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Make Mirror classes actual mirrors


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A few differences towards both sides would've been okay, it's a new game afterall.


However EVERY single advantage to one side, in addition to empire turrets on alderaan civil war CLEARLY ticking faster than the republic ones, makes it hard to believe this was not intentional.



The population differences are already glaring on my server, much much more people on empire side then republic. This does not help.

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It has been pointed out that the turrets in Alderaan start out pointed at the Republic ship. In addition, Force Scream for SW is a nearly instant ability which significantly reduces the animation stutter compared to its "mirror"Blade Storm, which is hell to get to actually fire and has a travel time.
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Amazing, any dev responses yet? How embarrassing.


Its the way of developers nowadays


Warhammer ignored players in alpha and beta stage, i was in beta and posted several flaw posts about the game, but Mark Jacobs and friends basicly answeared "We want to do something on our own, we wont listen to you players" so why did they want us to post feedback on the betaforum at all?


AoC hired a forum team to delete all negative posts on forum and only keeping the positive ones once people realized how bad the game was, they never wrote something on the forums themselves, then going out in interviews saying people on forums were happy with the game.


Aion and its NCsoft team completly ignored the playerbase, they had one guy Ayase that took care of all the forum questions, but he had no say at all, and left NCSoft after a while becouse of lack of saying, then NCSoft blamed the players when the client crashed over and over for beeing poorly optimized and the horrible lagg in towns and in big scale pvp, even after a 399 pages long topic pointing out the flaw in the client.


Rift is pretty much same as Aion, topic after topic after topic about player conserns, yet Trion doesnt respond to any posts whatsoever. The Rogue developer has posted 24 times in total since launch, and all those posts are patchnotes, no response to players.


SWToR, which seems to have many workers from Warhammer, seems to go the same line



Having good customer relations on forums is almost more important then content

Edited by SeloDaoC
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Sith Warrior Scream is instant, Jedi Knight Bladestorm requires animation.


Consular pushback needs a jumping animation. Inquisitor pushback is applied instantly.


Add those.


Please add these. Also, bump for great justice. Keeping this on page 1 until we get AT LEAST a forum rep response.

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The republic PVP weapon is NOT pink, it's Teal/Cyan.


Ive seen it, its pink. Ive looked at it on my computer and my wifes computer just to rule out monitor or graphics card differences. I am also no color blind.


And in a WZ match, a bunch of people were saying to a guy who had one "Nice pink lightsaber".


So its not just me.

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The most amazing thing to me is how ALL of these imbalances went to the Empire and none are to the republic. That by itself is amazing.


That is what makes the devs silence so bitter for us. All evidence points towards Sith favoritism, and the only things that can dispel that theory are changes to these problems, and some sort of recognition verbally from the Devs on what this all is about.


Here is another thread to support about this. Lets just make all of page one this topic and see what happens.



Edited by Kellindell
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Ive seen it, its pink. Ive looked at it on my computer and my wifes computer just to rule out monitor or graphics card differences. I am also no color blind.


And in a WZ match, a bunch of people were saying to a guy who had one "Nice pink lightsaber".


So its not just me.


It's just a LIGHTEST RED man! /sarcasm :rolleyes:


on topic: This is ABSURD.


I just knew in my gut that republic had it's deck stacked against it. and it comes to light. Cause the guys who are out populated, out geared and everything is slanted for the imperials? Yeah... GJ bioware. How long you expect republic players to be around?

Edited by Andrew_Waltfeld
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Ive seen it, its pink. Ive looked at it on my computer and my wifes computer just to rule out monitor or graphics card differences. I am also no color blind.


And in a WZ match, a bunch of people were saying to a guy who had one "Nice pink lightsaber".


So its not just me.


I have a pvp weapon and it is definitely cyan. There is a magenta crystal in game but it is not in the pvp weapons.

Edited by anedorivan
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What exactly does this mean? I need more detail before I can add it.


it means the consulars force wave is alot slower than the sorc version. if both hit at the same time the sorc hits, and knockback, while the sages cooldown is taken but doesnt knockback. I have actually hit mine before the sorc even saw I was there. he turned and hit his and both hit at the same time, when his started after I was already in motion.

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Consular pushback needs a jumping animation. Inquisitor pushback is applied instantly.

This is incorrect. The inquisitor animation is a jump flip. Both of the abilities have the same exact animation delay.


It would also be nice if you could add Revivification/Salvation(31pt Sorc/Sage heal talent) to the thread as revivification does not have the initial aoe heal that Salvation has, it just has the AoE HoT the same as Salvation. More info and proof(videos) @ http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1290674


edit: also, Republic PvP Lightsabers are Cyan(a light blue) not pink unless something has changed recently. The Battlemaster ones are Cyan with a black core.

Edited by mikroh
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I can say that even with the talent to reduce pushback on Unload for Bounty Hunter, it too, loses a tick or more if you are under heavy fire, this is NOT a trooper only issue, it's working as intended. I have had it happen enough in huttball.


Also the Sith inquisitor and Jedi consular knockbacks are nearly identical, the inquisitor version is NOT instant, they leap into the air then come down with a punch to the ground, then the mobs/players go flying, there is nothing instant about it.


The other bugs I can't comment about, having no experience with them or their classes. If they are true then they should be fixed.

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/sign this needs to be fixed or BIOWARE will lose people and go back to other MMO's. I have also sent a email to Lucus Arts people to let them know they are about to allow a 2nd developer run another Star Wars named game into the ground
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