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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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I would rather have the whole slate cleared, have every existing companion silent and gone from the story forever with no hope of any spark of life ever again and start over with new companions than have Lana continued to be shoved down my throat at every turn.


Step back from the ledge. It's just a game. Christ almighty.

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Yeah, and it's just a ranty forum post about a game. Get over yourself.


Ooh... So let me summarize it then. My companion can beat up your companion. Nu uh. Uh huh. You're a doody head. No you are. I know you are but what am I. That about cover it? Your rant was one of the better examples of childish, petty companion garbage that helps nothing. If anything, the pertinent people will read it and just roll their eyes and disregard any of this thread as drama queens being drama queens and ignore the feedback.


So step back a bit. K? It doesn't help.

Edited by kodrac
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Yes, but in this post you actually illustrated the fundamental difference: I exercise my choice never to play the JK story again. I will be skipping 5.10 on any Republic characters if Doc is unavoidable and will ignore his AA. I am not asking the writers to remove him from the game or kill him to accommodate my dislike.


I am all for more choices as long as they don't impact others. I don't like being forced to run content with pre assigned companions either, but that goes for Senya, Theron and others that have been forced too. And i am sure we are all going to enjoy running 5.10 with Newbie McNew companion with level 1 influence because there isn't anyone else left.


That is the key. It is fine to dislike or hate a character. It is not fine. IMHO to ask that everyone should lose them due to your personal preference. A lost subscription from a Lana fan is worth just as much as one from an anti.


I was responding specifically to a post that stated it is OK to force players to use a companion they hate, which I don't agree with. Players should always be given a choice to avoid companions they hate. I'm not suggesting they not put Lana in any future content (as long as other LI get equal time), I am suggesting that players be given a choice of who to interact with most of the time. That's the way it was in Vanilla and it worked a heck of a lot better than the Lana/Theron show. If players had been given a choice to converse with Lana or with Theron or with someone else in most conversations, everyone would have been happier.


Lana has been the primary companion for roughly 1/3 of all new story content for 3 years. Doc was the primary companion for only 1/104th of Vanilla (that doesn't even factor in planetary arcs and side quests). That is a huge difference in scale! Avoiding Doc is easy compared to Lana. You blitz through one planet on one class or avoid that class while still having 7 other classes to play. Avoiding Lana means skipping 3 years worth of content entirely.

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I really don't envy any writer that has to figure out what to do with this mess of companions. Nothing they do will ever please anyone when you have so many valid reasons to kill a person

"This one's too bossy!"

"This one's too happy to see me!"

"This one doesn't cower like a slave in my presence!"

"This one doesn't smile when I slap them and abuse them!"

"This one doesn't like it when I kill innocent civilians!"

"This one is too attractive!"

"This one has a mind of their own!"

"This one won't kiss my *** enough on a constant basis!"

"This one kisses too much *** on a constant basis!"

"This one isn't straight enough!"

"This one would probably steal my husband if she were real!"

"This one isn't white enough!"

"This one's voice hurts my ears!"

"This one didn't laugh at my lame joke in the cantina!"

"This one cares too much for my well-being when I take lightsabers in the gut and nearly get fried on multiple thrones!"

"This one gave up her life for five years to get me out of a horrible death from slow carbonite poisoning!"

"This one tells me to Shut Up on crew missions!"

"This one sings too much!"

"This one saves the galaxy by hatching a successful plan to stop a dangerous planet-killing, soulless murderbot!"

"This one is too grumpy all the time, wasting his fuzzy outward appearance!"

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I was responding specifically to a post that stated it is OK to force players to use a companion they hate, which I don't agree with. Players should always be given a choice to avoid companions they hate. I'm not suggesting they not put Lana in any future content (as long as other LI get equal time), I am suggesting that players be given a choice of who to interact with most of the time. That's the way it was in Vanilla and it worked a heck of a lot better than the Lana/Theron show. If players had been given a choice to converse with Lana or with Theron or with someone else in most conversations, everyone would have been happier.


Lana has been the primary companion for roughly 1/3 of all new story content for 3 years. Doc was the primary companion for only 1/104th of Vanilla (that doesn't even factor in planetary arcs and side quests). That is a huge difference in scale! Avoiding Doc is easy compared to Lana. You blitz through one planet on one class or avoid that class while still having 7 other classes to play. Avoiding Lana means skipping 3 years worth of content entirely.


I actually fully agree with you that players should have the choice of the companion they bring on missions, if for no reason other than you should be allowed to use the companion with the highest influence. It's endlessly annoying to me to be saddled with Level 1 influence companions I don't know when I'm trying to run material.


But where we disagree, I'm afraid, is that I do not think players should have the right to dictate the cast of a narrative story. It's not the Sims or a game like Dragon Age where one's actions happen in a vacuum, and the writers are trying to tell a story. Just as in a book or a movie, you're not going to like every character and the ones you hate might get more screen time, and you're not going to always like the quest givers.


And if you really find the quest givers or cast so irritating or unpleasant, I think it's a lot fairer to find something else to play than to expect everyone else's game to be ruined to accommodate your personal likes and dislikes.


I can avoid Doc - who, by the way, I avoid because it triggers a memory of dealing with a co-worker like Doc, who got violent when I refused his "harmless flirts" and nearly broke my arm - But I can't avoid Theron, and I've had to deal with him and his creepy family for a lot more content than you've had to put up with Lana. I can't get rid of Quinn on my non-Sith Warriors. EVERYONE has to deal with people in this story they don't like. |


And in vanilla, no, you didn't have a choice. If you were a smuggler you were dealing with the senator and Damarus. If you were a trooper you had to talk to Garza. If you were a Sith Warrior you had to get your quests from Darth Baras and the Emperor's Hands. In the Agent story you had to put up with Hunter and all sorts of other unpleasant people and you didn't have a choice to get all your quests from Vector. Having to listen to Lana and Theron's really no different.


The fact that the devs had to use the bloody ship droid from Black Talon as the Imperial contact in 5.10- because there's literally nobody else left alive for all - should be a wakeup call that the kills/exiles have gone too far. But people keep pushing it. When the only person left in the game to give quests out is one of the vendors from the Fleet, will people finally be happy?

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I really don't envy any writer that has to figure out what to do with this mess of companions. Nothing they do will ever please anyone when you have so many valid reasons to kill a person

"This one's too bossy!"

"This one's too happy to see me!"

"This one doesn't cower like a slave in my presence!"

"This one doesn't smile when I slap them and abuse them!"

"This one doesn't like it when I kill innocent civilians!"

"This one is too attractive!"

"This one has a mind of their own!"

"This one won't kiss my *** enough on a constant basis!"

"This one kisses too much *** on a constant basis!"

"This one isn't straight enough!"

"This one would probably steal my husband if she were real!"

"This one isn't white enough!"

"This one's voice hurts my ears!"

"This one didn't laugh at my lame joke in the cantina!"

"This one cares too much for my well-being when I take lightsabers in the gut and nearly get fried on multiple thrones!"

"This one gave up her life for five years to get me out of a horrible death from slow carbonite poisoning!"

"This one tells me to Shut Up on crew missions!"

"This one sings too much!"

"This one saves the galaxy by hatching a successful plan to stop a dangerous planet-killing, soulless murderbot!"

"This one is too grumpy all the time, wasting his fuzzy outward appearance!"


I guess we're pretty high maintenance here!

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I really don't envy any writer that has to figure out what to do with this mess of companions. Nothing they do will ever please anyone when you have so many valid reasons to kill a person

"This one's too bossy!"

"This one's too happy to see me!"

"This one doesn't cower like a slave in my presence!"

"This one doesn't smile when I slap them and abuse them!"

"This one doesn't like it when I kill innocent civilians!"

"This one is too attractive!"

"This one has a mind of their own!"

"This one won't kiss my *** enough on a constant basis!"

"This one kisses too much *** on a constant basis!"

"This one isn't straight enough!"

"This one would probably steal my husband if she were real!"

"This one isn't white enough!"

"This one's voice hurts my ears!"

"This one didn't laugh at my lame joke in the cantina!"

"This one cares too much for my well-being when I take lightsabers in the gut and nearly get fried on multiple thrones!"

"This one gave up her life for five years to get me out of a horrible death from slow carbonite poisoning!"

"This one tells me to Shut Up on crew missions!"

"This one sings too much!"

"This one saves the galaxy by hatching a successful plan to stop a dangerous planet-killing, soulless murderbot!"

"This one is too grumpy all the time, wasting his fuzzy outward appearance!"


You forgot the one that breathed too loudly and the one who didn't jump high enough for my taste. :p


I'm envisioning an Oprah episode now: "You get to die, and you get to die, and YOU get to die! EVERYONE DIES!"

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I really don't envy any writer that has to figure out what to do with this mess of companions. Nothing they do will ever please anyone when you have so many valid reasons to kill a person

"This one's too bossy!"

"This one's too happy to see me!"

"This one doesn't cower like a slave in my presence!"

"This one doesn't smile when I slap them and abuse them!"

"This one doesn't like it when I kill innocent civilians!"

"This one is too attractive!"

"This one has a mind of their own!"

"This one won't kiss my *** enough on a constant basis!"

"This one kisses too much *** on a constant basis!"

"This one isn't straight enough!"

"This one would probably steal my husband if she were real!"

"This one isn't white enough!"

"This one's voice hurts my ears!"

"This one didn't laugh at my lame joke in the cantina!"

"This one cares too much for my well-being when I take lightsabers in the gut and nearly get fried on multiple thrones!"

"This one gave up her life for five years to get me out of a horrible death from slow carbonite poisoning!"

"This one tells me to Shut Up on crew missions!"

"This one sings too much!"

"This one saves the galaxy by hatching a successful plan to stop a dangerous planet-killing, soulless murderbot!"

"This one is too grumpy all the time, wasting his fuzzy outward appearance!"


Ha ha, you are too right!

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It's not about roleplaying, I would go against my characters personalities if such a choice was what made her go away.


Believe it or not, I actually have more of a role-playing problem than a strictly personal loathing. I got through with Kaliyo, Vic, Skadge, and Broomark, (and happily got rid of them when I could) and no I only killed B because you are forced to do it. But Lana is a whole different problem RPing…


My Male Agent would have sent her to the Mind Wipers after Ziost, he's still pissed about what happened to him and Shara because of the Sith.


My Female Agent would have sent her to Shadow Town after Ziost with a Neural Disrupter.


My Trooper would have ditched her on Zakuul after she wanted him to let Vaylin blow half the Spire.


My Bounty Hunter would have beat her up and kicked her out after Darvanis.


Both my Jedi would have asked her to leave as soon as Valkorian was dead.


All in all, my RP is quite damaged because of her.

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All in all, my RP is quite damaged because of her.

I empathize with this a lot. It's hardly exclusive to Lana; there are lots of things the game doesn't let us do in relation to lots of characters. This is unavoidable. There can't be infinite variations, so some people will always be upset by not being able to choose a particular thing.


But still, all that being said and allowed, it grinds my gears at the start of chapter 12 when Lana tells my characters to go out into the wilderness to talk to Valkorion and my characters have no option except to just do as she says. Like... precisely one of my Alliance Commanders so far believed all of Valkorion's nonsense (said character is veeeeery vulnerable to flattery). Precisely one more thought Valkorion could be manipulated, used, or negotiated with. All the others saw no point in ever speaking with him. Now the game doesn't actually let us never speak with him, so I'd just have them pick the insult Valkorion option, the one that complains about having to listen to him, or tell him to go away (when those options were given). But to actually have my character go out on purpose to ask him to talk was infuriating, like I was driving and someone wrenched the wheel from my hands. If my LS characters were given the choice, they would've said "I don't think so" to Lana, waited to see how the Spire operation developed, and gone in to help Jorgan and Havoc Squad when needed. Seeing Jorgan bereaved because of a choice my characters were forced to make was maddening. I hate it on all my LS characters but it's especially aggravating when playing a trooper, and even more when she's Jorgan's wife.


The thing is, though, it doesn't ultimately come down to Lana. If anything, it's actually a bit out of character that they wrote her telling us to go talk to Valkorion - I think, in general, she rightly doesn't trust him that much. It's more that Bioware force us down a particular story path without all that many options for divergence. More than any other companion in KotFE/ET (in my opinion), Lana embodies the plot-essential "quest-giver" who funnels us down the story corridor. But it really could've been anyone. And, frankly, one of the characters where we have the greatest divergence, Koth, seems to be hated by so many fans that I worry it'll make Bioware give us fewer characters like that in future. :(

Edited by Estelindis
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Oh and my SW would have told Marr "Keep her away or she'll face Wrath" after Ziost.


However, Lana is not merely a Quest Giver, she insinuates herself into intimate moments of PC's vulnerability. Theron is always my PC's friend, Imp or Pub. If they would have let us choose between them in how we interacted then I'd have no issue.

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Believe it or not, I actually have more of a role-playing problem than a strictly personal loathing. I got through with Kaliyo, Vic, Skadge, and Broomark, (and happily got rid of them when I could) and no I only killed B because you are forced to do it. But Lana is a whole different problem RPing…


My Male Agent would have sent her to the Mind Wipers after Ziost, he's still pissed about what happened to him and Shara because of the Sith.


My Female Agent would have sent her to Shadow Town after Ziost with a Neural Disrupter.


My Trooper would have ditched her on Zakuul after she wanted him to let Vaylin blow half the Spire.


My Bounty Hunter would have beat her up and kicked her out after Darvanis.


Both my Jedi would have asked her to leave as soon as Valkorian was dead.


All in all, my RP is quite damaged because of her.

That annoyed me too, and a lot of the autodialogue was out of character for certain characters of mine such as "any last words?" during Jorgan's recruitment mission where like 20 Skytroopers surround us (and we're supposed to find that some overwhelming threat lol) from my trooper, sith warrior, etc...and then Jorgan immediately tells them to shut up. It doesn't work at all unless your character is some jokey, character who is also intimidated by skytroopers. You also have the final fight with Vaylin and even your most LS characters can at best only tell her that she's beyond redemption. My trooper and Jedi Knight never would have worked with Lana on Zakuul, they would have separated with her after being freed. "One size fits all" is a huge problem in the later expansions and that includes the companions. If a companion can be dead for one then they're dead for all. It's all extremely frustrating and has me taking fewer and fewer characters through each new expansion. As of right now I have 44 characters and only 2 of them are caught up with all the expansions and chapters. The quality (and amount of Lana vs other companions) of the next story segment will determine how many more make it there if any.


I was responding specifically to a post that stated it is OK to force players to use a companion they hate, which I don't agree with. Players should always be given a choice to avoid companions they hate. I'm not suggesting they not put Lana in any future content (as long as other LI get equal time), I am suggesting that players be given a choice of who to interact with most of the time. That's the way it was in Vanilla and it worked a heck of a lot better than the Lana/Theron show. If players had been given a choice to converse with Lana or with Theron or with someone else in most conversations, everyone would have been happier.


Lana has been the primary companion for roughly 1/3 of all new story content for 3 years. Doc was the primary companion for only 1/104th of Vanilla (that doesn't even factor in planetary arcs and side quests). That is a huge difference in scale! Avoiding Doc is easy compared to Lana. You blitz through one planet on one class or avoid that class while still having 7 other classes to play. Avoiding Lana means skipping 3 years worth of content entirely.

Exactly. There are plenty of vanilla companions I find boring and a few I even hate but in vanilla you can just let them rot in the ship and only have to deal with them a few times. If the game were still laid out like that where the story wasn't focused on like 4 companions and where you could bring whoever you want, Lana would just be a benchwarmer for me and I woudn't care if they let us get rid of her or not because she would not be the focus, would not be forced on us for every mission, etc...She could just fade into obscurity in the background for me while people who like her could continue to bring her everywhere and be attached at the hip. I wish they would go back to that but they wont. For budgetary reasons they want to use the fewest companions possible companions and as of now we're down to Lana only. If getting rid of Lana means I get less content than those who keep her, I'm fine with that.


Lana's a writer's pet and they were cost cutting. What they should've done was have a generic backup character whose not a companion fill in. :mad:

Agreed. Ideally they would bring the "bricked" characters back into the story but if my only choice is between the Lana variety hour and Hylo or even a terminal giving me my quests and then taking along the silent companion of my choice I'll take option B as much as that would suck.

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Oh and my SW would have told Marr "Keep her away or she'll face Wrath" after Ziost.


However, Lana is not merely a Quest Giver, she insinuates herself into intimate moments of PC's vulnerability. Theron is always my PC's friend, Imp or Pub. If they would have let us choose between them in how we interacted then I'd have no issue.

Ugh yes this is the worst! She really creeps me out so much and if it were a male character doing the things she does, people would be up in arms about it.

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I was responding specifically to a post that stated it is OK to force players to use a companion they hate, which I don't agree with. Players should always be given a choice to avoid companions they hate. I'm not suggesting they not put Lana in any future content (as long as other LI get equal time), I am suggesting that players be given a choice of who to interact with most of the time. That's the way it was in Vanilla and it worked a heck of a lot better than the Lana/Theron show. If players had been given a choice to converse with Lana or with Theron or with someone else in most conversations, everyone would have been happier.


Lana has been the primary companion for roughly 1/3 of all new story content for 3 years. Doc was the primary companion for only 1/104th of Vanilla (that doesn't even factor in planetary arcs and side quests). That is a huge difference in scale! Avoiding Doc is easy compared to Lana. You blitz through one planet on one class or avoid that class while still having 7 other classes to play. Avoiding Lana means skipping 3 years worth of content entirely.


Have to disagree.


When it comes to story telling, when has the characters always gotten to just go with friends and not someone who annoyed them?


Now, let's go with the story. She's been such a major part of it, while it may annoy you as a player, from a writing point it would such to get rid of her. Seriously, no one wants to feel as everyone they know has died and they just have to keep making new friends.


A lot of the "I don't like Lana" also seems to just come from, "I didn't get to choose how this story plays out, so I hate Lana."


Let's just not kill off any more companions and those companions who haven't had a kill off option, can be used.


In fact, now would be a good time to introduce the class only companions in such a way, that those who don't have them, can get an extra seen to obtain them as part of the crew for the story while those who do have them, can get an extra LI scene with them.


Those who have them but aren't LIs can just jump right into the story.

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That annoyed me too, and a lot of the autodialogue was out of character for certain characters of mine such as "any last words?" during Jorgan's recruitment mission where like 20 Skytroopers surround us (and we're supposed to find that some overwhelming threat lol) from my trooper, sith warrior, etc...and then Jorgan immediately tells them to shut up. It doesn't work at all unless your character is some jokey, character who is also intimidated by skytroopers. You also have the final fight with Vaylin and even your most LS characters can at best only tell her that she's beyond redemption. My trooper and Jedi Knight never would have worked with Lana on Zakuul, they would have separated with her after being freed. "One size fits all" is a huge problem in the later expansions and that includes the companions. If a companion can be dead for one then they're dead for all. It's all extremely frustrating and has me taking fewer and fewer characters through each new expansion. As of right now I have 44 characters and only 2 of them are caught up with all the expansions and chapters. The quality (and amount of Lana vs other companions) of the next story segment will determine how many more make it there if any.



Exactly. There are plenty of vanilla companions I find boring and a few I even hate but in vanilla you can just let them rot in the ship and only have to deal with them a few times. If the game were still laid out like that where the story wasn't focused on like 4 companions and where you could bring whoever you want, Lana would just be a benchwarmer for me and I woudn't care if they let us get rid of her or not because she would not be the focus, would not be forced on us for every mission, etc...She could just fade into obscurity in the background for me while people who like her could continue to bring her everywhere and be attached at the hip. I wish they would go back to that but they wont. For budgetary reasons they want to use the fewest companions possible companions and as of now we're down to Lana only. If getting rid of Lana means I get less content than those who keep her, I'm fine with that.



Agreed. Ideally they would bring the "bricked" characters back into the story but if my only choice is between the Lana variety hour and Hylo or even a terminal giving me my quests and then taking along the silent companion of my choice I'll take option B as much as that would suck.


By the sounds of it, it sounds like Lana would've never bothered to rescue your character in the first place.


As for some of the complaints about Lana. The whole Spire incident was a practical one. No different than Ashara saying sacrifice the crew to save the ship in the Esseles TF. Did your Jedi's leave her on the ship to die?


The difference being, you're not only injured, but in the middle of running for your life from your kidnappers she just spent five years trying to find and rescue you from.


They are also your enemies at the time, so one doesn't need to be thinking, "Let's save my enemies!" And yes, the people of Zakuul are your enemies at the start of it all.

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I actually fully agree with you that players should have the choice of the companion they bring on missions, if for no reason other than you should be allowed to use the companion with the highest influence. It's endlessly annoying to me to be saddled with Level 1 influence companions I don't know when I'm trying to run material.


But where we disagree, I'm afraid, is that I do not think players should have the right to dictate the cast of a narrative story. It's not the Sims or a game like Dragon Age where one's actions happen in a vacuum, and the writers are trying to tell a story. Just as in a book or a movie, you're not going to like every character and the ones you hate might get more screen time, and you're not going to always like the quest givers.


And if you really find the quest givers or cast so irritating or unpleasant, I think it's a lot fairer to find something else to play than to expect everyone else's game to be ruined to accommodate your personal likes and dislikes.


I can avoid Doc - who, by the way, I avoid because it triggers a memory of dealing with a co-worker like Doc, who got violent when I refused his "harmless flirts" and nearly broke my arm - But I can't avoid Theron, and I've had to deal with him and his creepy family for a lot more content than you've had to put up with Lana. I can't get rid of Quinn on my non-Sith Warriors. EVERYONE has to deal with people in this story they don't like. |


And in vanilla, no, you didn't have a choice. If you were a smuggler you were dealing with the senator and Damarus. If you were a trooper you had to talk to Garza. If you were a Sith Warrior you had to get your quests from Darth Baras and the Emperor's Hands. In the Agent story you had to put up with Hunter and all sorts of other unpleasant people and you didn't have a choice to get all your quests from Vector. Having to listen to Lana and Theron's really no different.


The fact that the devs had to use the bloody ship droid from Black Talon as the Imperial contact in 5.10- because there's literally nobody else left alive for all - should be a wakeup call that the kills/exiles have gone too far. But people keep pushing it. When the only person left in the game to give quests out is one of the vendors from the Fleet, will people finally be happy?


Doc is Hawkeye from MASH put into space.


Though, now I have to wonder, could they have used Alliance Alert companions as contacts? There's a majority of them that people have to take, isn't there? I don't recall having the option to not take all of them.

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It's not about roleplaying, I would go against my characters personalities if such a choice was what made her go away. It's about getting rid of a character that is extremely grating, annoying, insufferable, etc...to me, my real self not whatever character I'm playing. There are definitely characters I "love to hate"such as Solas from Dragon Age: Inquisition but Lana is not one of them, she's like Merrill from DA2 that I just want to throw down a hole and erase from existence. As for what I'll do if we can get rid of her? Rejoice!



You're the one saying you don't give a crap if characters people hate are forced on them. You guys got the option to kill the characters you didn't like after all so why should you care about what other people feel or think? As it stands it's unfair and severely slanted towards Lana fans only. Lana haters have both every single character we like killed or taken away and to add insult to injury the character we hate is the only one left and we have so far been not only stuck with her but having to constantly interact with her.






Option to kill characters I hate?


What? I didn't want the option to kill characters I hate. In fact, I've kept alive characters I hate (Skadge).


Kill characters meant a more likely event of not seeing the characters again. Which I don't want.


Also, I liked both Torian and Vette and now, because of players like you, I have to choose between them. :p

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Doc is Hawkeye from MASH put into space.


Though, now I have to wonder, could they have used Alliance Alert companions as contacts? There's a majority of them that people have to take, isn't there? I don't recall having the option to not take all of them.


I really will be avoiding 5.10 if my Republic characters have to deal with him. I just can't.


I don't think any of the AAs are mandatory. I know you have to do the Yuun one in order to get any of the others, but you can ignore them all if you want. Even if you skip them all, you still get that 'find the allies' bonus mission in KOTET 8, it's just "random Alliance fighters" you click instead of the named companions.


Right now the only companions you're forced to take from KOTET onward are Elara or Quinn (depending on how assuming you're not a Sith Warrior) and Raina. Raina fled from the Empire back to the Chiss and she's already been used as the contact for that, and Quinn isn't in everyone's story.

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