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How do you headcanon a Bounty Hunter through Kotfeet/Alliance?


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So, i'm a bit of an altaholic and i've been considering starting a neutral/slightly DarkSide Mercenary. I played the vanilla story a long time ago and cant remember almost anything so it's a good time to replay it.


The problem lies, as usual, beyond the vanilla story. To me, being a bH is similat in a way to being a Smuggler. You are a relentless, reckless greedy hotshot of the criminal underword, and you are willing to go any lengths for the credits. At least that's the way i'm planning to roleplay the BH, similar to the Smuggler and always following what my greed dictates.


But, would a BH involve himself in Zakuul's problems? I dont think so. Would he lead an Allianced of Rep/Imp and be a prominent figure of the galactic stage? I dont think so, i believe he would prefer to be as discrete as possible and keep going on about his shady deals and credit hunting as silently as possible.


So how do you guys headcanon this stuff, for those of you who took a BH through those stages of the game?


One possibility i thought about was that the BH sees the Alliance as a means to his own goals, and secretly manipulates it to take profit, but seems too farfetched.

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Bounty hunters follow the money, they follow the power they have in their reputation and for getting the job done and done well. It could also be useful if a Bounty Hunter can work with others to share the spoils of taking down a target. After all, you aren't being paid to hunt down arcann, but you are still none the less hunting him down as a bounty.


The alliance is like a mandalorian clan, your clan. you can choose to respect or abuse them however you like, but when it comes to fighting, like any clan, they will fight to the death with honor to their names and to you as their clan leader and in the same respect you gain glory, prestige and further enhance your image as a Hunter and a Mandalorian leader who is taking it to Arcann and has the respect of those enemies around him with other clans in the republic, the empire, the hutts, the mandalorians and so on.


just about a point of view and how you inteprit that view into a background. It also works the same way if you are a greedy uncaring hunter who wants to retire rich and everyone else is a means to an end, something to step on to you path to greatness. It wouldn't be the first time a hunter put his or her own personal needs ahead of a better purpose or a greater need, that is after all what a typical hunter does.

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Bounty hunters follow the money, they follow the power they have in their reputation and for getting the job done and done well. It could also be useful if a Bounty Hunter can work with others to share the spoils of taking down a target. After all, you aren't being paid to hunt down arcann, but you are still none the less hunting him down as a bounty.


The alliance is like a mandalorian clan, your clan. you can choose to respect or abuse them however you like, but when it comes to fighting, like any clan, they will fight to the death with honor to their names and to you as their clan leader and in the same respect you gain glory, prestige and further enhance your image as a Hunter and a Mandalorian leader who is taking it to Arcann and has the respect of those enemies around him with other clans in the republic, the empire, the hutts, the mandalorians and so on.


just about a point of view and how you inteprit that view into a background. It also works the same way if you are a greedy uncaring hunter who wants to retire rich and everyone else is a means to an end, something to step on to you path to greatness. It wouldn't be the first time a hunter put his or her own personal needs ahead of a better purpose or a greater need, that is after all what a typical hunter does.


LOL this is so good Celise how you came up with it? I didnt think of the alliance as my very own Mandalorian clan, but it makes perfect sense.


Still there is the question of how can i beat some of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, but i just give that merit to the fact that my BH is an extraordinarily well trained and skilled assassin with top gear and the ultimate tech weapons, force-resisting armor and an arsenal of deadly devices at his disposal.


Now, any idea how can you headcanon a scumbaggy, crate-smuggling trickster and mischievous thief into leading the alliance? This is actually the hardest imho.

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If the character you created is looking to use the alliance for illegal purposes? you can use those decisions in game as if you had another purpose to them; like substituting what is said and make it find another purpose.

If for example: Lana asks you that fresh supplies are coming and it is all thanks to you, your character by saying thank you to lana it was no problem. you can head canon that to mean there was a second purpose.


What you could create is that in addition to the alliance supplies are your own "supplies", of course people respect you enough as the commander to leave the crates alone, more so if you have them moved to a private dock. when everyone else is out, your character has a contact on the docks who calls his shady friends down to load up the crates and move them along without the alliance picking up on it so much. Meanwhile the commander is getting paid for allowing the alliance to be used as a illegal front with the money deposited in a hidden account under another name.


this way if it was done right: Lana wouldn't know, no one is the wiser and your smuggling hunter can get away with this ill gotten gains while still running a legitimate faction.

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But, would a BH involve himself in Zakuul's problems? I dont think so. Would he lead an Allianced of Rep/Imp and be a prominent figure of the galactic stage? I dont think so, i believe he would prefer to be as discrete as possible and keep going on about his shady deals and credit hunting as silently as possible.



Really, you aren't given much of a choice: The alliance is the only thing protecting you from the wrath of Zakuul. Honestly, the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler classes know better than most that you need to 'roll with the punches' or 'play the hand you were dealt' so there is little real issue with leading the alliance (reluctantly or otherwise).

Even after the conclusion of the Zildrog storyline, walking away from an established (if diminished) powerbase is generally not a wise idea: Someone will take control of the alliance, and that leader's plans might clash with your own.

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But, would a BH involve himself in Zakuul's problems? I dont think so. Would he lead an Allianced of Rep/Imp and be a prominent figure of the galactic stage?


Voluntarily? No. Not a chance. However, knowing that Arcann has told the galaxy that he wants you either frozen in carbonite to adorn his carbonite trophy room, or dead, then you will be strongly motivated to do whatever it takes to stay alive and free to roam. Naturally, if your darkside, you will take every opportunity to earn/steal credits along the way, but you will be forced to participate if only to get out from under the thumb of someone who wants you dead.

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Now, any idea how can you headcanon a scumbaggy, crate-smuggling trickster and mischievous thief into leading the alliance? This is actually the hardest imho.


Why is it hard? First of all, both Lana and Theron had enough of the hots for you that they were willing to work towards a common goal of putting together a team to break you free of the carbonite.

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In my Main Legacy, my JK and SW split the Commander title.


My Trooper helps run Military Wing.


My JC handles interpersonal issues, and keeps the peace in the Force Enclave.


My Agents back up Theron and clean up Lana's messes.


My Smugglers aren't going through.


My BH got caught because she was being Marr's personal protection after SOR- KOTFE/KOTET. That's how she can marry Theron.:D

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