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Running list of reasons Bioware is completely Tone Deaf to our community with 5.10...


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Not even worth rehashing all the old stuff that is still broke or senseless, but with the latest patch (in no particular order):



  • Screw PVP players with this bind to slot Enhancement crap, forcing accuracy into gear where they need none of it for all DPS
  • Make the limited time weekly mission take either 15 minutes (8 medals in 1 pvp match you can do alone) or well over an hour (4 MM FP's that require other players)
  • Complete wipe away the last 2 years of gear grinding where you could trade up with the old shell and unassembled components to go from 236 > 242 > 248 by making the 248 shells useless and no way to upgrade to the new gear the "normal way"
  • Give us new gear that doesn't stack with prior gear set bonuses (acknowledged it's a bug, but no ETA on fixing it because it requires them to actually "do work". This bug was also identified on the PTS. What good is having us test if you can't or won't fix major bugs we find???)
  • Overall just give us 2 new gear levels to grind that are a means to no end. How many teams are actually actively looking to grind NiM VOTMG? And I'm willing to bet all of those groups can readily complete it with full 248 gear sets, maybe even less for the best teams.


Add on....

Edited by DarthNillard
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How many teams are actually actively looking to grind NiM VOTMG?


I'm curious about this as well. They spent quite some development time on GotM... when did they start... well, almost 2 years ago. And I would really like to know for HOW MANY players this content is actually of interest. They stated themselves in the past that raiders are a minority and NiM raiders are a minority of this minority. So... was that a good decision from a management perspective? I don't know as I don't know the metrics.

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I'm curious about this as well.

Me too.


So far 9 guilds are participating in the progression thread.


I think would be fair to say that most guilds that participate in current-tier NM raiding have members that post on the forums, though there are probably some that are doing the content without joining the progression thread. So for the sake of the argument let's say an additional 6-10 guilds?


So at a completely wild guess, perhaps 120 players across the entire game?


We're a long way from the 2.x days where thousands of players participated in NM 8-man and 16-man progression.

Edited by Khevar
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I'm curious about this as well. They spent quite some development time on GotM... when did they start... well, almost 2 years ago. And I would really like to know for HOW MANY players this content is actually of interest. They stated themselves in the past that raiders are a minority and NiM raiders are a minority of this minority. So... was that a good decision from a management perspective? I don't know as I don't know the metrics.


VOTMG is a great raid, each boss is unique and fun/challenging. However, their rollout over the course of basically a year is complete BS. And the fact that all they've done since then is make is a HM and now NIM of the same raid over the better part of the last 6+ months when they could have instead been developing real new content is just a bonehead move. I guess that can be added to my list :rak_01:

Edited by DarthNillard
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Vote with your wallet - comments on the forums don't drive their metrics of success; activity, subscriptions and revenue drive those metrics.


I sub and play for a month here and there every year, but refuse to spend more than a month's subscription on any kind of regular basis given the small amount of content added, lower than average quality levels, and many design decisions I dislike.


And while some may rationalize continual investment in the game with 'I'm helping support the game and keeping it going', I don't consider EA to be a charity case and thus don't see any reason to invest in SWTOR if EA refuses to invest and resource at a level required to sustain a large healthy population.


As far as gods - too little, too late for me. My friends and I pretty much quit playing regularly years ago, and there just wasn't any way I or they were going to return for a 'lets release a boss ever couple of months' operation.


For me to return on an ongoing basis, I'd need to see a full expansion, with new open world planets, several flashpoints, and at least one full new operation available at launch, and ongoing patches over the expansion that add additional operations.


I'd even pay for such an expansion - I pay Blizzard $50 every few years for theirs, as well as buy the yearly chapter (expansion) updates in ESO.


A free expansion is worth about as much as it costs - that is nothing.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Vote with your wallet - comments on the forums don't drive their metrics of success; activity, subscriptions and revenue drive those metrics.


I sub and play for a month here and there every year, but refuse to spend more than a month's subscription on any kind of regular basis given the small amount of content added, lower than average quality levels, and many design decisions I dislike.


And while some may rationalize continual investment in the game with 'I'm helping support the game and keeping it going', I don't consider EA to be a charity case and thus don't see any reason to invest in SWTOR if EA refuses to invest and resource at a level required to sustain a large healthy population.


As far as gods - too little, too late for me. My friends and I pretty much quit playing regularly years ago, and there just wasn't any way I or they were going to return for a 'lets release a boss ever couple of months' operation.


For me to return on an ongoing basis, I'd need to see a full expansion, with new open world planets, several flashpoints, and at least one full new operation available at launch, and ongoing patches over the expansion that add additional operations.


I'd even pay for such an expansion - I pay Blizzard $50 every few years for theirs, as well as buy the yearly chapter (expansion) updates in ESO.


A free expansion is worth about as much as it costs - that is nothing.


I'm with you 100% I used to dump a lot of money into CC's and I haven't spent a dime outside of my sub in over a year.

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It seems even more pointless because of looming 6.0 perspective which most likely will simply add a new levelcap and make all this Ossus gear obsolete. Personally I'm paying for the next month of subscription only to finish gearing my main in 252 set and comfortably complete 3 remaining class stories. Then I'll unsub and wait for 6.0 or Blizz Classic.

So many decent MMOs are to be released in 2019, that it looks like a beginning of a silver age.

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Much of the Customer Base: I really hated losing companions in KOTFE. I am worried about that happening again. I never hear from the characters my toons have romanced, either.


Devs in 5.10: Here, have letters from half of your acquired companions, telling you they're leaving or thinking about it.

Also Devs in 5.10 and Paxton patch: Let's make a few more companions unavailable, including some people's LIs, and then not fix them before the holidays so they can't be used for questing and the double XP event.

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I'm curious about this as well. They spent quite some development time on GotM... when did they start... well, almost 2 years ago. And I would really like to know for HOW MANY players this content is actually of interest. They stated themselves in the past that raiders are a minority and NiM raiders are a minority of this minority. So... was that a good decision from a management perspective? I don't know as I don't know the metrics.


Myself and few others have pointed out that Keith belongs to one of these 1% raider guilds who like to play this stuff and it would seem this was a motivation in having a new gearing system and increasing the raid difficulty.


Some people will remember them saying earlier this year that they wouldn’t be making this raid into a NiM raid.


During one of the streams about 5.10 the Ops dev (sorry can’t remember his name) said that Kieth said he wanted a NiM version and basically dropped it on them as it wasn’t planned for.


What this says to me is Keith’s guild was telling him they wanted a NiM version and so did he. So to justify the resources spent to make a NiM version, they came up with the idea of a massively longer gear grind that nobody needs the gear for content except NiM raiders, the smoke screen to cover this up was that people would still want it and get on the hamster wheel. Thus justifying it being added.


This rushed out idea (because that’s what I think it was) to justify the NiM OPS change meant they didn’t really spend time on the gearing system because they had it only optimised for NiM OPS. These are the issues stemming from that.


1. They didn’t consider pvpers would ultimately need the gear because some NiM players also pvp. (Keith should have known this because he is apparently a pvper too)


2. I believe the removal of mods and enhancments was looked over because the gear wasn’t set up for pvp and would be a fine cookie cutter build for OPS. This ultimately saved them time and resources because they didn’t need to calculate stat damage of all the different mods and enhancements that have been left out gear they’ve added.

(So I’d say that’s why they locked the mods and enhancments on perpose)


3..... there are a few others, but I just can’t be bothered anymore. My love of the game has died since 5.10s stupid gear grind and problems surrounding it.


My concern and I think everyone’s concern should be, “why” were a ****load of resources used for a NiM mode OP and gearing system designed for 1% of the population when the game is running on fumes and people are leaving due to lack of content and bugs? Especially because the NiM OP was never planned for and was dropped on the OPS design guy out of the blue because “Keith wanted it”.

Where was the oversight for this decision or does Keith now have the overall authority (not reporting to anyone) to just drop stuff into the game he wants for himself and his guild with no proper planning. (If he does, then there is no reason he can’t make some sweeping changes that EA have never allowed and fix the damn game). But I have to wonder is this why all the changes in the last 9 months (starting with conquest) have been such a shamozzle.


All of this is obviously conjecture and only my opinions, but it sure does seem like there was some nepotism with the decision to add the NiM OP, which ultimately lead to this abortive gearing system to accommodate and justify adding it.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Even that’s losing its lustre.


You just got to work it in when you are using the restroom, or have absolutely nothing else to do for a span of a few minutes. I am just hoping a new game comes out soon. I miss playing MMOs tbh. If they don't though, I am probably better for it anyway. I get sucked in far too deep. This is the longest span of time I have gone without logging into a game since 2000. Been over 2 months. :o

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You just got to work it in when you are using the restroom, or have absolutely nothing else to do for a span of a few minutes. I am just hoping a new game comes out soon. I miss playing MMOs tbh. If they don't though, I am probably better for it anyway. I get sucked in far too deep. This is the longest span of time I have gone without logging into a game since 2000. Been over 2 months. :o


Have you looked into Elite Dangerous yet?

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This. ^


And focus on a new hobby until they make the game fun again. If they ever do.


That doesn't work.


It's been suggested in other threads and they whined that it doesn't work and they didn't want to anyways.


So, why continue to say "Vote with your wallet."


That doesn't work. Voting with your wallet is never the answer.

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Not even worth rehashing all the old stuff that is still broke or senseless, but with the latest patch (in no particular order):



  • Screw PVP players with this bind to slot Enhancement crap, forcing accuracy into gear where they need none of it for all DPS
  • Make the limited time weekly mission take either 15 minutes (8 medals in 1 pvp match you can do alone) or well over an hour (4 MM FP's that require other players)
  • Complete wipe away the last 2 years of gear grinding where you could trade up with the old shell and unassembled components to go from 236 > 242 > 248 by making the 248 shells useless and no way to upgrade to the new gear the "normal way"
  • Give us new gear that doesn't stack with prior gear set bonuses (acknowledged it's a bug, but no ETA on fixing it because it requires them to actually "do work". This bug was also identified on the PTS. What good is having us test if you can't or won't fix major bugs we find???)
  • Overall just give us 2 new gear levels to grind that are a means to no end. How many teams are actually actively looking to grind NiM VOTMG? And I'm willing to bet all of those groups can readily complete it with full 248 gear sets, maybe even less for the best teams.


Add on....


-killing team ranked by increasing the number of games needed for weekly and providing no proper rewards for Playing which resulted in death of tr

-tonnes of buggs on ossus like with bugged relics quests in jedi temple which arent fixed yet

-no new classes or at least new specs for 7 years

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-killing team ranked by increasing the number of games needed for weekly and providing no proper rewards for Playing which resulted in death of tr

-tonnes of buggs on ossus like with bugged relics quests in jedi temple which arent fixed yet

-no new classes or at least new specs for 7 years


You have even higher expectations than me, lol. I never once in the past 6 years thought they'd roll out new classes haha. :)


I just wanted class meta change occasionally, class balance, and a fun engaging way to gear my army of alts I used to gear for PVP. That's all I ever wanted.

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No, is it a MMO? I am waiting for Camelot Unchained and Pantheon so far.


It’s an MMO, but more like the old Xwing Tie Fighter series.


YouTube it and watch some of the reviews. It seems awesome, especially the pvp aspect where you can actually have friends on your ship doing stuff in a fight or they can launch their own ships from yours (if you have a massive ship).

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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