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Fleets update for 6.0 please BW...


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7 years and counting and we've been staring 'daily' at the same main hubs... Republic one being particularly ugly (looks like a Hutt capitol station rather than Republic...)


Can we get a fresh coat of paint for the 2 most visited locations in the game after 7 years? Especially seeing how the fleets were created in a rush prior to game's original release... Unifying the layout would help too... no point making it mirrored between Imp/Rep, it does nothing but confuse the players...

Edited by Pietrastor
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Personally, I'd rather they spent their time adding new content. They've redressed the fleets a few times as they've changed vendors around due to gearing changes, DvL, etc. so it's not as though it's been completely static the entire time.
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Personally, I'd rather they spent their time adding new content.



Let them focus on 6.0, hopefully 6.0 will be a rebirth of sorts and EA decide to give them more funding. Then, we can revisit any idea of "revamping" the fleets, though, I don't really care about this either way. I'd much rather another, neutral faction, or even a class later down the road, hypothetically speaking.

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7 years and counting and we've been staring 'daily' at the same main hubs... Republic one being particularly ugly (looks like a Hutt capitol station rather than Republic...)


Can we get a fresh coat of paint for the 2 most visited locations in the game after 7 years? Especially seeing how the fleets were created in a rush prior to game's original release... Unifying the layout would help too... no point making it mirrored between Imp/Rep, it does nothing but confuse the players...


I get what your saying *However, Right now BW really Cant do a lot of things at the same time.

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Can I have the Republic's lily pad ponds? I really like those. :)


I'd prefer new content, sure, but little improvements here and there are also most welcome, to me. Like this might be dating when I last ran a JK fully through a story, but last week when I was doing that, I discovered Scourge has barks on Makeb now. That made me very happy. :D

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They've added little things to the fleets here and there, as others have mentioned, like Copero posters and different vendors. I agree that the Republic fleet is aesthetically challenged (IMHO), but I'd still rather see them spend the energy adding new content.


If they added anything to the fleet I'd prefer it to be more vendors with new and interesting things to sell, like more merch to buy with DS/LS tokens.

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Why does a Fleet update have to be either/or with new content? We are getting a guild progression system that pretty much came out of nowhere and a new prelude and a new expac. I'm sure BW could do minor upgrades to the fleets.


Also, I agree that the mirrored nature of the fleets is annoying.

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Yeah, I agree.

The Republic Fleet could use some love. While I wholeheartedly dislike to play on Imp side due to the majority of immature and/or unfriendly people there (or at least way more than on Rep side) and mostly ugly characters and all, the Imp fleet, personal ships, etc. are really more beautifully desigmed. But after all that might only be my obession with black and red hehe.

Edited by Khaleg
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I'd rather just get some keyosks added as utility decorations, so I can load my daily and weekly quests from my stronghold, and never need to visit fleet again.


We have a lot of these hubs now that are bypassed by the content.. the capitol planets, fleet, temple planets, Odessan, and soon Iokath.


My opinion, Bioware should pick one, any of them, and make that base include everything.. or just let me do it from my stronghold.


Imagine, while Arcann and Thexon was wrecking the Republic and Empire, they just left this little floating fleet alone.

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Let them focus on 6.0, hopefully 6.0 will be a rebirth of sorts


A rebirth with the same old underwhelming fleets...


Sometimes, old content should be updated along too. You'll finish 6.0 stuff and return to the all too familiar area that never looked the part of the game's main hub(s) to begin with.

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I never liked the dingy style of Republic Fleet. However, that appears to be a common theme for Republic infrastructure of all types in the SW universe... since the movies first released back in the late 70s. So I'm not sure it is actually lore compliant to make Republic Fleet all shiny and squeaky clean like Imperial Fleet has always been.


That said.. I visit Fleet so seldom now days.... and I see a lot of players make a similar statement. Fleets were THE hub for players at launch.. but that has long since changed as expacs have released and new hubs added. Fleet just is not the population hub it used to be way back in the first couple years of the game. In fact.. like many MMOs.. players tend to aggregate at whatever new hub is added through an expansion.

Edited by Andryah
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Can I have the Republic's lily pad ponds? I really like those. :)


I'd prefer new content, sure, but little improvements here and there are also most welcome, to me. Like this might be dating when I last ran a JK fully through a story, but last week when I was doing that, I discovered Scourge has barks on Makeb now. That made me very happy. :D


Is he still silent like all the other companions in SoR? I think a few have ambient dialog but I was hoping for a verbal reaction to the whole Revan thing from Scourge himself. There was nothing. :(


Improvements are nice but fixing the mountain-sized bugs are more important to me.

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Is he still silent like all the other companions in SoR? I think a few have ambient dialog but I was hoping for a verbal reaction to the whole Revan thing from Scourge himself. There was nothing. :(


Improvements are nice but fixing the mountain-sized bugs are more important to me.


No, Scourge actually has barks now on Makeb. When you arrive with him on the station for the briefing he has a comment, and further into the maps, he does as well, I found most of the time, he speaks when an objective like blowing up supplies is done, he'll say something, not like the others who say something on the arrival. As for SoR, I don't know yet, I haven't had time to take my Jedi into it yet. I'm just finishing Makeb. If I come across any, I'll post back. :)

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Redoing fleet shouldn't be that resource intensive. We're not talking about a redesign of a game play mechanic or a whole new world here. Just some updated aesthetics and make spots the same for both imp and repub. Something they could easily do as a bonus in 1 patch...
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Why does a Fleet update have to be either/or with new content?




As things are heading back to Rep vs Imp surely each faction's Fleet would a) be a target for the other faction, and b) be due some upgrades.


This could be tied into the expansion story - with Space Combat and/or GSF missions against the opposing faction's Fleet and Fleet Supply Lines, and similar missions and traditional missions to gather resources for upgrades to your own faction's Fleet.


The only thing limiting what can be done here is imagination, and the story for SWTOR has been lacking that for quite some time unfortunately.



All The Best

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I never liked the dingy style of Republic Fleet. However, that appears to be a common theme for Republic infrastructure of all types in the SW universe... since the movies first released back in the late 70s. So I'm not sure it is actually lore compliant to make Republic Fleet all shiny and squeaky clean like Imperial Fleet has always been.


That said.. I visit Fleet so seldom now days.... and I see a lot of players make a similar statement. Fleets were THE hub for players at launch.. but that has long since changed as expacs have released and new hubs added. Fleet just is not the population hub it used to be way back in the first couple years of the game. In fact.. like many MMOs.. players tend to aggregate at whatever new hub is added through an expansion.


The dinginess is one of the things I like about the pub side. I've always been more drawn to sci-fi that has that aspect to it.


Can't remember the last time I went to fleet though.


Update it, don't up date it...I'm just along for the ride.

Edited by KamiSongheart
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I would love to see the main hubs re-done to look like their faction's architecture, similar to how the capital ships at Fleet maintain this aesthetic.


The Fleet hubs looked dated and poorly done compared to the rest of the game, which still looks great this many years later, in 1.0. It's long past time they get a significant revision of some kind. A few different wall decorations and NPCs/assets in booth areas isn't enough.


I tried to get a friend into the game earlier this year, and upon arriving on Imperial Fleet on his first character, he said, "This place looks like a bad mall!" I assured him the rest of the game looked a lot better. I can't imagine he's the only one with this reaction.


As a mini-hub, think of how Odessen looks comparatively. BW is fully capable of making a great looking main gathering area for each faction. It is unknown what is needed to substantially alter one that already exists, i.e. the main Fleet hubs, but it's hard for me to believe it's not reasonably possible.


This and a larger planet one can explore (like the 1.0-Makeb worlds) while the game still is reasonably active is what I'd like to see done with SWTOR, alongside a final push on story, one that includes FPs and an Operation (or two), to bring the story to a satisfying end as the game population slowly winds down over the next years. Better yet would be some real investment from EA to turn the game around, but I'm not expecting this.

Edited by arunav
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in game development you have different teams for different tasks.

but the teams you need for redoing the fleet are also needed in creating new content,

like new assets and entities.


so it is easy math.

"Teams" lol. The only group that has any "team" left at Bioware is the CM "team".

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in game development you have different teams for different tasks.

but the teams you need for redoing the fleet are also needed in creating new content,

like new assets and entities.


so it is easy math.

So let's have the texture guy work for a week on new Rep fleet's texture set instead of 5 more Cartel Market sets. I say it would be worthy 'investement' and keep more players in/get some back than 5 more CM sets on top of dozens already released every month.
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