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Everything posted by JediSavior

  1. JediSavior


    You mispelled too as to. Discuss
  2. Vader was able to turn on Luke's green lightsaber in Return of the Jedi. He didn't try to activate it and have big letters show up saying YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO EQUIP THIS WEAPON. And before Anakin fell to the dark side he used Dooku's own lightsaber (which was red) to cut his head off. (I saved this one for second bc I know the argument that he was beginning to fall would be made.
  3. This isn't launch. It is a way to make sure launch is smooth. Launch isn't for an entire week.
  4. Of course it doesn't make sence. Sence isn't even a word.
  5. But that wasn't what was on the Falcon, which is what was stated. The Falcon was in the space slug. /donebeinganerdfornow
  6. Those were Mynocks. I now feel like a loser for knowing this. Thank you for forcing that on me.
  7. Except you paid the extra money for the other things in the collectors edition such as the VIP store and the statue. THey never said you were getting in first. Buyers remorse does not mean the system is unfair.
  8. They didn't charge you $5 for early access. Once the game is released that money goes towards the overall cost of the game. That's how all preorders work.
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