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Make Mirror classes actual mirrors


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Assassins get a purple swirl visual effect when Exploit Weakness procs, Shadows don't get a visual effect when Find Weakness procs.


It's a big deal. Looking for a tiny green icon with a lightsaber on it in a sea of other tiny green icons with a lightsaber on it is painful.

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Deleted - What the guy on top of this post said.


For those who do not know. The proc tells when you can backstab (Maul, Shadowstrike) without the force cost being overwhelming. This proc is huge, when it is not active you should not backstab. In PvP catching sight of the tiny icon is difficult and this was a complaint I had with the class.


I knew other classes had visual notifications of procs but could not believe they gave a visual to our mirror as well.

Edited by richardya
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Assassins get a purple swirl visual effect when Exploit Weakness procs, Shadows don't get a visual effect when Find Weakness procs.


It's a big deal. Looking for a tiny green icon with a lightsaber on it in a sea of other tiny green icons with a lightsaber on it is painful.


Operatives HoT's are a consistent probe floating around the player, while scoundrel hots are a probe that comes once and injects medicine. It then flies away.


If you're the only Operative healer, it's very easy to simply look at other player's character to see if they still have your HoT.


If you're the only Scoundrel healer, you have to cycle through targets and look for your HoT icon to know they still have your HoT.


^ This sounds minor, but it is a very annoying disparity.

Edited by Valsdad
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Assassins get a purple swirl visual effect when Exploit Weakness procs, Shadows don't get a visual effect when Find Weakness procs.


It's a big deal. Looking for a tiny green icon with a lightsaber on it in a sea of other tiny green icons with a lightsaber on it is painful.


Everytime I think I found everything, something else comes up. This is unreal.


Thank you for bringing this up, i just quoted you in the OP as you explained it perfectly and it gives you credit =)

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Operatives HoT's are a consistent probe floating around the player, while scoundrel hots are a probe that comes once and injects medicine. It then flies away.


If you're the only Operative healer, it's very easy to simply look at other player's character to see if they still have your HoT.


If you're the only Scoundrel healer, you have to cycle through targets and look for your HoT icon to know they still have your HoT.


^ This sounds minor, but it is a very annoying disparity.


And another one...

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In AION there was an obvious bias towards the Elyos. This was obvious because players were able to post combat log data showing that equally geared, level, class toons would have significant differences in damage dealt, and received. The Elyos had access to several additional World Bosses that the Asmodians did not. Experience, Coin, Reputation, gained from quest were significantly greater for Elyos vs the Asmodians. Finally the Loot tables themselves were slanted to allow for Elyos Players to have a significant advantage in Loot drops from World Bosses; heck there were even several quest that rewarded Elyos with Blues and Asmodians with Greens if not Vendor trash. Non of the above issues seems to be happening here. I've not seen any tables or charts or anything else that can clearly show where the Imperials are being given such a significant advantage versus the Republic Characters.


Actually Asmodians classes did more damage than their mirror version on the Elyos side ( when equally geared). I agree about everything else you said because i experienced both sides. It was a lot easier back in the day to get golds from world bosses (when asmos only have Alukina) and zapiel, jesuchi and the boss that was friendly to asmos pissed a lot of people off.


And well asmo sins had 100% attack increase while the elyos sin had an extra silence, asmo temp had a bleed while elyos temp had a stun, asmo sorcs had blessing of quickness which made casting retarded fast while elyos had magic boost increase. asmo glads had piercing rupture while the elyos version (forgot the name but anyway it did no where near as much damage but was ranged) chanters soul strike hit way harder than elyos chanter IJ and asmos mau form gave i think 13% more attack while elyos mau form gave attack speed that was useless at max level. Basically Elyos classes had more utility but definitely didn't do more damage.


Anyways i hope Bioware can fix these problems soon. Its just weird that all the animations seem to favor the empire.

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Ok... this should make most of you folks happy. It looks like BioWare is finally responding to this thread, just not in the thread. I don't know why. Watch this link. Yes it's long but you only really need to watch from 43.30 if you only want to know their feelings on the many issues you are bringing up. Gary the shows moderator even list the site that George whatever his name is (BioWare Rep) commented on.




Personally I fully agree with Taugrim's views on this issue, and it he sums up my opinion rather well. I think watching this episode of GameBreakerTV and following up with the site referenced by the GameBreakerTV will help give some prospective on this. :D

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As far as your comments about me personally. You are one of those amazing people that thinks he can tell my composure via forum posts, which simply amazes me. If it makes you feel better to think im at home at my computer raging, then so be it. Generally a non composed person couldnt and or wouldnt create an OP like I did showing that kind of level of organization. But think what you may, you comment on my composure, yet you say those kinds of comments.


You are fail at PR. Leave all your personal stuff out of your post and just stick to Facts. Learn from this poster:




He presents many of not all of the same arguments you do in a professional, reasonable, manner with nice justifications for his beliefs.


Hopefully several of these issues were fixed with Patch 1.01B, and hopefully more get addressed. Those that can present rational proof with out insulting others for having a different opinion should continue posting so that BioWare knows they have to stay on top of this.


As for the OP; stick with the facts. Stop assuming things about your audience. You created this thread for the doubters like me. If all you want to do is list BW's failures and list complaints fine. Don't expect me to listen. I just want to know the facts about these issues and what BW is planing on doing to fix them. I'm still annoyed that not one Dev has posted on this thread...

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at around 2:00 the Bh is using tracer and while the tracer is in the air, hes using unload so when the tracer lands, it becomes a "double hit"


i big plus for burst, and something you cant do with grav round


Check out the GameBreakerTV show specifically the section where Taugrim talks about ability delays and how they seem to work in SW:ToR. The way this game works its not necessary for you to actually wait for your channel to complete before all it's damage is assessed. If you pay attention to your class (Empire and Republic) you'll notice that most classes with channel abilities have this same possible glitch. I'm not a programmer so I don't know if this is ment to work this way due to the no auto attack function or not. I just know that I don't have to sit through all of my Channeled abilities on any of my classes for all of the damage ticks to count.




The section of this vid where they address this issue is around 43 minutes into it. Taugrim himself has a very good site at:




I follow it quite a bit and find his input very useful in helping me become a better player in both PvP and PvE. He even has some post where he talks about these very same issues. I hope BioWare is reading. They really do need to look into this stuff.

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I have been looking for a thread that clearly described the faction imbalances to the class mirrors. Thank you. I hope BW at least comments on these issues, and hope even more so that they are addressed soon. It feels like bug fixing has a priority over balancing pvp right now, which I can live with, but I would like someone official to acknowledge the imbalances and discuss a future plan to fix them.
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I have been looking for a thread that clearly described the faction imbalances to the class mirrors. Thank you. I hope BW at least comments on these issues, and hope even more so that they are addressed soon. It feels like bug fixing has a priority over balancing pvp right now, which I can live with, but I would like someone official to acknowledge the imbalances and discuss a future plan to fix them.


Those whom are working on bug fixes are not the same people working on PvP. The sad part is instead of worrying about balancing factions they are worried about putting out a new faction vs faction or same faction warzone so the empire can play other maps instead of just Huttball.


Since the majority of the population is empire, they just see that as a higher priority in giving them another map, instead of what the republic wants, which is a balanced field in pvp and world pvp.

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I have been looking for a thread that clearly described the faction imbalances to the class mirrors. Thank you. I hope BW at least comments on these issues, and hope even more so that they are addressed soon. It feels like bug fixing has a priority over balancing pvp right now, which I can live with, but I would like someone official to acknowledge the imbalances and discuss a future plan to fix them.


Apparently BioWare has commented finally on some of these issues. On Monday's Issue of GameBreakerTV.com they discussed it and had some quotes for Goeger (spelling?) that he gave at an interview for some other fan site. Sorry but the Game Breaker site won't display for me at the moment and I don't remember the source they sighted in the PodCast.

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The animation are longer but the cooldown are the same... Same DPS.


Noone really said anything about DPS. PvP is not about DPS only, its about awareness, control, timing etc...


Also, what do things like the turrets in alderaan, purple light sabers and the other non class factional issues have to do with DPS?

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