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Did you choose to be emperor of the Eternal Throne or Decline the Throne?


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All my characters chose Peacekeeper. That was the whole point, to liberate the galaxy. It was why the Alliance was formed.


After Onslaught my Jedi characters rejoined the Republic to rebuild the Jedi Order. That was important to them, but my Sith Warrior was happy to remain independent. So too will all my other characters when they get there, including Trooper. Always the loyal soldier, the Republic abandoned him. These characters have no qualms being a Leader, but ruler of the galaxy is absolute corruption. It is doomed to fail in so many ways.

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I have only two at the moment, my Jedi Knight Guardian as I mentioned and the other is a female Bounty Hunter Mercenary discipline. It's too early to say with my BH merc, but I definitely see Violcrik (my Jedi Knight) wanting the throne. She has seen first hand how useless the Republic Senate and she hated Supreme Chancellor Saresh. Violcrik was never a diplomat, she's a woman of action and will take no prisoners. All her companions have seen her ruthless side.


Violcrik readily took the remote detonator and blew up most of Zakuul's city block and taking civilians with it. There was no sympathy from her or remorse. She callously executed her enemies. She wants power, she never feels she's powerful enough to save those she cares about, so she craves it. She also carried the belief Grand Master Satele Shan held her back and did try to kill her on Odesson.


The Eternal Throne will be the trophy she desired and go about making real change, all the while crushing anyone who opposes her. Violcrik won't hesitate to stab you in the back. That only scratches the back of her crimes.


My character has gone from being a hero, to becoming an antihero and gradually getting close to becoming the villain.


As a quote goes: "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

I love this. I have a JK sitting waiting to be levelled to do something like this and having seen your post, I'm looking forward to being truly dark with her. It goes completely against my rl nature and most of my other characters I chose Peacekeeper with their alliance separate. It will be interesting to see how my super dark Jedi plays out. One things for sure she'll be besties with the dreaded Lana!

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I had quite a few of both actually.


Those who refused where:

1) looking for peace

2) wanted to end the cycle of tyranny on Zakuul

3) had no interest in ruling or sitting on a throne all day


Those who claimed the throne:

1) were looking to maximize their power

2) felt they deserved it after all that Zakuul took from them

3) believe in strong leadership, order, control and feel they could do better than Valkorion and his family


It is somewhat dissapointing how little the choice matters and how it is all gone in one blow.

Edited by Gokkus
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Whelp, I finished KOTET and wow, it was a ride. My DS Tier 1 Jedi Knight ascended the throne. No questions asked, she wanted that throne and believed she can make a difference by being a strong leader, maybe a better leader than Chancellor Saresh and outdo Empress Acina.


Best part, she's ruling the Eternal Alliance with an iron fist and sided with the New Imperial Empire on Iokath. My Jedi Guardian has fallen from grace. Hunting for Theron now. He can join his dad in the Force.

Edited by MMPRPink
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All of mine except one declined the throne. The only one that decided to sit on the throne was my sith sorceress chose to become Empress, as it was just her nature, the rest light side (even my other empire characters) Edited by casirabit
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"Did you choose to be emperor of the Eternal Throne or Decline the Throne?"


It greatly infuriates Darth Nox, that despite declaring himself Emperor, that his followers and subjects continue to call him "Commander."


"Emperor! Call me Emperor!!" Nox was heard shouting as he blasted some poor officer with Force Lightning...

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"Did you choose to be emperor of the Eternal Throne or Decline the Throne?"


It greatly infuriates Darth Nox, that despite declaring himself Emperor, that his followers and subjects continue to call him "Commander."


"Emperor! Call me Emperor!!" Nox was heard shouting as he blasted some poor officer with Force Lightning...


Did he absorb "It's Minister!" Lorman's spirit? :D

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It's a shame though the Eternal Alliance only lasts a week, all because of one stupid flashpoint. I was at least hoping the Eternal Alliance would last an in-game month, cause my DS Jedi Knight is only getting warmed up as a dictator.


Despite the obviousness the devs rushed the plot line of those three flashpoints, I could use it as a character development for her. Violcrik (JK Guardian), realises she had let power get to her head and now has to figure out what to do and how to carry on after sitting in a throne in power.


KOTFE & ET are personally my knight's darkest character development and her darkest point. Those two story arcs was her journey of revenge and quest for the throne.

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This is actually an interesting prospect to explore, a very influential non-force sensitive using that power to purge force sensitives.




Agreed. The 2nd option would've been better to have it for a neutral character.


There is always force sensitive, it's will go backfire, but what you could influential is stop training or make jedi and sith teaching, making a hidden knowledge, make illegal but that would make sith's life easier, because sith don't follow law, while goodie force sensitive follow law and not know about force, it's would be very badly for non force sensilives force as who will keep sith in check? Jedi, so non force sensitive petty much need both to keep each other in check.

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My fem!Jedi Knight allowed herself to be easily manipulated by Valkorion. She made herself believe she is the leader the galaxy needs, a strong leader, hence why she sought the throne so bad. She essentially let Valkorion prepare/groom her for the Eternal Throne. She strayed from the Jedi, was filled with no other desire than revenge during KOTFE/KOTET.


She wanted to be Empress. Mind you, my Knight is a DS Tier 1.

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  • 1 year later...
With Head-canon in play as well to your characters just so it fits your own rp purposes?


My latest DS SI is cunning, manipulative and learns things a little too well, even Zash and Thanaton have praised their former underling for how quickly he caught on to being a very successful Sith. Everything he does is for his own ends and isn't afraid of sparing people in what would be considered an act of kindness, but in reality it is a display of power that he can gain worshippers by being better than the other same petty tyrants around him.

When he will reach the throne he will take the seat and rule, but it won't be to an iron fist, but rather to make sure the people are loyal to him while he can go about doing all the bad things a Sith revels in.


i got a number of others that followed through that have either accepted or refused the throne.


My main character is my Neutral SI, Kavorrah. She doesn't really care about power grabs and only seeks to protect what little she has. Kavorrah only took the throne because she knows that it would turn into even more of a game of thrones type war if she let anyone else take it. She hates Zakuul and everything it stands for and isn't the type to lead, but if it means she can fix this mess Valkorion left behind, it's all worth it to her. Plus, she'd like to rule with her wife/queen/advisor Lana pls and thanks.


My DS Consular Inaansi on the other hand... He's a power hungry piece of work i made because the consular line was more interesting to me when played as an irredeemable monster. He took the throne purely out of selfishness. He hates the galaxy that took his Master from him(despite her death kind of being his own fault) and just wants to see it burn. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he gave Vaylin a run for her money with how terrible his rule would be.


The two who take the throne do it for completely different reasons, but otherwise everyone else refuses it and just decides to leave Zakuul alone.

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At the time the OP made the thread, it was before it was known to become irrelevant because you lost control in subsequent events.


For my DS Sith, they are back to plotting how to regain control of the Empire. My Darth Nox is very much the same as a previous poster described. "I'm the new Emperor, damn it! Address me as such!"


My LS BH did not take the throne, nor did she officially "rejoin" the Empire. She didn't become a saboteur for economic reasons - she has developed ties over the years with her "employer". For her, I wish it would have been possible to keep Zakuul and become an independent faction, she would re-make Zakuul into a new planet for Mandalore.


My characters mostly went in same as their alignment - DS's took the throne, LS became "peacemakers".

The only real difference was which decoration you got. :-)

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I don't remember, I've only played KOTFE and KOTET chapters once on story mode, on 1 toon, in my 65 character legacy, in the 10 years I've played. Back in 2018. First and only time.


Well, I had to spacebar through all chapters again for PTS titles and achievements, I don't remember what I picked through all the PTS spacebarring I did.

I just spammed spacebar +1, or spacebar + 2, or spacebar + 3.

I couldn't tell you what I picked, because I don't know what my keyboard spam chose.



What I can tell you, is that I probably declined the throne, because there is no gameplay mechanic that lets you control, command and rule a galaxy in this game. So there is no point in picking "rule the throne" it doesn't affect the gameplay, gives you no empire to rule, no way to command troops, conquer territory, vanquish enemies,

Edited by Falensawino
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  • 2 months later...

I chose ofcourse peacekeeper and to dethrone the empire as my pure noble Jedi.


But as my Sith warrior Juggernaut, I chose peacekeeper again. As I see my sith character and the choices I made to have only sought power to defeat my enemies and was cruel sometimes to get a point across, being in desperate situation or to protect my companions.

So I was mostly dark side focus to my choices but often chose light choices. When it was either pointless cruelty or other stuff I just chose the light side option. Like even though I know I'am really powerfull I send civilians to death just to cover me and just to look evil, or to do something bad to my companions.

As far as I remember I never chose those kind of choices.


I never sought power to be a conqueror and subjugate other people under my rule, as I also don't see my character being someone political with always going around the galaxy on adventure and missions.

So being Emperor did not feel right for that character, even though peacekeeper being a light side choice and me being sith.

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That would have been a good neutral choice. I've gone empress on my DS Agent [it suits her] and Peacekeeper on my LS SW [it suits him], and I'm considering doing Emperor on my LS JC, on the basis of this second option, but it sounds like a lot of headcanoning.


Interesting. This was January 2019, I had only taken 2/8 mains through. I ended up taking all 8 classes through, it was a real slog. My emperor/peacekeeper selection follows a certain pattern.



DS Agent: Originally chaotic neutral, her arc is "betray everyone", went on to become a saboteur.

DS SI: The archetypal power mad Sith. She married Theron and forgave him for the later betrayal, so not all bad.

DS Smug: But he spared Arcann as kind of a humble brag, since he's a NFU. Married Koth and forgave him.

LS JC: A benevolent tyrant, his arc is LS but thirsty for recognition and greater status. Became a saboteur.



DS SW: LS in vanilla but burnt out fighting skytroopers. He knew he was not fit to rule. Married Arcann.

LS JK: Quickest to give up power, but depressed that so few of his comps showed up to help. Married Lana.

LS BH: 'hired' by Lana to assassinate Valky, Arcann and Vaylin. Did the job, entanglements are unprofessional.

LS Troop: Flirted with Theron but ditched him for Jorgan. Chose the Empire on Iokath, but regretted it later.


My favorites were the DS SW and LS Trooper. Everybody loves SWs, they make the most sense for the expansions besides the JK, but my SW was a Commander's token and copy of a previously deleted character who had romanced Vette and had LS Jaesa. Since it was a token, Vette hated him and Jaesa was DS...and it makes sense to me that they might have naturally ended up that way, like a Hardened Leiliana. It added pathos to his story. Romancing Arcann also seems like good evidence of his very questionable choices. He fought Baras on Nathema.


Conversely, the trooper makes sense for a peacekeeper solution. A lot of her choices were strategic, like killing Arcann and siding with the Empire on Iokath, since the Republic had been so useless, but she lost Elara. She also let Theron die, fought Garza on Nathema.

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