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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

5.10 gearing and you : A complete guide.


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Where did i say anything about the cartel market? I want them to, if they insist on adding this stupid gear, make it obtainable just like the gear that exists now. I.e. get 258 in the same way you would 248. Is it possible you were confused by my use of the phrase "in the same fashion" (meaning, just in case reading comprehension is truly that rare, "in the same method/way/manner").


But wait, that wouldn't benefit the 0.2% of players who still NiM by making them absurdly rich at the expense of the only other players who "need" the gear for optimization purposes. Which, ironically, has far more potential to wind up being cartel market or credit spammer abuse as people attempt to find ways to make credits fast.


If i used any phrases that were potentially confusing maybe try google

Edited by KendraP
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as if playing the same 4 WZs for hours a day wouldnt be the grindiest of the grinds ever.

be glad you get some variation.



finally one of these snowflakes gets it.


Topkek. Claiming that pvp is a grind and we need variation is like saying that all football games are the same because they are played in the same field. Every game is different. It's not like pve where you can pretty much script 90% of the encounter. Pvpers have all the variation they need in pvp.

Normally, we don't mind doing some pve here and there as long as it's not forced upon us, lasts too long and is mandatory for our success in pvp. How would you feel if you have to play pvp for 2-3 hours a day for 2-3 months straight, just to gear up 2-3 alts of yours for pve? Yeah, no need to answer that!

I am sorry that the whole concept of pvp is far beyond your realm of understanding but you seem to have a genuine hatred against pvpers. I guess when you tried to queue for pvp you got globalled and you never recovered from this brutal experience. Well,that's what pvpers do mate. They ruin the lives of special snowflakes that can't handle defeat in a digital world. They stomp kittens.

Edited by giorgo
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And then you will all get super rich selling them to people who need them. How is that fair?


You must be super disappointed all the time if you feel that everything needs to be "fair".




Some people are super rich and some people aren't. It has *always* been this way and it will *always* be this way. No matter how much you sit around and complain.



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Bolster Beyond 5.10

A number of players have brought up the idea of having Bolster be at the highest item rating available. Effectively making gear in PvP irrelevant, where skill is the only deciding factor. Although we understand the desire from players on that side of the debate, it does introduce some issues. If there is no gear chase from PvP that removes all progression from PvP gameplay and it also removes a part of the reward structure.


However, we do know that there has been unhappiness with PvP gearing in general in the 5.0 era, especially with the removal of Expertise. To make large itemization changes to PvP like that will require an equally large update, so this is the type of issue we will have to wait until an expansion sized update to tackle. We will consider a variety of options including reintroducing PvP specific stats/gear, Boslter changes, etc. and we will make sure to talk through planned changes with all of you when we get to that point.


Let us know your thoughts.



Edited by Andryah
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The problem here is PVP. When I do not have a guild for NiM GotM I cant get 258 gear and would have a disadvantage in ranked against PVPers, who do NiM GotM (there are quite a few).


You could have had one, but due to your own actions (for anyone curious, feel free to search on google for Raynarog/Merovejec to read about his actions) I think that a large amount of at least the Darth Malgus guilds would be careful of having you as part of their raiding team.


AWH! That is soooo nice of you! So you are actually doing it FOR the other players! :D no "getting rich" intention :D


I understand that the new gearing system can be confusing for some, but if you are unaware being able to craft item modifications or a full piece with setbonus is currently impossible, this is something that is going to be introduced in 5.10 and provides another path to get 258 gear. It's not the primary way to get the new gear but more ways to get gear is imo only positive, naturally, the financial gain isn't unwelcomed, in particular as PvE:ers still deal with 50k repair cost per wipe while PvP:ers does not.

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You must be super disappointed all the time if you feel that everything needs to be "fair".




Some people are super rich and some people aren't. It has *always* been this way and it will *always* be this way. No matter how much you sit around and complain.



when the devs specificly target a small group to make them filthy rich, that is a problem. Or would you have no problem if the devs made all pub toons do 2x damage but not imp?

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when the devs specificly target a small group to make them filthy rich, that is a problem. Or would you have no problem if the devs made all pub toons do 2x damage but not imp?


It might be a decent idea to introduce some type of way to gain Forgotten crafting materials from Conquest, maybe as part of your personal reward after doing the 15k points? That way they could make crafting dependant both on PvE and PvP, as well as through conquest, basically just using the system for gaining Charged Matter Transubstantiator (PvP and Conquest) and the Forgotten materials (PvE and Conquest).


With multiple forms of guild improvement, conquest is likely to see an increase of participation which would help to control the prices to reasonable levels, and compared to the [Charged Matter Transubstantiator] which you need 2 or 4 of for a augment, you only need 1 Forgotten material for an item modification (or two for a full piece).

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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Topkek. Claiming that pvp is a grind and we need variation is like saying that all football games are the same because they are played in the same field. Every game is different. It's not like pve where you can pretty much script 90% of the encounter. Pvpers have all the variation they need in pvp.




Also, pvp might only ever feels like a grind fest “if” the same map pops constantly. For instance, the new HB map pops way more than any other map and it starts to get boring. 6/10 HBs in a row is bad.

If maps popped evenly, then pvp should never feel like a grind because every match and map would be different.

The only people I know who see pvp as a grind feat are mat farmers, daily farmers or UC farmers.

People who play pvp because it’s fun do not see it as a grind feat because no 2 matches are the same.

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when the devs specificly target a small group to make them filthy rich, that is a problem. Or would you have no problem if the devs made all pub toons do 2x damage but not imp?


I’ve a better idea. Make the crafting mats only available to pvpers with Valor 100. Then we’ll see how much every MM players says it’s unfair.


At the end of the day, crafting should be available to the whole population and it shouldn’t matter what content you play.

You should be able to farm the mats and make the gear and it shouldn’t be locked behind one type of play.


I’ve known people who get heaps of enjoyment spending most of their time crafting in the game, but many of them have left because they don’t do ranked or operations, so they can no longer play the part of the game they enjoy the most.


Adding an even worse play wall than there already is for crafting will just make more people unhappy and make a small percentage of the player base super rich.

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It might be a decent idea to introduce some type of way to gain Forgotten crafting materials from Conquest, maybe as part of your personal reward after doing the 15k points? That way they could make crafting dependant both on PvE and PvP, as well as through conquest, basically just using the system for gaining Charged Matter Transubstantiator (PvP and Conquest) and the Forgotten materials (PvE and Conquest).


With multiple forms of guild improvement, conquest is likely to see an increase of participation which would help to control the prices to reasonable levels, and compared to the [Charged Matter Transubstantiator] which you need 2 or 4 of for a augment, you only need 1 Forgotten material for an item modification (or two for a full piece).


Yes, they may work too. I still think that the same mats should be obtained from doing pvp and operations as well. You shouldn’t need to get one in each format, they should be the same in both.

Mats rewards for doing conquest goals are a really good idea. But so is completing things like pvp weeklies or other weeklies.

The rewards could be based on the difficulty. The harder the content, the more mats. That way everyone has access, but those that need it the most can obtain it faster.

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Interesting that its going to be PvEers who are apparently going to hold the market hostage, when I can right now buy the PvE mats for a couple thousand, and the PvP mats are still sitting at millions.


I'm fine with the new mats being available in other ways, and think they should be, but c'mon.

Edited by LordTurin
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Interesting that its going to be PvEers who are apparently going to hold the market hostage, when I can right now buy the PvE mats for a couple thousand, and the PvP mats are still sitting at millions.


I'm fine with the new mats being available in other ways, and think they should be, but c'mon.


It’s not the pvers only having access. The issue is it will only be the MM op raiders who will have access. That’s less than 5% or the players base. More like 2% or the player base. If you think a few mill now for those pvp mats is expensive, imagine what it will be like when the MM ops mats hit the GTN. They won’t be a few mill, they will be tens of millions.

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It’s not the pvers only having access. The issue is it will only be the MM op raiders who will have access. That’s less than 5% or the players base. More like 2% or the player base. If you think a few mill now for those pvp mats is expensive, imagine what it will be like when the MM ops mats hit the GTN. They won’t be a few mill, they will be tens of millions.


Good thing then that crafted gear is not the most efficient route to this new gear. ;)


If crafting stays as it is on PTS.. there will be little or no sellers market for crafted gear or materials for many months ... because about the only people producing it will be for personal consumption or guild consumption. Guilds certainly don't need the revenue from crafting the top tier.. as they have numerous effective ways to build and manage needed revenue now. Historically... crafted gear proliferates in the GTNs when it is reasonably straight forward and economical for crafters to crank it out.. which will not be the case with this new tier as currently on PTS. Note: I am not saying there will be absolutely no listings on the GTN... just that it will not be in any form of sustained supply chain.


Now... if they expand the drop rates of materials, and offer them in more then MM OPs... that could change. But Erics latest comments to the forum make it absolutely clear this gear was designed primarily for the MM OPs players... with an advantage for guild focused MM OPs players, and is even the reason for this odd approach to the new tier of gear ---> offering essentially tier-5 (252) and a tier-5-plus (258).


If they offer the materials in PvP WZs as well (which I am personally not against them doing).... then you will be here constantly complaining that players are joining WZs just to farm mats and are not actually contributing to competitive PvP play. I think the studio understands the farming for materials in WZs issue is inflaming feelings in some of the PvP player base.. and is perhaps why they are trying to avoid that... particularly since PvPers can use UCs to acquire gear at a pace that looks on paper to be roughly equivalent to the MM OPs players.

Edited by Andryah
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Awesome guide, thanks! I'm still super irritated that we're supposed to a.) Grind 70 levels... then b.) Grind THREE HUNDRED (made up / phony) more "Command Ranks" then c.) Grind 5 tiers of gear. FOR EVERY CHARACTER.


This, in a game that separates itself from other games with their "Legacy" system. Yeah, OK. Thanks


OH, BTW. After all your grinding you get level synced and/or "bolstered" in pretty much every scenario of play. How messed up and convoluted can you possibly make a game that's like 6 or 7 years old????


Please don't give them an opening like that. I'm sure they'll figure out some new way to force a long tedious and ultimately completely pointless grind on us.

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Please don't give them an opening like that. I'm sure they'll figure out some new way to force a long tedious and ultimately completely pointless grind on us.


Is that even possible? Anymore grind and the game would close in a month, lol.


I do agree with the poster you are responding too. It’s so convoluted that they make you grind so hard and then lvl sync everything which basically negates the gear.


Lvl sync on the lower planets is a good idea in principle so that people can go and do old content or heroics, but it’s way over tuned, especially as comps are so OP. Also, that content was never designed for you to have all your abilities, which also make it easier. (You can spam AOE and everything dies in 3 seconds)


Lvl sync players should be 2-3 levels below the planets lvl if they are 15 or more lvls above it. They should not be lvl sync’d to the max of the planet or area.

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NiM players can farm the new gear with all the ways that i described in my guide...with the addition of doing the new MM Gods and get the drops and do the crafting. So according to logic, by far the fastest way will be to be a NiM player.

Also don't underestimate the current stock in CMT's. It's more than you think. Or the ability of NiM raiders to farm the new ops with their alts thus creating a new stock of the needed components. The new gear will hit the market sooner than you guys think. Maybe even around Xmas. Heck i should have included that in my Paying sector : Get yourself a Xmas present, buy the new gear with your credits! Enter the new year as powerfull as you can possibly imagine. Be the man that your mother always dreamed! Make your family proud etc...


umm half of your abbreviations I did not get in your original post I am a solo /casual player so don't do any of the group stuff, so could you break that down a bit for a solo player who has been away from the game a few months?:rak_02:

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Erics latest comments to the forum make it absolutely clear this gear was designed primarily for the MM OPs players... with an advantage for guild focused MM OPs players, and is even the reason for this odd approach to the new tier of gear ---> offering essentially tier-5 (252) and a tier-5-plus (258).

And this is why this new gear should either get scaled down to max bolster ilvl in pvp (252), or bolster should be increased to 258. That way this new gear wouldn't affect pvp. As it stands, pvpers are the ones who need it the most.


Last but not least, you can buy MWS with unassembled components (UC). The first one costs 500, the second one 1000 and so forth and so on.


Do we know how these costs increase and reset? Do they keep increasing for every time or is there a weekly reset? Is the reset per legacy or per char? Do the costs double for every increase?

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Do we know how these costs increase and reset? Do they keep increasing for every time or is there a weekly reset? Is the reset per legacy or per char? Do the costs double for every increase?


As of the PTS, it works like this.


Each character in your legacy can use UCs to buy 2 MWS per week. Then you are locked till the next week

The first MWS costs 500 UCs

The second MWS costs 1000 UCs

This is the same for each character in your legacy.

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Already have this sorted if it goes live and crafting these bad boys is only limited to a select 0.0000000000001 % of the population, its called taking my subscription money and the fortune I spend on the CM each month somewhere else.


See how stressful is that?


Be safe

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tier 5 is too much grind.


Ummm... go play an Asian grinder MMO for a while and then come back and tell me how it's too much of a grind. :)


Is it a grind? Yes. Is it obtrusively more of a grind then in many western MMOs, and even this one at times? Not really. If the studio had never done the no-grind 4.0 approach... people would not feel so wound up about this next BiS cycle.. other then to wonder and perhaps resist it since it's really not that necessary for most players and it seems odd to throw a new BiS round in this late in 5.x.


For the player that absolutely insists they must have this gear.... they will grind for it (no matter what they say in forum rhetoric) .. and will probably overdose on the grind to get the gear as fast as possible. Throttles are in place for this BiS cycle for a reason.. to slow the pace of players gearing up in the new 258s... particularly PvP players who have lots of UCs in their pockets. If they remove the UC throttles.. then some PvPers will gear up as soon as they can access the vendors (week two) and tromp all the PvPers who do not have the same UC surplus to cash in.


MM OPs players will have quite the slog in front of them to fully gear via MM OPs. Most players will simply work the daily/weekly missions for MWS, regardless of what they prefer to play... being as it's probably the most effort efficient way to get MWS and hence gear... though that too has some built in throttles to it.


With the current recipes for crafting gear on PTS... it is unlikely that much in the way of crafted gear will ever be for sale on the GTNs... regardless of what some very upset players may accuse otherwise.

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meh, the guide is wrong. The quickest and easiest way is to simply do this:



- Play the leading MMO instead, wait for SWTOR to release 6.0 and return to the game. Skip the entire dumpster fire of 5.x gearing nightmare.


You have a point.. though you could just continue to play this MMO and simply ignore chasing this gear if you have no real need for it. Even those that insist they need it.. admit it is really only needed for a small percentage of players.


This guide however is not an objective guide as it is premised on a narrative against the gear in general.

Edited by Andryah
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