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Maintenance: October 23rd, 2018


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Hey folks,


I want to start by thanking all of you again for your patience today, certainly an extended maintenance like this is not something we want to have happen and prolonging our downtime like that is not a decision we make lightly. Let's talk about what happened.


If you look at our patch notes it looks like this entire downtime was just to push out a small update containing one change. Although that was a part of our planned downtime, it was just a very small portion. The majority of our downtime today was actually for some backend updates that we needed to make. During our testing of those backend updates it became clear there was a fairly severe account level issue. This issue impacted everything from access to our website to in-game purchases. We looked for a few opportunities to come online while leaving some services down (such as the website) but ultimately this would have been too risky to your accounts. What I mean by risk is that it could have put your account in a potentially bad state, which is not a safe thing.


We were able to resolve the underlying issue and confirmed that things are all good for accounts. Thanks everyone.




Thank you. I for one am glad you took the time to fix this as I would rather not have any risks to my account.

Edited by casirabit
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Hey folks,


I want to start by thanking all of you again for your patience today, certainly an extended maintenance like this is not something we want to have happen and prolonging our downtime like that is not a decision we make lightly. Let's talk about what happened.


If you look at our patch notes it looks like this entire downtime was just to push out a small update containing one change. Although that was a part of our planned downtime, it was just a very small portion. The majority of our downtime today was actually for some backend updates that we needed to make. During our testing of those backend updates it became clear there was a fairly severe account level issue. This issue impacted everything from access to our website to in-game purchases. We looked for a few opportunities to come online while leaving some services down (such as the website) but ultimately this would have been too risky to your accounts. What I mean by risk is that it could have put your account in a potentially bad state, which is not a safe thing.


We were able to resolve the underlying issue and confirmed that things are all good for accounts. Thanks everyone.




I thought you spilled your coffee over the server Eric :D

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I understand things happen and you can't foresee all possible issues once patches are placed on live servers - even after running them through test. The issue I had today was that Conquest has a very narrow time frame between end of week and start of the next week - 1 hour. For those of us running Guild contests pertaining to Conquest, we need to be able to check the final rankings to determine winners once Conquest ends. This was never an issue when Conquest ended on Monday. If a patch on Tuesday ran long, no impact, no problem. Today, however we lost all visibility of last weeks rankings thus we could not reward our guild members after they put in the effort throughout the week. Is there any chance of putting this back the way it used to be, ending the week on Monday? Downtime happens. I get it. That's not my concern here.
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There's nothing to be gained for the forums or anybody by pointing it out. The higher intellect would move on.


It's not about intellect, it's laziness. There's now two generations of human beings who have grown up with information being handed to them where it's no longer necessary to spend time sussing out details on one's own, barely so much as to involve a search engine any more, so whenever there's a slight requirement to dig for facts, people don't bother.

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There's nothing to be gained for the forums or anybody by pointing it out. The higher intellect would move on.


It's not about intellect, it's about not letting complete nonsense go unchallenged in a forum discussion. ;)


Forum Grumpy Bears thrive on drive by hyperbole, emotional venting and completely ignoring facts and information. They count on other people not responding so they can continue to peddle their fake outrage and narratives unhindered.


The forum member in question here clearly saw the first page, saw the servers come up late, did not read further and then proceeded to put 2 and 2 together and came up with 3.14 in support of their circular conclusions and misunderstanding.

Edited by Andryah
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It's not about intellect, it's about not letting complete nonsense go unchallenged in a forum discussion. ;)


I'd contend that the intelligent has a responsibility to not let it pass. When bullsh** goes unchallenged it pervades and becomes normalized.

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I'd contend that the intelligent has a responsibility to not let it pass. When bullsh** goes unchallenged it pervades and becomes normalized.


^^ 100% agreement from me on this kodrac. :)


I will respond to posts in topics I am not even really invested in.. simply because what am responding to is so over the top silly it cannot be left to stand unchallenged. Not everyone posts in this forum, but many people do read it.. and leaving crazy statements unrebutted simply leaves a mess of misinformation for the casual forum reader.

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Hey folks,


I want to start by thanking all of you again for your patience today, certainly an extended maintenance like this is not something we want to have happen and prolonging our downtime like that is not a decision we make lightly. Let's talk about what happened.


If you look at our patch notes it looks like this entire downtime was just to push out a small update containing one change. Although that was a part of our planned downtime, it was just a very small portion. The majority of our downtime today was actually for some backend updates that we needed to make. During our testing of those backend updates it became clear there was a fairly severe account level issue. This issue impacted everything from access to our website to in-game purchases. We looked for a few opportunities to come online while leaving some services down (such as the website) but ultimately this would have been too risky to your accounts. What I mean by risk is that it could have put your account in a potentially bad state, which is not a safe thing.


We were able to resolve the underlying issue and confirmed that things are all good for accounts. Thanks everyone.




you must seriously start to consider making maintances in different times so that not alwas EU players suffer from them. Why it is always all maintenances and patches are being implemented during EU main play time? You must change the time for updates time-to-time so that some of the updates were made during USA main time, some during EU main time. For now ALL updates are being made during only EU main time which is bad and intolerable

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I'd contend that the intelligent has a responsibility to not let it pass. When bullsh** goes unchallenged it pervades and becomes normalized.


First you're making assumptions as so many others on this forum do. Second, it's a video game forum, which makes that particular responsibility petty and unnecessary (not that I haven't probably done it myself at times).


Obviously, it's not below some which questions their intellect. If this is where you need to challenge the "nonsense" perhaps you yourself have become the nonsense. In other words, there's bigger fish and more important fish to waste your time on. Or maybe not.


Let's agree to disagree. I want to go back to being silly.

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First you're making assumptions as so many others on this forum do. Second, it's a video game forum, which makes that particular responsibility petty and unnecessary (not that I haven't probably done it myself at times).


Obviously, it's not below some which questions their intellect. If this is where you need to challenge the "nonsense" perhaps you yourself have become the nonsense. In other words, there's bigger fish and more important fish to waste your time on. Or maybe not.


Let's agree to disagree. I want to go back to being silly.


Eh, it was a general statement: see b.s. call it out for what it is so it doesn't spread. Not intended as an insult to anyone's intelligence. But you're right, let's go back to being silly. It's more fun that way.

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you must seriously start to consider making maintances in different times so that not alwas EU players suffer from them. Why it is always all maintenances and patches are being implemented during EU main play time? You must change the time for updates time-to-time so that some of the updates were made during USA main time, some during EU main time. For now ALL updates are being made during only EU main time which is bad and intolerable

It's never going to happen. This game's primary player base and location is in the USA. I'm in Britain (just about still in the EU) and it is annoying that those of us over the Atlantic miss out, but it's been like this since launch. SWTOR does not have a Blizzard level budget to be able to run maintenance based on player/server location like Blizzard games do. We can moan all we like; it's not going to change. I have to say I have got a lot of reading/catching up on boxsets when the downtime affects us during what would be our prime time for play :D

Edited by Sarova
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I understand things happen and you can't foresee all possible issues once patches are placed on live servers - even after running them through test. The issue I had today was that Conquest has a very narrow time frame between end of week and start of the next week - 1 hour. For those of us running Guild contests pertaining to Conquest, we need to be able to check the final rankings to determine winners once Conquest ends. This was never an issue when Conquest ended on Monday. If a patch on Tuesday ran long, no impact, no problem. Today, however we lost all visibility of last weeks rankings thus we could not reward our guild members after they put in the effort throughout the week. Is there any chance of putting this back the way it used to be, ending the week on Monday? Downtime happens. I get it. That's not my concern here.


I agree, this does present a problem for those of us who reward our hard working guild members who participate in Conquest. Can we please go back to ending on Monday?

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