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I wish



that the Gravestone wasn't destroyed and that we could use that as a decorated stronghold with hooks and put our original class story ship in its bay and use the Gravestone to navigate between planets




but that won't happen now so perhaps...



during the next expansion we can stumble upon a prototype (or twin) of the Gravestone and use that as our new ship, with hooks, and allow us to enter and leave that ship using our personal starship.

This is October, release of 6.0 isn't until December... devs got time for this one... yeah...



Edited by xordevoreaux
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Doesn't make much sense from the story pov, but maybe it's a

unfinished, crappy version of Zildrog's ship that doesn't have any weapons or armament but functionally looks the same.


We could say we built a new one based on files recovered from the previous version / Iokath.

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Well time to figure out some lore... let’s see if I have this right.

The eternal fleet, scorpios, etc are from iokath...

The gravestone, zakul knights etc are zildrog...


Iokath invaded, zakull lost, dreadstones a a derelict we find... at some point valkorian finds zakul, creates the eternal throne, via Iokath tech... Scorpio learns secrets of Iokath, but I’ll assume thats just history data files


All that said, or guessed, I don’t think we will rebuild the gravestone

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I’m still working out the details in my head of how valkurion fits in with zakul...


I love this bit of distraction... writers telling stories that possibly make sense at the time, and then we move to the next story.


To a degree, it’s getting beyond poor writing when they just keep creating super races... the gree, rakata, the star forge, now add in Iokath.


Back when this was still Star Wars, we was after a Sith Lord so powerful he could perform a ritual and kill an entire planet of life, ziost. So did we kill the emperor, or hand of the emperor... who did Revan revive... why ziost at all... valkorian was on zakul the whole time. This dark lord of immense power, on zakul, did make sense at the time... supposedly he builds this great eternal empire... turns out he didn’t build it at all..


So, without ignoring Iokath, and this current part on th e timeline, I’m back to why did valkorian unleash the eternal throne on the empire and republic at all, what took so long


So the empire and republic are fighting again.... another distraction while we wait for the next superpower from some ancient dead species.

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I’m back to why did valkorian unleash the eternal throne on the empire and republic at all.


We get some impression that Marr follows the emperor into lesser-known deep space, which is where we are at the beginning of chapter one of KOTFE, but I far as I remember, there was zero explanation why in chapter one Marr's ship ever encountered the probe.


There was certainly no indication that Valkorian wanted to do anything more than sit back and leave the Sith empire and the Republic alone, especially when he says in ch. 2 that the Empire isn't worth saving and the Republic isn't worth destroying. That attitude probably would have continued indefinitely. We certainly didn't hear Valkorian say "and now I'm going to reclaim everything."


The moment when

Arcann kills Valkorian

is the turning point in terms of Zakuul's motivation, under a new ruler, but even, really, under Arcann, for as many times as I've played through KOTFE, I never really got a strong sense that the Eternal Empire ever develops any real reason to go hell-bent after either the Empire or Republic. Just because it's there?

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Or... we could receive simply a ship Stronghold, like a Terminus-Class Destroyer or a Thranta-class Corvette :) that way the massively overpowered Gravestone can remain as it currently is... a perfectly beautiful heap of spacejunk :D Edited by Ylliarus
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Or... we could receive simply a ship Stronghold, like a Terminus-Class Cruiser or a Thranta-class Corvette :) that way the massively overpowered Gravestone can remain as it currently is... a perfectly beautiful heap of spacejunk :D


The ultimate ship, really, would be our own functional decoratation-capable copy of the fleet main vessel, but I'd be happy with a revamped Gravestone.

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The ultimate ship, really, would be our own functional decoratation-capable copy of the fleet main vessel, but I'd be happy with a revamped Gravestone.


But wouldn't you want a nice big shippy like Darth Marr had, hmm? That one looked really nice and generally I love the design of the Imperial ships!


Hmm, what if the Harrower-class Dreadnoughts guilds can get would also become available for personal SHs? Same for the Valor on Repside?

Edited by Ylliarus
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But wouldn't you want a nice big shippy like Darth Marr had, hmm? That one looked really nice and generally I love the design of the Imperial ships!


Hmm, what if the Harrower-class Dreadnoughts guilds can get would also become available for personal SHs? Same for the Valor on Repside?

How about a mission where you can steal the ship that's parked inside the Balmorran Arms factory? Could be amusing for Pubside saboteurs and Impside loyalists in post-Ossus.

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