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Jedi Under Siege Reactions?


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These are my pros and cons:


+ Ossus is beautiful. Visually, everything was exactly as I'd hoped.

+ I liked all of the new characters and found the interactions with them interesting and meaningful. Also, everyone looked really cool!

+ The story was short, but sweet. I felt it worked well as a prelude and I'm excited for 6.0. I had a few minor issues (my SW would never sound so subservient to Acina and my JK would have shown more joy at being reunited with Doc), but nothing that I can't just headcanon my way past. I liked "the return" so far and I'm looking forward to learning more about that.

+ I liked all of the reunions. My SW was especially overjoyed with (dark) Jaesa's return. It was intense and emotional, which is exactly what I want from companion returns.

+ Very happy to have decorations and nice gear drop! It makes it much more fun to kill lots of trash mobs.

+ I was happy to get some nice letters afterwards, except for one thing - see below.


- Ok, I'm not proud of feeling this way, but I'm just going to be honest. I was massively disappointed not to get at least one short letter from our LIs. I don't expect cutscenes with every single LI every time there's a large patch - I know that's unrealistic and too costly - but was a short letter really too much to ask for? It would have been enough to make it feel like my characters are actually still in a relationship.

- The emphasis on Lana still bugs me. We had that beautifully-lit opening scene in nature on Odessen which just screamed romance, but only those who romanced Lana got to enjoy that (yes, I'm jealous!). I have no problem with Lana as a character, but my characters aren't close with her, so it breaks my immersion and makes her seem oddly stalker-ish when she behaves like we're BFFs. And it really annoys me when I pick a dialogue line like "[building the Alliance] was a group effort" and what comes out of my character's mouth is "I couldn't have done it without you, [Lana]".

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I ran Ossus on one of my Sith Warrior alts. I will still be holding back my mains until I am sure of how this will all play out for 6.0 but




1. Visually it is beautiful and I love having a new planet to run around.

2. I really appreciated all the deco drops!! :)

3. Major Anri is a great character. The voice over actress is wonderful.

4. I loved the Lana romance content. <3 Thank you for giving this character something beautiful.

5. I appreciated that Anri's influence was automatically bumped to 10 so my toon didn't struggle through content with a level 1 companion or have to feed her gifts.




1. I'm disappointed a certain character is unavoidable on the Republic side, and it means my characters can't play through.


2. I am hoping that PvP requirement for the weeklies will change, because otherwise, we're just never doing the weeklies over here.


3. I hate the saboteur thing. Hate it. Let characters switch over.


4. Also hate what is happening with companions. Other LIs deserved a beautiful scene too.


5. I thought the DS Jaesa reunion was horrific. Once again the PC was in the position of killing or imprisoning a character with mental illness without helping them.


The usual two minute wonder plot holes were there: Lana and Jaesa would have known each other because Jaesa was on Rishi and Yavin 4 (and has barks there). Either Jaesa lived in a cave and never saw the Holonet, or she's really out of touch with reality, because the Commander was all over the Holonet BEFORE taking the throne. The Alliance was open to recruits so Jaesa's belief that the SW was deliberately hiding from her is bizarre.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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2. I am hoping that PvP requirement for the weeklies will change, because otherwise, we're just never doing the weeklies over here.


3. I hate the saboteur thing. Hate it. Let characters switch over.


4. Also hate what is happening with companions. Other LIs deserved a beautiful scene too.


5. I thought the DS Jaesa reunion was horrific. Once again the PC was in the position of killing or imprisoning a character with mental illness without helping them.


The usual two minute wonder plot holes were there: Lana and Jaesa would have known each other because Jaesa was on Rishi and Yavin 4 (and has barks there). <snip> .


I snipped out everything but what I'm specifically replying to.


The weekly is supposed to have a 50% change of being a PVE requirement and a 50% change of being a PVP requirement. Hopefully that holds true else I won't be doing the weekly either.


Also not happy with how I hear the saboteur thing is playing out. *sigh*


It's probably not economically possible to bring back all of the various VAs for the LIs for a single scene for a game update that's not even an expansion. A flipping letter would have been nice though, y'know?


Why would the PC want to help her? The PC is the entire reason Jaesa is like that to begin with. Unless the PC has had a complete change of heart then ... well that's the PC's fault. Also ... who says she's mentally ill? She's evil, yes but not all evil people are mentally ill. Sometimes they're just plain evil. And again, PC's fault.


Using Jaesa on Rishi and Yavin 4 is completely subjective. The game doesn't generally keep track of which companions you use during which story. For all the game knows, you were using Broonmark the entire time.

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Why would the PC want to help her? The PC is the entire reason Jaesa is like that to begin with. Unless the PC has had a complete change of heart then ... well that's the PC's fault. Also ... who says she's mentally ill? She's evil, yes but not all evil people are mentally ill. Sometimes they're just plain evil. And again, PC's fault.


Using Jaesa on Rishi and Yavin 4 is completely subjective. The game doesn't generally keep track of which companions you use during which story. For all the game knows, you were using Broonmark the entire time.


I don't necessarily think the PC would want to help her. It's a fair point that the PC is the one who drove her to madness, and it's coming back to haunt them. The PC created that monster. And you're right - being evil /= mentally ill and mentally ill most certainly /= evil.


But on the other hand I'm tired of the "we're going to have a mentally ill character and then make them evil" trope. It's totally subjective of course, and one could see Jaesa as just pure evil or sadistic like Thana Vesh, but the bit where she thought the Sith Warrior was hiding from her specifically to keep her from joining their empire seemed completely off the wall to me.


It's true that the game doesn't keep track of who is with you, but I'd always been under the impression that the PC's whole crew was there on Rishi and Yavin. They've consistently had the KOTFE characters fail to recognize the PC's original companions and it's frustrating. Not the first time it has happened (there are also the examples of Lana not recognizing Quinn and Elara) but it makes me grit my teeth.

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Not finished so far on Pub side and not tried on Imp side as it's getting a bit late, but first impression is hm...


Ok, so characters romancing Lana get a nice romantic walk in the woods with a kiss and a beautiful sunset. Later a second kiss after the briefing.


Characters romancing Theron get... a hug... ok, that was sweet, but seriously, a hug with 2 lines of dialogue and that's it ?! All that looking way too much like a farewell to my liking. (some lines from my JK saying things along the lines of finally going back home and gnagnagna, i really did not like that, it really looks like the Alliance will go away, and that'll be a big nope for me)

And why did my JK had to have that semi romantic walk in the woods with Lana, couldn't they have talked inside the Odessen base, like in private quarters, or on my character's ship ? The nice romantic walks in the woods, that was Theron and my JK's private moments :(


And characters who are not romancing any of them get litteraly nothing.


That's great for characters romancing Lana, but really sad for all the others, not every character is romancing Lana.

When i told my friend that i got a hug from Theron while his character who is romancing Lana had 2 kisses, he tolds me "that sucks in comparison"


And Jonas, dear, wth are you hitting on my JK when she's engaged to your buddy Theron ?


Other than that, in french Doc doesn't have the same voice as before and Gnost-Dural has the same voice as Baras, that's distracting...


The planet looks nice, but i'm always trying to find my way around it.


I like Tau, she has a big heart and seems like a promising character. That was nice finally meeting Gnost-Dural too.


The saboteur thing doesn't look like it'll make much sense which is sad as i'll probably not be able to play through that with any of my main Imps, which is sad... Seriously who would trust someone who always sided with the Republic over the Empire ? And if we're going saboteur, why no 3rd option with Gnost-Dural of semingly killing him but leaving him barely alive, so that he'll live and not be of any use to the Empire ?

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Ossus looks good, but heres the problems I have. First, a lot of the missions are still glitchy as hell. Next a lot of the new characters seem thrown together. A lot of the renderings look like crap. Next, why have all of these daily missions, when the weekly only needs 10? The rewards aren't all that. Also, you can't generate random 252+ gear through command crates like it was being said before release. Some of us don't like Ops or groupings. Story was good, but just wasn't enough of it. Ossus feels like Quesh, short and a bit lackluster. Grinding gear is the nature of the beast, but what they are bringing to the game is downright insane. I will always be a loyal subscriber to the game, but this expansion feels about on par of being as bad as the last jedi. I mean seriously they could have added more story to planets that already existed leading up to ossus.
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Warning there will be spoilers ahead!!!


Yesterday I started JUS as a JC since I heard Nadia and Zenith were returning. Previously I sided with the empire on Iokath due to my relationship with Lana, but felt bad for Theron due to Jace Malcom's death, which went away with Crisis on Umbara, Traitor Among the Chiss, and then I put it behind me with The Nathema Conspiray. But after going through all the dialogue options with Lana I was unsure which side to go forward with.


So instead I played as my Sith Warrior with the empire, got all kinds of great loot, 242 (modifications inside wow!!!), got Jaesa back, broke up with her, gently, kept her around to get the achievement of killing said number of enemies with her, had a few new romantic moments with Lana, and got messages from my pub companions-allies, who seemed conflicted but fine with my decision to stay with the empire. But other players didn't seem to have such a good time at least going off the general chat on Ossus. I understood some of their frustrations but it seemed in just a few hours since release everybody was completely pissed which disheartened me.


But what did you guys think? What faction did you side with? Did you reconnect with companions romantic or otherwise? What did you think of Ossus in the game compared to the old EU books and comics? What messages did you receive? Did you like Ossus as much as Makeb or Ziost? Do you think we're due for a whole new era of great gaming like those worlds implied?


Let me know!!! In particular any pubs who allied with the Empire!!!!


Please keep the discussion the Civil and May the Force be with you!!!


It's short, very SHORT, very VERY VERY SHORT and reminds me of a coitus interruptus. :-) You know, when you think the fun just begins now and then, WHAT, it's already over?! I shook my head in disbelief about this tiny bit of content/story.

The planet is very nicely designed but I knew that already from the test server. The involved npcs, especially the female Jedi, are cool too but this is simply not enough to call it an update. The amount of story is a bad joke, isn't it?


Guild tools lack any kind of thought process here and there as well.

I am not amazed, sadly, becasue I'd like to be...

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Well, got around to playing as an Imperial loyalist. As much as I'm really a Republic fangirl and very much enjoyed the Republic storyline (especially the new characters and Gnost-Dural), even I have to admit the Empire storyline was epic. The slow start disguised just how strong it would become at the end. I was thinking Anri was a fine character - not as great as Tau but still very good - and then things ramped right up. I love what they did with the big-name returning character, especially that little facial expression change when Acina calls him back to her side. I am really intrigued as to where this will go next. :) I know plenty of people are upset that it's short but I feel like its main purpose is to transition us to the 6.0 story and also give us a taster of the direction in which the game's headed, and I think it succeeded on both fronts. It's not meant to be a giant story release on its own.


I love that LS Jaesa was integrated into the Ossus story (for a SW who kept Jaesa LS). This return makes way more sense than DS Jaesa's by a mile.

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I think this crosses a line, don't you? The Last Jedi is pure, absolute trash. Built upon a reboot that stands on the grave of this great fandom. This game is all we have left of the original lore.


Not defending the crappy rollout. The lies about 252 drops in the crates (they should have just said CXP is a dead system for gearing), But we got some solid story content. Good characters. Return of beloved characters from our class stories. It was brief, but that much was solid. IMO


If they can just tweak some stuff on gearing. Give us a solid roadmap. Reward people that actually fought those damn WB's yesterday, I will still be on board. I will always sub. But keeping me logged in and pouring cash into the CM market is another matter entirely.


Ossus looks good, but heres the problems I have. First, a lot of the missions are still glitchy as hell. Next a lot of the new characters seem thrown together. A lot of the renderings look like crap. Next, why have all of these daily missions, when the weekly only needs 10? The rewards aren't all that. Also, you can't generate random 252+ gear through command crates like it was being said before release. Some of us don't like Ops or groupings. Story was good, but just wasn't enough of it. Ossus feels like Quesh, short and a bit lackluster. Grinding gear is the nature of the beast, but what they are bringing to the game is downright insane. I will always be a loyal subscriber to the game, but this expansion feels about on par of being as bad as the last jedi. I mean seriously they could have added more story to planets that already existed leading up to ossus.
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Good points


- story,

- planet design,

- Guild Mail.

- Guild increase description/message of the day

- Guild inspect

- Datacron jumping puzzle

- Doc is back !


Bads points


- Tier 5 gear excessive grind !


Malgus back ?... serious wasn't you able to find a new bad *** sith ?


- small guild hardly disadvantaged !

- some Conquest objective have been increase in farm but reward still remain as before. conclude, more effort for same reward !


Points to improves


- Not able to hide the Guild info into the Guild Inspect

- Message of the Day, Description, Recruitement, Conquest Objectives texts should be bigger !

- add Heroic 2 & Heroic 4 terminal to the Jedi Colony

- dailys should be ALL be on the Osus Rep/Emp Mission Board

- Weekly should be on the Osus Rep/Emp Mission Board

- Flesh and Steel, should be [World Boss] Flesh and Steel

- Tunels Entrances, should be displayed on map.

- Adapt conquest objectives reward... more grind, ok, than more reward ! that the deal !




- a cheap update,

- a story done in 1 hour

- a content based on farm using the story assets !


It's not Jedi Under Siege, it's Jedi Under Farm !


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My biggest 'YES!" reaction was from the great improvement given for returning companions this time. I am so glad they finally listened that many people wanted something far better then Alliance Alert returns. They managed to give us back 4 (I only saw 4 personally) companions within the storyline and an Alliance Alert at return to Odessan, rather than one tiny sole despised AA only... except for DS Jaesa.


I hope they continue it for the other yet-to-return characters, whether I like the characters or not. because of this improvement they managed to return to us a handful of companions, rather than one or two, increase romance options with these returning companions where it fit the characters and managed to fit them into the story line organically as well as an alliance alert for the ones I saw.



Thankyou for listening, Bioware. It isn't perfect but it's far better than what we've gotten the past year and a bit :D

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I'm not going to get too wordy, but I think it was a good start. Just one nitpick I'll mention - please let us have our own companions appear in cutscenes occasionally. I know you want to do exposition with Anri, showcase particular characters and such, but it doesn't have to mean our spouses and best friends have hide in pokemon balls all the time. Just do the thing where we have two comps out at once. They don't have to have lines, just general reactions to what's being said/done. Tyvm.
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She wont even summon for me so i can't play it. Wanted to get through and get MY SW's Dark Jaessa back too. Anri's not in companions list so can't force summon her. Doesn't spawn when you ditch the mission and restart. Also tried restarting game. Utterly amazed after all these years bioware lets stuff like this through. Multiple users in the bug report forum with the problem too, so it's not just me.


GG Bioware

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As far as just the story content itself, without rehashing bugs:


1. I really felt guilty, despite the bonus quest to retrieve artifacts, of blowing up multiple locations to stop the over-engineered cockroaches from invading. There was a lot of history in those places, and we were just blowing them up. There's this stuff, it's called Vexane, it's the chemical that Terminix uses to kill vermin, we could have just flooded the passages with a huge amount of toxic vapors. The bugs would have died and left everything else intact.


2. I wanted to explore around a bit, but every time I got curious about what was over yonder rise, yonder rise was in an exhaustion zone. The only places to go were quest-related with no hm... what's over here to it.


3. For having existed 5+ years, that was an extremely small colony, and no kids were around (for as scary-looking as kids are in SWTOR maybe the colonists swore off having more).


4. Nadia tells my toon that she failed to detect 3 people via the force, so she was using her force sensitivity to tally the dead (which at that point she says she had counted 15). Good that this was included, but then why did two force users (Tau and my toon) not be able to sense the colony leader? They kept asking Malora where he was. Inconsistent. Tau, a force user, should have been just as capable of Nadia of detecting him, even were my toon that I was playing through 5.10 with had been force blind, like a smuggler, yet there we were, grilling Malora for his whereabouts.

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As far as just the story content itself, without rehashing bugs:


1. I really felt guilty, despite the bonus quest to retrieve artifacts, of blowing up multiple locations to stop the over-engineered cockroaches from invading. There was a lot of history in those places, and we were just blowing them up. There's this stuff, it's called Vexane, it's the chemical that Terminix uses to kill vermin, we could have just flooded the passages with a huge amount of toxic vapors. The bugs would have died and left everything else intact.


There's no way to know if it would have killed mutated geonosians. It might have made them stronger and then you have stronger mutated geonisans in tunnels full of toxic fumes. Maybe the colonists actually tried that and it didn't work. Also, how long do those toxic fumes last? Days ... weeks ... months ... years? Do you keep flooding the tunnels with toxic fumes every time the geonosians come back? Because if you leave the tunnels there then the bugs are just going to keep using them again.

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Well, only played it once on imp side so far...


but the most memorable moment i got out of this was


"You smell delicious, too" :rak_09:


11/10 content



Hahaha, ok in all seriousness I quite enjoyed the imperial bit. Story was way too short even for just a prelude bit for 6.0 though. Still, it piqued my interest enough to make me go "yea I'll come back for that!".

Was very happy to see the old pale grunt back. Also good job with the extra "yeah, nobody died to long falls in this universe" scene, made me giggle

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"You smell delicious, too" :rak_09:


Hahaha, ok in all seriousness I quite enjoyed the imperial bit. Story was way too short even for just a prelude bit for 6.0 though. Still, it piqued my interest enough to make me go "yea I'll come back for that!".

Was very happy to see the old pale grunt back. Also good job with the extra "yeah, nobody died to long falls in this universe" scene, made me giggle

"Your smell is intoxicating, i don't know if i can control myself"

My thought at that moment were, "Please don't eat him, you'd regret it later" :D


Funny thing is that no one dies from that kind of fall, except our PCs :p

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Saw Theron for 2 seconds. No Aric or other LIs except returning Doc who you hardly see. Likely to get bored very quickly if thats howmits going to be from now on moving forwards.

THIS. The bricking is real, and I'm tired of it. I can't make myself care about the story or the characters anymore because EA's devs cheap out on creating content for LIs with a kill option, so all the NPCs I actually like end up taken away in favor of their Star Wars waifu Lana. I've always liked Lana, but that's starting to change now that she continues to be shoved in everyone's face while Theron gets one single line and other LIs don't put in any appearances in the new story.


Between that and the fact EA refused to beta test their story content, I still haven't started Ossus yet. I haven't wanted to bork anything up in case there's another hotfix patch soon. I've just been reading the forums and listening to my friends. Nothing I've heard from anyone has made me want to rush to play it--especially the new extra-grindy gear treadmill that will no doubt be made obsolete when an actual expansion will drop. And the set bonuses of the new 252 gear don't stack with the bonuses of the 248 gear, so if you want to keep your set bonus with better numbers you have to acquire 6 whole pieces of the new set! And the fact you're required to PvP for a PvE planet weekly is just wretched. The gear grind is bad enough without forcing players to do something many of them hate.

Both these opinions sort of sum it up for me. My eyes rolled when I got too much Lana yet again. I thought the excuse about having to go see either the Republic or Empire alone was very poor. The entire galaxy knows who is in my alliance. They all joined and sided with you willingly, especially romanced Theron. They cast off their old alliances when they joined and should be willing to side with whichever side the alliance commander sees fit as their loyalty is to her/him. It seemed stupid for them to suddenly decided they don't want in because of their past republic or empire attachments. It seemed like an excuse to allow the devs to exclude many of the former "main characters" out of all future story content, which, as mentioned in the above quotes, is a big NO for me. My favourite companions and LIs deserve much more attention than this.

I completed the story on my Inq who sided with the Empire and found the whole being forced to team up with yet another new companion irritating. I didn't like Anri much. Darth Malora's role seemed pointless. Darth Malgus has clearly been dug up from his grave / released from stasis to be forged into being Acina's b**ch against his will (based on his reaction to what Acina says to him at the end). He was a formidable enemy who has now been reduced to a pathetic bit part. Khem Val's non-romanced return is quite good but his romance is really odd (and more than a little disturbing/creepy). Darth Hexid's letter however is quite funny. I was fully intending to do the daily grind on the Inq who is also my main character, but I left Ossus without bothering to complete any. I'm not and don't do ops or ranked PvP and I can accept the frequent-death-by-those-in-superior-gear in unranked.

I was really looking forward to Doc's return on my JK but I'm afraid I haven't got past the first cut scene out of disinterest once I was saddled with the amazonian. I'm going to leave it for a few days and try again later.


A lot of effort will need to go into bringing us a meaningful story experience that includes our current LIs in 6.0. If they can't/won't do that, a lot of us will lose interest in continuing.

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The saboteur bit was underwhelming. I understand the strategic value, but for someone exasperated with the other side to still have to live there is very frustrating. I understand it is to keep you able to use your factions facilities, etc. But it felt kind of half-assed. I know the coding would be a nightmare, but it's too bad they can't make the factions another rep each, and when you flip sides the old rep drops to hated and the other ups to outsider. Make the fleet passes separate items/spells, and if you use the wrong one too bad for you. Rez and fix your action bar.


I one thing I do like about the saboteur angle for those who side with the Imps is it sidesteps explaining why Jorgan, Rusk, and 4X are going along with this. I can maybe see Jorgan being so bitter about the Senate going along with Saresh that he has written the Republic off as unsalvageable, MAYBE, but Rusk and Forex? No way.


Anri, Tau, and Malora were great, especially Anri and Tau. Very down-to-earth and good backstories, and the VA for Tau especially did an excellent job. I loved that Anri, unlike the Jedi, asked if you were going to snake them like you did on Iokath.


I also love that if you have done the Black Talon storyline that the assassin droid remembers you. It's like being able to remember Kaliyo on a Knight in Kotet, I love any of that sort of continuity.


I really want to do this on an Inq now, to see if Pyron remembers you.


I am disappointed Darth Retread is back, but life as Vowrawn/Acina's slave is karma for the little slave-wife-killing waste of space. I hope we can kill him again. It would make the saboteur angle worth it if that path is the only path that got the honor. It was also nice to be able to ask him "what, no grudge" if you have done Ilum on that toon. I am a sucker for continuity.


DS Jaesa's lines if you opt to fight her about wanting to die at your hands were so gross I had to escape out. DS SW gets a little much on the gross power dynamic for both romance options, and while that did fit with the overall awfulness of the DS SW... It was also so unplayably awful that it saved Jaesa's life.


I did not get any new romance scenes with Lana, so my DS SW has apparently pissed her off at some point. I don't call him Mr. Horrible for nothing.


Nadia's return was awesome, and it was great to see her confident and a full Jedi. The romance/flirt option for femconsulars was a nice touch.


Doc can still die in a fire, hasn't changed a bit.


Vowrawn as the Emperor is also great. He was a hoot and a half, and I appreciate that he actually grasps that an army marches on it's stomach.


LOL at Lana making fun of Theron's new haircut. That made me happy.


The line a Jedi defector gives Tau: "They teach us about Harmony and peace, and then have us build our own deadly weapon and send us off to win a war." was killer. Absolutely amazing. Wow, Consular, tell it like it is.


The gear is very grindy, but they haven't upped the other HM ops's difficulty, so at least it isn't a full progress stopper for most guilds. I hope there is a gsf ossus weekly at some point, and having a rotating objective (which I think it is) gives everyone a chance to do what they like for at least one week. I am hoping the sheer time involvement is just a stalling maneuver until they can bring back expertise or the equivalent in 6.0. Having to grind two sets of gear for your main sucks, but it beats this class balance AND balance against ops bosses at the same time where one class (ops heals, for example) becomes virtually unusable for hm ops. Anything that makes abilities work differently in a PvP environment than a pve one is a sanity saver.


Also, Ossus is very pretty and loads better than Iokath.

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I hated the saboteur thing and it was glaringly obvious that it wasn't done for story reasons but for reasons of convenience ex: not having to write extra lines of dialogue for a defector, not having to have each VA do lines for both sides, etc...it makes no story sense that a known traitor, especially one who had been responsible for the death of the Empress or Supreme Commander would just be welcomed back with open arms. Then you have the fact that your "saboteur" character is killing troops that are on the same side and killing or at best letting the enemy capture high ranking figures that are on their side. All so we can what, play keep-away with some agricultural data? That's not a good trade off by any stretch of the imagination, not to mention we could more efficiently get that data while openly working with the side we're loyal to and protecting our own people rather than killing them to "maintain cover." Also *** our alliance members leave if you side with the opposite faction from them even if you do so under cover. What, are the other half going to leave as well when they realize you've been working for the other faction all along? This seems like a shameless attempt to get people to shut up about companions being "bricked" by just having all of them leave through letters.


I was upset with how much autodialogue and how little choice we got, to the point where "lowering morale by shooting down the troops ideas" was something my saboteur character did automatically and then was congratulated in text by the game.


I was afraid that after our final non-Lana love interest was given a kill option that we would be condemned to Lana variety hour and it seems as though I was unfortunately right. She's already been shoved down our throats at every turn since KotFE and that's clearly not slowing down. We get it BioWare, you love Lana and she's your designated waifu but not everyone feels that way. I wish I could throw her out an airlock! Every other companion and love interest completely gets the shaft (and not in a fun way) while Lana is shoehorned in at every opportunity.


The story was really short and generic and felt more like a planetary questline than the start of something new and interesting. I don't need the story to be mind blowing but when it's such a long wait between any story content I expect better and longer than this. If this is the introduction to a new actual expansion then I'm happy to shut up about this specific part but if it's the start of another year of one short disjointed flashpoint every 6 months then what reason is there to keep playing?


Thumbs up on the new decorations though.

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Just finished an Empire playthrough.


I have to say, the Republic side was MUCH more interesting and flowed better. I felt the Empire side was a bit clunky with its presentation, and the story didn't flow nearly as well as on the pub side.


This is mostly because of the motivations for each side. On Republic, it's a story of survival and renewal. This is reflected in the interactions between Tau and Gnost-Dural. (Also, GNOST-DURAL!!!). You are trying to rebuild an ancient order and reconnect with your home faction. And you are trying to defend it from an aggressor who just wants to see you dead.


That's the problem with imp side. It's never really explained why you are trying to kill the Jedi. Just that they are Jedi, you are Sith or imperial, so they need to go.


Malora, despite the fact that she's somewhat annoying, at least has a reason for being there. She finds the Geonosians fascinating and wants to experiment on them. This is annoying her bosses who think she's wasting her time doing that, but at least she has reasons for doing what she's doing.


In other words, for pubs it's about survival and perseverance. For imps it's "KILL, KILL,KILL! Also, steal their food!" Was very much lacking on the substance. I also wasn't a big fan of how they handled the reveal of a certain character, or that charact'er's treatment by Acina.

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