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Has anyone else noticed that imps can land hits dispite line of sight(LOS)?


I have been force leaped while solid objects have been between me and the warrior.


I have been force lightning'd through solid objects.


My supposed mirror BH can do that missle thing through solid objects. It seems every imperial can fire "auto-attack" through obstacles.


I know I can't. If they run behind cover I CANNOT attack them. Hell, even when I clearly do have LOS I can't hit them. The only thing between us being one of those fuel pillars around the flames in Huttball and it's not even directly between us. On the rails I can't attack them from the pit, put I am always being shot by imps from the pit in the same location they are. I'll be on the far side of the railing from them and they can still hit me. They can be on the side closer to me and it tells me I can;t see them even though their torso and upper legs are blatantly exposed.

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Forgive if this has been stated before, but noticed this last night after playing my JK after a few hours on my SW: the JK Force Leap has a facing requirement...SW does not.


Yes, I noticed this too.


Has anyone else noticed that imps can land hits dispite line of sight(LOS)?


I have been force leaped while solid objects have been between me and the warrior.


I have been force lightning'd through solid objects.


My supposed mirror BH can do that missle thing through solid objects. It seems every imperial can fire "auto-attack" through obstacles.


I know I can't. If they run behind cover I CANNOT attack them. Hell, even when I clearly do have LOS I can't hit them. The only thing between us being one of those fuel pillars around the flames in Huttball and it's not even directly between us. On the rails I can't attack them from the pit, put I am always being shot by imps from the pit in the same location they are. I'll be on the far side of the railing from them and they can still hit me. They can be on the side closer to me and it tells me I can;t see them even though their torso and upper legs are blatantly exposed.


This too. I can't count the number of times where even my JK AoE (Force Sweep) doesn't hit people on the other side of a turret post on the Alderaan warzone, or how I can't force leap to the same place a SW even though I was following him exactly (we tried this on our own on Tat one night).

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I got an infraction for replying in this thread, but no dev response yet.


This is ridiculous. Bioware likes to pride itself on its customer contact, with a full-time Customer Manager spamming to his daily tweet limit, but it's all outside appearances. Like every MMO dev, they bring a product to the table, implement changes from their developer bureau vacuum, and don't give a single **** about their customer base.


Im not sure what you got the infraction for, you could have said something or cursed or insulted someone Im not sure. You could have insulted the wrong upper up, I dont know.


Im also not sure if discussing an infraction on the forums is bannable, so lets just not talk about that and run the risk of getting the thread shut down.


I can say I have no received an infraction for this thread. And I havent really held back at all.


What we can however point out is, if what you said is indeed true, it means the thread is being watched buy still not getting a Dev response.


Im not sure if thats good news because we know its being watched, or if its bad news because they are doling out punishment but still ignoring the topic.

Edited by Kellindell
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Before I completely believe this id have to see some videos proving it, preferably in HD on a high end machine to rule out framerate problems.


This could be lag.


Everyone knows animations dont line up at all, ive taken damage and been stunned by a leap, and it took 2 seconds for the character to graphically be on my screen.


Chances are, you are doing this to the opposing team as well and they are freaking out about it.


If someone can give good hard evidence this is only happening for one faction, ill add it to the list, but chances are its lag, or the fact bioware did a poor job of making the animations line up with the affect.


Has anyone else noticed that imps can land hits dispite line of sight(LOS)?


I have been force leaped while solid objects have been between me and the warrior.


I have been force lightning'd through solid objects.


My supposed mirror BH can do that missle thing through solid objects. It seems every imperial can fire "auto-attack" through obstacles.


I know I can't. If they run behind cover I CANNOT attack them. Hell, even when I clearly do have LOS I can't hit them. The only thing between us being one of those fuel pillars around the flames in Huttball and it's not even directly between us. On the rails I can't attack them from the pit, put I am always being shot by imps from the pit in the same location they are. I'll be on the far side of the railing from them and they can still hit me. They can be on the side closer to me and it tells me I can;t see them even though their torso and upper legs are blatantly exposed.

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Has anyone else noticed that imps can land hits dispite line of sight(LOS)?


I have been force leaped while solid objects have been between me and the warrior.


I have been force lightning'd through solid objects.


My supposed mirror BH can do that missle thing through solid objects. It seems every imperial can fire "auto-attack" through obstacles.


I know I can't. If they run behind cover I CANNOT attack them. Hell, even when I clearly do have LOS I can't hit them. The only thing between us being one of those fuel pillars around the flames in Huttball and it's not even directly between us. On the rails I can't attack them from the pit, put I am always being shot by imps from the pit in the same location they are. I'll be on the far side of the railing from them and they can still hit me. They can be on the side closer to me and it tells me I can;t see them even though their torso and upper legs are blatantly exposed.



People..please just stop making stuff up and not testing what you claim if you don't want this thread to be worthless to the devs(it pretty much is at this point).



  • The Champion PvP lightsaber is cyan(light blue -- the color of the level up animation for Republic). The battlemaster PvP saber is blue with a black core.
  • Electrocute does not ignore resolve. This is easily testable by leveling an Inquisitor to level 6 to test in a duel. A full resolve bar is white, if a bar looks full but is still that grey color then you will not be immune to any cc.
  • BH unload suffers pushback(and loses damage) the exact same as troopers when taking damage. This is easily tested by leveling a BH to level 3.
  • Both the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior leap attacks do not have a facing requirement. This is easily tested by leveling them to level 2.
  • The empire is affected by LoS. Level an Imp to level 10, queue a WZ, run behind a pillar and try to cast something...nothing will happen. You might be experiencing the effects of high latency(on your side or theirs, it doesn't matter) which does some strange things in an already clunky game.

These are things I have personally tested and proved wrong. Stop cluttering the thread with useless and incorrect whining. If you want to share an inconsistency gather some proof first then share it. If you are unable to do this by yourself ask in the thread "I think ____ and ____ might have an inconsistency. Can someone please help me test ____ on the other side?".


To the OP. I understand your frustration but it would be extremely helpful if you removed all your commentary from the OP, organized/formatted it a bit better into an actual list, and only listed issues that have proof(and link that proof next to the claim). You could even have a subsection for untested claims so people can test it and report back with proof, but make sure they are clearly marked as untested. I understand this is hard work but the devs do not take whining seriously.

Something like:

Bounty Hunter/Trooper

Imperial Agent/Smuggler


There are legitimate issues that need to be addressed.

Edited by mikroh
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Can I get another confirmation on this please?


When I get home I can fraps it but i have the free version so it'd be two 30 second movies to demonstrate. That being said if no one else will I'll do it just to have video proof.

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So reading the updated 1.1 patch notes the marriage dialogue for some companion has been fixed but there is no mention of fixing the self-rooting that occurs when a scoundrel casts dirty kick. Where are the priorities here?


Can you please fix game breaking ability animation problems (they are listed all over these forums) that actually matter instead of spending your apparently limited resources addressing issues that don't even affect game play. Seriously this is ridiculous. I know the game hasn't been out long. I know it isn't polished like some other very well polished mmos out there but srsly. I'm sure all the people who want to marry their companion are stoked just like the people who must have accurate tooltips but how about the people who just want to have control of their toons and not be limited by animations that gimp character control. I mean srsly who makes those decisions on which bugs/issues get addressed?


Its already borderline unforgivable that there is no combat log and, imho, a terrible UI that is, in fact, not customizable but fixing bugs that dont affect gameplay while ignoring gamebreaking animation bugs is not forgivable. Srsly get it together and address some issues that matter. That is issues that matter to people other than those who want to marry their in game companions.

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So reading the updated 1.1 patch notes the marriage dialogue for some companion has been fixed but there is no mention of fixing the self-rooting that occurs when a scoundrel casts dirty kick. Where are the priorities here?


Can you please fix game breaking ability animation problems (they are listed all over these forums) that actually matter instead of spending your apparently limited resources addressing issues that don't even affect game play. Seriously this is ridiculous. I know the game hasn't been out long. I know it isn't polished like some other very well polished mmos out there but srsly. I'm sure all the people who want to marry their companion are stoked just like the people who must have accurate tooltips but how about the people who just want to have control of their toons and not be limited by animations that gimp character control. I mean srsly who makes those decisions on which bugs/issues get addressed?


Its already borderline unforgivable that there is no combat log and, imho, a terrible UI that is, in fact, not customizable but fixing bugs that dont affect gameplay while ignoring gamebreaking animation bugs is not forgivable. Srsly get it together and address some issues that matter. That is issues that matter to people other than those who want to marry their in game companions.


Your being unreasonable. Not only do different issues take different amounts of time to fix, which is difficult or impossible to estimate or quantify, BUT they have different teams working on different areas of the game.


Your post is one that smacks of ignorance. But ignorance itself is not a bad thing. It's only bad when people refuse to learn and choose to remain ignorant due to personal bias.

Edited by CommandoPower
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[*]The empire is affected by LoS. Level an Imp to level 10, queue a WZ, run behind a pillar and try to cast something...nothing will happen. You might be experiencing the effects of high latency(on your side or theirs, it doesn't matter) which does some strange things in an already clunky game.



I have leveled a juggenaut to 16 and an Inquisitor to 16.


As long as I have you targeted before an object is between us I can continue the attack.


It is not lag. I'm on a side turret in alderaan WZ and I see the warrior coming from a mile away straight up the middle. I move behind the turret. Guess what? They just force leap anyway and land on the side of the turret. This happens EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Sith inquisitor is in the pit and attacks me near the ledge. I move back and the lighting continues through the floor. As a commando my attacks stop if you run past a pillar. You don't even need to stop. Just 1 sec behind the pillar while on the move and the attack fails or ends prematurely. I've had 2 BHs spamming me with their rocket attack at range in Voidstar. Moved behind a pillar and the rockets just keep coming through the pillar. Not the current attack finishing up, but a attacks initiated AFTER I was behind cover.


I won't even get into that "****, I'm losing!! ROCKET SPAM AWAY!!!" cheap ability they have. Not only does it fire faster than trooper equivalent but it does about 25% more damage per hit. And it must be more ammo efficient too since they can spam it nigh indefinitely. I use our version 4 times and I'd be tapped for ammo. I had a lower lvl BH spam me to death with 4 hits AFTER a fight that was already drawn out some. I came in with less health and was on the verge of beating him then SUPER ROCKET SPAM. 4000+ damage in under 3 secs. It's like have a not target area quicker firing mortar volley. I'm surprsied more of them don't spam it.

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I complained about this in beta. The animations really need to be normalized. I remember on my Scoundrel I had to wait about a second or two for him to pull out his shot gun to do the back blast and same thing with the kick in the nuts. Where as Operative the blade comes out and boom instant for both those moves. Repub is at a mechanical disadvantage even before player pops and skill lol. I noticed the same thing with project and other moves as well like others have mentioned to.


The shotgun takes ages to pull out. I am not saying that the mirror is different because I have no experience of that.


You'd have thought a dev would go through the list and at least acknowledge the issues that need attention and dismiss those that do not.

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I had been looking forward to this game for years and also defended it and Bioware everytime i heard or read something bad about it.


I have to say im so disappointed after reading this post.


I can accept these issues being in the game. What i cant accept is the lack of communication.


A simple post with a list of all these issues and an eta on the fix would put a lot of people at ease.


Could it be that EA are telling Bioware not to respond when it comes to particular and possibly known issues such as these.

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Mortar volley is simply unusable in PvP due to the massive delay in casting.


With a little bit of lag happening on peak hours, even if you target a group of opponents who are occupied elsewhere and not paying attention, they'll have plenty of time to relocate before any damage happens.


It could be an interesting test to see how many times Death from Above is seen or used in warzones versus Mortar Volley, would be interesting.


Personally I don't bother any more, most of the time.

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I had been looking forward to this game for years and also defended it and Bioware everytime i heard or read something bad about it.


I have to say im so disappointed after reading this post.


I can accept these issues being in the game. What i cant accept is the lack of communication.


A simple post with a list of all these issues and an eta on the fix would put a lot of people at ease.


Could it be that EA are telling Bioware not to respond when it comes to particular and possibly known issues such as these.


I think most people are at where you are about this. No communication.


I understand games will have issues, despite how glaring they are. And in this case how purposeful they appear.


But I can accept those problems, especially in a game less then a month old. Im not one of those "FIX THIS OR I QUIT" people.


But what will make me, and im assuming several players, leave is not hearing a peep from the Devs about this stuff. Ive played games where that kind of silence existed in the beginning, and my personal experience is that if its this way in the beginning it will always be this way so why bother sitting around waiting and hoping they will eventually say or do something?

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Was signed up for 6 months subscription. Cancelled it b/c of this issue. Kudos to imps that think this should be resolved.


Ill second that. Kudos to all the imps who came in and genuinely said "Im an imp, i know this stuff exists and I would like a level playing field."

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I had been looking forward to this game for years and also defended it and Bioware everytime i heard or read something bad about it.


I have to say im so disappointed after reading this post.


I can accept these issues being in the game. What i cant accept is the lack of communication.


A simple post with a list of all these issues and an eta on the fix would put a lot of people at ease.


Could it be that EA are telling Bioware not to respond when it comes to particular and possibly known issues such as these.

The reason they won't say anything is the reason most companies don't say anything.


They don't have an ETA, they don't even have a gameplan for fixing most of these issues, so the quieter they are the less likely people will be to quit.

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