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5.10 PVP Gearing. The definitive solution


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My suggestion to devs regarding pvp gearing: The Definitive solution.

Without complex theorycrafting, minimaxing, changing codes and grinding gear structure etc.


The solution that satisfys both pvpers and pvers. Its the solution that goes back to the differences that ALWAYS had existed between PVE and PVP armor pre 5.0


1. Make the 252 item rating CAP for PVP. 252 Should be the HIGHEST POSSIBLE ITEM RATING in Warzones Both RANKED and UNRANKED (or in any PVP environment) (Just like 248 is right now in 5.9)


2. So that even if players who have farmed complete 258 they will be scaled down to 252 (or even slightly worse since they have BIS) when they enter a PVP environment


4. 4.0 we had 208 for PVP armor and around 220 or higher for PVE


5. 3.0 we had 174 for PVP armor and around 200 or higher for PVE


6. Ever since pre 5.0 when expertise was around PVP rated armor has ALWAYS been significantly rated lower then PVE armor because true pvpers dont do NIM raids or HM raids.


7. Make the 252 armor parts upgradeble from 248 with UC like the current upgrade system from 236-248 - there is no reason to restrict this - totally understandable 258 should be hard to to get but 252 should not be its FAR away from BIS and there is still a significant incentive to get the hard obtained 258.


8. Those tryhard hybrid pve/pvpers that wish to obtain 258: are absolutly welcome to do so by the current method proposed by Devs... grinding crystals, grinding dailys/weeklys

and MM raids etc. Like the other PVERs.


9. Lets face it this new gearing system DOES NOT EFFECT PVE players at all. Unless those that want to do MM and NIM raids BUT THOSE very few people who wants/can to do those

raids can ironically do that already today in their 248s.


10: Complete 258 rated armor should make MM and NiM raids slightly more accessible to every PVE players (a good thing) - But this increase of item rating cap to PVPERs does absolutly the opposite.

it increases the already existing gap between hardcore pvpers and slightly less hardcore pvpers (and restrict them to 1 CLASS for a long time). And we all know equal item rating is the foundation for true PVP enjoyment where skills not item rating should dictate the outcome.



TLDR: the complete 258 set is a good thing and it DOES help EVERY PVE players but does nothing other then frustrate and widen the skill gap for PVP players. Hence why 252 item rating CAP should be set

for PVP and making those 252 armor parts easily upgradeable by UC from 248 as in the current system we have. And THOSE WHO WANT can ofc seperatly farm a 258 set like the current system proposed by the devs.

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This is a simple, logical, and straight forward solution I could get behind. It is the kind of compromise that any company who are concerned about the client base and their satisfaction would strongly consider. However, based solely on BioWare's track record, we know that this is far from being the case. Sadly, Keith and company will ignore this because they believe they know better than the players. I wonder how their actions with this new system is going to affect their bottom line and how many subs will be lost? It seems that BioWare (and EA for that matter) refuse to learn from their past mistakes, based solely on their track record and past decisions.
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A bolster cap to 252 is much preferable than a bolster to 258 simply because bolster doesn't exactly make a great job with the tertiary stats and with force and tech bonus damage from MH/OH, therefore even with bolster to BiS there would still be gear disparity. Great suggestion OP and well explained, too bad it will not happen. Things that make sense are hard to code in this game for some reason :p.
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Bolster Beyond 5.10

A number of players have brought up the idea of having Bolster be at the highest item rating available. Effectively making gear in PvP irrelevant, where skill is the only deciding factor. Although we understand the desire from players on that side of the debate, it does introduce some issues. If there is no gear chase from PvP that removes all progression from PvP gameplay and it also removes a part of the reward structure.


However, we do know that there has been unhappiness with PvP gearing in general in the 5.0 era, especially with the removal of Expertise. To make large itemization changes to PvP like that will require an equally large update, so this is the type of issue we will have to wait until an expansion sized update to tackle. We will consider a variety of options including reintroducing PvP specific stats/gear, Boslter changes, etc. and we will make sure to talk through planned changes with all of you when we get to that point.


Let us know your thoughts.



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My suggestion to devs regarding pvp gearing: The Definitive solution.

Without complex theorycrafting, minimaxing, changing codes and grinding gear structure etc.


The solution that satisfys both pvpers and pvers. Its the solution that goes back to the differences that ALWAYS had existed between PVE and PVP armor pre 5.0


1. Make the 252 item rating CAP for PVP. 252 Should be the HIGHEST POSSIBLE ITEM RATING in Warzones Both RANKED and UNRANKED (or in any PVP environment) (Just like 248 is right now in 5.9)


2. So that even if players who have farmed complete 258 they will be scaled down to 252 (or even slightly worse since they have BIS) when they enter a PVP environment


4. 4.0 we had 208 for PVP armor and around 220 or higher for PVE


5. 3.0 we had 174 for PVP armor and around 200 or higher for PVE


6. Ever since pre 5.0 when expertise was around PVP rated armor has ALWAYS been significantly rated lower then PVE armor because true pvpers dont do NIM raids or HM raids.


7. Make the 252 armor parts upgradeble from 248 with UC like the current upgrade system from 236-248 - there is no reason to restrict this - totally understandable 258 should be hard to to get but 252 should not be its FAR away from BIS and there is still a significant incentive to get the hard obtained 258.


8. Those tryhard hybrid pve/pvpers that wish to obtain 258: are absolutly welcome to do so by the current method proposed by Devs... grinding crystals, grinding dailys/weeklys

and MM raids etc. Like the other PVERs.


9. Lets face it this new gearing system DOES NOT EFFECT PVE players at all. Unless those that want to do MM and NIM raids BUT THOSE very few people who wants/can to do those

raids can ironically do that already today in their 248s.


10: Complete 258 rated armor should make MM and NiM raids slightly more accessible to every PVE players (a good thing) - But this increase of item rating cap to PVPERs does absolutly the opposite.

it increases the already existing gap between hardcore pvpers and slightly less hardcore pvpers (and restrict them to 1 CLASS for a long time). And we all know equal item rating is the foundation for true PVP enjoyment where skills not item rating should dictate the outcome.



TLDR: the complete 258 set is a good thing and it DOES help EVERY PVE players but does nothing other then frustrate and widen the skill gap for PVP players. Hence why 252 item rating CAP should be set

for PVP and making those 252 armor parts easily upgradeable by UC from 248 as in the current system we have. And THOSE WHO WANT can ofc seperatly farm a 258 set like the current system proposed by the devs.


For a simpler solution, make 252/258 gear only have effect at that level in MM GOTM. As we have been repeatedly told, it isnt necessary for the 98% than doesnt do that raid. Make it only be 248 outside of that raid. Maybe a MM buff.

That way they dont mess up PVP and they dont corner the GTN market. simple solution

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Great solution indeed, if it's possible! Only I disagree that players with 258 should be scaled below 252.


Agreed, that part is just uselessly spiteful, otherwise it's a great idea. I gave another idea to replace the lost reward structure that Eric mentioned.

Edited by Sheike
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The ONLY definitive solution is to not engage with the new gear treadmill until Bioware stop being idiots and start being sensible about gearing.


A new gear-grind is NOT content - but Bioware have been getting away with fobbing us off with it as such for years.


All The Best

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