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Game Update 5.10 Developer Livestream Notes


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Hi everyone, for those who are not able to watch the developer livestream for Patch 5.10, I have noted down all the important details. The patch is coming in December (no specific date given), features master mode GFTM, iL 252/258 gear new planet w/ daily area & datacrons, new storyline, new characters and returning companions.



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Thank you so much for posting the notes!


A lot of that PvE/story stuff made me squee inside, and I really hope they weren't joking about Khem Val because I do have a character that is "romancing" him and it would be amazing if they actually did something with that.


Same gender romance with Jaesa, another character has been waiting for that for a loooong time.


Always thought these things would never happen, I'm taken aback that they were even considering these things at all.


Lots of other stuff I saw in there looks great, too, if it happens. Honestly haven't looked this forward to a patch in a very long time!



Big thumbs down on the gear/gearing though. It's yet another alt-unfriendly grind that I can live without, but if that actually brings people back to the game, I guess I'm for it on that level.

Edited by aerockyul
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I watched it and was sure near the end Eric said 5.10 was coming at the end of November. That must have been for something else.


I was really hoping they would do something like they have for Doc's return - looking forward to that.


EDIT: Was Keith really serious about Khem Val returning as a romance? I have a friend who would love that! I can't see the attraction myself.

Edited by Sarova
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I really hope they up the bolster in pvp with these new tiers coming out. I'm not really one for pve and that grind for the new tier is absolutely ridiculous. I wish they would just give us pvp gear back. I'm tired of doing pve to keep geared up for pvp when pvp is all I want to do.
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I really hope they up the bolster in pvp with these new tiers coming out. I'm not really one for pve and that grind for the new tier is absolutely ridiculous. I wish they would just give us pvp gear back. I'm tired of doing pve to keep geared up for pvp when pvp is all I want to do.

You have a point - PvPers should not be forced into PvE to get gear and vice versa. Didn't they confirm in the Livestream that one particular required mat onlydrops in MM Gods from the Machine? This means that PvPers and soloers/casuals will be excluded yet based on previous experience, will most likely need that level of gear just to get through some of the new level 70 content or compete in higher level PvP. I think it's a bad move. They should bring back (or bring in) PvP only gear. Hopefully feedback from the PTS will help.

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You have a point - PvPers should not be forced into PvE to get gear and vice versa. Didn't they confirm in the Livestream that one particular required mat onlydrops in MM Gods from the Machine? This means that PvPers and soloers/casuals will be excluded yet based on previous experience, will most likely need that level of gear just to get through some of the new level 70 content or compete in higher level PvP. I think it's a bad move. They should bring back (or bring in) PvP only gear. Hopefully feedback from the PTS will help.


They also said something like a small drop rate from crates or stuff so i guess thats a thing again :rolleyes:

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They also said something like a small drop rate from crates or stuff so i guess thats a thing again :rolleyes:

Wasn't that for the created armour and not the exclusive mat? I'm going to have to do the new daily area on the PTS just to see how crafting the new tier works for non-raiders.

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I watched it and was sure near the end Eric said 5.10 was coming at the end of November. That must have been for something else.


I was really hoping they would do something like they have for Doc's return - looking forward to that.


EDIT: Was Keith really serious about Khem Val returning as a romance? I have a friend who would love that! I can't see the attraction myself.


I've been head canon-ing my sorceress with Khem from almost launch lol. :o

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Too Much Information, Luna :p


I know. :p


Somewhere back in the early days someone made a thread about things we did in game and were ashamed to admit to or something like that and I admitted it back then and people thought I was a pervy nut lol.

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You have a point - PvPers should not be forced into PvE to get gear and vice versa. Didn't they confirm in the Livestream that one particular required mat onlydrops in MM Gods from the Machine? This means that PvPers and soloers/casuals will be excluded yet based on previous experience, will most likely need that level of gear just to get through some of the new level 70 content or compete in higher level PvP. I think it's a bad move. They should bring back (or bring in) PvP only gear. Hopefully feedback from the PTS will help.


If they make gear grinding worse than it is now, and also gate new gear behind PVE/Ops I am done.


No idle threat here, I left once for close to two years before coming back after they turned the gear system inside out with 5.0, and if they decide to make it worse a second time I will have to take my time and gaming elsewhere.


I PVP and find the PVE on this game utterly awful. By removing ways to gear up they are limiting how we play which doesn't make much sense to me but neither does many choices they have made in the past.


Oh well. Cross that bridge when it gets here. :D

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Thanks for the notes! One thing I didn't really see pointed out was that they said all alliance alerts will also be autocompleted for ossus. I'm assuming this even means the star fortress stuff. This is a pretty big change since you were able to keep those through iokath and the traitor arc even if it didn't make sense storywise.
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Thanks for this, Dulfy. "Saboteur and Loyalist" is interesting. Sounds like it's not similar to Iokath -- Imps running around in Pub territory, and vice-versa. Still, potential for head cannon based on a character's class. I hope Ossus is a good sized map, and not a maze or broken up like Iokath. "Khem Val – Only available if you sided with Khem Val during the Sith storyline." Only one version of Khem returning. I've missed the morose monster, and never warmed up to Ak'ghal Usar, whom I refer to as "fake Khem."
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So can we romance Khem for real? Asking for a friend. Who's me. I have odd curiosities so I'd likely try it out. Send help because damn those teeth. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Reading through the notes since I missed the stream it sounds like only Jaesa and Nadia will have that option. Why not Doc?


Oh and why are all 3 female NPCs attractive while the 2 males we can see are very not? First they forget to add new male dancer decos, now they forget to add attractive male NPCs. Hello! The player base is more diverse than hetero men :mad:

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Can you access the new story and planet if you are preferred?


I'm pretty sure they said all you had to be was level 70. So basically had to be a subscriber at some point to get to level 70 but don't have to have a current sub.


Reading through the notes since I missed the stream it sounds like only Jaesa and Nadia will have that option. Why not Doc?


Oh and why are all 3 female NPCs attractive while the 2 males we can see are very not? First they forget to add new male dancer decos, now they forget to add attractive male NPCs. Hello! The player base is more diverse than hetero men :mad:


Well they said Jonas Balkar was going to be the Republic-sided contact, he's not bad looking! Although it is funny that the ugly aliens are always male. If they're female they always gotta make them at least somewhat hot. The only exception I can think of is Treek.

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Reading through the notes since I missed the stream it sounds like only Jaesa and Nadia will have that option. Why not Doc?


Oh and why are all 3 female NPCs attractive while the 2 males we can see are very not? First they forget to add new male dancer decos, now they forget to add attractive male NPCs. Hello! The player base is more diverse than hetero men :mad:


It may just be me, but I think Doc has already been established as such an avid skirt chaser, it would go against who he is and the previous writing about him. In short, I think Doc is too far gone as a womanizer, whereas I don't think it was as firmly established with Jaesa or Nadia about who they're into, even if they can romance males.


I agree...I'm rather disgusted by all the women and aliens brought into the story as NPCs. I'd like to have some appealing new male characters too. Jonas is a step in the right direction, but it's a bit unbalanced when in the Darkside/Lightside event we got two females as quest rewards--the Jedi and the Sith and now in this story there is *another* female Jedi and another female Sith character as the main characters and aliens to fill out the rest. That is my biggest pet peeve about this new material.


Hey Bioware, it's not just dudes that play this y'know.

Edited by Lunafox
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They also said something like a small drop rate from crates or stuff so i guess thats a thing again :rolleyes:


And the more you use unassembled components the more expensive they get instead of having just a set price. The whole thing is dumb. Sucks to be a pure pvper that wants little to do with pve.

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They teased Khem Val romance? They teased Khem Val romance. wait what

....I didn't even know I wanted this. 10/10 update ROFL


Maybe I missed it, did anyone happen to catch if there was any mention of level-cap increase on 6.0? Or anywhere in the future?

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.... I'm not really one for pve and that grind for the new tier is absolutely ridiculous. <snip> I'm tired of doing pve to keep geared up for pvp when pvp is all I want to do.


It’s a good way to make pure pvp people stop playing.

Edited by Totemdancer
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