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6.0 - what things do you wish for?


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More conversations with vanilla/original companions, comments about areas, etc.


Companion mounts - either allow them to get a mount themselves, a mirror of our own, or better yet, give us special mounts where they can ride with us. In my case, I just want to listen every comment companions have to say about certain zones and such.


And why special mounts where they ride with us aren't available yet is beyond me, I'd figure something like that would sell big on the Cartel Market.

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California based server. I am not a greedy man. I'm not asking for more content for free. I simply want to actually be able to play and enjoy content I have already paid for 10 times over. If Bioware wants to make another expansion people should have to buy it. Edited by Yeldah_
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More conversations with vanilla/original companions, comments about areas, etc.


Companion mounts - either allow them to get a mount themselves, a mirror of our own, or better yet, give us special mounts where they can ride with us. In my case, I just want to listen every comment companions have to say about certain zones and such.


And why special mounts where they ride with us aren't available yet is beyond me, I'd figure something like that would sell big on the Cartel Market.


Glad to see that I’m not the only one annoyed by the fact that even though some of the vehicle mounts are quite visibly two-seaters (quite of few of those have been in the game since before rothc), our companions don’t ride with us.

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- less bugs

- more options for our characters, ie, being able to switch factions openly and completely if they want, or at least support them openly, like iokath. No more sneaking around.

- continued alliance

- continued content with lana, especially romance content, and choices to keep her as primary quest giver if you want.

- more romance content with other lis to appease those fans

- return to companion conversations

- more decos

- more strongholds that are nice and well thought out

- more story content

+ 10.000

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- An Odessen Stronghold

- Alliance as a viable third faction complete with Fleet-style infrastructure (only based underground rather than in space)

- Previous love interests de-bricked and given new speech and working lips.

- Give us a choice of the companions we'd like to be our crew on our star ships.

- Please increase the number of hooks (including companion and npc hooks) in our fortresses.

- Employ competent writers who can write interesting new story lines and by all that is holy, hire decent structural editors to fix plot holes.

- A West Coast server.


If you are running out of story ideas, watch the Shadow War episodes from Babylon 5.

Edited by AureliaSulis
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- Less bugs

- More options for our characters, ie, being able to switch factions openly and completely if they want, or at least support them openly, like Iokath. No more sneaking around.

- Continued Alliance

- Continued content with Lana, especially romance content, and choices to keep her as primary quest giver if you want.

- More romance content with other LIs to appease those fans

- Return to companion conversations

- More decos

- More strongholds that are nice and well thought out

- More story content


Can't think of a better list than that. :)

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I want the game to forget KOTFE, KOTET and aftermath like a bad dream - to pretend all of this didn't actually happen. No more Alliance, to hell with Koths, Lanas, Hylo Vizs or whatever. "Oh hey, I remember you, you was Sith Intelligence Commander - we still have a nice comfy position for your kind" and something like this for every class - and then it'll be planetary based and open world, slow paced exploration based on class and faction, as it was before, in vanilla days, not on "character", his romances and other idiocy. A guy can dream, right? Edited by TGaP_Andrey
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I want the game to forget KOTFE, KOTET and aftermath like a bad dream - to pretend all of this didn't actually happen. No more Alliance, to hell with Koths, Lanas, Hylo Vizs or whatever. "Oh hey, I remember you, you was Sith Intelligence Commander - we still have a nice comfy position for your kind" and something like this for every class - and then it'll be planetary based and open world, slow paced exploration based on class and faction, as it was before, in vanilla days, not on "character", his romances and other idiocy. A guy can dream, right?


I hope none of this happens. lol

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- Less bugs

- More options for our characters, ie, being able to switch factions openly and completely if they want, or at least support them openly, like Iokath. No more sneaking around.

- Continued Alliance

- Continued content with Lana, especially romance content, and choices to keep her as primary quest giver if you want.

- More romance content with other LIs to appease those fans

- Return to companion conversations

- More decos

- More strongholds that are nice and well thought out

- More story content

All of this :).

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I've been taking one of my long-ignored alts through the Shadow of Revan stories lately and I've discovered that I really miss Jakkaro and D4 and would like them to be brought back into the story. Also, my Knight needs to get Kira back. Desperately.
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-More story and lots of it. More story with our companions, especially love interests.


-More romantic interactions with LI, like Theron, Quinn, Vector. Let someone other than Lana guide the missions. Let someone other than her get romantic interactions, like Theron. There are fans who want someone other than Lana. :rolleyes:


-More class flavour to the stories.


-Romance with Lord Scourge. A good one, not just some crappy 2-minute thing.


-Romance with Jonas Balkar and a Balkar decoration.


-Malavai Quinn Commemorative Statue decoration.


-Allow full defection. My dark JK wants to be Sith.


-A new stronghold. Copero, Odessen, Cloud City. Heck, I'll take new floors for Dromund Kaas that I can take the elevator to.


-Allow us to place our own hooks. And no limits.


-Return of Darth Marr. Even if he is in ghost form. I'll take what I can get.


-Make gear less confusing to get and get rid of RNG.

Edited by Lunafox
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1. Companion stories, give them all time to shine.

2. Still want to go to Onderon and Duxn.

3. Let Jedi be Jedi! Also for LS Pub Siding Sith, let Sith be included.

4. No more hook limits in Strong Holds.

5. More of the Voss

6. More Dyes and Crystals to craft.

7. Major influx of new Furniture decos!

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Jaesa appearing in the story in a major way.


The way things are going I'm not sure there will be another update after 6.0 so if it has to end it would be nice if it ends coming full circle for my Sith Warrior and his apprentice/wife and he sees the final chapter played out together, possibly seated on the Imperial Throne.


Then maybe a Dragon Age Origins or Fallout series recap at the end narrating the adventures of the last 7 years. Would I also like 60 hours of story, meaningful choices, options relating back to previous events in the galaxy, more dynamic combat, better exploration, updated graphics and a myriad of other things, sure. But unless there is some secret financing in the works I think it unlikely, you don't have the last year SWTOR has had if your going strong. So sod the 40 companions I currently have, just let me finish my adventures with Jaesa and give a sense of completion.

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-More story and lots of it. More story with our companions, especially love interests.


-More romantic interactions with LI, like Theron, Quinn, Vector. Let someone other than Lana guide the missions. Let someone other than her get romantic interactions, like Theron. There are fans who want someone other than Lana. :rolleyes:

This please :)


-Romance with Jonas Balkar and a Balkar decoration.

Could be nice


-Allow full defection. My dark JK wants to be Sith.

Yes, my former imperials would like to officially work with the Republic and against the Empire


-A new stronghold. Copero, Odessen, Cloud City. Heck, I'll take new floors for Dromund Kaas that I can take the elevator to.

I think Copero, Odessen, Zakuul or Aleraan would be really nice ^^

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-More story and lots of it. More story with our companions, especially love interests.


-More romantic interactions with LI, like Theron, Quinn, Vector. Let someone other than Lana guide the missions. Let someone other than her get romantic interactions, like Theron. There are fans who want someone other than Lana. :rolleyes:.

This! I like Lana but I'm pretty damn salty that my character didn't get so much as an email in from her LI during Jedi Under Siege yet went on some uncomfortably romantic stroll with Lana. It was clearly made for the romance in mind and that's fine for those who romance her but would it would be so hard to throne the rest of us something? It won't take much to tip me over to disliking her for the same reason I disliked Liara in ME3.

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