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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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In fact, now would be a good time to introduce the class only companions in such a way, that those who don't have them, can get an extra seen to obtain them as part of the crew for the story while those who do have them, can get an extra LI scene with them.


Those who have them but aren't LIs can just jump right into the story.

If this means i'll have to deal with Ashara on every single one of my characters and have no option to at the very least reject her being there, then no thanks.

I'd have been more than happy to be forced to deal with her if i had the chance to let Vaylin kill her instead of Vette or Torian though, this would've made that choice much easier :rolleyes:

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I actually fully agree with you that players should have the choice of the companion they bring on missions, if for no reason other than you should be allowed to use the companion with the highest influence. It's endlessly annoying to me to be saddled with Level 1 influence companions I don't know when I'm trying to run material.


But where we disagree, I'm afraid, is that I do not think players should have the right to dictate the cast of a narrative story. It's not the Sims or a game like Dragon Age where one's actions happen in a vacuum, and the writers are trying to tell a story. Just as in a book or a movie, you're not going to like every character and the ones you hate might get more screen time, and you're not going to always like the quest givers.


No, players don't have the right to dictate the narrative story, but they do have the right to give feedback on where they think it went wrong so future story can avoid those same mistakes. I know you think ************ on these forums has far more influence on the devs than I do. I think these forums have close to zero influence, so it doesn't bother me when players ask for things I don't like.


And if you really find the quest givers or cast so irritating or unpleasant, I think it's a lot fairer to find something else to play than to expect everyone else's game to be ruined to accommodate your personal likes and dislikes.


I don't think this game is in a healthy enough spot to lose players over content when that content can be massaged to appeal to a wider audience.


I can avoid Doc - who, by the way, I avoid because it triggers a memory of dealing with a co-worker like Doc, who got violent when I refused his "harmless flirts" and nearly broke my arm - But I can't avoid Theron, and I've had to deal with him and his creepy family for a lot more content than you've had to put up with Lana. I can't get rid of Quinn on my non-Sith Warriors. EVERYONE has to deal with people in this story they don't like.


Again, we are talking about a difference in scale here. Theron is the only companion that has comparable screen time to Lana, and since he can be gone from future content for the people like you who hate him, you don't have to worry that you will continue to be saddled with him. And blaming him for his parents is a reach. You can't merge Satele's screen time with Theron's for any sort of logical argument.


Doc has a tiny fraction of screen time compared to Lana and it's easily avoidable while still leaving the lion's share of the game available. Ditto Quinn. Quinn's return was only a few minutes, then he can gather dust in your roster to never be seen again. He's not even in your base. Are you honestly trying to say that a few minutes of a companion you'll never have to see again is comparable to hours of Lana with her standing front and center in your base?


I'm sorry Doc's harmless flirty banter triggered your experience with an abuser. I hope you pressed assault charges and I hope you also sued the company you worked for for failing to respond to your sexual harassment complaints before it escalated to violence.


And in vanilla, no, you didn't have a choice. If you were a smuggler you were dealing with the senator and Damarus. If you were a trooper you had to talk to Garza. If you were a Sith Warrior you had to get your quests from Darth Baras and the Emperor's Hands. In the Agent story you had to put up with Hunter and all sorts of other unpleasant people and you didn't have a choice to get all your quests from Vector. Having to listen to Lana and Theron's really no different.


You are changing the goal posts here. In Vanilla we had companions and we had quest givers. In FE/ET the two categories were merged while at the same time much of the focus shifted from our characters to Theron and Lana resulting in Theron and Lana having far, far more screen time given to them than to any other characters in the game, plus the new mechanic of forcing you to take them into combat with you was introduced. Great for the people that love them, horrible for the people who don't.


Lana and Theron have far, far more screen time than Darmas or Garza or Baras or Hunter, and those guys never were presumed to be your best friend and never showed up in your bedroom uninvited :eek: If you hate Darmas you can space bar through his handful of conversations or play the other 7 classes instead, Ditto Garza. Ditto Baras. Ditto Hunter. Lana and Theron are ubiquitous in FE/ET for all 8 classes. Even if you spacebar through every cutscene with them you are still forced to take them into combat on a regular basis.


0The fact that the devs had to use the bloody ship droid from Black Talon as the Imperial contact in 5.10- because there's literally nobody else left alive for all - should be a wakeup call that the kills/exiles have gone too far. But people keep pushing it. When the only person left in the game to give quests out is one of the vendors from the Fleet, will people finally be happy?


There were plenty of other great characters they could have used as contacts that they chose not to. Personally I think it's a good sign that they are not using companions as quest givers. That gives me hope that they learned from the FE/ET debacle and it gives them more freedom to give us back choices.


And again, I really don't think forum chatter affects much of the game development. If it did we would have had hood toggles and SSR years ago. Next to no one was calling for Jorgan's death or Vette's death, or Torian's death, yet they were the first to go. I do think adding SSR options to Nadia and Jaesa and making LS Jaesa and Scourge romancable is a response to years of begging and is a clear shift in paradigm. I think they are planning to give us a clean slate with new companions with only short appearances at best for older companions. I don't think it has anything to do with what people ask for, I think it has to do with that being the only feasible way to deal with 60+ companions.

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But still, all that being said and allowed, it grinds my gears at the start of chapter 12 when Lana tells my characters to go out into the wilderness to talk to Valkorion and my characters have no option except to just do as she says. Like... precisely one of my Alliance Commanders so far believed all of Valkorion's nonsense (said character is veeeeery vulnerable to flattery). Precisely one more thought Valkorion could be manipulated, used, or negotiated with. All the others saw no point in ever speaking with him.




The thing is, though, it doesn't ultimately come down to Lana. If anything, it's actually a bit out of character that they wrote her telling us to go talk to Valkorion - I think, in general, she rightly doesn't trust him that much. It's more that Bioware force us down a particular story path without all that many options for divergence. More than any other companion in KotFE/ET (in my opinion), Lana embodies the plot-essential "quest-giver" who funnels us down the story corridor. But it really could've been anyone. And, frankly, one of the characters where we have the greatest divergence, Koth, seems to be hated by so many fans that I worry it'll make Bioware give us fewer characters like that in future. :(


I feel like it's the most out of character thing they ever had Lana do in the game. From the moment we're out of carbonite, if she is told about Valkorion, she's warning us to be careful. Constantly. She gets mad at the PC if they use Valkorion's power and warns it could lead to total corruption. If you use the power on Asylum, she even sends you an email telling you that you shouldn't have. All the way up to the last chapter of KOTET her consistent line is that Valkorion can't be trusted and is only in it for his own endgame (which both turn out to be true). When she feels Valkorion's presence she says she doesn't know how you can stand it.


So IMHO it made no sense for her to say, "Hey! Go have a talk with Valkie!" and it seems to be something they had her do just because she was in that quest-giver role. And yes, if the characters had the agency to respond, mine would not have agreed to such a thing.


You're right, I think, that it's an example of a time when the Commander has no agency to respond to a situation as they actually would. Another I can think of is agreeing to go along with SCORPIO's scheme for hijacking the Eternal Fleet ship. My characters didn't trust her (especially my IA who knew her games) and would have thought it was a setup but the game gave them no choice but to go along.

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I empathize with this a lot. It's hardly exclusive to Lana; there are lots of things the game doesn't let us do in relation to lots of characters. This is unavoidable. There can't be infinite variations, so some people will always be upset by not being able to choose a particular thing.


But still, all that being said and allowed, it grinds my gears at the start of chapter 12 when Lana tells my characters to go out into the wilderness to talk to Valkorion and my characters have no option except to just do as she says. Like... precisely one of my Alliance Commanders so far believed all of Valkorion's nonsense (said character is veeeeery vulnerable to flattery). Precisely one more thought Valkorion could be manipulated, used, or negotiated with. All the others saw no point in ever speaking with him. Now the game doesn't actually let us never speak with him, so I'd just have them pick the insult Valkorion option, the one that complains about having to listen to him, or tell him to go away (when those options were given). But to actually have my character go out on purpose to ask him to talk was infuriating, like I was driving and someone wrenched the wheel from my hands. If my LS characters were given the choice, they would've said "I don't think so" to Lana, waited to see how the Spire operation developed, and gone in to help Jorgan and Havoc Squad when needed. Seeing Jorgan bereaved because of a choice my characters were forced to make was maddening. I hate it on all my LS characters but it's especially aggravating when playing a trooper, and even more when she's Jorgan's wife.


The thing is, though, it doesn't ultimately come down to Lana. If anything, it's actually a bit out of character that they wrote her telling us to go talk to Valkorion - I think, in general, she rightly doesn't trust him that much. It's more that Bioware force us down a particular story path without all that many options for divergence. More than any other companion in KotFE/ET (in my opinion), Lana embodies the plot-essential "quest-giver" who funnels us down the story corridor. But it really could've been anyone. And, frankly, one of the characters where we have the greatest divergence, Koth, seems to be hated by so many fans that I worry it'll make Bioware give us fewer characters like that in future. :(


This is one of the only things that truly bugged me about her. She tells you to go talk to him right before a HUGE mission that you were supposed to be a part of, you do it unquestioningly, they start the mission without you and it fails spectactularly(:rak_02:), then when you come back she gives you that "Where in the BLAZES have YOU been?!" :rolleyes::mad:


Maybe Valkorian did a little mind manipulation with her? I mean, Valkorian really did want you out in the open like that, it's not like he was surprised we went out there in the Wilds to talk...he definitely had a plan and purpose when we got out there and no one else would have, except maybe Koth, told you to go talk to him alone like that....In this context it would make sense that she didn't actually know where you were...

Edited by aerockyul
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So IMHO it made no sense for her to say, "Hey! Go have a talk with Valkie!".


It actually makes a lot of sense because you encounter not only Valkorion, but also the Force Ghost of Darth Marr & Satele Shan and :


- you find Satele's pendant on her ship ( it shows she cares about her son in her own way)

- you create the special weapon that can be used to defeat Arcann

- you confront a mirage of Vaylin , it shows you the Empress is not invulnerable.


Basically, that chapter is a sort of a spiritual journey and a prophecy ( the Vaylin part)

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No, players don't have the right to dictate the narrative story, but they do have the right to give feedback on where they think it went wrong so future story can avoid those same mistakes. I know you think ************ on these forums has far more influence on the devs than I do. I think these forums have close to zero influence, so it doesn't bother me when players ask for things I don't like.






Again, we are talking about a difference in scale here. Theron is the only companion that has comparable screen time to Lana, and since he can be gone from future content for the people like you who hate him, you don't have to worry that you will continue to be saddled with him. And blaming him for his parents is a reach. You can't merge Satele's screen time with Theron's for any sort of logical argument.


Are you honestly trying to say that a few minutes of a companion you'll never have to see again is comparable to hours of Lana with her standing front and center in your base?


Lana and Theron have far, far more screen time than Darmas or Garza or Baras or Hunter, and those guys never were presumed to be your best friend and never showed up in your bedroom uninvited :eek: If you hate Darmas you can space bar through his handful of conversations or play the other 7 classes instead, Ditto Garza. Ditto Baras. Ditto Hunter. Lana and Theron are ubiquitous in FE/ET for all 8 classes. Even if you spacebar through every cutscene with them you are still forced to take them into combat on a regular basis.



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It actually makes a lot of sense because you encounter not only Valkorion, but also the Force Ghost of Darth Marr & Satele Shan and :


- you find Satele's pendant on her ship ( it shows she cares about her son in her own way)

- you create the special weapon that can be used to defeat Arcann

- you confront a mirage of Vaylin , it shows you the Empress is not invulnerable.


Basically, that chapter is a sort of a spiritual journey and a prophecy ( the Vaylin part)


She meant it doesn't make sense that Lana, of all people, would send you talk to Valkorian. Lana would not have known about Satele, Marr, the weapon, Vaylin, any of it that transpired after the little "talk"

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She meant it doesn't make sense that Lana, of all people, would send you talk to Valkorian. Lana would not have known about Satele, Marr, the weapon, Vaylin, any of it that transpired after the little "talk"


Lana could have had a chat with Darth Marr's ghost? A vision? I know, this is far fetched, but not impossible.

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Lana could have had a chat with Darth Marr's ghost? A vision? I know, this is far fetched, but not impossible.


Or talked with Satele beforehand...but if either of those were true, I think she'd have been less cagey about it (if you're a jedi or sith, you probably would WANT to talk to those two, not Valkorian. It's like she's luring you to candy with broccoli or something)

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Have to disagree.


When it comes to story telling, when has the characters always gotten to just go with friends and not someone who annoyed them?


For the vast majority of Vanilla. Very few cutsenes require any one particular companion. Don't like Quinn? Take Vette. Don't like either? Take Treek. Don't like any of them? Don't take any of them.


We are talking about an interactive video game here, not a novel or a movie.


Now, let's go with the story. She's been such a major part of it, while it may annoy you as a player, from a writing point it would such to get rid of her. Seriously, no one wants to feel as everyone they know has died and they just have to keep making new friends.


A lot of the "I don't like Lana" also seems to just come from, "I didn't get to choose how this story plays out, so I hate Lana."


That is the core of the problem. Lana was too major of a part of the story for too long, as well as Theron. People already feel as though everyone they know, except Lana, has disappeared. Personally, I don't think it's so much a matter of not likeing how the story turned out, but being sick to death of having such a small cast of characters. When you feel like one or two characters are shoved down your through, it's rather natural to start hating them.


Let's just not kill off any more companions and those companions who haven't had a kill off option, can be used.


In fact, now would be a good time to introduce the class only companions in such a way, that those who don't have them, can get an extra seen to obtain them as part of the crew for the story while those who do have them, can get an extra LI scene with them.


Those who have them but aren't LIs can just jump right into the story.


I couldn't care less if there are any new kill options if they give other companions equal time to the survivors. It's been proven they can do that if they chose too, so let's see it in action!


I would love to see all of the alliance alert companions be options for some content! There are many I miss, and I had been really looking forward to cross-class recruiting some of the others that ended up restricted to original class only.

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There were plenty of other great characters they could have used as contacts that they chose not to. Personally I think it's a good sign that they are not using companions as quest givers. That gives me hope that they learned from the FE/ET debacle and it gives them more freedom to give us back choices.


My thoughts exactly. The bricked companion problem isn't just about kill or no kill, but also because the companions were specifically part of the narrative. If they weren't integral to the story killing them off or not wouldn't have created a roadblock. Or getting an alert about one wouldn't have meant they couldn't be used in the story. Basically they didn't think this through very well.


EDIT to add: They also made a mistake by turning the story drivers/quest givers, Lana and Theron, into companions. That's like making Zash and Baras companions and then when the story gets to the part where they have to go... well, they can't be companions anymore.

Edited by kodrac
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If this means i'll have to deal with Ashara on every single one of my characters and have no option to at the very least reject her being there, then no thanks.

I'd have been more than happy to be forced to deal with her if i had the chance to let Vaylin kill her instead of Vette or Torian though, this would've made that choice much easier :rolleyes:


That goes back to killing companions and now, we basically get none that will ever stick around, because people keep killing them off.


Unless they had just stuck with my suggestion.


Every time someone kills off a companion, they get replaced with Generic Alliance Character 001 -> 002 -> 003 -> etc


Then put at least the LI's into the story line then replace the LI's killed off by players with characters with the name I just gave above and have them voiced by the exact same VA as the LI, but now it's a different character (Like Zenith and Theron).


The only time Generic Alliance Character can be used as a companion is in missions were one of the killed off companions would've gone with you as part of the story. Not as companions for anything else.


Obviously in the case of some, like Quinn and Elara, they would replace each other on their respective sides.


There we go. Those who want to kill off companions willy nilly get what they want. Those who want to let them live, get to, and no extra cost is there, as they can use a generic looking character.

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No, players don't have the right to dictate the narrative story, but they do have the right to give feedback on where they think it went wrong so future story can avoid those same mistakes. I know you think ************ on these forums has far more influence on the devs than I do. I think these forums have close to zero influence, so it doesn't bother me when players ask for things I don't like.


I agree that feedback to avoid future problems and concerns is helpful and necessary, and we all need to vent about what we don't like - but yes, I do also think that the devs pay attention because we've had some examples of that. The way Koth was dealt with appears to have been in direct response to the way players complained about him. KOTET seemed to have been shortened due to player feedback. Arcann had a writer in his corner but there were also some very enthusiastic fans who wanted the romance, which I really think contributed to it actually happening. There are also a few good examples you actually gave below, like Scourge potentially being a LI, the expanded SGR.


I don't think this game is in a healthy enough spot to lose players over content when that content can be massaged to appeal to a wider audience.


But taking Lana out is not "appealing to a wider audience." A lot of people DO like Lana; the character means a lot to some people, and removing her from the game has deleterious effects on the playerbase too. Judging by all the players I see running around with her and comments here and elsewhere, far more people like Lana than hate her. So in that light would taking her out completely be the best thing? Not really.


I really don't think she OR Theron will have a central role in the upcoming content, which makes the constant calls from a small group of people to kill/remove her even more puzzling. They're going to get pushed to the back and will probably be lucky if they get two lines each, so the complaints people have had about them both taking front and center aren't relevant anymore.


Again, we are talking about a difference in scale here. Theron is the only companion that has comparable screen time to Lana, and since he can be gone from future content for the people like you who hate him, you don't have to worry that you will continue to be saddled with him. And blaming him for his parents is a reach. You can't merge Satele's screen time with Theron's for any sort of logical argument.


Would you feel that way if your Jedi had to talk to Grand Master Beniko instead of Grand Master Shan, and if one whole side of SoR had been about Lana's family drama with Revan, and if you'd had to listen to a lot of very uncomfortable conversations where she went on about her parents, the way you have to with Theron? Or if the next story chapter is about her family? I think people would complain.


I'm sorry Doc's harmless flirty banter triggered your experience with an abuser. I hope you pressed assault charges and I hope you also sued the company you worked for for failing to respond to your sexual harassment complaints before it escalated to violence.


Doc refuses to take a 'no' when his flirting is not appreciated and will not back off for quite some time. That's the triggery issue for me, and it's not harmless IRL.


As for what actually happened to me, I was very young and had no bloody idea about my rights, unfortunately. I had bruises, a doctor's report and several witnesses who had jumped in to help, but they didn't even suspend the attacker because they took the tack it was "harmless." Also, he was a male employee they liked.


There were plenty of other great characters they could have used as contacts that they chose not to. Personally I think it's a good sign that they are not using companions as quest givers. That gives me hope that they learned from the FE/ET debacle and it gives them more freedom to give us back choices.


It's a good point that if they are separating the quest givers from the companions again, there's more flexibility and that might make people happy. But I don't think there are too many people they could have used. I can't see them going with someone as unappealing as a character as the ship droid if they actually had a more engaging option, like Jonas on the Republic side.


I think they are planning to give us a clean slate with new companions with only short appearances at best for older companions. I don't think it has anything to do with what people ask for, I think it has to do with that being the only feasible way to deal with 60+ companions.


Unfortunately I do think this is going to be the case, because there are so many and because they've dug themselves into too much of a hole with who can be dead or alive. And I do blame that partially on all the kill options, because without them, there might still be a small core of regulars beyond Lana and Theron.

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Then put at least the LI's into the story line then replace the LI's killed off by players with characters with the name I just gave above and have them voiced by the exact same VA as the LI, but now it's a different character (Like Zenith and Theron).


Zenith is not even back in the story yet and i doubt will ever be,so please, let it go. I'd rather have Zenith as missing in action than as a killable companion . Thank you.

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Blah blah blah whole bedroom uninvited.


Seriously. Something they likely either done to save time or hell may not have even been your bedroom. Was it for sure the bedroom?


By that logic, I can say, "Yes. I wanted to romance Andronikus, but I never wanted him in my bedroom. The game forced that on me! I thought the holo projector looked like a good enough place! Even the pilot's chair!"


And was it for sure a bedroom, because my character woke up in her outfit. Fully clothed. Not something one generally goes to bed in.


Oh? You wash that away as "Well, limits of animation."? Well then, time to realize that scene with Lana is not nearly as bad as you want to make it out to be, but rather just something you cling to in an attempt to try to explain why you just don't want her around.


Don't like the personality, is one thing. Using that seen comes off as a sad attempt at adding fuel to your desire to get rid of her, when it's obviously just a limit of everything.


Hell, could be you slept on a cot by a computer station as you were up all night. :p

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Or talked with Satele beforehand...but if either of those were true, I think she'd have been less cagey about it (if you're a jedi or sith, you probably would WANT to talk to those two, not Valkorian. It's like she's luring you to candy with broccoli or something)


This. Lana's pretty straightforward. She specifically tells you to talk to Valkorion about the mission and doesn't seem to expect you to be gone for so long. Even that is OOC for her since she spends the rest of the game warning you not to trust Valkorion and to be careful around him.


Having a spiritual journey isn't what she's asking you to do. I think that given her interest in balance in the Force (she's actually not opposed to the ideas of the *original* Revanites in SoR and chooses Odessen specifically because of the balance, among other things), if she'd intended for you to speak with Satele and Marr about that, she would have wanted to tag along.

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Zenith is not even back in the story yet and i doubt will ever be,so please, let it go. I'd rather have Zenith as missing in action than as a killable companion . Thank you.


Zenith will return. They said all companions will be returned to you. Zenith may be the easiest as they have plenty of dialogue they could patch together! :o

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This. Lana's pretty straightforward. She specifically tells you to talk to Valkorion about the mission and doesn't seem to expect you to be gone for so long. Even that is OOC for her since she spends the rest of the game warning you not to trust Valkorion and to be careful around him.


Having a spiritual journey isn't what she's asking you to do. I think that given her interest in balance in the Force (she's actually not opposed to the ideas of the *original* Revanites in SoR and chooses Odessen specifically because of the balance, among other things), if she'd intended for you to speak with Satele and Marr about that, she would have wanted to tag along.


It's amazing how those who hate Lana point to this, but to everything else they do love they can point to and say "Bad writing"


This was just another case of bad writing.


Hell, I never did anything to piss off Koth and he still runs off with the Gravestone to get the chance to be killed by everyone.


I chalk it up to bad writing on the writers and not Koth stealing the ship.

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Zenith will return. They said all companions will be returned to you. Zenith may be the easiest as they have plenty of dialogue they could patch together! :o


Plans change and the same voice actor thing is the main impediment. Why do you think we get a new twilek non-romanceable Huttese speaking companion? Paxton = forget about Zenith. This doesn't make things any better but... hey.. in my head canon, "Zenith" was not a person but an ideal taking many forms , for example Torian. I know you don't understand, there's nothing to understand at all, i'm just incoherent right now and very sad , please forgive me.

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Plans change and the same voice actor thing is the main impediment. Why do you think we get a new twilek non-romanceable Huttese speaking companion? Paxton = forget about Zenith. This doesn't make things any better but... hey.. in my head canon, "Zenith" was not a person but an ideal taking many forms , for example Torian. I know you don't understand, there's nothing to understand at all, i'm just incoherent right now and very sad , please forgive me.


Oh please. The new companion isn't a replacement for Zenith just because its a Twilek. You're obsession with Zenith creates these wild conspiracies.

Edited by kodrac
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Okay the Chapter with Marr and Satele is one of my favorites! Eventually, our PC's needed a "Spiritual Journey" and having Satele and Marr was beautiful. Should they have made a different introduction? Yeah, because the whole "you need Valky's help" was stupid no matter who gave the Quest. The most irritating part was Lana pushing for Kalyio, and I loath Kalyio.


Banishing Kalyio is one of the most satisfying moments in the Game for me!

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Okay the Chapter with Marr and Satele is one of my favorites! Eventually, our PC's needed a "Spiritual Journey" and having Satele and Marr was beautiful. Should they have made a different introduction? Yeah, because the whole "you need Valky's help" was stupid no matter who gave the Quest. The most irritating part was Lana pushing for Kalyio, and I loath Kalyio.


Banishing Kalyio is one of the most satisfying moments in the Game for me!


No spiritual journey is smooth, they all have a catch. The chapter with Marr & Satele was about the Outlander getting over Valkorion's taunts aka " the Galaxy is united under one banner, it should have been yours" .

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Seriously. Something they likely either done to save time or hell may not have even been your bedroom. Was it for sure the bedroom?


It's actually not. In 2/3 instances the player's waking up in the med bay after being attacked, and Theron and Koth are also present (but apparently they're okay to be there?) . When the character's waking up on the Gravestone, three more characters come strolling uninvited into the med bay right after they wake up, too.


One time it IS the player's bedroom on the ship, but Lana's studying the holocron at a desk across the room and isn't even paying attention to them until they wake up and say something. Even in the med bay, Lana's just talking to Koth across the room when the player wakes up. The third time she IS watching them, but considering that the player was just fried by the rigged Iokath throne, she might have been trying to see that they were, you know, alive.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Oh please. The new companion isn't a replacement for Zenith just because its a Twilek. You're obsession with Zenith creates these wild conspiracies.


ehh, there's a bit of a precedent for her fear that she outlined with the "replacement Twilek"--what they did with Khem Val's replacement. Sure he's coming back now after a lot of people got mad about their little plan that they hoped wouldn't be noticed or cared about nearly as much as it was.

All in all, in the grand scheme, I think they severely undervalue how much people liked the original companions, or had at least very strong feelings towards (positive and negative)

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All in all, in the grand scheme, I think they severely undervalue how much people liked the original companions, or had at least very strong feelings towards (positive and negative)


All my JC ( male and female) have strong feelings for Zenith, he is either the trustworthy fellow soldier ( for the males) or the potential lover & protector ( for the female characters) .

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