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I want friendly fire in pvp


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PVP with friendly fire would be awesome, think about it.


I could betray my team mates, and kill them off. That would be so awesome.


No you don't. It causes so much trouble and problems that you'd end up getting banned, permanently. WoTs, WoPs, WoWS, Armored Warfare, and others ALLOW that to happen. They do not promote team killing and they have rules against it. However, they do not stop it from happening. You can get killed by accident because someone dropped arty on your or fired torpedoes at a target that crosses your path you're sailing. Boom, dead.


And there's nothing you can do about it. This is what you want? If so, go play Wargaming's games. I'm sure you'd enjoy that until they delete your account.

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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This is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game not a first person shooter.


Gameplay combat is vastly different in an MMO, there is no precision or need for trigger discipline. The only things the game allows you to hit are hostiles or limited neutral npcs.


I too prefer hardcore servers and very low time to kill games in shooters. I only play on friendly fire enabled servers.


Day of Infamy for World War 2

Insurgency: Sandstorm for modern time setting




if you prefer to solo gameplay or squad level coop, there's Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Wildlands is a military version of Grand Theft Auto. Military grade hardware, tactics, stealth, AI teammates and the game features RPG elements. I was presently surprised by Wildlands.


In the week of September 18, 2018 (three weeks ago) there was a Ubisoft publisher sale and Wildlands was 60% off at 19.99 $USD



If I hadn't purchased and binged on Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 during a Steam sale in 2011, I doubt I would be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic today. The very first toons I played were Imperial Agent Operative and Republic Trooper. I couldn't see myself playing any jedi class after my many playthroughs in a third person shooter, Mass Effect.


My first few years in The Old Republic, all I had were Agents, Troopers, Smugglers and some Bounty Hunters. I really was all about "hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster" and around the same time LucasArt's first non-jedi singleplayer story game in a long time, 1313, got cancelled.


It's going to be years until another Star Wars game without jedi pop up.The only non-jedi games we've had were Dark Forces (1995), Shadows of the Empire (1997) , Republic Commando (2005). (barring flight sim games) It's kind of rough being a fan of the franchise but simultaneously not like space hobos with magic powers.


Jennifer Hale's voice over made Female Trooper a no brainer. I ran a female Shepard through both mass effect games and slightly modified one of the many Kate Beckinsale faces from masseffect2faces.com 100% sure I used Faith Shepard preset, no hairmod or effects, I used the creation code in Mass Effect 1 and imported the save as is to ME2. ME1 didn't support the special hair and face customization mods.

Edited by Falensawino
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PVP with friendly fire would be awesome, think about it.


I could betray my team mates, and kill them off. That would be so awesome.


okay let's assume that it is implimented. for 10 straight matches in a row in one day, you play pvp and you are killed over and over by the same player simply because they are bored and want to stalk you, so you end up with a record breaking friendly fire death count. you shrung it off.


after 3 months and in more than 80% of the matches on different characters on the same account, the same person has killed your by friendly fire everytime and you alone. pretty soon even you will get so bored of it that you wouldn't want anything more to do with it.


please, you have no idea what it is you are asking for.

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PVP with friendly fire would be awesome, think about it.


I could betray my team mates, and kill them off. That would be so awesome.


You'd want it until you're the victim of some newb who can't tell the difference between you and a hole in the ground and kills you while you're in the middle of trying to get something done.

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People already have a hard time getting out of enemy AOEs... let's not make the situation any worse. Jokes aside I don't think this would be a very viable option for SWTOR, it might work with other games but personally I think it would make things too messy.
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PVP with friendly fire would be awesome, think about it.


I could betray my team mates, and kill them off. That would be so awesome.


That seems a little sadistic.....:eek:


I venture to say that you would QUICKLY get labeled as a Jerk, a Trouble maker and would wind up on the "DO NOT INVITE EVER!" list, never again to be able to join any group be it PvP, Op's or anything.


This is what you want?

Very strange indeed.... but each to his own I guess.:rolleyes:


In short this would NOT be a good idea as NOBODY would enjoy it (except the one doing the killing). It also has the potential of being abused (aka... Greefing) to the point of frustration and anger, thus this is a very bad idea and should not in any way be considered.... Period.

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okay let's assume that it is implimented. for 10 straight matches in a row in one day, you play pvp and you are killed over and over by the same player simply because they are bored and want to stalk you, so you end up with a record breaking friendly fire death count. you shrung it off.


after 3 months and in more than 80% of the matches on different characters on the same account, the same person has killed your by friendly fire everytime and you alone. pretty soon even you will get so bored of it that you wouldn't want anything more to do with it.


please, you have no idea what it is you are asking for.


^^ yep.


It would be a griefers chaotic paradise.. not to mention people being paid by opposing players to essentially throw a match by killing off team mates... and of course... when someone does not like the way a match is going.. instead of leaving.. they just start killing team mates.


Atrocious idea.

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I venture to say that you would QUICKLY get labeled as a Jerk, a Trouble maker and would wind up on the "DO NOT INVITE EVER!" list, never again to be able to join any group be it PvP, Op's or anything.


I would venture to say that the OP would quickly be on everyone's "kill on sight" list. :D


Probably even get lots of invites to PvP groups.. just so they can kill him immediately and do a happy dance on his corpse and then camp him for the rest of the match.... probably both sides would camp him.

Edited by Andryah
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Gankers and trolls would be more than happy over this feature.


I second this. I cannot support this idea speaking as someone who - always - without fail will fire on his own team going all the way back to Golden Eye... I think Golden Eye had friendly fire, if not than let's say Halo one.


It's a terrible idea. It might make for some amusing videos on youtube, but friendly fire - never - works out.

Edited by TyonYlle
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Will my AoE heals then also heal everyone around me? You know, for evening out the odds.

Omg nothing would ever die.


You could friendly pt/sin pull ball carriers to line, or mara/pt leap to friendlies with the ball.


Imagine the dot-spread dps numbers.

Just dot all 16 players in your WZ, brag about your billion dps and complain about everyone in your team dying too fast.


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PVP with friendly fire would be awesome, think about it.


I could betray my team mates, and kill them off. That would be so awesome.


World of Tanks used to have friendly fire with artillery, and you could also push friendly tanks off cliffs or into lakes, or just knock their aim off by ramming them, but the griefing got so bad that matches became unplayable. The only people that were having any fun where the ones doing the griefing. Those are the types of people who deserve to have their home address publicly displayed so that other players can come pay them a visit, with a baseball bat. Needless to say, droves of players quit playing until the game studio eventually fixed it and disabled friendly fire and friendly pushing.

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