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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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I'm quite surprised at people going as far as calling Lana a sexual predator... I mean if we have to be rational here..


Yeah that surprises me as well. She's done nothing of the sort. That one single scene does not a sexual predator make and even then it was just a badly set up scene by writers/animators not something intentional.

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Yeah that surprises me as well. She's done nothing of the sort. That one single scene does not a sexual predator make and even then it was just a badly set up scene by writers/animators not something intentional.


Indeed. I mean to hate a character so much to start making up things so you can hate it even more? What is even the point? Reminds me of the stupid people calling Arcann Hitler or Doc a sexual assaulter as well.

I'm just astounded by the amount of irrational stupidity. I can't even.

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Most people I've seen talking about this issue aren't upset that it's Lana in particular but that it's anyone (other than their LI if they have one) just hanging around in their bedroom whilst they sleep. I happen to agree and I like Lana. Even the ones who dislike Lana would probably find it creepy if anyone other than their character's LI were there - it just grates on them more because it was Lana.


Yep, I think there are only a determined few who insist it's a reason to dislike Lana personally. Otherwise it's a writing issue, not a Lana issue.

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Neither Senya nor Arcann had ever used that particular holocron either. It was locked away in a vault on Nathema and as it's highly unlikely Valkorion ever told them about his past he likely wouldn't have wanted them to interact with the ghost of his long dead biological father. I also find it highly unlikely he let many people into his super secret vaults.

They use it during the last fight in the throne room to get in your mind to help you fight Valkorion, if they're still alive, so it would've made sense for them to figure out how it works, alongside Lana.


That's actually quite interesting--you aren't singling out Lana, you just don't want someone lurking about your room. Makes perfect sense. Thanks for answering!


P.S. My JK gets along well with Lana, too, for the same reasons.

Yep, the reason may vary from one character to the other, for both my Sith for instance that could just be not letting someone close to them at a moment where they're vulnerable, as they're not really trusting to anybody.

For my JK, that would mainly be that she doesn't easily let people really get that close, especially for more private space / moments, even Theron had a hard time with that :D

Edited by Goreshaga
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Indeed. I mean to hate a character so much to start making up things so you can hate it even more? What is even the point? Reminds me of the stupid people calling Arcann Hitler or Doc a sexual assaulter as well.

I'm just astounded by the amount of irrational stupidity. I can't even.


There is a lot of irrational stupidity out there, to be sure. However, as much as I like Arcann (I've romanced him on two characters and at least saved him on all but one dark side character), he is a genocidal maniac during his dark days as emperor. He kills millions and millions and millions of people/beings/whatever. Once he's redeemed he feels terrible about it, but pre-redeemed Arcann is seriously guilty of war crimes and stays that way if he's not redeemed.


As for Doc...there's no evidence he's sexually assaulted anyone. That would be a weird thing to accuse him off. He's just an unrepentant sexual harasser, until love supposedly changes him. Some people find that cute about him and think it's just harmless flirting. Fine. But others don't. For both Arcann and Doc reasonable minds can disagree. Of course, you could say that about most of the companions (I love Theron and I know there are people out there who want to kill him just because of his hair). Which is why it's okay if people hate Lana, as long as they don't turn her into something she's not.

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They use it during the last fight in the throne room to get in your mind to help you fight Valkorion, if they're still alive, so it would've made sense for them to figure out how it works, alongside Lana.


But they hadn't used it previous to that point in time. Also, why would they study it alongside Lana? It's not like they knew they were going to have to use it. That whole thing with Valkorion in your head and using the holocron wasn't exactly part of the plan.

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I have a miniscule amount of hope that Bioware might be changing in their stance of companion death meaning their removal from a story. They have said that Theron's story isn't done and then they did give us a tiny bit of content with Arcann.



This! I've tried to give solid evidence to prove the "once dead/gone always bricked" argument is nonsense. I've stated a million times I don't want to kill her, I've stated that I do not treat her poorly just because I don't like her, and I've stated that those who want her should keep her. I just want her to leave my PC's alone.



PS I never thought of her as a sexual predator. Just a 10 year old with a bad crush.

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This! I've tried to give solid evidence to prove the "once dead/gone always bricked" argument is nonsense. I've stated a million times I don't want to kill her, I've stated that I do not treat her poorly just because I don't like her, and I've stated that those who want her should keep her. I just want her to leave my PC's alone.



PS I never thought of her as a sexual predator. Just a 10 year old with a bad crush.


Other than that tiny bit of content with Arcann, dead/gone *has* meant bricked for everyone. I mean, they've said


Theron's story isn't done but that doesn't mean they'll follow through with him having more content. If ... IF ... IF ... they start providing more content for companions that can be killed then sure, fine they can kill whoever and I won't complain. But that's a pretty big "if" ... actually that's as large as the forum will let me set the font size or it'd have been bigger.

Edited by Elessara
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But there has been conformation from the devs that they are looking at opportunities to un-brick characters. So this whole "You want to ruin my game because if you tell Lana to go, I'll never have anything with her again," is not necessarily true. I have great hopes for 5.10 and the next expansion.
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But there has been conformation from the devs that they are looking at opportunities to un-brick characters. So this whole "You want to ruin my game because if you tell Lana to go, I'll never have anything with her again," is not necessarily true. I have great hopes for 5.10 and the next expansion.


They've "looked at opportunities" to do a lot of things. Until they actually start un-bricking companions, I wish people would cool it for the cries for kill options.

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I'm quite surprised at people going as far as calling Lana a sexual predator... I mean if we have to be rational here..

If anyone is, then that's outright ridiculous. Yeah, it is an awkward scene when you wake up to find her in your room without any further context being provided--I found that creepy too (not saying Lana IS creepy, the act itself was)--but that doesn't make her a sexual predator. I still feel she simply has a slightly awkward personality altogether, a person who isn't as easily understood or embraced as other personalities. Or, as someone once suggested, Lana has a hint of autism to her and she doesn't do well with personal and social cues and boundaries. The occurrence was strange but hardly done with ill intent. I'm just glad I wasn't in the middle of anything with Theron while she snuck in. :p


Thing is, people will go with whatever fits their personal agenda and narrative and not always intentionally. A person who already dislikes Lana will easily consider that scene as yet another reason for why Lana sucks. Someone who likes Lana will be more forgiving. It's that way with all companions really. Someone who fell for Arcann right of the bat will be more forgiving toward his actions and defend them than someone who instantly loathed him. Gaps, inconsistencies, thoughtlessness, and laziness in story writing don't help matters either.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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If anyone is, then that's outright ridiculous. Yeah, it is an awkward scene when you wake up to find her in your room without any further context being provided--I found that creepy too (not saying Lana IS creepy, the act itself was)--but that doesn't make her a sexual predator. I still feel she simply has a slightly awkward personality altogether, a person who isn't as easily understood or embraced as other personalities. Or, as someone once suggested, Lana has a hint of autism to her and she doesn't do well with personal and social cues and boundaries. The occurrence was strange but hardly done with ill intent. I'm just glad I wasn't in the middle of anything with Theron while she snuck in. :p


Thing is, people will go with whatever fits their personal agenda and narrative and not always intentionally. A person who already dislikes Lana will easily consider that scene as yet another reason for why Lana sucks. Someone who likes Lana will be more forgiving. It's that way with all companions really. Someone who fell for Arcann right of the bat will be more forgiving toward his actions and defend them than someone who instantly loathed him. Gaps, inconsistencies, thoughtlessness, and laziness in story writing don't help matters either.


Fair enough! In terms of defending Arcann's actions, they're hard to defend! I myself have a hard time with finding fictional characters so horrible to the point that I start comparing them to real life situations or people. Arcann did what he did, it's bad, I've liked more disturbed characters!! If I like said character, I like it. The story just adds to it? Maybe that's my bias, /shrug


But then again, maybe it's just the same for others who hate a character, and then everything adds to it too?

I do have a problem with calling characters something that they are just not, such as sexual predator. That's beyond ridiculous!

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Fair enough! In terms of defending Arcann's actions, they're hard to defend! I myself have a hard time with finding fictional characters so horrible to the point that I start comparing them to real life situations or people. Arcann did what he did, it's bad, I've liked more disturbed characters!! If I like said character, I like it. The story just adds to it? Maybe that's my bias, /shrug


But then again, maybe it's just the same for others who hate a character, and then everything adds to it too?

I do have a problem with calling characters something that they are just not, such as sexual predator. That's beyond ridiculous!

I think so, yeah. It feeds into whatever opinion you already have and just kind of snowballs. Not in all cases but often.


People do take their hatred too far at times. I partially understand it--if you already hate a character then it doesn't take much for that character to anger you further and their breathing alone can make you want to punch them--but that doesn't excuse some of the asinine, over the top terminology used for these characters.

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I think so, yeah. It feeds into whatever opinion you already have and just kind of snowballs. Not in all cases but often.


People do take their hatred too far at times. I partially understand it--if you already hate a character then it doesn't take much for that character to anger you further and their breathing alone can make you want to punch them--but that doesn't excuse some of the asinine, over the top terminology used for these characters.


No indeed. It only aggravates others and said person themselves. Which is why threads such as these only do the forums a disservice.

Edited by Eshvara
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Every single one of my characters, whether rational / irrational. Whether they like Lana, romance Lana, dislike Lana always interpreted that scene on Iokath the following way:


She has demonstrable / incontrovertible evidence that someone is trying to kill me and she doesn't know who. Damn right she's going to guard my butt because she has ulterior motives. Depending on the character I'm playing, some will interpret that as selfish, some altruistic, some realistic, some naively.


Moreover, and if I'm out for two days, forgive me for being crude -- but certain bodily functions still get performed. I assume there are medical droids to take care of that and are giving me a deep tissue massage saying "Zooooomba....zooomba."


Regardless, I don't think Lana would do anything nasty with so many present. And I can't fathom an RP reason she would -- though some are free to do so and find it creepy.


Isn't headcanon RP great! (That's not sarcasm).


But to JennyFlynn and Eshvara's broader point...


This thread...


/wow :jawa_confused:



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Every single one of my characters, whether rational / irrational. Whether they like Lana, romance Lana, dislike Lana always interpreted that scene on Iokath the following way:


She has demonstrable / incontrovertible evidence that someone is trying to kill me and she doesn't know who. Damn right she's going to guard my butt because she has ulterior motives. Depending on the character I'm playing, some will interpret that as selfish, some altruistic, some realistic, some naively.


Moreover, and if I'm out for two days, forgive me for being crude -- but certain bodily functions still get performed. I assume there are medical droids to take care of that and are giving me a deep tissue massage saying "Zooooomba....zooomba."


Regardless, I don't think Lana would do anything nasty with so many present.


To JennyFlynn and Eshara's broader point...


This thread...


/wow :jawa_confused:




I would just like to point out that the scene in question - the one where Lana is studying the holocron when y'all are on the Gravestone headed towards Zakuul - there's no unknown person trying to kill you at that point.

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I would just like to point out that the scene in question - the one where Lana is studying the holocron when y'all are on the Gravestone headed towards Zakuul - there's no unknown person trying to kill you at that point.


Fair enough. I was just trying to point out that there is another scene where you awake next to her which reinforces her overarching desire to protect you because she perceives (rightly or wrongly) that you as Alliance Commander are key to the galaxy's survival: first against Valkorian; second against the superweapon falling into the wrong hands.


But yes (and speaking of lazy writing, I did a terrible job of making the link I wanted to :rak_04:) -- the holocron scene is more open to interpretation, though I didn't even consider the creepy interpretation until reading the last couple pages. I'd be curious to know if those who found the holocron scene creepy also found the Iokath scene so as well.



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That's quite a long and...interesting thread for something started by the vent post from frustrated Theron fan. :confused: Anyway, people clamoring for meaningful content regarding bricked characters probably should not keep their hopes high. I've read various bits on how branching storylines is a b†tch to implement even in a proper RPG, I'm not sure it's even possible in a MMOG. So the "content" devs mentioned prolly is a cutscene at most, additional few dialogue lines at regular. Technically, that is content, so they're not even lying.
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I'd be curious to know if those who found the holocron scene creepy also found the Iokath scene so as well.




YES! Just did it yesterday with my Trooper and was really ticked off that not only did his wife have an awful excuse for not even sending a letter, and giving up on him, LANA is in his face when he wakes up! HELLO does she have no respect for marriage? My Trooper is married, Elara is not his girlfriend she is his WIFE.

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Fair enough. I was just trying to point out that there is another scene where you awake next to her which reinforces her overarching to desire to protect you because she perceives (rightly or wrongly) that you as Alliance Commander are key to the galaxy's survival: first against Valkorian; second against the superweapon falling into the wrong hands.


But yes (and speaking of lazy writing, I did a terrible job of making the link I wanted to :rak_04:) -- the holocron scene is more open to interpretation, though I didn't even consider the creepy interpretation until reading the last couple pages. I'd be curious to know if those who found the holocron scene creepy also found the Iokath scene so as well.




I found the holocron scene to be a bit creepy but I did not find the Iokath scene to be creepy.


In the holocron scene you're clearly in what I consider to be personal quarters; it's certainly not a barracks type of situation. It's a private room. My character had willingly gone into a separate room to sleep. It's a matter of privacy and personal space and I find the idea of having someone just hanging out there while I sleep to be ... creepy lol.


On Iokath, you'd just been injured. You'd been on that throne and the last thing you remember is talking to a big droid. You're in an open medical bay where other people were coming and going. Also, Lana wasn't the only one there - Theron was also there. And as you said there was an unknown person trying to kill you. I would expect there to be guards at the very least.


So for me, one situation is personal/private and the other is not.

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I'd be curious to know if those who found the holocron scene creepy also found the Iokath scene so as well.

The Iokath scene is a bit disturbing but in a different way to me than the bedroom one.


My JK is with Theron. Both Lana and Theron are in that room, yet, Lana is the closest to my JK when she opens her eyes and so is the first face she sees upon waking up, while the man she's in love with is just standing behind her, and Lana is the one who looks the more worried of the two.


It just comes off as Theron doesn't really care about my JK while they're lovers, when Lana is all worried about her while they're just friends...

Even, if he was the one who set the things up, maybe he should just look a bit more worried considering that he could've slightly miscalculated and might've been overdoing it a bit :confused:


It may also comes off as you're supposed to be romancing Lana and no one else at this point, which would be really off, and it's probably not what was intended but well, it all comes down to interpretation.

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Indeed. I mean to hate a character so much to start making up things so you can hate it even more? What is even the point?


I'm just astounded by the amount of irrational stupidity. I can't even.


Yeah that surprises me as well. She's done nothing of the sort. That one single scene does not a sexual predator make and even then it was just a badly set up scene by writers/animators not something intentional.


TBH I think there's possibly a bit of homophobia behind it - NOT the people who are just uncomfortable with the scene, but the ones insisting she's some sort of predator. Lana's bisexual so if she's in the room of a woman and is nice to people who are mean to her, she obviously wants them, it seems. :rolleyes: Even though she never once makes a statement that is in any way suggestive or hits on the PC.


When it's been pointed out that most of the other companions behave the same way (as mentioned you can literally throw Quinn against a wall and he still bows and scrapes just as much, and Theron is just as nice in KOTFE if you're rude to him in SoR) it's ignored.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I would just like to point out that the scene in question - the one where Lana is studying the holocron when y'all are on the Gravestone headed towards Zakuul - there's no unknown person trying to kill you at that point.


*Valkorion* is.


Lana's the one character who has spent KOTFE and KOTET being openly distrustful of Valkorion and his motives (aside from the 'go into the woods and say hi!' thing which seems wildly OOC). She's said again and again that she thinks he's up to something. If you've killed Arcann and Senya, she's also witnessed Valkorion absorbing his children's spirits and she's suspicious about that. In fact one of the last things she says to you before that room scene is "watch your back."


And Lana's also the one who had a front-row seat to everything Vitiate did on Nathema and Ziost, so she's seen exactly what he's capable of.


I think it's reasonable that if you're on your way to claim the Eternal Throne, and she thinks Valkorion is up to something, she might want to be close by with the one object that you've been told can hurt him.

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The reason I dislike Lana (that is not the same as wanting her dead) is because i don't think she's a real friend to any of my outlanders, especially a light sided one. She does a ton of 'nice' things, but I never get the feeling that she's doing any of them because she cares about the character. Rather, It's mainly to further her own goals or wants, and she sees the outlander as the best vessel for what she wants to happens. She feels kind of manipulative, and sometimes I reach a point where I'd like to make my own choices. I think it all boils together with the companion/questgiver mix. If Satele or Baras or Garza was on your ship, both telling you what to do (as a questgiver) and also requiring there presence as a companion, it would be easily annoying. And I feel like Lana is that in Kotfe onward. I liked her more in Sor because her and Theron were equal.

There are a few more meta reason such as I don't like her looks (highly subjective and not dealbreaking for me in any way, a customization would be welcome) and I just kind of think she's pushed on us and she has the air of a special snowflake (oh look a blond female sith who can be romanced by both genders and has a relatively reasonable view of the world (for a sith) She's so different! Let's market her as much as we can!)


But only the fact I think she is untrustworthy/and or manipulative, and I easily think if the outlander weren't as powerful and influential, she'd drop us like a hot potato and move on, is a reason why my characters dislike her.

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