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Why is there no option to amicably part ways with Lana?


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I'm guessing the "Republic spy" that is being mentioned is Kovach on Ziost.


And yeah, as far as the bomb on the Gravestone goes, I can't recall Lana having any expertise as a ship mechanic. She wasn't on the Gravestone all the time, Koth was, and even HIS ship mechanic who was constantly working on the ship, and his crew, apparently had no idea.

Oh yeah... I forgot about him. Well, I’ll agree with Xenipher that perhaps Lana isn’t the most brilliant spy. She’s obviously much better at Force stuff than cloak’n’dagger. Regardless, she is still in a position of authority (one that, should you so choose after Iokath) is subject even to the Monitors. As I said, I doubt even the POTUS’ personal communications are completely unmonitored. And how does an Imperial Agent get a personal relationship with Balkar prior to JUS anyway? Or at least a relationship such that Xenipher would feel entitled to have an unsolicited communication from a known SIS operative that made no attempt to join the Alliance when they could have helped the Alliance overthrow Vaylin and now suddenly wants to reconnect?

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But it's a very unfair thing to think that someone who was just thrown into an Intelligence job with no training for it should somehow be more competent and able to find a spy than someone who's supposedly a seasoned SIS agent.

Why is it unfair to expect her to do her job?

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Oh yeah... I forgot about him. Well, I’ll agree with Xenipher that perhaps Lana isn’t the most brilliant spy. She’s obviously much better at Force stuff than cloak’n’dagger. Regardless, she is still in a position of authority (one that, should you so choose after Iokath) is subject even to the Monitors. As I said, I doubt even the POTUS’ personal communications are completely unmonitored. And how does an Imperial Agent get a personal relationship with Balkar prior to JUS anyway? Or at least a relationship such that Xenipher would feel entitled to have an unsolicited communication from a known SIS operative that made no attempt to join the Alliance when they could have helped the Alliance overthrow Vaylin and now suddenly wants to reconnect?


I don't anyone is ever saying that Lana's forte is Intelligence/spy stuff. That's not her background. Marr throws her into that job and even she says she contemplated refusing him, but that she felt that she could not turn him down.


But it's always very rich to me that she, with no experience in espionage, is somehow supposed to see something that an experienced SIS agent cannot see. Or that being unable to uncover a spy somehow makes her incompetent overall. The whole point of spies is that they aren't able to be detected when they're on the job, and as we see in many of the class stories, they're all over both the Republic and Empire and neither the SIS nor Imperial Intelligence picks them up. So IMHO, saying OMG LANA DIDN'T FIND THE SPY SHE'S AWFUL...sure, as soon as we shoot Watcher Two, and Keeper, and Theron, and the various Sith lords like Darth Marr who never detected the Revanites in their ranks, and Satele Shan who similarly never found the Revanites in the Republic, and so on.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Why is it unfair to expect her to do her job?


Why isn't it just as fair to expect Theron to do HIS job as an SIS agent and find the same spy? Or blame him for causing even more chaos on Ziost by bringing in a team of Jedi without anyone's permission?


And as to why it's unfair, it's already been mentioned ad nauseaum, she was thrown into that job when she didn't belong there and had zero experience, and even she said so. You don't just learn to be the head of Sith Intelligence or any other major department overnight through osmosis.

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I don't anyone is ever saying that Lana's forte is Intelligence/spy stuff. That's not her background. Marr throws her into that job and even she says she contemplated refusing him, but that she felt that she could not turn him down.


But it's always very rich to me that she, with no experience in espionage, is somehow supposed to see something that an experienced SIS agent cannot see. Or that being unable to uncover a spy somehow makes her incompetent overall. The whole point of spies is that they aren't able to be detected when they're on the job, and as we see in many of the class stories, they're all over both the Republic and Empire and neither the SIS nor Imperial Intelligence picks them up. So IMHO, saying OMG LANA DIDN'T FIND THE SPY SHE'S AWFUL...sure, as soon as we shoot Watcher Two, and Keeper, and Theron, and the various Sith lords like Darth Marr who never detected the Revanites in their ranks, and Satele Shan who similarly never found the Revanites in the Republic, and so on.

But none of thesepeople are head of Sith Intelligence or the Alliance's spymaster. So tell me, how is it unfair for my SW to expect Lanato do her job? And if Lana is in fact not cut out for the job, then why can't I replace herwith someone who is?

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Why isn't it just as fair to expect Theron to do HIS job as an SIS agent and find the same spy? Or blame him for causing even more chaos on Ziost by bringing in a team of Jedi without anyone's permission?

And as to why it's unfair, it's already been mentioned ad nauseaum, she was thrown into that job when she didn't belong there and had zero experience, and even she said so. You don't just learn to be the head of Sith Intelligence or any other major department overnight through osmosis.

Theron works for the Republic. Whether or not Theron does his job for the Republic is not my concern. His competency level is a Republic and SIS problem.

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But none of thesepeople are head of Sith Intelligence or the Alliance's spymaster. So tell me, how is it unfair for my SW to expect Lanato do her job? And if Lana is in fact not cut out for the job, then why can't I replace herwith someone who is?


Why isn't Theron just as incompetent for not doing his job as an SIS spy? We can keep going back and forth on this. You're expecting someone who is on their first day on the job, more or less, to be able to uncover advanced espionage, and letting someone who is experienced at spying off the hook for the same infraction, which is ridiculous.


As to replacing Lana, she's not head of Sith Intelligence anymore, and she says at the end of Nathema that she's not going to be the spymaster anymore either. But I'd rather have her in my corner than the arrogant Theron who got people on three planets killed and led the Order directly to the weapon that destroyed the Eternal Fleet.


As mentioned, the issue with letting her go is that dead for one = dead for all, and why is it fair that everyone should lose Lana because some players want her gone? Or that F/F players should lose their only universal LI in the entire game?


It wasn't fair that others lost their LIs, but killing off Lana won't bring them back. All it will do is cause Bioware to keep killing off companions, and eventually that will come back around to someone that you might like to keep.

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Why isn't Theron just as incompetent for not doing his job as an SIS spy? We can keep going back and forth on this. You're expecting someone who is on their first day on the job, more or less, to be able to uncover advanced espionage, and letting someone who is experienced at spying off the hook for the same infraction, which is ridiculous.

As to replacing Lana, she's not head of Sith Intelligence anymore, and she says at the end of Nathema that she's not going to be the spymaster anymore either. But I'd rather have her in my corner than the arrogant Theron who got people on three planets killed and led the Order directly to the weapon that destroyed the Eternal Fleet.


As mentioned, the issue with letting her go is that dead for one = dead for all, and why is it fair that everyone should lose Lana because some players want her gone? Or that F/F players should lose their only universal LI in the entire game?

I don't care about Theron's competency; it's the Republic and the SIS to concern themselves with. I am not letting Theron of the hook, he's apparently incompetent and can't do his job either, but I don't care because he's a Republic problem.

Edited by Xenipher
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Problem is that decisions are like tree branches:


You get new companion that gets a lot of screen time. Say 50% Love it 50% Hate it so you are given the choice to spare or kill it.

Half the players will kill it and other half not.

Hencefort new content can introduce a new character replacement. Yet half the players that loved previous character want it to remain present. Devs would have to still animate and voice the full plot taken by both the original char and the replacement.

Now.... 25% Love new char %25 Kills new char %25 Likes both %25 Hates both

If they want to keep all players happy new content MUST include the full story animated for people who remain with 1st character, for people who killed 1st and now keep with 2nd, with a 3rd character for people who killed both and with all the rest for people who remain with all characters.

Now branch this...

From the people who stayed with char 2 and killed 1:

25% Kills 2 and stays with 3 25% stays with both 25% now kills 2 and stays with 25% kills both.

From the people who killed char 2 and stayed with 1:

25% Kills 1 and stays with 3 25% stays with both 25% now kills 1 and stays with 3 25% kills both.

From the people who loved both of the previous:

25% Kills char 3 25% Stays with the 3 of em 25% Now kills char 1 or 2 or 1 and 2 25%Now kills all of em

From the people who were killing all characters:

50% kill 3 as well %50 spared 3


Reading all this keep the exersise going and wonder how future content that keeps everyone happy has to be:

Consider work, time, costs, issues cuz every choice branch has to stay logic for the person who made the choice, how many cutscenes you will have to do for the new 1hour long story content you plan to release?

Remember each new character you put into game there will be people who will love and hate it and you must comply with their feelings and allow them to romance/friend/kill it so that no one starts complaining.

Also you have to keep paying pay every single person working on your game as well as the voice actors.

The longer you take to release every expansion the more people will leave your game.



The point here is that BW's solution is that once they allow a character to be killed its over for it even for those who spared it. It may keep some screen time from time to time in a couple future updates and then it will banish and become a ghost just like it happened to our old companions.

Lana remains that way because of that and I can teorize they keep her that way because even though Im aware theres a lot of people that hate her, there has been a far more bigger ammount of people that love her. People that want her to keep being along on the future story content.

Personally I would have loved my companion of interest (Ashara Zavros) to take over Lana's paper on my screen but I understand that being allowed to do that would only be fair if the Kira, Vette, Nadia, Temple, Akavi, Jaesa, (insert the rest of male/female/droid class companion names safe for Skadge) fans would be able to get the same as well.

We have already done a branch of choices starting with a single character. Now imagine how a swtor choices branch has to be if it were to be done with every single character so that everyone can have screen time with their character of choice?

In simple terms, the short Ossus storyline content we have now might require more work time and resources than developing another 1-50 class story for all classes. The file size of the expansion will be insane out of only that.

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I don't care about Theron's competency; it's the Republic and the SIS to concern themselves with. I am not letting Theron of the hook, he's apparently incompetent and can't do his job either, but I don't care because he's a Republic problem.


Are you coming at this from some sort of Imperial RP perspective or something? I'm really not following.|


From a player perspective - I don't care one bit about RP, sorry - once someone can convince Bioware not to brick every character they give a kill/exile, and can make a 'save' actually a save, and not just lip service, they can kill off whoever they want. They can melt T7 for scrap or sell Gault back to the bounty hunters or execute Scourge by firing squad. But when other people's wish to get rid of a character affects more than their own game, it's a concern.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Are you coming at this from some sort of Imperial RP perspective or something? I'm really not following.

Yes. Strictly from a roleplay POV. I'm so sorry for not making that clear from the start. I thought I had said -from SW roleplay POV- but scrolled to my first post on this subject and realised I hadn't.


My personal view non-roleplay? Lana, with no intelligence experience, was thrown to the wolves by Marr and then Ziost happened. It's clear from the start that she's overwhelmed but doing the best she can; her concern is finding out what's going and then trying to save as many lives as she can. I wasn't surprised she didn't realise Kovach was a spy with, you know, a world devouring Emperor a breath away from killing us all that was her main focus as it should have been. Kovach was a blip.

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Yes. Strictly from a roleplay POV. I'm so sorry for not making that clear from the start. I thought I had said -from SW roleplay POV- but scrolled to my first post on this subject and realised I hadn't.


My personal view non-roleplay? Lana, with no intelligence experience, was thrown to the wolves by Marr and then Ziost happened. It's clear from the start that she's overwhelmed but doing the best she can; her concern is finding out what's going and then trying to save as many lives as she can. I wasn't surprised she didn't realise Kovach was a spy with, you know, a world devouring Emperor a breath away from killing us all that was her main focus as it should have been. Kovach was a blip.


Understood. Yeah, II was a bit confused for a moment; thanks for clarifying! I can see from a character perspective that Lana's actions might not come across well, for sure, especially with Sith who might not be forgiving. It's interesting to me that she's apparently not thought of well by other Sith right now, and I wonder whether that's for working with the enemy or for her role in killing Darth Arkous. Acina didn't seem to have any issue with her on Iokath or Dromund Kaas.


Your non-RP view on it is how I feel, too. Lana did get thrown to the wolves, and then when everything was going down on Ziost, Marr didn't even bother sending in backup to help her. The situation on Ziost was getting worse by the minute and I don't think anyone would have been able to do much at all with that.


IMHO they should have put Cipher Nine in charge of Sith Intelligence, and if Marr wanted Sith oversight, he could have popped Lana into the Dark Council spot that Jadus and Zhorrid had held that supervised Intelligence activity. Or better yet he could have just given her Arkous's old spot and let her coordinate the military, which she would have been good at.

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From a player perspective - I don't care one bit about RP, sorry - once someone can convince Bioware not to brick every character they give a kill/exile, and can make a 'save' actually a save, and not just lip service, they can kill off whoever they want. They can melt T7 for scrap or sell Gault back to the bounty hunters or execute Scourge by firing squad. But when other people's wish to get rid of a character affects more than their own game, it's a concern.

Fair enough. From a player perspective, I should be able to send Lana back to Dromund Kaas. Now that she's no longer the Alliance's spymaster, I have no reason whatsoever to keep her on Odessen. Or Theron for that matter. Let me boot both of them and replace them with characters I actually care about. It will never happen, but a girl can dream.

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Fair enough. From a player perspective, I should be able to send Lana back to Dromund Kaas. Now that she's no longer the Alliance's spymaster, I have no reason whatsoever to keep her on Odessen. Or Theron for that matter. Let me boot both of them and replace them with characters I actually care about. It will never happen, but a girl can dream.


If that choice didn't affect me, I'd be completely on board with it. If Biowares's devs and writers understood how to keep characters around for those who wanted them and let them go for those who didn't, the way the class stories seemed to be able to follow everyone's individual choices.


If we had more agency to shape our Alliances there are several people I never would have brought on board to begin with. SCORPIO, Senya and Kaliyo spring instantly to mind.

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If that choice didn't affect me, I'd be completely on board with it. If Biowares's devs and writers understood how to keep characters around for those who wanted them and let them go for those who didn't, the way the class stories seemed to be able to follow everyone's individual choices.


If we had more agency to shape our Alliances there are several people I never would have brought on board to begin with. SCORPIO, Senya and Kaliyo spring instantly to mind.

That's the problem, isn't it. I want to boot them both off Odessen but in getting my way it screws over their fans, which I absolutely do not want at all. If the writers and devs could keep them around for their fans, what I or you did in our own game would be a non-issue.


I was so bothered by having to recruit Kaliyo and SCORPIO. I wouldn't trust them to scrub the Gravestone's toilets.

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That's the problem, isn't it. I want to boot them both off Odessen but in getting my way it screws over their fans, which I absolutely do not want at all. If the writers and devs could keep them around for their fans, what I or you did in our own game would be a non-issue.


I was so bothered by having to recruit Kaliyo and SCORPIO. I wouldn't trust them to scrub the Gravestone's toilets.


Exactly. It's why I was so opposed to a kill option for Theron, even though I really don't like him. I might not like or understand other players' viewpoints on characters or situations, but it shouldn't be any concern of mine how they play their own games. If they want to kill someone off, or keep someone, or make a game choice, they should be able to do so without it having an adverse effect on my own game. Right now that's not the case.


They have not really done anything much to assuage anyone's concerns about the dead for one = dead for all issue or made saves meaningful, and until they do, I'll be concerned about any and all kill/exile/remove options for any LIs.

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Exactly. It's why I was so opposed to a kill option for Theron, even though I really don't like him. I might not like or understand other players' viewpoints on characters or situations, but it shouldn't be any concern of mine how they play their own games. If they want to kill someone off, or keep someone, or make a game choice, they should be able to do so without it having an adverse effect on my own game. Right now that's not the case.


They have not really done anything much to assuage anyone's concerns about the dead for one = dead for all issue or made saves meaningful, and until they do, I'll be concerned about any and all kill/exile/remove options for any LIs.

Any particular reason why? I like him well enough but I could log in tomorrow and find out he dropped off an Odessen cliff and died and I wouldn't care less, so I'm not gonna debate the merits of Theron or anything, I'm just curious, if you don't mind sharing.

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Any particular reason why? I like him well enough but I could log in tomorrow and find out he dropped off an Odessen cliff and died and I wouldn't care less, so I'm not gonna debate the merits of Theron or anything, I'm just curious, if you don't mind sharing.


Sure. :) It's a long story but he used to be a character I liked a lot, and I got him to Level 50 influence on a number of characters. And then Umbara came out and some of his fans started constantly calling for Lana's head, and they haven't stopped. It ended up making me intensely dislike him, and then hate him, and then I started finding every fault with him, and it snowballed from there. I've kept him on a few characters but others have asked him to leave the Alliance, and the ones who kept him don't trust him at all now.


From a story standpoint I find him really rude and self-absorbed. If you're playing SoR on a Republic character he's downright nasty if you don't agree to do everything he wants. Like if you don't agree to fry all the cyborgs on Rakata Prime, he rants at you about it. After Ziost he's so arrogant and doesn't seem to understand just how badly he screwed up. I also don't like getting dragged into his family issues, and between Revan, Satele Shan and Jace Malcom and how much they're all in the story, it's there a lot and it gets uncomfortable. I'm sorry he had a tough relationship with his parents but I don't care and I don't want to hear about it.

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Sure. :) It's a long story but he used to be a character I liked a lot, and I got him to Level 50 influence on a number of characters. And then Umbara came out and some of his fans started constantly calling for Lana's head, and they haven't stopped. It ended up making me intensely dislike him, and then hate him, and then I started finding every fault with him, and it snowballed from there. I've kept him on a few characters but others have asked him to leave the Alliance, and the ones who kept him don't trust him at all now.


From a story standpoint I find him really rude and self-absorbed. If you're playing SoR on a Republic character he's downright nasty if you don't agree to do everything he wants. Like if you don't agree to fry all the cyborgs on Rakata Prime, he rants at you about it. After Ziost he's so arrogant and doesn't seem to understand just how badly he screwed up. I also don't like getting dragged into his family issues, and between Revan, Satele Shan and Jace Malcom and how much they're all in the story, it's there a lot and it gets uncomfortable. I'm sorry he had a tough relationship with his parents but I don't care and I don't want to hear about it.

What the...Lana did nothing wrong, she even took a bullet for my SW. It was a stun round but Lana didn't know that. I don't understand.


I had no idea Theron was like that on Republic side. I've only played one Republic toon, a trooper and only because of Jen hale. Never got that character out of the vanilla story.

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What the...Lana did nothing wrong, she even took a bullet for my SW. It was a stun round but Lana didn't know that. I don't understand.


I had no idea Theron was like that on Republic side. I've only played one Republic toon, a trooper and only because of Jen hale. Never got that character out of the vanilla story.


Yeah, when Umbara came out and Theron was the traitor, it seemed to really start in earnest, and it's never stopped since then. I'm sure some of the Theronmancers see it differently, but it's my perspective on it. Even when some of us Lana fans tried to help avoid a kill option for Theron by posting a lot in opposition to a kill, it meant nothing. It's actually really made me deeply regret ever having tried to stick up for that character at all.


On the Republic side, IMHO, he gets mean. That's a matter of opinion, I'm sure, but I found him really unpleasant to deal with. I mostly play Imperial side because I'm not a Republic or Jedi fan, but I did try to get through those four class stories and all of the Republic-side content at least once to see them. I don't even bother with Republic-side Forged Alliances anymore, though.

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Yeah, when Umbara came out and Theron was the traitor, it seemed to really start in earnest, and it's never stopped since then. I'm sure some of the Theronmancers see it differently, but it's my perspective on it. Even when some of us Lana fans tried to help avoid a kill option for Theron by posting a lot in opposition to a kill, it meant nothing. It's actually really made me deeply regret ever having tried to stick up for that character at all.

We should be able to kick him off an Odessen cliff while yelling, this is Sparta. I kid, I kid. I know what you mean though about the fans of a character putting you off the character. Especially when they are dragging your favourite character.

On the Republic side, IMHO, he gets mean. That's a matter of opinion, I'm sure, but I found him really unpleasant to deal with. I mostly play Imperial side because I'm not a Republic or Jedi fan, but I did try to get through those four class stories and all of the Republic-side content at least once to see them. I don't even bother with Republic-side Forged Alliances anymore, though.

I'm not a Republic or Jedi fan either, but DS trooper was like renegade Shep, which made the story after chapter 1 bearable.

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We should be able to kick him off an Odessen cliff while yelling, this is Sparta. I kid, I kid. I know what you mean though about the fans of a character putting you off the character. Especially when they are dragging your favourite character.


Exactly. It ruined things for me, which was a shame.


I'm not a Republic or Jedi fan either, but DS trooper was like renegade Shep, which made the story after chapter 1 bearable.


The companions in the trooper story are just so unlikable for me overall, but Jennifer Hale is awesome no matter who she is playing. Republic side, the only story I really enjoyed was the smuggler. There's a lot of leeway to be a pirate and not a Republic pawn, and the smuggler gets to say some very biting, funny lines. I liked most of her crew, too.

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Second, Theron made the contacts to Havoc Squad, to the Mandalorians. Theron coordinated the meetings with the resistance fighters on the Star Fortress planets. Why would he not have reached out to Balkar beforehand? Who’s to say that he didn’t, and Balkar refused over a misguided loyalty to the Republic over the greater good for the galaxy?

Jonas was the one who got Theron and Havoc Squad in touch though and considering he's your contact if you side with the Republic, why would he refuse contacts from the Alliance inbetween ? Especially if you sided with the Republic on Iokath.


I thought the only time that there is mention of messages from Balkar to the PC being intercepted by Lana is the scenario of a female trooper who romanced Balkar in vanilla. My (male) Agent chose Republic for Iokath and for JUS and I don’t recall that line of dialogue. So, from the perspective of what the PC “knows,” you can’t take messages from other classes and genders and romance choices and apply them to any PC universally. Just because that one sentence was said to a female trooper PC doesn’t mean it is said to every Alliance Commander. Regardless, it still begs the question of where was Balkar for the past two years? People to whom you were close (i.e. companions) who don’t join your Alliance either can’t be found (like the imprisoned Iresso and Quinn, or the voluntarily cut off like those on Ossus), or don’t want to be found (like Andronikos or Tanno Vik or Mako/Akaavi). Which of those categories does your former lover Jonas Balkar, still an active SIS operative, fall into? And how exactly can the missives be personal (i.e. romantic) if Imperial agents never encounter Jonas Balkar before that moment?

She litterally admits that "The Republic SIS has been trying to recruit you for ages, but I kept turning them down" to any imperial saboteur at the begining of JUS, so it goes the same way as what she did with a trooper actually, she made the decision not to let the SIS contact you without even telling you that they were trying.



About Kovach i would honnestly not blame either Lana or Theron for that.

When on Ziost there were other things to do than try to uncover a double / triple agent. Theron was actually at first mad at me for not telling him Kovach was working for Saresh, but admitted that there were much more important things to do at the time and that we actually needed Kovach to keep doing his job.


And then Umbara came out and some of his fans started constantly calling for Lana's head

That is something i actually don't understand, and i say it as a Theron fan :confused:

Sure i'm not really happy whenever i'm put in a too intimate situation with Lana and i was not all that happy that she said she wanted to kill Theron after Umbara while she also admitted she knew perfectly well my JK was in a relationship with him, but that not Lana's fault that Theron did what he did, or rather that the story put him in that situation.

Though even if he srewed up a bit, which ended up in the destruction of the Gravestone and the EE, he nonethess save at least the people of the Alliance.

And about the people who died on Umbara, Copero and Nathema... These people on the train were all trying to kill us even minutes before the train crashed, and still tried after that while they were wounded, the Chiss, well quite the same, and the people who died on Nathema chose to be there and go against the Alliance, i'm not going to cry over their death actually, they all chose freely to do that.


Like if you don't agree to fry all the cyborgs on Rakata Prime, he rants at you about it.

To be fair, his motives for that are quite logical, they're dangerous and you don't have much time to fight them before Arkous and Darok leave Rakata Prime and you're trying to stop them, and that's a technology that as a Pub character you don't necessarily want the Empire to be able to lay their hands on.

And his reaction to that is not that different than Lana's reaction when you refuse to let the reactor explode while trying to escape Zakuul.

They're both pissed because from their POV, you're taking unecessary risks.

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What the...Lana did nothing wrong, she even took a bullet for my SW. It was a stun round but Lana didn't know that. I don't understand.


I had no idea Theron was like that on Republic side. I've only played one Republic toon, a trooper and only because of Jen hale. Never got that character out of the vanilla story.


Please note that you're getting this information about Theron from someone who has stated multiple times that they hate Theron's guts and never side with the Republic (because in their opinion a fascist state that supports sex and labor slavery and gleefully engages in genocide is morally superior to an inefficient democratic republic with occasionally corrupt leaders).


I've played through SoR on multiple Imp and Rep toons, and Theron is not any ruder to you for disagreeing with him on anything than Lana is on similar matters. They both argue with you if you don't do what they want you to do with the cyborgs on Rakata Prime, for example; it's not only him. Both Lana and Theron get angry and fight back if you tell them they're incompetent after Ziost, for another example. If you don't tell them they're incompetent, BOTH of them express remorse/wish they had done things differently or better. AND, as a counter-example, if you don't agree to let the Empire dissect Master Surro's brain after Ziost, Lana gets really nasty and claims you're dooming them all.


You shouldn't take information from such a heavily biased source as gospel. Theron and Lana are honestly well-balanced off eachother from Forged Alliances through Ziost. They made a great team and I'm sad that EA ruined that with the Space Waifu overuse and trying to turn SWTOR into Game of Thrones.

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