that is fact or not just what I heard)


I never had a que once, on a high pop server, Yes, on day one there were like 45 min ques, but guess what, no server crashes, that's the point of the que system, to keep servers up.


I would gladly wait in que to play, I just think it BS that those of us that may have waited till later to pre-order because we did not know if we wanted to or not are getting punished, it kinda makes me want to not get the game at all at this point. I think that companies that punish their customers for doing something different than everyone else are scum.

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To me, this whole situation feels like this:


I dont have alot of money to spend, so I decided to wait with pre ordering. I need to take care of my bills, food and all that crap first.

I've been waiting on this game since it was announced, just like you.

I pre-ordered, just like you.

But, because I dont have alot of money to spend, I get to play really late, unlike you.


Doesnt really seem fair, does it?


Now, I really dont mind actually when I get in game. It just bugs me that people ASSUME everyone is in the same financial situation, and can buy anything at any time they please.

Edited by Ergonaut
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What the hell is with people?


The early access beign staggered is a brilliant way to get stability in from the beginning, anyone ever played a big MMO right at launch and crash constantly? I sure have, and that can ruin a game. Also, I love how nobody seems to praise Bioware for giving us an EXTRA 2 days of EGA, when they were originally only going to do it from the 15th, and to give us ANY form of early access is amazing!


Do you pre-order the new Assassain's Creed game and complain you don't get it early, just because you pre-ordered? No.

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Quoted for truth. With Rift on early access When I finally did get in to choose a server, the server that my guild chose and already playing on had a massive queue time, was going to be something like a 4 hour wait. So I chose a different server to play on till the queue went down to a more reasonable time for my playing time, which didn't happen till just the day before official launch day.


I much prefer this staggered release over the Rift launch any day.


Yes, but who's to say you will even get in until the day before the official launch date with this system?

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Yes, but who's to say you will even get in until the day before the official launch date with this system?


You're only guaranteed 1 day of EGA. This would be true for any other method of staggering. Meanwhile, staggering is the only way to meet all of the stated goals, let alone the undisclosed ones.

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Yes Rift did let everyone in at once and how many problems were there. I heard there were like 8 hour queues etc (not sure if that is fact or not just what I heard)


Rift was one of the best launches I have been in. My son and i got in right away with almost no down time at all. Every time there was server Q's they just opened more servers and that went on all day. I just wish the game held my attention longer

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They are starting the early access earlier than they originally said they would. Why are people crying?


I think this plan is genius. Pre-placing all the guilds based on population to preevent over and under populated servers, and then staggering early entry to prevent queue times.



When will you guys ever be happy? I remember the QQ fests over queue times in the last couple MMO's I have played at early access. The amount of rage over the fact that a bunch of guilds announced they were rolling one specific server on the RIFT forums forcing one servers queue times to be astronomical and others to be non-existant because the servers were practically dead at launch. The forums were flooded with whiny QQ posts like this one. Seriously, MMORPG gamers are the whiniest self serving butt-tards in any genre I have ever played.


INB4 <--- doesn't stop people for seeing a QQ post as a QQ post bro.

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$150 for collector's edition of game and not in on first day kinda priceless bitterness IMO.


It does feel like you're getting shafted sitting here in line even though you're supposed to be one of the cool kids.


I probably wont *********** be in till the 17th too which pisses me off.


Except you paid the extra money for the other things in the collectors edition such as the VIP store and the statue. THey never said you were getting in first. Buyers remorse does not mean the system is unfair.

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Its funny , that people can claim they did payed the same amount of money. Guess what , you didnt. Even if the amount of money you payed was same , the amount the company can make with that money is different.


Because any company can make more money with early payed money with the extra time they have. Thats why you get discounts on airplane tickets, or any other kind of pre-paying service.


So no , you didnt payed the same amount of money with someone that payed it a month ago.

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So, letting you access their game before the official release, is now considered punishment? lol...


I guess the kiddies with the unearned sense of entitlement didn't stay in WoW? :( Means I may not last long in this game.


Thanks for clearing that up. My whole life I've been thinking that a receipt of purchase entitles me to use the product.


I also won't last long in this game as today's actions on the part of Bioware solidified my decision to not renew after the first month.

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Seen you on other posts talking about elitism...


Simply put, you're dead wrong. Staggered launch is a fantastic idea. I have an engineering background and can say with confidence that if you ramp up loads instead of hit them with an impulse, you will have a more stable system. And if you pre-order now, you will still get 1 day early access.


In no way is Early Access, a punishment. You aren't even paying for it!

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what pisses me off is with the staggered start you dont get equal opp to pick your names for your chars... I actually pre ordered in January at a local gamestop when I was picking up my DCUO box... problem is I didnt check swtor website from june until august so didnt know there was a code to go back and get till august 30th.


THat really sucks... I pre ordered way ahead of a lot of people but because I dont check swtor when not even close to launch yet I get screwed.

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