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Companion Bugs in 5.10


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I found another one and not sure if it was reported yet.


When sending companions to do crew skill missions, Theron Shan no longer speaks when going out on the mission. You can see his words in the chat box but you don't hear him speaking like the other companions. He is silent now. He also does not speak when he returns from the mission to report his success or failure.


Also, in Chapter 10 Disavowed when you are with Aric Jorgan and you are heading to the comm. relay station, you and Aric call out to your support for a status update. Theron is supposed to say that he is under fire and can't help but you hear nothing at all. Just silence, then your character tells Aric we are on our own.


Thats an old issue.


But cant believe they havent fixed the bug where the ranged comps just stand around and do nothing when they are out of the 30m zone, in todays patch.

You see a few threats where that bug was mentioned since 5.10.

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Thats an old issue.


But cant believe they havent fixed the bug where the ranged comps just stand around and do nothing when they are out of the 30m zone, in todays patch.

You see a few threats where that bug was mentioned since 5.10.


Even so, it is a companion bug and should be addressed. Also, with Theron and I noticed this recently, he hardly says anything at all when fighting. In fact, the only line he even says now is "Here we go" when you start combat and he doesn't say anything after that. If he is in heal stance he will only say "Master Zho would be proud". Sometimes he doesn't even say anything and is just completely silent. He does this on every single one of my characters that has him and this is post 5.10. Not to mention, he totally lags behind and sometimes doesn't even show up to fight until I've killed the NPC's myself. Then I have to put him away and recall him. He is unbuffed too but I don't know if that really matters, but I have to always re-buff him.


I know several companions are lagging behind too but this is just getting tiresome that none of these companion bugs are fixed.


Also, with Koth I can't summon him on my Imperial character who was friendly toward him. He is listed in the dead people area and unsummonable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a follow-up to the Khem Val issue ticket I submitted, a CS rep got back to me -- after eleven days. Guess I should consider myself lucky considering that the average response time is now 14 days.


Basically their "solution" was to sidestep the whole farms interaction, directly advancing me to the next step of the quest where you need to interact with the supply drop. Predictably this didn't fix anything, as after finishing the Ossus story, I got the alert to recruit Khem Val and he was still unfazed by the whole "being devoured by Zildrog" thing.


I'm not slamming CS here as they were nothing if not polite and helpful, and this has been a constant in all my interactions with them. I suspect that repairing the story flags is simply something that cannot be done with the tools at their disposal, and long response times are a result of chronic understaffing.


Still, as the end-user this episode has been so full of fail that it'd be hard to believe if it wasn't EA we're talking about.


Does anyone even care anymore? Hello, Bioware?

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One more thing is that the companion glitch that stops them from healing/helping seems to be affecting secondary companions too (in the chapters where you have two companions following you). And then they cannot be re-summoned.


The other day playing through KOTET 8, Theron (the secondary companion) unceremoniously died in the middle of the Alliance base out of nowhere, even though my toon and Lana were doing just fine. He could not be resummoned and didn't appear after the companion death cut scene so I ended up facing Vaylin with only one companion to help. Not much of an issue gameplay wise, but it certainly made the fight longer.


Also noticed it during the chapter in KOTFE where Senya and T7-O1 are with you. T7 is your secondary companion there, and he hangs back and doesn't do anything.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Companions who wear armor with different look per-faction are showing the opposite faction's look.


I can verify this one. Just finished the Trooper class story and half of my companions looked like Bounty Hunters *only* in cutscenes. When not in cutscenes, their armor looked like Trooper gear as it should.


I'd also like to add that many companions don't move their mouth when they're clicked on and they talk anymore.

Edited by vemerce
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This is just so sad. I'm by nature a single player RPGer, not a natural MMOer. And I've been a sub to SWtOR since 2012 only due to my fondness for KotOR 1 and 2 in general and the companion gameplay system those games perfected in particular. But now that system is completely, seemingly hopelessly, broken.


Since 4.0 went live, the quality of this game has been in total freefall and nowhere is that freefall more noticeable than in the destruction of the companion system. Ranged companions are quite simply not usable. So there goes Vette, Blizz, Torian (who used to be melee-not anymore!), Mako, Doc, Elara, Ensign Temple, Kaliyo, Risha, Gault, etc. Nadia now no longer speaks during combat. As in, not at all. She is now completely mute. And so many companions are locked behind the absurd "Find A Findsman" mission, and the absolute explosion of the "Contacts and Companions" page that results from completing Findsman, that there are now many companions permanently unavailable to me since I don't want 12 open missions at the top of my summon companion page. So it's apparently goodbye forever to Qyzen, Pierce, Forex, Drellik, Bowdaar and many more. Who knows what damage they'll do to Zenith, Tharan, Scourge and Kira, assuming they are gracious enough to actually return those companions to us at some point, but it's certain to be extreme.


My sub is up for renewal in 7 days and I'm going to take a pass this time. Trying to play this game right now is like driving your car with only 3 tires. You can get where you want to go, but it's bumpy as hell, not at all enjoyable and just not worth the effort. Better to find a car with 4 tires, even if it's not the model you would prefer. Hopefully, at some point in the future, Bioware will bring in some quality technicians for a change and fix the mess the current incompetents have created. But I'm not holding my breath.

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  • 2 months later...
On Ossus quest "Desecration" after entering the phase there is a cut scene where Darth Malgus sends your companion off to clear out the library and is supposed to join you as a companion. He doesn't appear and you have to have him as your companion to complete the quest.
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