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Thank you for increasing Ranked Weekly from 20 to 50 (Wins counts as x5 and not x2).


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So while testing big new content earlier during this week I noticed that the ranked weekly had it's numbered increased, instead of "Ranked Warzone Matches Played (Wins count x2): 0/20" it now said "Ranked Warzone Matches Played (Wins count x5): 0/50". I am very happy with this, having people play ranked only to gain the materials they gain from the weeklies is frustrating and ruins the warzone for 7 other players. Making it even worse is how common this is in Group Ranked, with players without shame making groups in General Chat on fleet for "mats farm", given it takes quite a bit of time to get a group ranked pop, getting into a match and having people just stand AFK or write /stuck isn't a great experiance.


Hopefully, with these changes, it will be far more uncommon for these type of game ruiner to be encountered while doing ranked.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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In the bad feeling podcast with PvP Devs David Demaree and Brett Hoffman a few months ago, they commented about ranked toxicity and said they agree it's a problem but that occasionally, if multiple different people in multiple different games comment on your lack of impact or contribution, the issue might be with the player not being ready. Continuously playing with these ranked "mats farmers" who have no intention of contributing is definitely a factor which can lead to frustration and player "lashing out".
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That has got to be one of the DUMBEST ideas the Devs have had to try & fix something they view as a problem!


Ranked WZ's have always been toxic! Increasing/decreasing things will not stop that PvP elitism that seems to flow with it.

But what this is going to kill even more is the group ranked queue that actually was fun & popping last season. For the first time since joining this game, years ago, I ran granked & it was fun.

Since S10 has started it's been very quiet in pops. This will just put the nail in the coffin.


PLEASE Devs change this!!

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I am pretty confident that having to play every day with players who have no intention to win or contribute is a huge issue which reduces the enjoyment from playing ranked, solo as well as group. This change will make it a lot more difficult and time-consuming to just do ranked just to farm the weeklies for the material gain, I agree that the gearing system as it stands is suboptimal.


At the same time I would prefer that we rather deal with that issue than with this "proxy" issue which is ranked weeklies.

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I'll just throw this out here as my view. I'm a tenuous PVP'er. i'll do it when the mood strikes, but its usually not my first choice. As things stand i'm running at best 50/50 on win/loss. With the current setup that means 13 or so matches a week (7 wins for 14 and 6 losses for the remainder). With the new setup i'm looking at 17 or so matches assuming i keep the same win/loss. With the potential for it to get astronomically bad. I just won't bother. There are probably alot of people like me who play seriously, try to learn, but are mediocre at best who will look at the change and drop out. I'd guess these changes will probably reduce the mat farmers. They'll also shrink your pool of middling players. They won't do a damned thing about trolls who intentionally throw. Good luck with your queue time.
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Although I see this as a deterrent, it's certainly not a solution.

CMTs are such a huge component of gearing across the game (both PvP and PvE) and will become even more so in 5.10. if I want the 364 CMTs it will take to craft ONE of my characters a gear set, I have 3 options:

- PvP "mat farm"

- /gquit my guild to join one of 2-3 massive conquest guilds (of which there are no spots left), grind my 15k personal goal and then hope at the end of the week, I get a decent RNG yield of CMTs to Encrypted memory cores.

- or open up command crates in hopes of getting bless by RNGesus there.


Only one of those options is (1) guaranteed/ RNG free and (2) yielding the right amount of reward for the work. I did conquest goals on three toons 2 weeks ago....and got 4 CMTs. 45k conquest points for 4 CMTs or 1 weekly for 5....


If yall want the "mat farmers" out of ranked, give them a place to get the mats they need. I don't want to do Ranked PvP for them, I dont want to be there as much as you dont want me there....but I have few other options. So here we are...

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I see this as a positive change that should reduce the people farming ranked for mats.

As someone who has considered it, now I know I won't be...ever.


20 isn't so bad to get the rewards.

20 would let me do it with multiple toons in the same week if I were so inclined.


50 per toon.

no, not a chance.


Just my $.02.

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I'm just curious on which dev is coming uo with these dumb ideas over and over again...


Actually, I just looked at the rest of the thread title.


With each Win counting as 5x...that just means the losing team will have to suffer more losses to complete the weekly, when the number of winning matches needed really stays the same.


This change only prolongs the agony for those poor souls unlucky enough to get grouped with a mat farmer that isn't contributing.


Suddenly, the change is looking less good to me.


and I don't even pvp.

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Honestly from a fundamental standpoint this is a good change. In a ranked environment there should not be any players who are just there to lose.

If you are trying to get better at PvP and want to get wins in ranked then you should be motivated enough to do it regardless of what rewards you get or how long it takes.

If you are a 'mat farmer' then honestly this change isn't a huge deal; efficient conquest farming within a guild who consistently places top 10 on a large yield planet (and most of these guilds are extremely welcoming to players who want to hit that conquest cap) is almost faster for farming mats than current live ranked anyway.


I will say though that this change will hurt the health of the ranked community. Mat farmers were a very unique player base in that they had extremely high tolerance for losses and would continue queuing until their daily or weekly was completed. As a result these players motivated a lot of the more average teams to stay in queue; mat farmers gave these teams some wins which made losing to more serious/skilled teams more tolerable. If/when mat farmers leave group ranked, the teams who are decent but not exceptionally good are going to be losing much more frequently and they'll likely lose motivation too.


I suppose it's down to picking the lesser of two evils..

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This a Very Stupid thing to do, although i do hundreds or more Un-ranked Warzones, only a bunch of jerks usually do Ranked, that are totally toxic and should never be allowed to play any game.


Everyone has a right to to Ranked WZ's to just get the materials they need, if people don't like it than change Ranked back to 6v8 the way it should be. It just means that there is more bs to go through. The Devs don't get that an MMO is supposed to be fun and to get away from the bs of real life. You guys need to listen, and you guys are not doing that.

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Not a good idea. Mildly put.


I play ranked only in mats farm group. Yet, I never go there with the intent of losing. I give it my best and I actually won several times. Maybe the other groups were also mats-farmers.


However, I do not do solo ranked. I do not care about rank and I do not stand the toxicity of it all. The only times when I did solo ranked I either regretted it or I played through with chat disabled.


Making 50 the weekly will make it harder for people that intentionally lose. Correct. But also for people that want to win, but are new to the game or learning or simply not so talented. That will profit the game how? The pops will be fewer, and the only people that will be in que will be the very hardcore ranked ones. That means that the matches will be tougher also for them, reaching the target will be tougher also for them. Again... how is this good for the game? I can't see it.


And I think the premises of this entire thread should be looked upon with more consideration. If I want to try ranked in my tank gear, I am asked to delete the game because I entered ranked other that a "shank". Is that what is wanted from ranked, for tanks? So, no, this change should not happen unless the ranked won't be free of cheats and exploits. make it work as intended and then punish people populating it with impure intentions.

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With this change coming will it even pop at all? And I dunno if you've ever been in a "mats" group for granked but around 95% of people that join these groups are actually trying to win and not /stucking it, even if the enemy is 1T 1H 2DD all 248/240. Though I have to admit that I don't know how it is in solo. cause there you can attack someone who's not a target for like 2% of his health and get yelled at it in the chat to the end of the round (Or even more if you meet the same person again O-o) and I'm not a big fan of solo in general. And maybe in there 50 is more appropriate than 20 to get rid of those who /stuck it or have no skill. Plus in granked it's team vs. team and if one team agreas to /stuck then the other team will get free rating, points and they can just queue again and maybe then find a real challange, so again I don't see how 20 is bad in granked ;D
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I think the fact that you are a mats farmer in ranked and dislike the change illustrates how it's actually a great change. :jawa_angel:

So, what's wrong with both wanting mats and trying to win matches? I play ranked because I like to but I also want to be able do other content. I have limited time during the week to play a game yet I like to be able to complete objectives. I also need mats for the content I am doing; (with 20 matches I barely have enough time to do it on 1 toon). I am not part of a regular group so at 50 matches for ranked weekly, I might join for a few matches if I can find a team (which will now be even more unlikely) but no more than that as there is no way I will have enough time to attain this objective. The queue will also just be longer. I might just skip it altogether.


Solo is just plain toxic.

Edited by Eriamea
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As some have already stated this problem is much more complex than we think. Fact is that the Group ranked pops have increased drastically ever since the people realized they can farm mats and it increased even more when people realized they will need the mats in 5.10


However, there are a few things to and @Mac has put it nicely that now we have 2 kinds of good PVPers in the ques. We have the elite guys who are in que to gain rating and they stomp over the opposition. Then we have the decent PVPers who also want rating and use the fact that they can farm "mat farmers" and occasionally get the elite PVPers and lose to them. So what keeps the que alive are basically the mat farmers cause without those, when the decent players realize there are no mat farmers in que and they will just be losing to the elite players, they will stop to que and the elite players will not get pops anymore and Group Ranked dies again.


So getting rid of mat farmers means they will get rid of Group Ranked! They need a general and motivating way to make group ranked more attractive which isn't exploitable like the mat farming now. However, this solution is not exactly it!

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Stupid thing ever. Ranked won't be popping up much more because of that. Why do they change something. It is fine the way ranked is going. Mat farmer are doing their stuff and groups getting some free wins between the real matches. What is the problem? Everyone is happy that ranked is popped and mat farmer getting their mats. Win win for me
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